Questioning the Long Covid Ideology By Mrs Vera West

Long Covid is supposed to be a wide range of ill-effects, not life threatening that arises in some people who have not been vaccinated, but have had Covid, and recovered. It could be advanced as an argument against relying upon natural immunity alone. However, there is now some critical response to the claim that long Covid exists as the Covid establishment propose. Here is a small amount of material on this which I found, from the mainstream press, too.

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Fully Vaccinated Countries Have the Highest Number of New Covid Cases By Brian Simpson

My guess is that Australia will be joining the growing list of fully vaccinated countries with rising Covid cases in the future. Indeed, a new study in the peer-reviewed European Journal of Epidemiology Vaccines, found “no discernible relationship” between the percentage of population fully vaccinated and new Covid cases. This is bad news for the fanatical Australian establishment who propose with religious cult fervour, that all that is needed to get back to business as usual are high vaccination rates. The story will not end that easily, but I suppose the convicts in lockdown, like me, need some hope about ever seeing daylight again.

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Forced to be Covid Vaxxed, Dies, Injured, Who to Sue? By Brian Simpson

The issue is now arising with mandatory vaccinations for employment and with the vaccine passport, about what happens if one dies, or is injured? If one dies, it is an issue for the family, but a severe injury, one that leads to not being able to work, is life-destroying. The Big Pharma companies have been completely legally protected by the government. So, who does one sue? I am not a lawyer, and this is not legal advice, but if it was me, and when I return to teaching after long-service leave, if Victoria ever opens up again, I may face jab or sack (I will take sacking), but if I was hypothetically jabbed and injured I would sue everyone. Let ten thousand law suits bloom!

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A Little Bit More Election Fraud By Chris Knight (Florida)

For those still interested in the US 2020 electoral fraud issue, here is another bit of the scam, where a U.S. House Committee for Oversight and Reform hearing on the Arizona election review heard that a Maricopa County election official admit that the county officials effectively deleted election data from materials turned over to auditors after receiving a legal subpoena from the Arizona Senate. Now why would anyone do that unless they had something to hide?

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Other Tragic Covid Vax Death and the Outrage of Big Tech Censorship By Mrs Vera West

Here is our Covid tragic story for today, delivering lessons for us to learn by, because behind the establishment’s claim that adverse effects are as raw as hen’s teeth, lies the reality, that for those effected, it is not rare, but a burning reality.

Jessica Berg Wilson was a 37-year-old stay-at-home mother from Washington,

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Do the Jab, Jab, Jabbers, Really Know How to Jab? By Brian Simpson

This is something which has not been commonly discussed: do those delivering the jabs really know what they are doing? It seems that sometimes the injectors jab into a blood vessel rather than muscle, which can rapidly lead to heart problems. If people with less training in delivering jabs do the work, like chemists in some jurisdictions, this could be a problem. As detailed below, even nurses are failing to get injection procedures right. Technically the act of injecting is a medical procedure, even if at the lower level, and requires both knowledge and skill.

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Dr Peter McCullough: Pull the Covid Vaxs Off the Market! By Brian Simpson

Dr Peter McCullough is a sharp critic of the Covid vaccines, which he believes are ineffective, and creating ill-health. He argues that even in terms of the official statistics of deaths and adverse effects, which are vastly under-reported, the Covid vaccines should have been pulled from the market, rather than becoming something like religious icons in a fanatical cargo cult.

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Israelis Rise Up Against Vaccine Passports; That’s More Like It! By Richard Miller (London)

Israel is one of the most Covid vaccinated countries on Earth, and the people have had three jabs, now coming onto the fourth. The vaccine is mainly the Pfizer one, and it is now known from peer reviewed research published recently in The New England Journal of Medicine, as will be covered in another article, that antibodies from this decline after a few months. So, it will be necessary to have a succession of booster shots. That seems to have pushed the Israeli’s into pushing back against this. Here is some revealing material about this.

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Risk of Death from Covid Vaccines vs Risk of Death from Other Vaccines By Brian Simpson

My doctor when emotionally manipulating me to get the Covid vax argued that the probability of getting any adverse effects is like being hit by a meteorite. Well, is it, is this what is revealed by a consultation of the CDC’s VAERS? Not so. But, VAERS does reveal that the Covid vaccines have killed more people than any other vaccine. That certainly seems fishy to me, at the rotten fish level of fishy.

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Fauci Advocates Ending Freedom for the Greater (Communist) Good! By Chris Knight (Florida)

Dr Fauci, Covid guru, is at it again, this time saying what all the technocrats believe, that individual freedoms need to be surrendered for the so-called “common good.” It would be more accurate to refer to the “communist good.”


