Woke Proclaim, “AI is Racist”! By James Reed

I have been waiting for this one. With multicultural academics, as part of their day job proclaiming everything in the West, if not the multiverse, as “racist,” naturally artificial intelligence would also fall to the woke sword. In almost a parody of wokeness, the Algorithmic Justice League has through one spokesperson proclaimed that AI systems can be very racist indeed. The idea here is that systems used in say policing, could be using data that masked supposedly unjustified assumptions about certain minority groups, that they have high crime rates, and, well, garbage in, garbage out, or racism in racism out.

The idea would seem to be to have more realistic assumptions, such as, I suppose, that whites are responsible for every wrong in the universe. Just for starters.

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The Green Trans Case By Richard Miller (London)

Dr Shahrar Ali, who was formerly the UK Greens’ spokesman on policing and domestic safety, was sacked last year for violating the part’s code of practice. Did he deny the climate change religion? No, he said what most human beings believe, that a woman is an adult human female. This is contrary to trans philosophy which sees such claims as “binary,” for women in their paradigm have penises. Men can give birth too.  Dr Ali has taken the sacking issue to a civil court, alleging discrimination; he is non-white as well, another issue thrown into the case. The trans issue now decides political careers, and is even more intense than the race issue, even though 2021 census figures indicate that less than 100,000 people in the UK had a trans identity.

So, is Dr Ali right about the sexes being binary? The main counter-argument not based upon postmodern relativism (which undermines all knowledge anyway, including knowledge about Left-wing things) is based upon the existence of intersexes, people having both male and female sexual characteristics. The proportion of these people in the population is thought to be around 0.018 percent of the population. That hardly seems to undermine the generalisation that males and females exist.

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China Prepares for War; Massive Deforestation By James Reed

Most arguments for detailing communist China’s war preparations are based upon sabre-rattling displays of military force to Taiwan. This is true, but an insightful article at Unherd.com, adds another dimension to this. The argument is that under orders from emperor Xi, the Chinese are pulling out all stops to grow more food. China already grows enough food to easily feed its population. But the concern of the CCP is that if, and when war erupts, China most certainly will be cut off from overseas livestock food imports; China imported 120 million metric tons of grain for livestock food last year.

Thus, trees planted for reforestation are being cut down and land cleared, although much of the land is on slopes that will be subject to rapid erosion, and consequent soil loss. This is acknowledged, but the perceived threat of the West is too great to worry about the loss of billons of trees, and the deforestation rate in China now exceeds even that of the Amazon rain forests.  The Leftoid Greens in the West are silent about this, as being communist, China can do no wrong.

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Get Ready for Climate Emergencies By Charles Taylor (Florida)

With the Covid mandates making a come back in the US, as a taste of what is to come for the rest of the West, including Australia which is firmly under the black magic of climate change extremism, we can also expect climate emergencies. Biden is moving to put these into place now, and has said in a press conference that he was already moving on this. The idea is that the alleged climate change crisis is such an existential threat that it is equivalent to a wartime threat, and powers that normally would be reserved for a war, get applied. We saw where this led during Covid, but this has the potential to be much worse, with entire sectors of economies, especially the fossil fuel energy sectors getting reduced or even shut down. As seen in the Netherlands farming is a key target, and John Kerry is at work on cancelling much of US farming.

Climate change lockdowns is on the agenda too, as the elites noticed that during the Covid lockdowns, greenhouse gas emissions were reduced, which only goes to follow from shutting down economies. And, it all could come back. It is yet another battle; but really, all of these issues flow from he globalist strategy of breaking down Western economies and societies in a New World Order construction agenda.

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Gates Pushes for Digital ID By Brian Simpson

The push for digital ID is coming from all globalist organisations, such as the UN and World Economic Forum. Not to be left out, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is opting for the Modular Open-Source Identification Platform (MOSIP), tossing $ 10 million its way. The MOSIP initiative is  modelled after India’s  state digital ID (Aadhaar) system which was initiated in 2009:


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USSR-Style Censorship Coming to Australia, Unless Defeated By James Reed

Australian dissent journalist Rebekah Barnett, has done great work exposing the existential threat to the existence of organisations such as us, by the proposed Australian federal government laws to crack down on misinformation and disinformation. The laws will give expanded power to the already adequately powered Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA), to “combat misinformation and disinformation,” which ACMA says poses a “threat to the safety and wellbeing of Australians, as well as to our democracy, society and economy.” ACMA will have the power to devise and enforce digital codes, using infringement notices, remedial directions, injunctions and civil penalties, with fines of up to $550,000 (individuals) and $2.75 million (corporations).

And who decides what counts as information, misinformation, and disinformation? Why, the government agencies of course, not  the conversation of mankind. We will be told what is true, just as we are told that face masks prevent the transmission of the Covid virus. And, the definition given about is so broad as to include anything one would care to discuss, for what does not impact upon welfare?

