Putin Moves on Afrikaans Genocide By Richard Miller (London)

Putin has moved to set up a rural community according to the African International Congress in Russia. The aim is to settle thousands of migrants from disintegrating South Africa, where white racial genocide, as embodied in the “kill the Boer” song is on the agenda. “We plan to establish 30 settlements in Russia for Afrikaners who want to immigrate,” according to the head of the Eurasian International University (EIU) and general representative of the AIC in Russia, Konstantin Klimenko.

“These are Boers, farmers of European origin, whose ancestors settled in Africa many years ago,” Klimenko said. “Many of them are now converting to Orthodoxy and moving to Russia, attracted by our moral and spiritual way of life, with traditional family values.”

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Why Cows are Good for the Climate By Bob Farmer, Dairy Farmer

John Klar, US small farmer, has charged in, perhaps on a cow, to defend cows from the climate change maniacs who want to ban cows because they are a carbon dioxide hazard. He makes the observation that the climate change fanatics are very selective in their choice of things which are climate correct. Electric vehicles and solar panels get ticks, but the environmental costs of producing them are conveniently ignored.

As well, while the focus has been upon cows for meat and dairy, my business, there are other animals which produce substantial quantities of carbon dioxide  and methane, namely pets, who consume vast quantities meat as well. No doubt the climate change fanatics will move on house pets at some point, but they are nor quite ready for it yet.

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Australia's Chief Scientist Says Carbon Production Needs to be Cut by Eight Times the Current Rate … What! By James Reed

Get ready for more climate change hysteria. Australia’s chief scientist has said that Australia is set to face a tough fire season (all seasons are tough). Thus, Australia need s to cut carbon emissions by eight times the present rate. Why eight times, why not ten or 80? I suppose that this is in the same news cycle as the fires in Hawaii, so a climate change spin is added. But, a counter from US writer Brett Stevens is below, where the fires in Hawaii are more a product of mismanagement, lack of clearing, and lack of adequate fire prevention rather than climate change.


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Robert Kennedy Jr Sues Google By Chris Knight (Florida)

This is something Trump should have done – sue Google. But, Robert Kennedy Jr, perhaps even more censored than even Trump, is suing Google now. The suit claims that Google censored him in a capacity as a "state actor" in collusion with the Biden regime and the intelligence community. As his campaign site says: "[the presidential candidate] alleges that Google worked with the federal government to develop and enforce ‘misinformation’ policies to censor the government’s political opponents, including Kennedy, who is running against President Biden in the Democratic primary. Such actions violate the First Amendment when, as here, they result from a public-private partnership that relies on government sources.” By acting with the government Google ceased to be a mere private company, and became a state agent. It is a sound argument, and it will be interesting to see how it goes.


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The Yes Vote and Local Councils: Watch Your Money! By James Reed

This one came from my younger brother  who is in Adelaide, and in the Mitcham City Council district. My brother complains about the rates being higher than many other councils, as well as all sorts of other things reported here:


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Climate Change Law Suits By Charles Taylor (Florida)

They are back; climate change law suits. In previous years most of these cases filed by Green Left activist groups failed, but now one has succeeded in Montana. A judge has ruled that the youthful plaintiffs have a “fundamental constitutional right to a clean and healthful environment.” In particular, Montana’s greenhouse gas emissions are “proven to be a substantial factor in causing climate impacts to Montana’s environment, and harm and injury to the youth plaintiffs.” No mention here that the life style they enjoy depends upon fossil fuels. The ruling also rolls back two laws. The decision is set to be appealed by the Montana state attorney general’s office, and hopefully a higher court will knock this decision over.


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Woke Flights with Climate Change By Richard Miller (London)

Germany’s woke Green Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock has left to visit Australia, New Zealand and Fiji on a carbon producing jet. This is the politician who once pushed the idea of banning all domestic flights in Germany. But producing vast quantities of carbon is presumably justified because she has to perform a “tedious post-colonial liturgical exercise in Canberra, at which she would oversee the return of “cultural assets” from the Grassi Museum in Leipzig to the Aboriginal Kaurna people. These objects include a fishing net, a long thin stick reported to be a spear, and two shorter sticks variously described as a club and a digging stick or a wooden sword-cum-club and a digging-stick-cum-bark-peeler. The truth is that they’re just sticks and nobody knows what they were for. Nor were these quotidian hunter-gatherer accoutrements stolen from the Kaurna. They were acquired legitimately by German missionaries between 1838 and 1839 in the course of ethnographic research. These then donated them to the Historical Museum in Dresden, via which they found their way to Leipzig.”

