A Mid-Western Doctor on the Covid Depopulation Agenda By Brian Simpson

The Covid critic, A Midwestern doctor, upsets the establishment, greatly, with his/her thoughtful deconstructions of the fads and follies of modern medicine, especially the Covid cult. He/she makes the point that vaccines have historically been linked with population control, and are now: “It is my belief that vaccines represent the ideal form of population control because they are very easy to administer, they can provide long-term or permanent sterilization and the blind public faith in vaccination prevents most people from ever questioning sterilization done under the guise of “public health.” I am not the only person who realized this and the Western Elite (currently led by the WHO and Bill Gates) have spent decades attempting to develop sterilizing vaccines.”

While there have been other agendas argued for, such as Dr Mercola and Mike Adams on the transhuman agenda, these things are not incompatible, for depopulation seems to be a necessary step in replacing humanity, since the elites do not want, at the end of the day, any resistance to their diabolical plans.


“When COVID-19 started, it was very clear to me there was a coordinated global push for it that was eventually going to result in a mandatory adult vaccination program.

This naturally raised the question of “why?

The leading hypotheses I had at the time were:

•The Western elite were willing to do whatever was necessary to take Trump out of office.

•China was willing to take desperate measures to stop Trump’s trade policies aimed at containing their economic growth.

•Silicon Valley was making a power grab to transition us to a virtual economy and possibly institute a mandatory digital tracking system under the guise of “public health”.

•The 0.1% had decided it was time to usher in an era of economic feudalism and impoverish everyone except the upper class (this is the subject of an article I am drafting).

•The mRNA technology represented a multi-trillion dollar market and the pharmaceutical industry desperately needed a crisis to get this unsafe technology into the marketplace.

•We were witnessing the next step in a decade long campaign by Bill Gates and the WHO to establish vaccine mandates for adults.

Once the mRNA (and recombinant adenovirus) spike protein vaccines entered the market, it became very clear they were extremely deadly (friends kept on contacting me about their dead relatives), and that we were witnessing the most aggressive propaganda campaign I had seen in my lifetime. I knew mandates were around the corner, and because of how dangerous these vaccines were, that these mandates would permanently break the trust in Modern Medicine trillions upon which trillions had been invested over decades to create.

This raised a much more ominous question for me. What could possibly justify destroying the public’s trust in the medical industry and what could possibly justify mandating these shots for the U.S. military? I thought this over for a while and could only identify a few possible explanations:

•Our system is now so hopelessly corrupt that the medical industry is willing to shoot themselves in the foot for short-term profit.

•The mRNA vaccines were part of a coordinated biological weapons attack by China to topple the United States as a global super power and China was able to strategically apply pressure (through bribes or blackmail) to convince Western leaders to follow the lockdowns to mandatory mRNA vaccines agenda.

•A decision had been made by the financial global leadership that governmental stability over the next decade would require a global transition to nations becoming biosecurity states.

•The mRNA vaccines were designed to create a change in the human species which was deemed more far important than the inevitable casualties that would emerge from the toxicity of the mRNA technology.

•The actual purpose of the vaccination program was to reduce the global population because the global leadership had concluded that our current population levels were no longer acceptable.

The Depopulation Agenda:

When you study the history of the world, it becomes very clear the Western ruling elite (along with other leaderships) has had a pathologic obsession with population control and eugenics for centuries. In my own research, I have been able to trace this philosophy infecting the Western rulership as far back as the 1700s, and there have been countless examples of campaigns to sterilize or euthanize undesirable members of the population since then.

I attempted to objectively summarize this immensely complex and emotionally charged subject here (focusing primarily on sterilization initiatives rather than overt and stealth euthanasia programs):

If you do not have time to read this article, there are a few key takeaways from it:

•A wide range of approaches have been utilized to reduce the population, many of which directly affect your health and total lifespan regardless of your desire to have children.

•These horrific sterilizing campaigns are always first conducted on vulnerable and ignored groups of people (i.e. impoverished racial minorities), so that these campaigns can first be trialled and refined out of sight and out of mind.

•It is in everyone’s best interest to stand up for these vulnerable groups because if you allow evil to be done to them, that same evil will eventually end up on your doorstep, and by the time it has built enough momentum to get there, it is very difficult to stop.

•The primary obstacle to these campaigns has always been their technological feasibility; their morality is rarely if ever considered.

It is my belief that vaccines represent the ideal form of population control because they are very easy to administer, they can provide long-term or permanent sterilization and the blind public faith in vaccination prevents most people from ever questioning sterilization done under the guise of “public health.” I am not the only person who realized this and the Western Elite (currently led by the WHO and Bill Gates) have spent decades attempting to develop sterilizing vaccines.

There is clear evidence forced trials of sterilizing vaccines have been repeatedly occurring over the decades. As such, it was reasonable to assume that the Eugenicists would not let an opportunity like the Covid vaccines to go to waste, and there was a real possibility that something was present in the mRNA vaccines that would cause sterility or death.

For those of you who do not have the time to read this, the key points were as follows:

•Despite widespread protest against the surreptitious campaigns that often forced them to stop, the WHO always restarted the campaigns once everyone let their guard down.

•Once again, the primary obstacle to sterilizing vaccinations has always been their technological feasibility.

•Many of these approaches were initially developed through animal research and wildlife management. Pfizer’s CEO previously worked in this field and there is a good case to be made the common people are viewed not that differently from livestock by the global rulership.

•Many people you know have likely have already been affected by these sterilizing vaccines.

•The scientific community went from decades of denying this could ever happen to euphemistically labelling it “immunocontraception.”

•There are many signs the mRNA vaccines were designed to adversely affect fertility.

One of the challenges we experience when presented with large amounts of uncomfortable information is a tendency to zone out or intellectually disassociate as one tries to make sense of the information. For this reason, I try to share first-hand accounts from readers who have first-hand experience of what happened. This was shared by one reader after I published the above article:

My wife is Kenyan and sometime around 15 years ago, when she was still a teenager, she was forced to take one of those “tetanus” vaccines. She and another student who had refused were cornered in a room and forcibly administered the shot. Nearly every one of her school mates whom she is still in touch with have developed some sort of fertility-related problem, and difficulty bringing a baby to full term. My wife herself has had multiple miscarriages. horribly painful and several weeks-long menstrual cycles, sudden death of the baby in the womb, and more. We have one baby who lived. The doctor who delivered her via emergency C-section said he had never seen anything like it....everything was going wrong, the baby stopped developing early on.....our daughter is now 5 and is normal in every way, but it is a miracle.

The girls from her village who were too poor for school fees were spared the vaccine, and they haven’t had any problem conceiving or giving birth.

This horror is still going on in Kenya, now with the Covid shots.

Recently, Andrew Wakefield and RFK completed a 28 minute documentary about that sterilizing campaign in Kenya. I feel this is an immensely valuable documentary to watch because it reflects many of the themes outlined in this article, the producers provided irrefutable proof it happened alongside effectively portraying the human cost of this campaign, and the documentary is short enough that more neutral parties who have not formed a position on these vaccines can receive its message.”

I am deeply concerned about the future, as the elites have moved into a type of sci fi evil villain mode now, prepared to burn down the world, or rather, inject it to death.



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