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Alex Jones was Right; Covid Mandates Happening Fast Now By Charles Taylor (Florida)

We have been presenting what information is available about the Covid mandates being rolled back in here in the US. This is relevant to Australia as this was how it happened before, with Australia following the US lead, and also that of communist China, through the CCP-influenced World Health Organization (WHO). The WHO pandemic treaty is set to be signed in May 2024, if not defeated, just in time for the usual round of US election fraud, so once more the stakes are high.


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Brink of War: “I Want to Go Home” Oliver Anthony By Chris Knight (Florida)

While getting a number one song in America with Richmen North of Richmond, red-bearded Oliver Anthony has released a new song also along the theme of working people opposing globalism, “I Want to Go Home,” called the “Brink of War song,” by commentators. I picked this story up about 30 minutes after the song went up on YouTube, so we are on the ball here at the Alor.org bullpen!


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Maternal Death Spiral By Mrs Vera West

Maternal death rates are increasing across the West, and especially in America. “Maternal death” is defined as the non-accidental death of a pregnant woman 42 days following or during pregnancy.  Statistics from the US National Center for Health Statistics indicate that the maternal mortality rate for 2021 was 32.9 deaths per 100,000 live births, compared with a rate of 23.8 in 2020 and 20.1 in 2019, which is about a 50 percent increase in maternal mortality since Covid began.

 While some health authorities take the time-proven path of blaming Covid infections, the death rate continued to surge after the Covid vax rollout, so if the vaxxes did anything, they should have had an impact upon maternal mortality, which does not appear to be so. Dr. Peter McCullough, leading US cardiologist, has observed that 65 percent of US pregnant women had taken the jabs, so the vaxxes should be the logical starting point in seeking a causal explanation. This is especially relevant, as pregnant women in the initial randomized Covid vaccine trials, but were soon being urged to be vaxxed, and still are, in most jurisdictions across the world. So, the issue is still relevant.

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A Sign of the Times: Defibrillators, Here, There and Everywhere By James Reed

Only a few years ago, I could not tell a defibrillator from a letter box, but now, with these things popping up all over Melbourne, like mushrooms, or better still toadstools, I can. If a person has a heart attack these things can save your life. A kind computer voice inside even tells a passer-by how to use it, assuming there is someone to help.

Heart disease is killing Australians at a faster than normal rate, with The Sydney Morning Herald reporting: “More than 10,200 Australians died of ischemic heart disease in the first eight months of 2022 – that is about 17 per cent higher than would be expected in a normal year.” Some blame the Covid infection itself, but the problem here is that the vax should have solved this problem, if it worked. An alternative is to blame so-called “long Covid,” but that has become merely a place-holder for any phenomenon that does not fit the narrative.

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Covid Vax Push Begins Again By Chris Knight (Florida)

The Medical Technocratic State is beginning a new Covid freak-out over two new Covid variants of interest, Eris and Pirola. Pfizer has an updated Covid-19 shot and it claims to have evidence of neutralising antibodies produced in mice against Eris. According to Dr Malone, “There are NO validated correlates of protection for any Coronavirus vaccine, and the implication that murine neutralizing antibodies demonstrate “effectiveness” is absolutely disinformation.” So, I think tht means, it won’t work, or there is no evidence of it working.

That being so, the Biden administration has moved back into Covid vax oppression mode anyway, as Big Pharma’s best advertising and promotions rep, wanting everyone to get the new jabs – what is it now, jab seven? Infowars has already released sinister insider whistleblower information, that beginning mid-September, masks mandates across a number of US federal organisations will be back in place. Some US universities have already rolled back in mask mandates, as they could not wait, being excited to get back into the good old oppression.

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Belief in M.A.D (Mutually Assured Destruction) is Now Mad By James Reed

Gordon G. Chang has put the case which has not been seriously considered in the public debates in Australia that the old cold War doctrine of Mutually Assured Destruction re nuclear missiles is no longer accepted by either the Russians or communist Chinese. The same point has been extensively documented by the late Dr Peter Pry, but below is a chilling summary. The main point is the at least for the Russians, they believe that they have a massive nuclear advantage now over the Americans, and that a first strike would be a case of the policy of “escalate to deescalate,” that after one bomb, the US will not want a further confrontation.

It is a dangerous strategy of nuclear chicken, that could well end civilisation. The stakes are high and cannot be sanely denied.

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The Risk of Computerised Cars, and the Internet of Things By James Reed

I have covered the issues of the environmental costs of electric vehicles, but it seems there is even a bigger potential problem, that of computerised cars. Mercedes-Benz has now disconnected Russian dealers from its software, with access being ceased for onlimne systems for trouble shooting problems. There is a problem here for us as the internet of things develops, for just like with Central Bank Digital Currencies, a dissent could face in the future being disconnected from society if he/she causes some trouble. Perhaps one’s car cannot be accessed or even one’s house. A good idea for dissents to be technophobes and eschew as much of this high-tech mania as possible.


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The New Covid Kid on the Block, BA.6; Storm in a Syringe? By Brian Simpson

Over the last two days we have been covering revelations that the Covid plandemic may be starting up again, with some organisations in the US, according to insider information from Infowars.com, of mask mandates coming in mid-September. There have been calls from various health authorities for masks to come back to deal with a rise in cases of the latest Covid variants, EG.5, a subvariant of Omicron, and BA.6. The authorities are claiming, quite early in fact, that BA.6 could be the one to bring in a new “pandemic” due to its ability of fast mutation. However, the “experts” admit that evidence of BA.6 causing severe disease is lacking.