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The Vast Majority of Covid Delta Variant Deaths are Vaccinated People, Not Unvaccinated By Brian Simpson

A Public Health England technical briefing, entitled, “SARS-CoV2 variants of concern and variants under investigation in England,” states that between February 1 and September 12 2021, far more people who got “vaccinated” for Covid-19 died from the “delta variant” than people who were unvaccinated. “During the time period in question, unvaccinated people reportedly accounted for 257,357 Delta cases out of 593,572 total Delta cases (approximately 43 percent), and 722 out of 2,542 Delta deaths (approximately 28 percent) ‘within 28 days of positive specimen date.” Thus, the vast majority of Delta deaths in England during this period occurred among vaccinated people, not unvaccinated people. The idea of a pandemic of the unvaccinated is thus mythical.

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Sweden, Success through Covid without the Tyranny By Richard Miller (London)

Without lockdowns, Sweden had fewer deaths than most of the rest of Europe. This material from, an organisation which is also recognising the existential threat to freedom posed by the Covid New World Order regime, details how a freedom-based approach to disease control would be preferable even on public health grounds to the approach adopted in more totalitarian regimes like the UK and Australia.

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The Left-Wing Facebook Whistle-Blower By Charles Taylor (Florida)

I call bs on this one. A Facebook whistle-blower from the Left thinks hat Facebook gives certain people, people like us, too much freedom and that more, not less censorship is needed. She thinks Facebook is going to act against her in some way, but as detailed below, it is all probably a scam.

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France to Now Vaccinate All! By Richard Miller (London)

France has introduced a bill to mandate Covid-19 vaccinations for all from January 1, 2022. Use has been made of previous precedents of mandatory vaccines for other illnesses, including antidiphtheric, antitetanus, antipoliomyelitis, pertussis, haemophilus influenzae type b, hepatitis virus type b, invasive pneumococcal infections, serogroup c meningococcus, measles, mumps, and rubella. This is obviously a test case, not only for Europe but also the world. It is clearly the direction that the New World Order wants to go, and hopefully the French will rise up against this tyranny.


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Sweden Takes a Moderna Covid Vax Pause By Richard Miller (London)

Sweden has taken a pause in the use of the Moderna Covid-19 vaccine for  younger age groups after reports of side effects, including myocarditis as data pointed to an increase of myocarditis and pericarditis among youths and young adults who had been vaccinated. The Swedish Health Agency said that the association was especially clear after the second jab. It now recommends Pfizer/BioNTech’s Comirnaty vaccine instead. Good luck with that one.


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Biden, Back Off Covid Boosters! By Chris Knight (Florida)

I understand that the health authorities in Australia are line with endless booster shots, perhaps open to having it every five months as Dr Fauci here recommends. But, not all US health authorities are on board with this. A group of experts made a call to false President Joe Biden advising that the booster jabs only be given to "people most at risk of severe Covid-19 to reduce hospitalizations and deaths.” That is some departure from the mainstream Covid narrative which is simply taken from Big Pharma. Biden has given no indication of changing his boosters forever position.

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Tucker Carlson Shreds Australia Tough Covid Restrictions By James Reed

Tucker Carlson in the YouTube video linked below attacks Australia’s over-the-top Covid restrictions. Nothing we have not covered but good to see these things being said in the mainstream media, if it is in the United States.

Singapore Tightens the Covid Net By Brian Simpson

Does mass vaccination result in things opening up and business as usual, even with 100 percent vaccination, in the ideal? Well, look at Singapore, which is the sort of authoritarian illiberal society that Australia is moving towards, not to put Singapore down, it certainly is a well-ordered, safe and clean place. But, even given one of the highest vaccination rates in the world, Singapore has moved to work-from-home as the new normal, masks and social distancing. So, how will Australia ultimately be any different?

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The Collapse of Covid Vax Antibodies By Brian Simpson

The steep decline in antibodies in people given the Pfizer and AstraZeneca shots, has recently been reported by the Swedish national broadcaster, SVT, based upon research done in Sweden. The study found that for Pfizer-vaccinated people who haven’t had COVID-19, antibody levels were halved after only three months, and after seven months, only 15 percent of the original levels remained, a decrease of 85 percent. The system implicitly is accepting these result as yet another new normal, requesting booster shots. That was never part of the deal when the vaccines were first rolled out as magic solutions.

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Open for All, Vaxxed or Non-Vaxxed! By James Reed

In these times of medical apartheid, with the vaccine passport society, it is good to see some resistance. An on-line directory featuring businesses open to all, both vaccinated and unvaccinated has been launched, the “Open for All” initiative. Use it, so you know where to shop. Hopefully, as the roll-out gets to Israel levels, where “unvaxxed” is defined as not having infinity jabs, people might vote with their wallets and patronise the open to all stores. Actually they have little choice.

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