The End of America By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Todd Bensman, a  reporter and fellow at the US Center for Immigration Studies, says migrants from over 120 countries are traveling to the U.S. with the assistance of human smugglers, and governments of nations south of the border. It is a planned invasion of the US, permitted by the immigration-mad Democrats, who think that this will secure their power forever by speeding up the racial transformation of America, by the Great Replacement of whites. But, as detailed below, it is much more likely to collapse America. Hence, all the more reason for secession, the breakup of America, before that is democratically impossible as well.

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The Legal Challenge to Mandatory Vaccinations By James Reed

John Larter, a paramedic, has raised more than $127,000, on the fundraising campaign on GoFundMe, to mount a legal challenge against rules making it mandatory for all NSW health workers to be fully vaccinated by November 30.

Larter has already filed a challenge in the NSW Supreme Court seeking relief from the NSW Public Health Order making vaccinations mandatory for health workers. This is very good news, and shows what a dedicated freedom fighter can do. If a victory can be scored here, it will be a precedent for further legal challenges. We need this to happen soon.

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Thousands of French Paedophile Priests By Peter West

Thousands of French paedophile priests, well to be exact, 3,200 of the monsters, have operating in abusing children since the 1950s. This is the result of an independent inquiry set up by the French Catholic church in 2018. It is conjectured that the figure is a minimum, and that the numbers are vastly greater. It is but one more sign of cultural collapse, in these end times.

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What Vax do You Choose to get the Edge in Heart Inflammation Rates? By Chris Knight (Florida)

What a tremendous thing diversity is, especially among Covid vaccines. How so? read on for the answer to one of life’s great riddles.

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Covid Vax Limitations as Told by the Mainstream Media By Brian Simpson

Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine antibodies disappear in many by 7 months. Please explain. Let’s see what, a mainstream primary news source has to say. There is no discussion of this incredible disappearing potency of the vaccines in the Australian media, although it is implicit in the requirement for boosters. But since Israel has had three and going for four, surely the question has to be asked at some point, do the vaccines work adequately? If one had to have a vaccine every minute say, would that still be satisfactory? So, where is the cut-off point?

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Covid Vax, then Menstrual Issues: 10,000 Reports in the Netherlands By Richard Miller (London)

Australian living in the Covid totalitarian state probably are not getting this news, but there is concern about menstrual issues after receiving the Covid jabs. Take the case of the Netherlands, for example, where over 10,000 women have reported irregularities in their menstrual cycle after the Covid jab, according to the Netherlands Pharmacovigilance Centre Lareb, which studies adverse drug reactions. This centre is investigating whether the reports are indeed connected to the jabs. The reports include women who have reported missed periods, more heavy periods and bleeding in between periods, and who have gone through the menopause starting to bleed again. It is odd that these events have occurred after the jab, and did not occur before it.

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Covid-19 and Global Warming By James Reed

Steve Feinstein, “COVID-19 is the New Global Warming,” at The American, gives a good account of how the elites once used global warming as their weapon of fear for social control, but then moved to the Covid plandemic, which got results fast. Of course, global warming is still being rolled out, and some new class link the two, especially those plugging for the bat soup origin of Covid.

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Covid Protesting Parents Treated as Domestic Terrorists! By Chris Knight (Florida)

The US National School Boards Association (NSBA), which represents more than 90,000 school board members in the United States, wrote in a September 29 letter to President Joe Biden that the federal government must “deal with the growing number of threats of violence and acts of intimidation occurring across the nation.” Of course, the real concern are angry parents concerned about Covid-19 restrictions placed on students and the teaching of critical race theory. They characterised the protests as “domestic terrorism,” the common thing for Leftists to do now to get the thugs of the state, like the FBI out to use force to produce social control. I very much doubt that there are the violent protests by parents, so common in the Left. It is almost certainly parents standing up for their rights. All the more reason for home schooling if possible, or done by local communities. The schools are as bad, if not worse, than the universities in terms of cultural collapse, which Critical Race Theory is the philosophy of.

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Wales: A Surge in Breakthrough Cases By Brian Simpson

Wales is yet another case that the Australian medic-technocrats should be discussing, but are not, at least where I can hear them. Vaccinated individuals accounted for 87 percent of all new Covid hospitalizations, even though 69 percent of the citizens are considered “fully vaccinated.” As well, 99 percent of positive tests were from people under the age of 60 and that 63 percent of the total were vaccinated. Please explain, as Pauline once asked.

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Covid-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey By Brian Simpson

Dr Peter Breggin has written a book entitled, COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are the Prey. He uses the Covid plandemic as an illustration of the most recent mass psychosis, generated by the elites for the purposes of global control of populations. This is a form of total psycho-political warfare which has been so successful that the majority, not all of course, of people have lost their ability to critically rationally evaluate material. Thus, while Dr Breggin does not discuss the case of recent events in Australia, these covered at this blog well illustrate his thesis. The authorities here are pushing ahead with multiple mass vaccinations and vaccine passports, completely backup by a complaisant media who question none of this, not even covering overseas controversies, let alone more challenging material.

