Guess Who Will Judge Trump? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

More details have come forth about the Jamaican immigrant judge, Tanya Chutkan, who is the judge in the trial of President Trump in the January 6 USSR-style show trials. Trump is being prosecuted for being the root cause of the riots, so-called, but peaceful protests by others. Chutkan has been the most severe prosecutor of January 6 protesters, sentencing 38 people to jail for up to five years, the most severe of all prosecutors. She has said on the public record that Trump should be in jail, and she does not care if the trial disrupts his election campaign; of course not, that is the plan, for all of this could have been done earlier. She has dismissed arguments that the 2020 antifa protests were violent, or rather, were mostly peaceful! What is bizarre is that if the January 6 protests were an insurrection, it was one done without guns or any weapons, the first of its kind in history.

I think that all this shows that as far as the legal system goes, the US has quickly fallen into Third World status, or below. It will be interesting to see if Trump takes this as well. He was certainly stupid in calling for the January 6 rally.

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North Korea: Nuclear War is Imminent! By James Reed

At the XI Moscow International Security Conference, North Korean Defense Minister General Kang Sun-nam, said that the world is but a heartbeat away from nuclear war. Naturally enough, he blamed the United States for causing this, primarily wanting to bring down the North Korean regime, and for its increased military presence in the region, including a nuclear-capable submarine, an aircraft carrier group, and a nuclear-capable bomber, among other things. According to Sun-nam “the question is not if a nuclear war breaks out on the Korean Peninsula, but who and when it starts.”

Now, the objection here is that North Korea does not have enough nuclear weapons to be a threat to the United States. However, the late Dr Peter Pry, US EMP expert, sees the real danger as being an EMP (electromagnetic pulse) attack which is nuclear energy that can knock out a nation’s electrical grid, and anything that plugs into a switch. So, this is a real problem, as Dr Pry showed that North Korea has the capacity to do this now.   

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Anarchy in the City By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Here is a message to the world about where woke in law goes. What seems to be largely an urban force of Blacks (as seen from the videos), attacked a Los Angeles mall the Nordstrom store at the Westfield Topanga Mall in Woodland Hills, and used bear spray to neutralise store guards. Then they made off with $100, 000 of exclusive goods; not food or essentials. Now while the Left will be saying, oh poor people, the getaway cars included luxury vehicles such as a BMW. Maybe it was stolen, or brought from the proceeds of past looting. And, nothing about the race in the mainstream media.


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Nobel Prize Winner Rejects Climate Change Mania By James Reed

We have mentioned in a post last week the news that Nobel Prize winner in Physics, Dr John Clauser, had rejected the claim that climate change is an existential threat, and has said that this is a corruption of science, and itself, a threat to civilisation. This generated an intense backlash, and moves to cancel his speaking events, with some being cancelled. Notable theorist of modern medical technocracy and totalitarianism, Mattias Desmet, has followed this issue, as detailed below. The latest development is that Dr Clauser has signed the World Climate Declaration of Clintel with its central message “there is no climate emergency.” He is not backing down.

I have covered at the blog today other scientists, including leading climate scientists, who have now broken rank with the climate change black magic cult. This issue is important to us all given that the climate change threat is being used as the next step on the road to creating a totalitarian one world government of the New World Order, and if one values freedom, that needs to be opposed.

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Professor Ian Pilmer: Net Zero and Genocide By James Reed

Professor Ian Pilmer is a leading Australian critic of the climate change madness, and is author of the book, Heaven and Earth (2009). Speaking to Alan Jones, he is clear about the endgame of the climate change agenda: “If we had Net Zero, then you wouldn’t eat. Because when you eat, you convert carbon compounds, which go into your body and the rest you get rid of. We breathe in 0.04% carbon dioxide [and] breathe out 4%. That’s us getting rid of carbon dioxide. So if we had Net Zero, you’d have to drop dead.”

That is a neat summary of the implications of the Green agenda, which is, as I have argued at this blog, and propose, is a Left-wing ideology, firmly based upon the Great Replacement and white genocide. This fate of zero net, we note, is nothing the communist Chinese must bear, who he left want to inherit the Earth.

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Communist China’s Lasers By James Reed

While there are conspiracy theories doing the rounds now that the wild fires of Hawaii were generated by communist Chinese lasers, probably not so (it is instructive that property that has been destroyed is now being sought by carpet baggers at below market values), China has made rapid advances in laser weaponry. Now the communists have a laser that can fire for extended periods without over-heating, a problem with existing lasers tht the US has.

If the US military had spent more time on weaponry than woke gender agenda issues, maybe they would have a good laser as well.

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Christine Anderson: The Pandemic was a Beta Test By Richard Miller (London)

German parliamentarian Christine Anderson has been vocal about the Covid plandemic. She has proclaimed that it was all a test by the elites to see how totalitarian control could be rolled out, under the guise of a pandemic emergency. And, it proved to be relatively easy, with the vast majority of populations accepting the full Covid mandates, despite minority opposition. Her message is that more of this tyranny  is on the way given this precedence, so people will need to start resisting, or be enslaved.


