The Climate Change Movement Against Meat and Dairy By James Reed

What will be the next Big Thing after Covid, to produce and maintain the culture of fear that produces  the New World Order? I think Bjorn Bull-Hansen is right that there will be a return to climate change fanaticism, and in fact, there was no real pause in this:


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Covid Depression By Mrs Vera West

Part of the long-lasting collateral damage from the Covid lockdowns is a plague of depression and psychological illnesses. Thus, “A study published in The Lancet medical journal indicates that “an extra 53.2 million cases — an increase of 27.6% — of major depressive disorders and 76.2 million cases of anxiety disorders have added to the number of people suffering from mental health issues, according to researchers.” I have already covered the rise on mental illnesses in Australia in other blog posts. The point beyond the statistics is that these problems are going to outlive the Covid issues.

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The Flight of UK Nurses By Richard Miller (London)

This is the UK version of what is happening in America with the airlines, where pilots are voting with their feet, or wings, and refusing to fly planes in protest about mandatory Covid vaccinations. As in New York, we in the UK are facing a nursing crisis as scores of nurses resign rather than get the jab. I find that interesting, since if anyone on the ground knows what is cooking with the vaccines, it is people like nurses. That many won’t have a syringe of the Covid vaccines, is a good reason for me to refuse as well.

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2.1 Million Covid Vaccine Injuries Reported to WHO VigiAccess Database By Brian Simpson

I had to check this one out first hand rather than rely upon the secondary source, but it is true, as far as I see, over the past nine months, over 2.1 million Covid-19 vaccine injuries have been reported to the World Health Organization’s (WHO) VigiAccess database.  

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Dr Rose on the US Covid Deaths By Chris Knight (Florida)

Dr. Jessica Rose, PhD, a computational biologist, molecular biologist and immunologist, has analysed data collected from the VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) database, and concluded that at least 150,000 people in the United States have died from Covid-19 vaccines as of August 28, 2021. Dr Rose used statistics on anaphylaxis events from Massachusetts General Hospital, to compute a 41x under-reporting factor for serious adverse events associated with the Covid-19 vaccines, concluding that given vast under-reporting, many more people are dying from the injections than the official VAERS statistics detail.

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Bad News for Natural Immunity; Good News Religious Freedom. By Chris Knight (Florida)

These are US decisions, and are only of interest in other jurisdictions. First, a federal judge  denied a request to block Michigan State University’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate on the basis of natural immunity. Bad news. But on a brighter note, a federal judge in New York ruled that religious exemptions for health care workers must be upheld in spite of the state’s widespread Covid-19 vaccine mandate. Thus, it is hard to say how this one will play out in the United States, as decisions are going either way.

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Weaponing Fear By Brian Simpson

Beyond all else, the Covid plandemic has let to the creation of a culture of fear. Without the dramatic deaths of the Spanish flu, also from China, the weaponization of fear has come from the power elites themselves using the Covid crisis as a mechanism to phase out liberal democracy, and move to an authoritarian system of capitalism, like China. In this sense, China already rules the world, since its model is aiming to become the replacement of liberal democracy, achieved not by them, but by our own elites. Locking people away for months in home detention, is not consistent with any version of freedom. It is a softening up process, for the main event.

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China has Already Beaten the US on AI! By James Reed

Nicolas Chaillan, the first chief software officer for the US Air Force and oversaw the Pentagon’s efforts to boost cybersecurity over the past three years, resigned in September in protest against the slow pace of technological progress in the American military. He sees the US as already having missed out on the chance to stop China beating them in the AI game.

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From Man of Steel to Gayman By Michael Ferguson

So, they killed off James Bond in their latest woke offering, No Time to Die. And Superman is now gay. Well, so much for popular culture. I long ago got rid of my teenage comic collection, and as for movies, well it is just too much rubbish, and too expensive. I would rather watch an old John Wayne movie on DVD anyway.

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Saved by South Africa? By James Reed

I received this email with the Bitchute link, offering hope that South Africa might set a precedent for opposing the Covid tyranny, including the vaccine mandates. Let’s hope so and watch developments.

“This is the biggest case in the world right now. Not only are the People of South Africa seeking a ruling to hold their President and Parliament liable for the damages inflected by the Globalist's Covid-Crime Against Humanity, but they are also seeking a ruling that will liquidate their Central Bank in order to pay damages suffered by the People.

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Covid and the Great Sickout By Chris Knight (Florida)

It is being called “the Great Sickout,” as recently seen here in the US with Southwest Airlines cancelling nearly 2,000 flights, because of a coordinated pilot’ “sickout” protest over the issue of vaccine mandates. As well, air traffic controllers in Jacksonville had also walked off the job, but only the alternative media reported on this one! It will be interesting to see how far these protests spread, as the agenda of forced Covid vaccinations is pushed. They can replace many workers, but some highly trained ones such as pilots will be difficult. But I imagine that if push comes to shove, Joe Biden might need to bring in his Taliban mates to fly their planes. Actually, things seem to be better than the Natural News report below, with Southwest now being opposed to the Biden vaccine mandate:

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Law and the Covid Vaccine Mandates By Ian Wilson LL.B

Here is a report on US law suits against the Covid mandates, including vaccine passports and mandatory vaccination. I know many anti-vaxxers and freedom movement types, are hoping that the courts save us in this 11th hour, but I am more cynical, having experience, rather than misplaced idealism about the law. In general, the courts deliver the judgments that the ruling elites want. Yes, there is Mabo, overturning Australian property law, but the elites wanted this at the time. I have yet to see really substantial detrimental policies being overturned by the legal elites. The failure of the US courts to even hear the election fraud cases says it all. Yes, that is America, but is Australia any different?

