The Majority want Beijingo Biden to Resign! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

According to the latest opinion polls, the majority of voters, including Republicans and Democrats, want Joe Biden to resign. There is of course good reason for this, the turning point being the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, where old Joe armed the Taliban with billions of dollars of US weapons, and did not blink, lying about the whole deal. Americans are going to get the next cackling woman president. And, Harris will go the same way as Biden, being even more incompetent. It is a great roller coaster ride down now.

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Sweden: Assimilation to Criminality By Richard Miller (London)

Behind the idea of mass immigration has been the ideology, that whatever the problems delivered by the first generation, it will all be good by the second. Then society can get down to bringing in the next batch of diversity, hoping one day to bring in extra-terrestrial aliens, who will be “just like” us, because, after all, it is “one universe.” But, wait, what about the fact that children of immigrants in Sweden commit more, not less, crime than their parents? Any problem here?

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The Coming Demographic Death of China By James Reed

I knew that China would be facing some degree of demographic decline, but resent research indicates that China’s population could half in the next 45 years. The cause is the same as in the West, women in the economy by choice or necessity, and not having babies. It is the living confirmation of the so-called demographic transition theory, that increased affluence and women’s “lib” leads to crashing birth-rates. Thus, China will need to embrace diversity, and take in all of its subjects from the Third World Belt and Road Imitative. Fill China to the brim with millions of migrants from Africa to increase their ethno-racial diversity! It is the only way to maintain superpower status. Trust me on this one friendly, cuddly, CCP. Let’s hear what the Global Times has to say about this one!

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The Left Erasing Women By Mrs Vera West

Here is yet another example of so-called gender-neutral language actually eliminating, and discriminating against women. It is ironic that late-stage feminism has literally cannibalised first, second, and maybe even third generation feminism.

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Covid Conflict of Interest By Brian Simpson

From the climate change conspiracy to the Covid plandemic, we, the people, have been told to trust the experts. But, the most frightening thing one can hear is: “I am an expert, and I am here to help.” Experts form part of the technocratic system, being paid either by the universities, who are usually /Big Government and/or Big Business backed, or they are paid outright by Big Business. So, there is an inevitable bias and conflict of interest arising over much of their work, for academics and scientists especially do not bite the hand that feeds them, as examples from the Covid plandemic well show.

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Dr Fauci and Gain of Function Research By Brian Simpson

Childrens Health, has presented new information that on an investigation of government documents by the DisInformation Chronicle, that Dr. Anthony Fauci approved funding for Peter Daszak at EcoHealth Alliance to conduct dangerous gain-of-function research on coronaviruses closely related to Covid-19. “Some of the same experimental platforms flagged by DARPA as being gain-of-function and dual-use research were those performed in the bat coronavirus emergence grant funded by [NIH] for 6 years,” according to a staff scientist at U.S. Right to Know as  told to The DisInformation Chronicle.

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The Archaeology of the Covid Plandemic By Brian Simpson

Mike Adams at Natural has given a unique perspective on the origin of the Covid plandemic. While most of the anti-vaxx dissenters have seen the virus as arising in the leaky labs of Wuhan, he makes the case that the origin of Covid goes back further in time to the dusty days of verbal genius George W. Bush. The events of the other great plan, 9/1, led to the creation of the surveillance state and the setting up of the infrastructure that is being used for state terrorism against ordinary Americana now. Under Obama, who had a buddy relationship with China, gain of function research that would have been illegal to conduct in the US was done in China, helped by US money. The rest of the story has been covered in numerous articles at this blog. Here is the back story, to the back story.


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Belt and Road? China Belts the Third World into the Road! By James Reed

Commos in the West, primarily at the universities, seldom criticise China, even though this nation is engaged in massive human rights violations. The narrative is smashed into the Leftist brain that only whites are bad racists, and that China represents liberation and emancipation. I have fond memories of one lecturer I had in politics in the late 1960s who had his office decked out as a shrine to chairman Mao, and continued this way into the 1980s.


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Putting a Communist Fox in Charge of the Banking Henhouse By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Nothing should surprise us about the senile Beijingo Biden regime any more. The latest is that he, or the Lord Lords who control him, wants to put an actual communist, Cornell University law school professor Saule Omarova, in charge of the nation’s banking system. Omarova graduated from the Soviet Union’s Moscow State University in 1989 on the Lenin Personal Academic Scholarship, which is as commo as one can get. The commo wants the Federal Reserve to be the only bank, operating through a digital currency. This will fit in perfectly well with the Great Reset, and the totalitarian control society, where anyone stepping out of line can be economically eliminated.


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The Fully Vaccinated are more Likely to Get Delta than Those with Natural Immunity By Brian Simpson

This material from the latest Childrens Health, sets out the case that the fully vaccinated, defined as having two or more jabs, are more likely to get the Delta variant of Covid, than those with natural immunity. According to an Israeli study, people who recovered from COVID were much less likely than never-infected, vaccinated people to get Delta, develop symptoms or be hospitalized. Israel is the most highly Covid vaccinated nation on Earth. The study involved examining medical records of 673,676 Israelis 16 years and older between June 1 and August 14, when the Delta variant predominated. It was found that people who had never been infected with Covid, but were vaccinated in January and February, were six to 13 times more likely to experience breakthrough Covid infection with the Delta variant compared to unvaccinated people who were previously infected. If the Australian authorities had any degree of scientific rationality they would be looking at the case of Israel very closely, instead of putting their faith in endless jabs.


