Appearance and Reality By Chris Knight

     I have not seen John Carpenter’s movie, They Live (1989), about a man who has suddenly has a pair of sunglasses that reveal what reality is like, underneath the deception that is presented to us.

     Here is an excellent discussion:

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Boltzmann Brains, Ex Nihilo Magic? By Brian Simpson

     This following discussion shows how truly crazy modern physics is. Thus, I do not have much respect for claims of a climate crisis with, what, 11,000 scientists proclaiming it, because I don’t have much faith in the bulk of science anyway, beyond the sound basics, especially the mathematical mysticism that engulfs higher physics, like quantum mechanics and relativity. These geeks seem to forget that mathematics itself is merely deductions made from postulates that are not provable in principle, under pain of circularity or infinite regression:

“The Boltzmann brain argument suggests that it is more likely for a single brain to spontaneously and briefly form in a void (complete with a false memory of having existed in our universe) than it is for our universe to have come about in the way modern science thinks it actually did. It was first proposed as a reductio ad absurdum response to Ludwig Boltzmann's early explanation for the low-entropy state of our universe. In this physics thought experiment, a Boltzmann brain is a fully formed brain, complete with memories of a full human life in our universe, that arises due to extremely rare random fluctuations out of a state of thermodynamic equilibrium. Theoretically over a period of time on the order of hundreds of billions of years, by sheer chance atoms in a void could spontaneously come together in such a way as to assemble a functioning human brain. Like any brain in such circumstances, it would almost immediately stop functioning and begin to deteriorate. The idea is ironically named after the Austrian physicist Ludwig Boltzmann (1844–1906), who in 1896 published a theory that tried to account for the fact that we find ourselves in a universe that is not as chaotic as the budding field of thermodynamics seemed to predict.

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Feeding the Fat Green Pigs By Viv Forbes


     In the era before coal, oil and electricity, the environment suffered greatly. Whales were slaughtered for lamp oil; forests were cleared for firewood, mine props, building materials, roofing shingles and sailing masts; London (“The Big Smoke”) and Pittsburgh (“The Smoky City”) were smothered in smog from open fires, charcoal kilns and iron smelters; horses powered public and military transport and city streets were layered with horse manure. Then came the hydro-carbon revolution. Kerosene lamps saved the whales and coal-powered steam engines delivered electricity (clean-coal-by-wire) to the cities – and much of the sulphurous smogs disappeared. Coke from coal replaced wood charcoal to make iron and steel. Steel and concrete saved the forests and trucks and railways allowed the farmland which once fed millions of horses to produce food for humans. Not one of these boons for humans AND the environment was driven by a UN resolution or funded by statutory levies on consumers, or subsidies from taxpayers. None were mandated in a government energy plan. The anti-human, anti-industry policies of the Global Greens are now reversing all that progress. A key event occurred in 2006 when a leading left-wing politician, Al Gore, invented the Global Warming Industry. Despite a finding by a British High Court judge that his movie “The Inconvenient Truth” contained nine key scientific errors, it is still shown in schools.

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Organic Food, Great; Organic Farming Not So Great (If You Still Believe in the Religion of Climate Change) By James Reed

     Fanatic in residence here to unload on organic farming. Don’t get me wrong, the odd drop of orgasmic, I mean organic, Word stop wrecking my article, food, like wine is good, but let’s consider how we get there:

“A new study suggests that a switch to 100% organic food production in England and Wales would see an overall increase in greenhouse gas emissions. While going fully organic would produce fewer direct emissions than conventional farming, researchers say it would limit food production. As a result more imports would be needed, resulting in up to five times more land being used overseas. Overall emissions could rise by 21% compared to the conventional approach. Farming is generally estimated to be responsible for around 9% of overall UK greenhouse gas emissions, due to the use of artificial fertilisers, but also through emissions of methane from animals and from changes in soil conditions. This new study aims to assess what the impact would be on greenhouse gases if all food production in England and Wales switched to organic. Such a move, the researchers say would see a drop in emissions of about 20% for crops and around 4% for livestock. However, the study predicts significant drops in food production, by around 40% compared to conventional farming. The scientists involved say that decrease is due to smaller crop yields and the introduction of nitrogen-fixing legumes into crop rotations, reducing the amount of land available for production. So crops like wheat and barley would see significant falls in production. For livestock, the numbers of sheep and beef cattle in the scenario would increase but the volume of meat would go down, due to lower carcase weights and longer finishing times under organic management.”