At the end of the day, law does not do much, and the fight remains political. Law then falls into line.

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400,000 Heading to the US Border: How are They Getting There? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Travis, at the YouTube site, “The Prepared Homestead,” says frankly that the elites are planning on collapse, which they think they can direct, so they will arise from the ashes. In particular, he asks the good question how 400,000 illegal migrants are heading to the US border now. These illegals are coming from all around the world, and somehow are just passing through Mexico, as if no-one sees them! As Travis says, walking across Mexico which is dry, would require vast quantities of water. Where is this all coming from? Travis says that the UN has been at the border helping the invaders come in. Thus, it is a planned globalist invasion.


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The Role of the US in Creating the Covid Plandemic By Brian Simpson

Did the fourth branch of government, the intelligence network, release SARS-CoV-2 then blame China? Here is material, including some thoughts from Ron Unz, that the US may have been behind the release of Covid. Unz makes a case that Covid may have been used as a bioweapon against Iranian politicians. It is food for thought, since evidence has mounted that the US did finance the Wuhan Institute of Virology’s gain-of-function research, and that the lab was actively engaged in coronavirus research, as documented at this blog in numerous articles.

Here is what I think happened which brings it all together. The US and China were working on coronaviruses as bioweapons. As it was no longer possible under Trump to carry out this work in the US, it was shipped to China. Then, either an accidental lab release occurred, or it was done deliberately, probably with both the US and Chinese governments knowing. A plot was cooked up by the Deep State in the US to capitalise on the event in any case. It was seen as a way of bringing in postal voting and massive electoral fraud, to take down Trump. The Western elites have joined in wanting to move societies to the Chinese communist line for some time, given that Leftism is the ruling ideology anyway. The Covid plandemic thus has enabled this social revolution that would have taken many more years to complete. And, here we are in totalitarianism. It can hardly be an accident.

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Police and Health Workers Throwing in the Towel Over Covid Vaccine Mandates – Good to See! By James Reed

A sizeable segment of the Australian population has lost respect for the police over the enforcement of Covid orders, with arrests for things that two years ago, most people would not have believed to be possible in Australia: see the videos on Infowars for example. Governments placing entire populations under home detention, making homes into pay-for-yourself prisons, and arresting those who venture out without the excuses permitted by Big Brother, is far beyond the USSR, 1984, and even Brave New World. Masks, shown to be largely ineffective in preventing infection, have become a new fetish of the system, a sign of the oxygen-deprived slaves. If this nightmare world can be created in months, imagine what next is in store? All this has been possible because a series of lazy generations, obese from affluence, have taken freedom for granted. What happened to the ANZAC spirit?

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Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro Believes the Passports will Lead to “Population Control” By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The great Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro has  warned against the vaccine passports being implemented in some of the country’s cities, saying that he believes the passports will lead to “population control” on behalf of powerful interests. “Either we have freedom or we don’t. And the story says that anyone who gives up a part of their freedom for security, ends up without freedom and without security,” said Bolsonaro. He then warned that if cities accept the vaccine passport, “another requirement will come soon, and another and another, and you know where it will stop then?” Bolsonaro explained, “Population control. The people who most accused me of being a dictator are the ones who are doing it now.”

That they are, and they have travelled a long way down the road to tyranny by now.

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China’s Covid Concentration Camps, Or Political Gulags? By James Reed

China has built masses of Covid isolation units, what some would call Covid concentration camps. That is not news worthy, except that it indicates that there must be further mass outbreaks of Covid there. Or, is there? The below material from The Epoche, mentions the possibility that the camps could be a front for putting away political dissents, under the guise of being Covid infected. Who knows, anything is possible now.

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The Globalist Disease of Leftism By James Reed

Lance Welton has explored Leftism as a globalist disease, somewhat parallel to the Covid plandemic, citing research done  by independent scientist Emil Kirkegaard. It is not a surprising result for us, but Kirkegaard found that the mainstream media in most Western countries was predominantly Left-wing. They churned out basically the same sort of propaganda, something I have noticed since interacting with our American and British correspondents and viewing their coverage. What happens in Europe and America, is soon to happen here. Why? Because the same monsters run the show.


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Be Afraid of Your Government! By James Reed

Reflecting upon the US scene, Rand Paul has warned American to be afraid of their government. Actually, use of “their” is not strictly correct, since the governments of the world, including Australia, are controlled by the power elites from above. It is not a conspiracy, being now all out in the open, with the Great Reset, Great Replacement of Whites, and New World Order, openly spoken about by the New Class now, in sneering contempt of the passive ordinary people, ear-marked for replacement.


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Abolishing the West: Dismantling Traditional Western Culture By Chris Knight (Florida)

Columbus Day here in the US is roughly equivalent to Australia Day back in OZ, and in both pioneer countries there is the same black arm band response from the Left and multicults. These days are said to be white racist, need to be abandoned, whites replaced by their elites, and new guilt days installed. What a pity the good people do not engage in legal mass strikes to end all of this, since ultimately this revolt is dependent upon stable food, water and energy supplies. But, today there is no longer the pioneer spirit, and no mass resistance, the central problem of our political paradigm.


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