Still, there is an opposing school of thought from the Covid vax critics, that posits that people’s immune systems may have been compromised so much from the multiple jabs, that a new virus could be more dangerous that would be otherwise. As yet, we do not know how this will go, so we need to keep vigilant and watch the information, if it can still be called that.

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The Weaponisation of the Law By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Paul Craig Roberts has written a great piece on the Trump indictments which could lead to over seven hundred years prison, or the death sentence. As he notes, this is more severe than any other person charged in US history, and all the charges are based on utterly flawed law, violating the First Amendment. In short, it is a criminal offence to question an election, even though Democrats have questioned every election. It is an incredible situation, and it is  not being seriously covered in Australia, and it should by your conservative journalists. If they can do this to Trump, no smaller person is safe, and if it happens in the US today, it will be Australia tomorrow. Already in your country people are being hauled before tribunals for “misgendering,” and that is just the beginning. If the Voice gets in, many of the things from the US we warn you about will be a clear and present reality in Australia.


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Oswald Spengler was an Optimist! By James Reed

Bert Oliver, “Was Spengler Right After All?” reflects upon Oswald Spengler’s The Decline of the West (1918) thesis. Spengler had an organic view of societies and civilisations, that they had a birth, either grew strong or collapsed prematurely, but ultimately became senile and died of old age. And, there is some historical truth to this, as civilisations have risen and fallen, and nations too have risen, and usually fallen within about 250 years.


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Ideas for Trump Fighting Back By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Why should Australian readers be concerned about the fate of America? Well, just think how you will go if America collapses, soon, or falls into civil war? On your door is communist China, against whom, on your own you are ultimately defenceless, as your post World War II traitors did not develop nuclear weapons at the time of the British nuclear tests, but instead adopted “populate or perish,” a 19th century doctrine ignorant of military technology, but well suited to the Great Replacement.

But, in any case, the only chance of slowing down the present rush to collapse would be it Trump did get elected, even from prison or in exile, and then this time stopped eating cheeseburgers long enough to dismantle the Deep State, starting with closing down the three letter organisations. But, as detailed in a thought-provoking post at the always thought-provoking American Thinker.com, Trump will need to have the guts to start fighting now, since he is facing possible death, either by execution for some of the charges, or more likely, being Epsteined in prison. It is suggested that Trump supporters get active and lawfully engage in mass protests and strikes to dwarf the Canadian truckers’ protests. Democrats still need to eat, and if Democrat cities stop getting supplies from a general strike, maybe there might be a bit of justice, as they think twice being fundamentally cowards.

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YouTube to Censor All Defying World Health Organization By Brian Simpson

Big Tech censorship continues, but what is interesting is that the focus now seems to be explicitly upon “medical misinformation,” which means anything contrary to the World Health Organization, the dictator of “truth” on all medical issues in the New World Order. What is going on in the background here is that we are fast moving into Covid plandemic 2.0, as covered in posts at the blog yesterday. It will be a repeat of the last few years, if one of the strains proves to have “teeth.” We can be sure something will fall off the shelves in the numerous bioweapons labs, perhaps in the Ukraine.

Running along with this is the World Health Organization pandemic treaty, which is set for signing in 2024, prior to the US election, so the US election can be stolen for the Democrats once more, right under the noses of conservatives. All the pieces are now being put on the table to fall into place in the globalists’ continual diabolical plan.      

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Vaccine Technocracy Preparing for Disease X By Brian Simpson

There is evidence that a second round of Covid lockdowns may be coming, with whistle-blower information being released to Infowars.com, with mask mandates being rolled back in mid-September for various federal organisations, and from there is gets bigger, leading up to possible lockdowns. One more suspicious piece of evidence that something is cooking, is the report that scientists are already at work on a vaccine for disease X. That is odd when one thinks beyond the truism that they are getting ready. Yes, but ready for what/ If the disease is unknown, an X-factor, then how can it be biochemically prepared for? It suggests that the insiders know a fair bit more than is being let known to us.

This time round, the regime will be harder than the first time around, and since they got away with that, they will be even more ruthless.  

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It is Really a Gene Altering Vax: Lawyer Tom Renz By Chris Knight (Florida)

The information gets technical, but is very important. US lawyer Tom Renz, who is leading US litigation against Big Pharma and the Covid state, has uncovered that mRNA vaccines are really modRNA. mRNA, messenger RNA, is found through nature, but, modRNA is mRNA which has been genetically altered to make permanent changes in human genes. The material below deals with known adverse effects, but the unknown effects are perhaps even more of a concern, since if there are permanent changes to the human genome, we do know what unintended, or perhaps secretly intended effects, will come from this.

The radical decline in fertility could well be a product of this. And, keep in mind that the Covid vaxxes are still being pushed, with a new one to deal with the more recent variants. As well as that, future vaccines are likely to be mRNA, or  modRNA based.  

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