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Racist Polar Bear Seeks Forgiveness By James Reed

     It is true, but it has been denied for a long time, that the white polar bears that are the victims of climate change, are in fact, white racists, with white polar bear privilege:

“A polar bear at the San Diego Zoo has apologized to black bears, brown bears, and all other mammals of color for his "problematic whiteness." The bear "got woke" after a leftist protesting the zoo for keeping animals in captivity bravely leaped into the bear's exhibit. After eating the protester, the polar bear picked up the book on critical race theory the woman had in her pocket and devoured it, first figuratively, then literally. "Wow," he said. "I never realized how problematic my existence was before. I really need to think about this." Shortly after reading the book, the polar bear, whose name is Chad, held a press conference in which he apologized for his many years of not being "woke" to the struggle of non-white animals. "I am so sorry for everyone I've hurt," he said. "I am hereby canceling myself. Please listen to black and brown bear voices." He also announced that he was donating his remaining walruses to minority bears in need. "The overwhelming whiteness of the polar bear community should give us all paws." The bear escaped the zoo, devoured several people, and cast himself into exile on an ice floe for his crimes.”

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The Minister for Wasting Water, DAVID LITTLEPROUD, must resign By Ron Pike

     The Saltbush Club today called for the immediate resignation of Mr. David Littleproud from his position as Minister for Water on the grounds of incompetence in his management of the Murray-Darling Basin Authority. The call was made by Mr Ron Pike, the Saltbush Club Water Adviser with a lifetime of experience and information on Murray Darling Basin water supply, storage and use. “Under Mr. Littleproud’s stewardship this Authority has grown to be a law unto itself and is repeatedly lying to both the people and the Government. As an example; ‘we had to drain Menindee Lakes, or the water would have been lost to evaporation.’ “We now have the wicked and unjust situation where this out of control Authority is denying available water to desperate end users by claiming that they are compelled by law to release this fresh water to the sea, while farmers and Municipalities are left without water.

     “In a worsening drought no one in their right mind would condone wasting fresh water to the sea, while denying the people the water they desperately need. But Mr. Littleproud is. “This is not only unjust it is a crime against the people perpetrated by a Federal Minister. “Given that Mr. Littleproud has several advisors, he should have been aware that the MDBA were fabricating stories, just as they now are about releases from Wyangala Dam. “Not only are the actions of the MDBA leaving the Government with little credibility they are exposing the Government to billions of dollars in compensation for lost businesses, especially the death of permanent plantings; something that has never happened since we built the dams on our western rivers. “David Littleproud is responsible for a Government Authority that is denying the people their most basic of rights; that is access to water.  Mr. Littleproud has broken his oath of office “To well and truly serve the people of Australia.” “David Littleproud you have broken that vow and the people no longer trust you. You must resign now”.

The Magic of Curses By Harry Collins

     As someone with not a racist bone in my body, well, not many, I respect the curse that an Aboriginal leader has said will befall upon people climbing what was once via racism called Ayer’s Rock, but is now called … I can’t remember the name … getting senile …

“People who have climbed Uluru since a ban was announced will be cursed, according to an Indigenous activist. Marcia Langton, the chair of Indigenous Studies at the University of Melbourne, re-tweeted a video of people queuing to climb the historic landmark on Thursday, a day before the practice was banned. The 67-year-old wrote: 'A curse will fall on all of them. They will remember how they defiled this sacred place until they die & history will record their contempt for Aboriginal culture.' On Friday hundreds of climbers were forced to wait for hours for strong winds to die down so they could scale the rock for the last time. Hundreds started lining up from 4am to climb the 348-metre high landmark in Alice Springs. But at 7am, when the rock climb usually opens, rangers put up a sign declaring it was closed.”

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How Do You Stop Cows from Farting? How Do you Stop Me From Farting? By Uncle Len, Gone with the Wind

     The unmatched, unimpeached Uncle Len is back, but he never really left, just stopped writing for a while because he lost his favourite pencil. But, now I have found it, let me talk about a subject that I am most qualified to discuss; farting, especially that of the king of farters, cows, the ultimate vegans, too, who are endangering the planet with their grassy gassy emissions, let alone other stuff. I hope that that was coherent.