But, for the woke Left, historical facts must never get in the way of a spot of moral high groundism. Even if the environment must pay the price.

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Arrest Warrant for Trump for Telling People to Watch a Televised Hearing of a Government Body! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

This one is a warning to the rest of the West, about how the rule of law can be totally perverted in a very quick time by the Left. The prosecutors in Georgia have gone after Trump on numerous absurd grounds, including his tweet: “Georgia hearings now on [One America News Network]. Amazing!” Trump tweeted.

“This was an overt act in furtherance of the conspiracy,” the indictment read.

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The Tyranny of the WHO Pandemic Treaty By Brian Simpson

Not only is the World Health Organization continuing its planning for another Covid plandemic, but with the signing of the pandemic treaty, will be put into a position of mandating the pandemic responses of nations. While the Australian health authorities have said that there will be no legal mandate from the WHO which over-rides national health sovereignty, it is clear from Covid plandemic 1.0 that the locals do what the globalists say. As detailed below in a comprehensive historical take on this, we should be deeply concerned: “our health agencies are guilty of malfeasance, misrepresentation, and deliberate infliction of harm on their own populations. The health agencies first incited terror with apocalyptic predictions, then demanded patients be medically neglected, and finally enforced vaccinations and treatments that were tantamount to malpractice.” WHO supported all of this, and will go further.

That is sound reason for the limitation of power, especially for an organisation highly influenced by communist China. 

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WHO World Takeover By Chris Knight (Florida)

The World Health Organization is moving full speed ahead with its branch of the New World Order. A recent meeting led by WHO director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, and a wide range of the New Class technocrats, they discussed the next round of possible Covid mandates. They are still tracking Covid "variants" that WHO claims could mutate into more dangerous variants "that could cause a sudden increase in cases and deaths." Expect a new variant of Covid which they consider a “global crisis,” to emerge just in the run up to the US 2024 elections, if Trump is not executed before that. As an old TV ad used to say, when you are on a “good” thing, stick to it.


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How They Now Intend to Epstein (Prison-Murder) President Trump By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Vivek Ramaswamy, Republican candidate has said in an interview with Tucker Carlson that America is approaching a 1776 moment, meaning that a revolution is not out of the bounds of possibility. Thus,  Trump, charged with numerous “offences’ by the far-Left Fulton County Georgia prosecutors, will next week be put into  the “notorious Fulton County Jail, a consistently overcrowded, bedbug- and fire ant-ridden detention center that is being investigated by the Justice Department over alleged civil rights violations.” The charges are literally absurd, claiming that raising doubts about the election constitutes a conspiracy to over-throw the government. Obviously, the goal is to get Trump into prison, where he can be Epteined.


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Here Comes Australian National Digital ID; There goes More Freedom By James Reed

It is all happening very fast, and on so many fronts that it is hard to keep up on the globalist technocratic developments, let alone fight them first hand. Here is  a warning. The mainstream media has reported that there is likely to be a national digital ID for Australia within 12 months, for licences, Medicare cards, and probably everything else. External organisations will be able to use the data package for ID verification. Finance Minister Katy Gallagher said that the government is very committed to it. Add to that that a trial of a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) is being done right now.

Clearly the Covid plandemic was a trial run for this emerging technocracy. The dangers of social control are unsettling to say the least, and citizens need to voice opposition to this as well.

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Dairy Products Do Not Produce Heart Disease: Dr Mercola By Mrs Vera West

The attack upon meat and dairy is now based upon carbon dioxide and nitrogen production, which has been extensively criticised in past posts at this blog. But before that the attack upon dairy in particular was based upon the saturated fat content, with cholesterol allegedly leading to heart disease. This was seen in the attack upon butter, with margarine being put up as a healthy substitute, which has proven not to be so at all.

What recent evidence has shown is that saturated fats are not all bad, and are in fact are needed for human health, being necessary for many biochemical processes in he body, such as hormone production. As outlined by Dr Mercola, dairy products, such as heptadecanoic acid in butter fat, may lower the risk of strokes. Eating high-fat cheese raises the high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, which is protective against heart disease. So, the attack upon dairy is misplaced.

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Dr Mercola on the De-Banking of Dr Mercola By James Reed

We have mentioned the de-banking of Dr Mercola, leading Covid vax critic before, but he now has a detailed article which he is keen to see circulated to publicise what the banks are doing, reproduced below as it has now gone from the site.

