Leftists Behaving Badly, but Predictably, By Chris Knight

The reaction of the mainstream media to the Trump shooting immediately after the event proves that we have a false news media. For example, CNN ran the headline "Secret Service Rushes Trump Off Stage After He Falls at Rally." The headline was kept as long as possible and was eventually changed to reveal the shooting event. That was only after then calling the event an "incident." Then a "shooting incident". The idea was to get in as many Left wing points as possible, such as the hatred of guns. But the facts of an assassination attempt were known at the time the story was written, and should have been factually reported. All we can reasonably infer here is that the idea was to portray Trump as clumsy as Biden. And there was no correction statement made, only a rewrite.

The New York Times ran the line that the "shooting" fitted into Trump's persecution complex, as if one would not feel persecuted if one had just got through an attempted murder!


What about American Left academics? Here the narrative was simple: pity Crooks missed: https://www.thecollegefix.com/academics-seize-on-trump-assassination-attempt/ . This comes from a New Class that have set themselves up as the masters of morality on all important social issues, such as mass immigration. Yet, when it suits them, and it comes down to it, murder of opponents is fine if it aids their agenda. 



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