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Oliver Anthony: Christian Working-Class Hero By Chris Knight (Florida)

The number one song in the US at present is by Oliver Anthony, Rich Men North of Richmond. Here is what Wikipedia says about this city: “Richmond, the capital of Virginia, is among America’s oldest major cities. Patrick Henry, a U.S. Founding Father, famously declared “Give me liberty or give me death” at its St. John's Church in 1775, leading to the Revolutionary War. The White House of the Confederacy, home of Confederate President Jefferson Davis during the Civil War, is now a museum in Court End, a neighborhood known for Federal-style mansions.” But the allusion is also to Washington DC.


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A Puzzle about Mind and Organs By James Reed

This brilliant piece from the Mid-Western doctor, discusses a very puzzling phenomenon, that people who are organ transplant recipients often undergo personality changes that seem to belong to the organ donor. It is said that emotions are transferred, especially those held at the time of death. From the perspective of mainstream materialist medicine, this claim must be rejected because organs such as the heart, are just pumps, purely material structures, and no more. But, if the claims detailed below are correct, and there is now a substantial body of reports and evidence on this, this is a direct challenge to the materialist theory of mind, that the mind is just the brain, and that’s that. Indeed, even mainstream medicine is coming to the view that the gut may have a “brain,” or at least be integrated into cognitive processes.

If, to put it simply, if organs are part of the “brain” and consciousness, what does this mean for the theology of organ transplants? Certainly, there are massive problems with any type of brain tissue transplant. And, if organs are from executed prisoners, as in communist China, which is evil of course, what follows then about the moral behaviour, or lack of it, after the organ transplants? I have no simple answer to such questions, but it does show how science generates challenging public policy issues which we cannot ignore.

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Update on mRNA Adverse Effects By Brian Simpson

Academic medical papers have been published recently in Switzerland, Hong Kong, and Italy presenting evidence that mRNA induced heart inflation, myocarditis, is more common tht previously thought, and persists much longer than past thought:

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Famous Physicist Takes Aim at Climate Change Regime By James Reed

We have previously reported on the stir caused by scientists breaking the ranks on the climate change hysterics issue. Now leading physicist Freeman Dyson has joined this increasing rank of free thinkers in this area. Below is an extract of an interview where he gives his reasons for claiming that we are not facing a climate catastrophe that in any way dictates the end of farming, meat eating and fossil fuels. The climate models are unreliable, and this is one person who should be mathematically competent to assess such models. In fact, he also states the obvious, what we have all been thinking, that more carbon dioxide would be good for plant growth, and is a positive, not a negative.,say%20are%20flat%2Dout%20wrong

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Two More Scientists on the Climate Change Hoax By James Reed

It seems that every day leading scientists are breaking the ranks of the so-called climate consensus, and saying that the emperor has no clothes, as he saying goes. Thus, William Happer, professor emeritus in physics at Princeton University, and Richard Lindzen, professor emeritus of atmospheric science at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), have argued in testimony regarding the new rules from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on cutting carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in electricity generation, tht these rules are lacking in scientific validity, and will be a national disaster. “The unscientific method of analysis, relying on consensus, peer review, government opinion, models that do not work, cherry-picking data and omitting voluminous contradictory data, is commonly employed in these studies and by the EPA in the Proposed Rule.” “None of the studies provides scientific knowledge, and thus none provides any scientific support for the Proposed Rule.

“All of the models that predict catastrophic global warming fail the key test of the scientific method: they grossly overpredict the warming versus actual data. The scientific method proves there is no risk that fossil fuels and carbon dioxide will cause catastrophic warming and extreme weather.”

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Maui Fires and Direct Energy Weapons By Charles Taylor (Florida)

News of the conspiracy theories circulating now is  the super-intense fires in Hawaii Maui, is that it was an attack by the communist Chinese using their Directed Energy Weapons. There were even comments about Joe Biden saying that he was “laser-focused” on getting aid to survivors, which, by the way was just a drop in the ocean compared to the recent money sent to the corrupt regime in the Ukraine. And the same news cycle has it that the Chinese have perfected a laser weapon that can run indefinitely without over-heating. Interesting, but so far, no solid evidence has emerged. It is possible but it is more likely that dry scrub and mismanagement led to the towering infernos. However, a survey now up at, has 60 percent of respondents holding that directed Energy Weapons caused the Maui fires.


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Political Statements Can Now be Regarded as Illegal Conspiracies! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

In a blatant attempt to derail the Trump re-election campaign Trump and many others have now been indicted for an alleged attempt to challenge the 2020 presidential election results. The main claims relate to statements of political opinion that in normal times would be regarded as part of the free speech associated with the political process. For example, Hillary Clinton still claims that the 2016 election was “stolen” and promoted the Russiagate hoax, and there was nothing done about that. But, as shown below, the case against Trump is so obvious corrupt that it requires a political solution. After all, with the compounded charges he faces the death penalty or over 700 years in prison. As if this evil Satanic country under Demoncrat rule will last that long! Perhaps Trump runs as president from prison, then pardons himself, or just acts as president from prison! Or, he leaves America for a neutral country to be president in exile until the swamp and all swamp creatures are drained. Or, civil War 2.0 takes place.

