Trump was Just Too Big! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The Democrat’s January 6 kangaroo court heard hearsay evidence, or rather testimony, that Trump tried to grab the steering wheel of the presidential vehicle “The Beast,” and sought to steer it to the Capitol building to join the insurrection, or whatever. Former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson gave expression of that fantasy. It is destroyed outright by considering questions of size, that, as pointed out by a secret service agent who was there, unlike Hutchinson, Trump was simply too big, I would say fat, to even reach the steering wheel. And what does he do about foot control? The driver simply hits the brakes. Yet these are the absurdities being seriously considered in a desperate bid to find anything on Trump.

“A Secret Service agent poured cold water on claims made by a former White House aide that on the day of the January 6 Capitol riot, former president Donald Trump reached into the front seat of his SUV and attempted to grab the wheel.

They suggested that Trump's 'girth' and his 250lb, 6ft 3in frame would likely prevent him from making such an 'agile' maneuver in what is a specially adapted SUV that comes complete with a partition between the front and rear seats.

'Trump's not a little guy, right? And the space to actually be able to lunge towards the wheel is not that big,' a former agent said to Insider.

'I don't mean to sound disparaging to the former president, but just his girth would prevent him from actually getting to the steering wheel. [He is] not the most agile human being.'

The fully armored SUV is not like a regular Suburban and instead comes complete with added security features.

The partition makes the space 'extremely tight' the agent explained.

On Tuesday, former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson told the House Select Committee that Trump had lunged for the presidential limo's steering wheel after Special Agent in Charge Robert 'Bobby' Engel refused to drive him to the Capitol to join rampaging supporters.

Her bombshell testimony set the scene for lawmakers to recall Engel to ask whether it was true that he was forced to restrain the president who allegedly responded by grabbing Engel around the neck.

'We have and will continue to make any member of the Secret Service available to the committee,' Anthony Guglielmi, a Secret Service spokesperson said to Insider. 

Hutchinson claimed she was told about the incident by Tony Ornato, the White House deputy chief of staff for operations at the time, and that Engel was in the room at the time.”





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