The Mainstream Media Makes Some Critical Moves Against Covid Narrative By Brian Simpson

Here is material from the primary news service, which gives some push-back against the mainstream Covid narrative. For a start the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2, does not appear to cause more severe disease in children than earlier forms of the virus. So, there is a case for not going down the manic road of mass vaccination of everything that has a heartbeat. As well, according to recently published research in the journal Nature, secondary immune response is stronger after infection than via vaccination. Memory B cells continue to evolve and get stronger for at least several months, producing potent antibodies that can neutralize new variants of the virus.  However, vaccine-induced memory B cells evolve for only a few weeks and do not to protect against variants.

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China’s Evergrande, Not so Grande By James Reed

I have no expertise in the Chinese property market, and the on-going saga of the Evergrande drama, which many view as just the tip of the iceberg of the corrupt Chinese property market Ponzi scheme. Evergrande  is expected to default on its offshore bond payment obligations. Evergrande is facing one of China’s largest defaults as it grapples with more than $300 billion of debt. The CCP will probably bail it out, but the big question is whether this is a symptom of the Chinese property Ponzi scheme unravelling. Some more informed thoughts:

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On Molnupiravir and Covid-19 By Mrs Vera West

The new Merck anti-Covid drug, Molnupiravir, has been subject to large-scale media approval. And it would be good if all the positive things said about this drug did not get met by negative ones. Molnupiravir works by integrating itself into the genetic material of the virus, and then causing mutations as the virus replicates, killing it. But, in some lab tests, the drug has also shown the ability to incorporate itself into the genetic material of mammalian cells, thus causing mutations as those cells replicate, theoretically leading to cancer or birth defects.

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The US Weakly Covid Vax Death and Misery Report By Brian Simpson

As usual, each week I report, from the Childrens Health site, the latest US deaths and adverse effects from the covid-19 vaccines reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) of the CDC. By way of summary,  between December 14, 2020 and October 1, 2021, a total of 778,685 adverse events following Covid vaccines were reported to VAERS, included a total of 16,310 reports of deaths. This was an increase of 373 over the previous week. As covered in other blog posts, Vax critics believe that VAERS is a vast under-reporting of the actual number of Covid deaths and injuries.


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In the Wuhan Lab Journal By Brian Simpson

Yet another piece of evidence related to the lab leak hypothesis of the origins of Covid-19’s virus, SARS-CoV-2, is the scientific studies in the journal Virologica Sinica, associated with the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which has gain-of-function research and a focus upon coronavirus studies. The academic journal has the Wuhan Institute of Virology’s top bat coronavirus researcher, Shi Zhengli – known as “bat woman” – as its editor-in-chief,  and nine  researchers from the Wuhan lab, serve on its editorial board. No coincidence here.

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Ghost Ships, in a Sea of Covid Decline By James Reed

We have been following the global supply collapse problem. Here is another addition, which brings to my mind the legends of ghost ships floating endlessly on the ocean. Companies crippled by debt are abandoning their ships, laden with unpaid crew on board, who are likely to become ghosts in the future due to lack of food.

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Iceland Puts Covid Vax Moderna on Ice! By Richard Miller (London)

Iceland is but another country halting the use of the Moderna vaccine against Covid-19, due to increased incidence of inflammation of heart muscle and tissues, myocarditis and pericarditis, after vaccination triggered by the vaccine. Sweden, Finland, Denmark, and Norway have already limited the use of the Moderna vaccine. However, Iceland has stopped using the vaccine.

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The Attempt to Silence Craig Kelly By James Reed

So, they tried to silence Liberal New South Wales MP Craig Kelly. Well, good luck with that one! Below is the exchange, which I find highly amusing, if the topic, the relevance of Ivermectin to the treatment of Covid, was not so serious. Kelly used the opportunity to speak on this topic in the context of debating an amendment to the Industry Research and Development Amendment (Industry Innovation and Science Australia) Bill. Craig has done a fantastic job, and needs support.

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University Covid Vax Mania! By James Reed

Here is Covid mania as seen at the universities. It will be coming soon to Australia, so seeing what is happening in the test tube of America is instructive. Like this story, where a Black student, who is taking all of his classes online is being threatened to be dropped by his university. Go figure. Wait, I have figured – it is the university -  so one can expect the insane being the new normal.

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Megyn Kelly Unloads on the Covid Origin Conspiracy By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Media host Megyn Kelly has recently unloaded on the Biden administration scientists, who she has said have continued to lie about the origin of Covid-19, SARS-CoV-2. Kelly’s criticisms focused on EcoHealth Alliance President Peter Daszak, a zoologist who worked with the Wuhan Institute of Virology and reportedly used U.S. government grants for gain-of-function research. She said; “Why wouldn’t the board investigate him? I mean, the obvious answer is because they were in on that because they knew, because they can’t fire Peter Daszak because they’ll go down with him. So who’s going to investigate the board? I don’t think they will get rid of him, right? If their hands are dirty, they’re not going to get rid of him. So what are our options? Because this guy clearly should not be staying in his post.” Yet, as usual, nothing happens.

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Digging in Against the Covid Jab! By Chris Knight (Florida)

A quarter of Americans indicated that they either are not getting the vaccine for Covid, or they are not sure, and a majority of those who remain unvaccinated say they will not get the shot, according to a Yahoo! News/YouGov survey. The principal reason why the unvaccinated do not plan on getting the shot is that they do not trust it; 40 percent thought this. Ten percent cited natural immunity, having had the virus. This is hopeful given the almost complete mainstream media blackout on all material critical of the Covid vaccines. People are thus putting two and two together.