“Environmentalists intent on finding new ways to reduce so-called greenhouse gas emissions to curb climate change have proposed a novel method: feed cows seaweed to diminish methane in flatulence, belches, and manure. Ermias Kebreab, an zoology professor at the University of California–Davis, led a team in producing a bovine meal regimen containing varying levels of Asparagopsis armata, a strain of red seaweed, and fed it to 12 dairy cows over a two-month period. In a mix containing just 1 percent seaweed, the cows’ methane emissions went down by a stunning 60 percent. “In all the years that I’ve worked in this area, I’ve never seen anything that reduced it that much,” Kebreab said.”

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The “Doomer” Not “Zoomer” Generation By James Reed

     You have to hand it to climate change princess Greta, she has honour and conviction. Thus, she has turned down a great big wad of cash as a prize for whatever it is she does. Why, if it was me, I would have gone out and brought a giant freezer to fill with masses of red meat, and a nice carbon-producing heater to burn all matter of stuff for the next ice age Melbournian winter.

     Anyway, as the Australian League of Rights are the unsung heroes in leading many trends in fashion and culture, and I am proudly leading the charge, with Uncle Len following up the rear, so to speak.  Let it go down in the record that the so-called “zoomer” generation should now be know as “doomers” instead, given the ease with which everyone has accepted that the planet only has 12 years, or is it now 11 years (?) left to kick on. Well done!

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Polar Bears Now Given an Icy Reception by Greenies By James Reed

     Would polar bears be tasty? Would polar bear steaks be tender and juicy, roasting away while one sat in an igloo, the icy winds raging outside? No doubt there are a few remaining indigenous people, inuits, who would know the answer to that question, but we shall never know. I mean polar bears are heading to extinction because of global warming, getting caught on the last remaining crusts of ice, and thus drowning trying to find something solid. Didn’t big Al Gore tell us that “inconvenient truth”? Think again fellow meat eaters:

“You probably won’t be seeing too many polar bears in the mainstream media anymore now that the climate brigade has decided to drop the furry arctic animal from its propaganda lineup. The reason, as we recently reported, has to do with the fact that, contrary to the prevailing climate narrative, polar bear numbers are increasing, not decreasing. In other words, despite the alleged pandemic of “global warming” and melting polar ice caps, polar bears are doing just fine – so well, in fact, that in some areas hunters are being encouraged to kill more of them in order to thin out their population numbers. Hilariously, The Guardian (U.K.) actually made a formal announcement about the removal of polar bears from its climate change propaganda, insisting that it’s more effective to use people rather than animals in conveying the “climate emergency.” After seeking advice from an organization called “Climate Visuals,” The Guardian‘s editors decided that continuing to feature polar bears, and apparently pandas, as “emblems” of climate change is imprudent, if not entirely inaccurate. “Often, when signalling environmental stories to our readers, selecting an image of a polar bear on melting ice has been the obvious – though not necessarily appropriate choice,” The Guardian reporter Fiona Shields writes. “These images tell a certain story about the climate crisis but can seem remote and abstract – a problem that is not a human one, nor one that is particularly urgent,” she goes on to explain.”

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Eco-Hypocrites By James Reed

     Young climate change princess Greta, who has lost her childhood, like so many of our lost generation, may have gone to the big climate apocalypse talkfest by classic wind jammer, I think, but most environmental gurus just jet in, creating even more carbon than I create, and I do it deliberately, burning everything I can to help the environment, especially plastic. The thick, choking fumes must be helping the environment, providing needed fuel for plants. But, hey, that is all minor compared to jet travel:

“A new study by Swedish academics has found that most wealthy people and celebrities are not changing their flying habits to help reduce climate change, with some responsible for a thousand times more CO2 emissions than the average. Imagine my shock. The study, carried out by researchers from from Lund University, reviewed the social media accounts of well known celebrities and wealthy philanthropists, many of who relentlessly virtue signal about climate change. Based on the information posted relating to travel, researchers calculated the starting point and destination for flights and then worked out likely CO2 emissions. Climate activist Bill Gates was responsible for approximately 1,600 tonnes of carbon dioxide, while flights used by Paris Hilton and Jennifer Lopez emitted 1,260 tonnes and 1,050 tonnes respectively. These figures compare to a global average of 100 kilos per person per year for air travel, or in other words more than a thousand times higher. According to the researchers, only a minority of the individuals studied have altered their behavior to minimize or stop flying. “Their lifestyles are norm-setting and identity-building. Above all, young people dream of traveling around the world in a similar way, without having to worry about money,” said Stefan Gössling. Once again, it’s very much a case of do as we say not as we do.”