It is about time for Trump to wake up and start getting serious.

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A Death Crisis of the Young By Chris Knight (Florida)

While there is no explicit mention of the role of the Covid vaxxes, a major mainstream publication has given an extensive discussion of the phenomenon of young people, who were otherwise healthy, suddenly dying, often dropping dead while playing rigorous sports. Among young Americans  35 to 44 years old,  34 percent  more died than expected in the last quarter of 2022, which is a stunning statistic. And it is not just the US, for this is a global phenomenon too, In the UK, in  first quarter of 2023, deaths among people 20 to 44 years old were like  “the same period in 2021, the worst pandemic year for that age group,” U.K. actuaries reported. Younger-age death rates were “particularly high” when compared with the average mortality for 2013 to 2020.” 

In Australia, 12% more people died than expected in 2022, according to the  Actuaries Institute, and a third of the excess was non-Covid deaths. The institute described this as “extraordinarily high.”

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Communist China and Green (or is it Red?) Energy By James Reed

One of the main arguments against Green energy, apart from the fact that it is polluting and thus far from clean and Green, is that at many points, communist China has a strangle hold on the entire business, from minerals to manufacturing.


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“We’re Closer to a Nuclear Exchange than at Any Time since the Cuban Missile Crisis in October of 1962”: Robert Kennedy Jr By Chris Knight (Florida)

Robert Kennedy Jr is driving Democrats mad with his anti-war talk. While many of these Leftoids were anti-war in their heady university days, now that they are part of the New World Order machine, war with Russia is the order of the day. Unless their reasons for this border on suicide, it is difficult to see why any sane person could not see that tods ay we are closer to nuclear war than at any time in human history. This is the most important issue of he day, but it is not given the fearful reflection it deserves.

Referring to the lessons he learnt from his uncle, he believes that the only way to prevent an ultimate nuclear exchange is to start to see the Ukraine situation from Russia’s perspective. From that there should be negotiation for a settlement. Trump as well is likely to do this. So, here is hope if either of them get in as president in 2024. But, there is madness afoot now, and the drive for endless war has gripped all of these New World Order types. It is indeed the fight of the century, the battle for human survival. Forget climate change and all that nonsense, this is as real threat to our world.

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Will the Globalist Weaponise Mosquitoes Next? By Brian Simpson

We need to be aware of what is happening in science and technology in the technocracy, because things that are, and could be done, are diabolical. Thus, a University of Washington study has shown how genetically modified (GM) mosquitoes could be used to vaccinate humans against malaria. That at first glance would seem to be a very good thing for Africa, parts of Asia and places like New Guinea. Yet, the same sort of technology has the potential to be used to deliver experimental vaccines, like the mRNA Covid vax, to people without their consent. As some World Economic Forumers have supported the idea of eliminating meat eating by spreading an allergy to meat from perhaps genetically modified Lone Star ticks, I would not be surprised that this one would not be tried. All the more reason to reach for the Aerogard.


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Global Gaslighting, Not Warming By James Reed

UN Chief guru, António Guterres, when the northern temperatures were high and fires were burning places down, wasted no time in proclaiming that global warming had been replaced by “global boiling.” It was all rhetoric as it does not follow that human-caused climate change is doing this. If this warming was so, then expect ever-higher temperatures to follow. What does seem to be operating, as detailed in blog posts last week, is massive amounts of water vapour entering the atmosphere from under-water volcanic eruptions. Nothing much can be done about that, but unlike the carbon dioxide fetish, the phenomenon is temporary. The weather will get back to “normal,” as far as a dynamic system goes.

As detailed below in a great piece from, what we are seeing from the elites is global gaslighting and high deception, not human-caused global warming. That the establishment simply assumed that this was human-caused climate change, and immediately used this to push agendas such as farming bans, meat elimination, and the abandonment of fossil fuels, gives the game away.

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Covid Vaxxes and Sudden Death: From a Leading Medical Journal Now! By Brian Simpson

Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice (1596): "Truth will come to light; murder cannot be hid long; a man's son may, but in the end truth will out." This outing of the truth is slow in coming with the Covid plandemic and scamdemic, but there is now some academic comments that seem to support the position of critics such as Dr Robert Malone.

For example, the “Guest Editorial: Negative Evidence: COVID-19 Vaccines and Sudden Deaths,” Jane M. Orient, M.D., Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons Volume 28 Number 2 Summer 2023, confirms much of what Covid Vax sceptics have been saying regarding the disturbing sudden death phenomenon. As well Dr Orient says that much is unknown about the mRNA vaccines which are experimental: “There could be yet unknown mechanisms causing sudden death that are triggered by the novel COVID-19 vaccine. Despite claims to the contrary, science is never “settled” or “complete.” It is an ongoing process of discovery, and there could always be unknown mechanisms that have not yet been elucidated.”

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