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Light Relief By Chris Knight (Florida)

Things are so bad in the white racist business that it is necessary to have ring-ins, Black white supremacists! We should not be surprised since the mainstream media were at one time saying that the 2020 protesters burning down America where white supremacists, even though they were BLM, plus antifa, maybe in blackface or with masks!  And anti-vaxxers, whatever colour, are being white-washed with that label. And why not, the system has devoted a lot of time and money in the post-World War II period to creating this racism monster, while deconstructing whites, so whites can’t resist. And given no push back from whites who lose control of their bladders at the mere suggestion of racism, it is full speed ahead to the Great Replacement. Anyway, here is a small laugh along the way.

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Myth Busting Food Ideologies By Mrs Vera West

Even though this report comes from a Left publication, it has good news, as it reports on studies debunking health myths that meat, dairy, eggs, and moderate salt are harmful. No, not so. I was aware of most of this except the salt one, where the best salt intake is a moderate one. The ultra-low salt diet can be bad for you as well. Evidence for this appears below.

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YouTube Blocks Anti-Vax Content! By James Reed

Should we be surprised at this? YouTube is blocking all anti-vaccine content, which is what one would expect given that vaccines are part of the new religious order of globalism, being a loyal medico-slave. Well, it does not matter at this late stage of the game, as people have other on-line options now, and for controversial political topics, they need to get off this site. YouTube still is of use. My nephew has a lousy maths lecturer who he cannot understand, and who cannot lecture for nuts. Thus my nephew goes onto YouTube to watch lectures on particular topics, by people who really know their stuff. So, YouTube has some point. Just forget about it in terms of politics. For the time, we are still much better off than in the pre-internet days of paper magazines and mail-out videos, but I see it going back to that as tyranny flourishes.

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Queen Ann Advices US to Brush Up on Our Voodoo! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Ann Coulter, in her fabulous style, slams in on the present immigration debate involving the mass importation of Haitians, to our neighbourhoods, because there simply cannot be enough diversity!

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Secession Calls Grow By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Here is one of the latest moves to breakup the United States, with  New Hampshire legislator, Representative Mike Sylvia (R), introducing an amendment calling for a public referendum on the matter, which would be on the ballot for the 2022 general election, attempting to get voters to consider declaring their independence from the United States. I do not know if New Hampshire has the critical momentum for this yet, but it is a healthy sign. The breakup of America needs to be done soon, before The Camp of the Saints mass immigration flooding makes democratic solutions impossible, leaving Plan B.

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The Illegals are Pouring In! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The US has under the Democrats adopted an essentially open southern border situation. This has got so bad, as covered in another article today at the blog, that even Obama has been saying that it is unsustainable. Since Biden has taken office, around one million illegals have been added to the US population, all to boost up Democrat votes. Given that the fraudulent voting system is now perfected, and that the corrupt courts will allow anything, is this really necessary? Sure, everything must be done to eliminate white people. US society is an anti-white society. Yes, whites have certain positions now, but this will rapidly go in the future. Think South Africa. It is the white apocalypse in every way.


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Sweden’s Explosive Diversity By Richard Miller (London)

Who said that diversity cannot truly be vibrating, if not explosive? Sweden once had its machine gun battles, but now is being rocked by explosive devices. It is splendid and grand to see multiculturalism working so well! Speed up the process of national suicide please so we can see the end of the story, maybe by next year! Remember Swedes, you are in a race downhill with us here in England, and the society to destroy itself first gets a special no-prize put on its tombstone by the psychopathological globalist elites.

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At Last Some Good News from the NSW Police? By Bruce Bennett (Sydney Inmate)

I will believe it when I see it, that is, if we are ever let out of our prisons. Imagine imprisoning a population in their own homemade jails, at their own expense!

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China’s “Nazi-Style” Experiments By James Reed

Our great trading partner is carrying out horrendous medical experiments upon the Uighur Muslims. This has been going on for some time. My young nephew in Adelaide, who apparently is free to walk the streets, unlike me (so much for all my friendly put-downs of South Australia, the last laugh is upon me now), went by an anti-CCP protest in the Mall, “Take down the CCP.” The Chinese female speaker said that down the track, China will be doing all of this to Australia too. Here is some information from the mainstream media. The comparisons are all theirs.

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If the Covid Vaccines “Work,” Define “Works” By Chris Knight (Florida)

I am not a medico, but I once thought that if one got vaccinated, you would have immunity from the disease. That means, as I understand it, you would not, or most likely would not, get the disease if exposed to it. Isn’t that how the word “immunity” is used in other contexts, like legal immunity? So, how can breakthrough infections occur at all? Nothing is perfect, but this is  a question of whether the blasted things do their job. Take the UK for example. The latest data from Public Health England shows from February 1, 2021 to September 12, 2021, the unvaccinated represented just 28 percent of the Covid fatalities while the vaccinated represented 72 percent of the deaths! If that is not “fishy” then nothing is. The system saying that this shows that nothing is perfect is no answer. Maybe “nothing” is preferable?

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