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The Pope Welcomes Radical Pro-Abortionist Pelosi By Peter West

Nancy Pelosi has been celebrating the US passing the Women’s Health Protection Act which codifies the pro-abortion case of Roe v. Wade. Pelosi is a Catholic, and the Pope is supposed to be one too. Yet he warmly welcomed her recently for a meeting, since they have so many globalist values in common. It basically sums up this Pope in a nutshell. has done a good deconstruction job here.


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An Australian Police Officer Resigns over Covid Orders By Tom North (May be Released from Melbourne Prison One Day)

Never say that there are no good police officers, as this story shows, of one senior Australian police officer resigning during a live interview. Significantly, she is being investigated, which says it all. The zeal, and violence, in which the police here and in the US, and indeed across the West, have enforced the Covid orders, clearly demonstrates something fundamentally wrong that needs to be righted by reform.

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The Brave New World Order of Covid-1984 By James Reed

Most critics of the present totalitarian regime like to refer to George Orwell’s 1984, as a literary illustration of the dystopia that the elites are creating in the Covid New World Order. But a case can be made that Brave New World, the lesser known novel by Aldous Huxley, may be equally as appropriate, since in Huxley’s dystopia, much is done by means of subtle controls, so that people have internalised the values of the system and act to produce conformity. A more recent novel, best known from the film version is A Clockwork Orange (1962), pursuing some of the same themes. We see this brainwashed conformity with Covid, with the mask culture, and vaccinations becoming a mainstream fashion item. I have reported on articles where the discussion is how the vaccinated superiors deal with the unvaxxed. Medical fascism thus gets replicated at the individual level of psychology. It is sinister alright.

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Covid Vaccines and Fertility By Mrs Vera West

Large numbers of women across the world have reported changes in their menstrual cycles after taking the Covid vaccines, including heavier, earlier and more painful periods, as well as unexpected bleeding or spotting among women on long-acting contraception and even those who are postmenopausal and hadn't had a period in years or even decades. The last item, that women who are post-menopausal suddenly having a period, is very odd and should have immediately aroused scientific curiosity. But until recently, when the numbers got too high to ignore, the establishment did just that, bushed the matter off. However, in August 2021, the U.S. National Institutes of Health awarded $1.67 million in grants to five institutions to study links between Covid-19 vaccines and menstrual changes. Thus, the issue is scientifically open at present, but the fanatic quest to jab all women continues. What if the jabs do affect fertility, in an I am Legend type of situation?

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How Many have Really Died from the Covid Jabs? By Brian Simpson

Given the under-reporting that is embedded in the system, with many doctors not reporting Covid vaccine-related injuries, and more importantly because of design flaws in the systems such as VAERS, how many injuries and deaths have occurred? Dr Mercola investigates, reporting that one researcher puts the US death figure from the Covid vaccines at around 200,000 people with two million seriously injured. The argument goes back to basis principles of causality. The CDC rejects the idea that people dying within say 24 hours after the second shot, died because of the shot; they deny causality. The vax critics argue that is bad science, and that for anything else causality would be claimed. So, the death figures must be vastly higher than portrayed by the CDC interpretation of VAERS. Perhaps the same argument could be applied in other jurisdictions.


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The Great Pfizer Covid Insider Whistle-Blower Controversy By Mrs Vera West

Pfizer whistle-blower Melissa Strickler, in a Project Veritas exposé, uncovers e-mails from Pfizer senior management representatives revealing that the company is deliberately concealing the fact that aborted foetuses are used in the manufacture of its vaccines. The material relates to the United States, and we have no information about the Australian situation, but this needs to be investigated. In any case, here is what you need to know so far.


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Covid Mask Culture: It’s about Controlling Even the Right to Breathe! By Chris Knight (Florida)

Here is an American story, but no doubt the same mask fetishism, will be found now throughout the West, including Australia. I got an email from a friend in South Australia, which apparently did not have a long lockdown, sand the mask tyranny is enforced there on public transport, with many bus drivers acting like nappy police. But, for over-the-top fanaticism, you can never beat America. Read on, it is one of those stories that makes you laugh before you weep tears of blood. A student who refused to wear her face nappy, was arrested, but only after the entire school was locked down. It is a good argument for home-schooling.


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Stop Press! Any Immune Protection Offered by Two Doses of Pfizer’s Covid Vaccine Drops Off after Roughly Two Months! By Brian Simpson

Now here is a nasty problem for the Covid establishment, as two per-reviewed studies in the top medical journal in the world, defined in terms of impact factors, have concluded that any immune protection offered by two doses of Pfizer’s Covid vaccine drops off after roughly two months. Ok, the system says, there will have to be booster shots … yes … but every few months? Isn’t this just an ad hoc measure to save the vaccine, not the person being vaccinated? After all, recall the Brian Simpson provability argument, that the probability of death or an adverse effect exists with each jab. Spin the cylinder of the revolver enough times, and the chances of you going down converge to 1, that is certainty. In other words, one’s luck runs out. I have get to see any of the pro-vaxxers attempt to refute me on this, but they don’t have to argue, they just get the thugs to do their dirty work to silence dissent.

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Covid Vax Horror Stories By Mrs Vera West

I have been reporting on individuals, who have had their lives shattered because of the Covid vaccines. Yes, there are people who have had their lives shattered too from the initial disease. But, vaccine injuries, unlike Covid disease injuries are being discounted by the system because people might take a more critical response to the present manic get-vaxxed campaigns. So, here are some more stories to consider. It is the human face behind the claim made by the vax establishment, that it is oh so rare. Not so if you are the one injured!

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