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Eat Worms to Save the Planet? (I Would Rather let the Planet Melt) By James Reed

     The climate elites want us deplorables to mainly eat worms and insects to reduce our carbon footprint. These are the people who travel to climate talkfests by jets, eating all matter of fine foods in their trips and at the conferences, smoked salmon, caviar, tasty meats …

“The thought of rising sea levels and more intense heatwaves are enough to keep you up at night. But while we all know the situation is getting more serious, most of us are preoccupied with work, doctor’s appointments and paying bills – and these immediate, visceral worries win every time. There isn’t much time left to figure out how to bring global warming closer to the forefront of people’s minds and persuade us to reduce our carbon footprints. In fact, we have just 12 years left to keep global warming to 1.5C, according to last week’s landmark UN report. Anything beyond this will massively worsen the risks of drought, floods, extreme heat and poverty for hundreds of millions of people. Reducing our meat intake is crucial to avoiding climate breakdown, since food production accounts for about a quarter of all human-related greenhouse gas emissions, and is predicted to rise. In western countries, this means eating 90% less beef and five times as many beans and pulses.

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Eating Dogs? By James Reed

     If one eats dog meat, while the meat is hot, does that count as a “hot dog”? Since the environmentalists are moving on banning meat eating, for us, I have become obsessed with meat eating. Why, just the other day, I penned an article which I dimly remember, where I speculated about the taste of polar bear! That is how desperate a man can be for meat, glorious meat. And, I am not the only one suffering from meat angst. Just ask the Chinese if you please, who are in the pig apocalypse at the moment:

“As the price of pork, the most popular meat in China, continues to skyrocket in the wake of a livestock epidemic, citizens of the communist nation are turning to dog meat as a substitute. Pork prices have shot up 69 percent thanks to the market-killing effects of African swine fever, putting the meat out of reach for many Chinese. As the South China Morning Post reports, consumers with a tight budget are choosing cheaper alternatives to pork. Restaurants are now suggesting patrons choose dog meat, also referred to as "fragrant meat" in China and "sweet meat" in nearby North Korea, to keep the price of dishes down. Dog, along with rabbit, is also becoming more common in markets as having pork makes shoppers a target of hungry thieves, according to the SCMP. In one market, the only cut of hog cheaper than rabbit is a leg bone without a single scrap of meat attached. Dogs and rabbits, which both reproduce in great numbers and are relatively hardy, have become some of the cheapest meats available to residents of China. While eating dog meat is considered taboo in much of the Western world, China and other countries have a long history of dining on man's best friend.”

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Primary Principles. by David Smith

     The quote from Sir Samuel Wadham (either above or below) is a statement of the primary importance of agriculture and farming to nations and peoples as a whole. Whilst I take the point he is making about farming being a biological activity rather than industrial activity, I believe it was given the term primary industry to show its primacy over all other forms of industry, primary meaning first in importance or original, and also, that from which all other [forms of industry] rely on and are derived from.

     To be a viable nation state requires first and foremost that we be able to independently sustain ourselves with the necessities of life, food and clothing. This is the reason so many men were told in 1939-45, you cannot go to war, you are an essential industry for the war effort here at home. This included those from both primary and secondary industries. Essential; of primary importance once again.

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State Scientific Facts (Contrary to Globalist Climate Change Mania and Get Sacked from the Modern University By James Reed

     I keep coming up against the topic of polar bears. I must admit that after research, my meat-eating desire for them has paled, but they are still interesting fellows. Anything that could bite your head off with one chomp has got to be interesting. Anyway:

“Nobody has done more to sink the claim that climate change is endangering polar bears than zoologist Susan Crockford — and she may have paid for it with her job. After 15 years as an adjunct assistant professor, Ms. Crockford said the University of Victoria rejected without explanation in May her renewal application, despite her high profile as a speaker and author stemming from her widely cited research on polar bears and dog domestication. Ms. Crockford accused officials at the Canadian university of bowing to “outside pressure,” the result of her research showing that polar bear populations are stable and even thriving, not plummeting as a result of shrinking Arctic sea ice, defying claims of the climate change movement. Her dismissal, which she announced Wednesday in a post on her Polar Bear Science blog, has spurred alarm over the implications for academic freedom and the rise of the “cancel culture” for professors and scientists who challenge climate catastrophe predictions. “When push came to shove, UVic threw me under the bus rather than stand up for my academic freedom,” said Ms. Crockford, who earned a Ph.D. in interdisciplinary studies, specifically biology and anthropology, in 2004.