Where other individuals who are activists got de-banked, what is particularly disturbing about the Dr Mercola situation is that the bank, JP Morgan Chase Bank, closed all of his business accounts, along with the personal accounts of his CEO, his CFO and their respective spouses and children. It reminds one of punishment in the non-Western world, where entire families or even villages are punished, a form of collective punishment. Even young children have been banned by the bank, so that punishments across the generations have been made. This is a new level of tyranny.

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Now it is mRNA Flu Shots By Brian Simpson

Why should we continue to be concerned about the mRNA vaccines? Hasn’t the Covid issue now finished, apart from the injuries, and deaths? Well, no, not so. Now we have the push for mRNA flu shots, which apparently work on the same method that the Covid mRNA vaxxes work. You see the demand for the mRNA vaxxes is on the down curve and a new money spinner is needed, and naturally enough, Big Pharma-dominated governments look like getting right behind this yet again.

No matter that a healthy immune system, vitamin D3 and C, would protest most individuals. No, once more, it is time to panic. The flu is coming. I don’t know about you, but all this has given me a case of viral fatigue, big time.

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Time to Deconstruct the Ideology of Anti-Racism By Chris Knight (Florida)

John Sullivan has argued that the Leftist dogma of anti-racism, used at least since the end of World War II as a guilt whip upon whites, is in need of debunking and abandonment. The chant of “racism,” brings polite normie whites to their knees, and literally, as the Black Lives Matter protests of 2020 showed, as even Joe Biden took to the knee. That pretty much sums up the absurdity of it, as taking to the knee is elevating the object of kneeing to a divine status.

Racism long ago ceased to refer to mere hatred of a group or groups, only by whites of course, and has been used to hammer whites supporting their own ethno-racial groups, a natural preference that others like Blacks are free to do by the present multicult regime. As Sullivan concludes: “Anyone who accuses you of being “racist” has shown himself to be your enemy. He wants you to sacrifice yourself, your land, your resources, and your family to an outside group.

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Why the Ukraine is Not Worth Civilisation Dying For By Richard Miller (London)

Gonzalo Lira penned this message a few weeks back, how he was imprisoned in the Ukraine for making YouTube videos about the Ukraine war, and why it is objectionable:



He was arrested and tortured in USSR style. Released on bail he had a trial set, but then put up a final YouTube video saying that he was making a dash to the border to Hungary to seek asylum. And, that is all that we have from him. Nothing from Hungary. Thus, I suppose the Ukraine regime has dealt with him, as he predicted. It raises the issue alone, as why nuclear war should be risked for such a regime? Of course, as Robert Kennedy Jr has recently said, one core reason is the bioweapons labs run by the US in the Ukraine:

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The Lies and Corruption of President Joe Biden By Charles Taylor (Florida)

While the public attention is diverted to the on-going Trump indictment circus, the lies of Joe Biden continue to mount up, and there is even some mention of this in the mainstream press, as the New York Post, has covered, which is surprising, but stranger things have happened.


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Lockdowns and the Harm to Children By Mrs Vera West

Here is one for the books; the Left-wing Guardian.com, reports that the Covid lockdowns had a terrible effect upon the emotional and social development of children, with half of all children in England being setback. Even the use of masks had a detrimental effect upon language development of younger children, who typically need to see people’s mouths to learn the correct vocalisation. Children aged four to seven were more severely impacted than older children such as the 12- to 15-year-olds. As well, children of all ethnicities and economic backgrounds were affected, so the harms from the lockdowns were an equal opportunity affair!


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Will the 2020 Election Now be on Trial? By Chris Knight (Florida)

It is hard to keep up with all the indictments of President Trump. Apart from the January 6 absurdity, the latest one is an indictment for daring to question the results of the 2020 election. Never mind that Hillary Clinton scammed the Russiagate affair as part of her quest to show that Russia stole the 2016 election, a claim which has been decisively refuted, but which she still holds to. No indictment for her.

But the Trump indictment is that he failed to tell the truth about the wonderful 2020 election, which saw Joe Biden get record numbers of votes, after polling stations kicked out Republican scrutineers, and bags of votes were taken in and processed. And, the defence to this, as detailed in the extract from the American Thinker.com, is to put the 2020 election to the test, by presenting all the evidence that courts refused to hear, including a submission by the state of Texas, held not to have standing!

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