The point of all of this is aptly summarised by Dr Breggin: “The spike protein is the spearhead of an assault on humanity. That has nothing to do with COVID-19 whatsoever, but is planned through COVID-19 in order to vastly increase the wealth of numerous institutions and individuals … many of them unfortunately originating from America, who are working in collaboration with the communist, Chinese Communist Party, to increase this vast exploitation of the world …

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The Pandora Papers: Exposing Global Financial Corruption By James Reed

The Pandora Papers consists of a leak of an enormous number of documents, disclosing the wheeling and dealings of the global elite, political leaders to billionaires. The files have been examined and analysed by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ), with more than 650 reporters taking part, with the website linked below. Obviously enough I have not waded through all the material, which would literally take years, if not decades, as there are around 12 million documents and files. But some of the high points, or are it low points include: “They reveal the King of Jordan secretly amassed £70m of UK and US property.

They also show how ex-UK PM Tony Blair and his wife saved £312,000 in stamp duty when they bought a London office.

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Time for Truth-Telling in Glasgow By Viv Forbes

For 26 long years the UN and their tame media have promoted their expensive annual climate carnivals. This month they will flock to Glasgow for COP 26 but they will not arrive on Shetland ponies, penny farthings or sailing boats - hydro-carbon energy will get most of them there and keep them warm and well fed.

These jamborees are designed to spread climate lies and green energy propaganda.

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The Paper Trail Behind SARS-CoV-2 By Brian Simpson

Dr David Martin, as discussed in a now-deleted post by Dr Mercola, has followed the paper trail of the Covid plandemic. There are patents and government documents going back decades that have led to SARS-CoV-2, that is now being used to turn our world upside down. This material decisively refutes threw natural origin bat soup hypothesis, that the new class elites held to until it burst. The story is like a giant detective story, all originating from Dr Fauci. Indeed, he features in every twist and turns of the story, as shown in even more detail in Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s book The Real Tony Fauci.

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The Spying UK Military By Richard Miller (London)

The UK Ministry of Defence intends to spy on social media platforms for surveillance of “changes in population sentiment,” by “automated scanning of social media platforms.” As discussed below, the aim is to investigate the new urban terrorists, defined by the oppressive state as those who are unvaccinated and/or question the standard Covid culture of masks ands lockdowns. It is what the new totalitarianism is all about. It is the Covid New World Order, even more oppressive than George Orwell’s 1984.

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CNN Censors the Entire Continent of Australia! By Chris Knight (Florida)

Aussies may not know this, due to censorship of course, that CNN has censored the entire continent of Australia from accessing its Facebook page due to an Australian High Court ruling which has made organisations legally liable for comments on their Facebook page, due to a decision about defamation laws. The mystery is why CNN simply did not do the more logical thing and just disable all comments, thus avoiding the entire issue. It seems that if the line of censorship can be taken, then that is the road taken and logic goes out the window.

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Purge Night of Republicans By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The Purge series of movies, beginning in 2013, depict an America where “the New Founding Fathers,” introduce a purge night, where the criminal law is suspended for 24 hours, and people get to sort things out. While this might seem entertaining for action fans, in reality it is chaos. But that has not stopped the Left from their genocidal fantasies, that want to purge Republicans.

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Covid Infection Rates Higher Among the Vaccinated By Chris Knight (Florida)

Covid infections are growing among the vaccinated, so the idea that what we are seeing across the globe is a “pandemic of the unvaccinated,” does not ring true to the facts, which is not to say that unvaccinated are not getting infected as well. For example, according to the Public Health England data, for the 60s age cohort, the infection rates are now 63% higher among the vaccinated than unvaccinated, up from 53% from last week's report. As well, there was  a recent outbreak of the virus in an Israeli hospital where 39 of the 42 patients, staff, and family members infected were fully vaccinated. This is discussed by a research paper reference below. “The paper noted several transmissions likely occurred between two individuals both wearing surgical masks, and in one instance using full PPE, including N-95 mask, face shield, gown and gloves. Of the 42 cases diagnosed in the outbreak, 38 were fully vaccinated with two doses of Pfizer and BioNTech’s Comirnaty vaccine, one had received only one vaccination and three were unvaccinated. Of the infected, 23 were patients and 19 were staff members. The staff all recovered quickly. However, eight vaccinated patients became severely ill, six became critically ill and five of the critically ill died. The two unvaccinated patients tracked had mild COVID cases.” Hence, the proposition that high universal vaccination rates will lead to herd immunity and prevent COVID-19 outbreaks is false.

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The Vaccine Death Report By Chris Knight (Florida)


Written by Dr David John Sorenson & Dr Vladimir Zelenko MD The Vaccine Death Report, is another important viral document that all should read. My guess is that Australians are not aware of the document or much of its contents, so here it is.

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The Planned Collapse of the Global Supply Lines By James Reed

We have been following the issue of the collapse of the global supply chains, dealing with how the mainstream media deals with it. It is generally admitted that this blockage is one of the spin offs of the Covid lockdown of the economies. It is an engineered collapse, not due to ecological scarcity or anything like that. It is a plan to achieve further power by those constructing the New World Order.

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Taiwan: China War will be Soon By James Reed

As I have been reporting, war with China is drawing closer by the day. Now Taiwan has issued the warning of war happening sooner rather than later. It is calling on Australia for help. Oh, can’t they wait a few decades until we get our nuclear submarines? Anyway, after Taiwan goes down it is only a matter of time before Australia goes down as well. The writing has been on the wall for some time, and is clear even reading between the lines of their ABC report. This is one war which despite role playing could rapidly get out of hand, making Covid look like a Sunday school picnic. Does anyone have these anymore?

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