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Going Half Way Round the World …the Wrong Way! By James Reed

     I sometimes feel sorry for young climate change princess Greta. You see, she has a good heart, although it is in the wrong place, but seems to be falling apart, as would anyone that age thrust up into the spotlight of insane climate politics:

“Autistic environmentalist Greta Thunberg has appealed for help after traveling halfway around the world "the wrong way" because the United Nations moved its global climate meeting from Chile to Spain. "As #COP25 has officially been moved from Santiago to Madrid I'll need some help," tweeted Thunberg, "Now I need to find a way to cross the Atlantic in November... If anyone could help me find transport I would be so grateful." Thunberg then appeared to acknowledge her truly first world problem, tweeting "This of course no problem. People are suffering all around the world, and I’m fine whatever I do and wherever I am."”    

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The Illusion of Cooperative Globalism By James Reed

     Thanks to Lou for emailing me this little item to keep my already exploding blood pressure high. The globalists are dead worried about a fall in global growth and all that. But, why worry, since they already have infinite wealth created at the gentle stoke of computer keys through the magic of credit creation, so they will always have plenty of baked beans in the cupboard, to flavour the smoked salmon and caviar.

     Here is the global foundation, pondering how bright the future for globalism will be:

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Used as Speed Humps or Starved to Death? That is the Question By James Reed

     Hey man, cool it, people will think that you’re crazy, a fellow protester said to me at the Melbourne climate protests. Yes, being pathologically lonely and bored I decided to have a day trip and meet some furry people. It was fun jumping up and down and screaming, until I started to get pains in my chest. The same guy said: hey man if you keep that up you are going to have a heart attack and maybe be the first person here to die as a climate hero! No, it was just dehydration, and after a drink from the fountain (well ducks drink it so it must be good) I was off again, until the police said that I needed to stop ranting because I was scaring shoppers. Did I get on YouTube? No, didn’t make it. Sigh.

     The big question though is whether protesters who block roads and hold up the flow of commerce should be made into road humps or starved to death in gaol (leaving aside the possibility in both cases of being eaten alive by giant rats)?

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Existential Threats: Too Smart for Our Own Good By Brian Simpson

     While a feeding frenzy is being beat up about the illusion of climate change, there are still existential threats that humanity faces that are not being publicly examined because of all the hot air. Like asteroid strikes:

“The chief of NASA has warned that the threat of an asteroid impact is all too real. During a conference on the matter of planetary defense, he called for funding and working plans to stop killer asteroids from hitting the U.S. and the rest of Earth. Jim Bridenstine was one of the speakers at the 2019 Planetary Defense Conference. He brought up the critical need for the U.S. to develop credible defenses against asteroids and other cosmic impacts. Without a working planetary defense system, the Chelyabinsk meteor incident of 2013 might repeat itself in the future, potentially over U.S. soil. During the meeting, NASA, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), and other organizations agreed to hold a planetary defense drill. They considered the potential effects of an asteroid as it approached Earth. “We have to make sure that people understand that this is not about Hollywood, it’s not about the movies,” stated Bridenstine. “This is about ultimately protecting the only planet we know, right now, to host life and that is the planet Earth.”

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Alarmist Over-reach By Viv Forbes

     For over 15 years the global warmists have become progressively more outspoken with their scare stories, and less careful with facts and science. But their latest tactics of promoting Extinction Hellions and exploiting a teenage Swedish Doomsayer represent alarmist over-reach. Ordinary people are becoming suspicious: “If their science is sound, why do they resort to media scare stories, traffic disruption, street rebellions, school truants, religious zealots and academic purging?” We are close to the peak of this global warming madness. Their models and forecasts have failed and consumers suffer soaring electricity cost and blackouts while tenured academics produce Play-School plans for 100% “Green” power. Climate sense is finally starting to ooze through the cracks in the stone wall built to keep Skeptics out of the flimsy marquee that shelters the warming nobility. It is downhill from here for the alarmists and bad news for their academic mercenaries, Hollywood backers, Rebellion puppets, business vested interests and alarmist propaganda machines like Australia’s ABC, UK’s BBC and Guardian, Canada’s CBC and CNN in USA. They are losing their credibility and their thinking audiences just when they will need them for backpedalling, explanations and apologies.