It Was all for Nothing By Peter West

     Many World War II vets feel that their sacrifice was all for nothing, and I think that they are right:

“Sarah Robinson was just a teenager when World War II broke out. She endured the Blitz, watching for fires during Luftwaffe air raids armed with a bucket of sand. Often, she would walk ten miles home from work in the blackout, with bombs falling around her. As soon as she turned 18, she joined the Royal Navy to do her bit for the war effort. Hers was a small part in a huge, history-making enterprise, and her contribution epitomises her generation's sense of service and sacrifice. Nearly 400,000 Britons died. Millions more were scarred by the experience, physically and mentally. But was it worth it? Her answer - and the answer of many of her contemporaries, now in their 80s and 90s - is a resounding No. They despise what has become of the Britain they once fought to save. It's not our country any more, they say, in sorrow and anger. Sarah harks back to the days when 'people kept the laws and were polite and courteous. We didn't have much money, but we were contented and happy. 'People whistled and sang. There was still the United Kingdom, our country, which we had fought for, our freedom, democracy. But where is it now?!'

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Mindless Globalism By James Reed

      What a sucker, deracinated cucked philosophy neo-liberalist globalism is, and the coronavirus pandemic has certainly shown that. Thus, mad globalist, and false nationalist, Trump, knew that there was a problem, when China began locking itself down, but he still did not close the border, being a mad globalist pro-immigration fanatic, just like the Democrats, - witness his kowtowing speech to India. It would have been possible to avoid the economic pain that is coming if cuck Trump could have had some nationalistic manhood and did what the Chinese did. Instead, he still kept open borders with China, until it was too late, consequently economically dooming the US economy, and the rest of the West, including Australia:

“Around half a million Chinese people, some of them infected with coronavirus, entered America from December to February at the height of the COVID-19 outbreak, new figures show. The numbers, which were obtained from Commerce Department and U.S. Customs and Border Protection records, were compiled by ABC News. They show that in the three-month period when coronavirus was raging across China, 759,493 people entered the U.S. from China. This number included 228,000 Americans who were returning home, meaning that roughly half a million were Chinese citizens or people living in China who were visiting the U.S. for tourism, business or to see family. This number of people were pouring into the U.S. while the World Health Organization was simultaneously insisting that no country should enforce any kind of border controls to stop the spread of the virus. President Donald Trump restricted travel from China from February 2nd onwards, but that was too little too late because the outbreak (which was subsequently covered up by China for two months) had started in Wuhan in November, according to Johns Hopkins University. According to Dr. Vinayak Kumar, an internal medicine resident at the Mayo Clinic, out of the total figure arriving in the U.S. from China, “a large number might have been infected at the time of travel.” The numbers illustrate “how globalized our world has become,” he added. However, infectious disease specialist Dr. Simone Wildes suggested that the virus outbreak was the price of globalization and that Americans would just have to get used to it. “It shows that globalization is here, and we have to be better prepared to deal with the impact this will have on all our lives in so many ways,” he said. The data also shows that “From December, January and February on travelers entering the U.S. from eight of the hardest-hit countries: 343,402 arrived from Italy, 418,848 from Spain and about 1.9 million more came from Britain.”

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The Virtual End of Globalisation! Ha! Ha! Told You So, New Class Elites! By James Reed

     Greg Sheridan, who by his photo appears to have eternal youth, has lost faith in globalisation, previously losing faith in multiculturalism.  Well, the disease critique of globalism was made by various writers over the past 20 years or more (Garrett Hardin etc., The Social Contract guys etc.), so the arguments have been out there for a long time, and until now, ignored by the chattering class. Anyway, welcome aboard Greg, to the good ship, nationalism. I hope you don’t mind my smell, I don’t wash too much being dirt poor from globalisation, but we are now all in the life boats together, so let’s cuddle up against the coming winter chill of converging catastrophes, detailed by the late Guillaume Faye (1949-2019) in his book, Convergence of Catastrophes:

“The thesis of this book is a terrifying one: our present global civilisation will collapse within twenty years, and it is too late to stop it. We shall regress to a 'New Middle Ages' akin to the fall of the Roman Empire, only much more destructive. For the first time in the whole of human history, certain 'dramatic lines', giant crises and catastrophes of immense proportions - already tangible - have emerged. They are converging and will most likely reach their zenith by 2020. Up to that time, as we have already been witnessing, their effects will continue to get worse, until a breaking point is reached. Guillaume Faye rigorously examines these escalating crises one by one: environmental damage and climate change; the breakdown of a speculative and debt-ridden globalist economy; the return of global epidemics; the depletion of fossil fuels and of agricultural and fishing resources; the rise of mass immigration, terrorism and nuclear proliferation; the worsening of the rupture between Islam and the West; and the dramatic explosion of a population of the elderly in the wealthy countries - all of it leading to an unprecedented worldwide economic recession, an increase in localised and possibly large-scale armed conflicts...and perhaps worse. Still, Faye reminds us, we should not give in to pessimism: what we are experiencing is not an apocalypse, but a metamorphosis of humanity. We might have reached the end of what the Hindu traditions refer to as the Kali Yuga, the 'age of iron' marked by materialism and selfishness, but those who survive the catastrophe and chaos will perhaps build a new and better humanity.”

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Mike Adam’s Letter to the Normies Who Let it all Happen By Chris Knight

     We all know them: people who we have spoken to about the political issues, but who worship money and comfort, and do nothing out of apathy and self-interest. My eldest son for example, now has a girl friend from an establishment rich family of lawyers, and will have nothing to do with me, because I am critical of the system. However, this family got a body blow from the coronapocalpyse, when their clients were reduced by 50 percent in just the first few weeks. I don’t wish anyone ill, but in the end, people harvest what they reap, or as the Bible says, sow the wind, reap a whirlwind (Hosea 8:7).

“Dear clueless America,
You are now living under the tyranny you deserve. For the last four years, as truth-telling websites like Natural News were smeared, de-platformed and silenced, you said nothing. You were more interested in your Starbucks lattes, your inflated stock market shares, and virtue signaling your obedience to pop culture than defending the right of people to tell the truth. You let the world’s “facts” be determined by the most evil, communist-infiltrated techno-fascists imaginable: Google, Wikipedia, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and many more. You said nothing as they silenced independent publishers who told the truth about natural cures, herbal remedies and the dangers of biological weapons research (which we desperately warned the world about in 2012). As long as YOU weren’t banned, that was the most important priority in your mind, and you rapidly self-censored your own speech to make sure you could continue to earn ad revenue on YouTube by complying with their “community guidelines” that outlawed truth and reason. The reason you are stuck in an apartment in a high-density city, beating your head against the wall while your stock market portfolio vanishes with each passing day is because you thought it was more important to be obedient than free. You went along with the hyperventilating, screaming masses as they demanded the de-platforming of Natural News, InfoWars and an endless list of independent media organizations, claiming your “fact checkers” had a divine monopoly on facts (even though they were mostly funded by interested linked back to Big Pharma).

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Chinese Coronavirus a Disease of Civilisation By Chris Knight

     The coronavirus is a disease of globalisation, argues Yale University historian of pandemics, Frank Snowdon in an interview published in the Wall Street Journal, something which we here fully endorse, and have been in fact saying for some time. Globalisation, globalises disease, leading to civilizational breakdown:

“The coronavirus is threatening “the economic and political sinews of globalization, and causing them to unravel to a certain degree,” Mr. Snowden says. He notes that “coronavirus is emphatically a disease of globalization.” The virus is striking hardest in cities that are “densely populated and linked by rapid air travel, by movements of tourists, of refugees, all kinds of businesspeople, all kinds of interlocking networks.” Respiratory viruses, Mr. Snowden says, tend to be socially indiscriminate in whom they infect. Yet because of its origins in the vectors of globalization, the coronavirus appears to have affected the elite in a high-profile way. From Tom Hanks to Boris Johnson, people who travel frequently or are in touch with travelers have been among the first to get infected. That has shaped the political response in the U.S., as the Democratic Party, centered in globalized cities, demands an intensive response. Liberal professionals may also be more likely to be able to work while isolated at home. Republican voters are less likely to live in dense areas with high numbers of infections and so far appear less receptive to dramatic countermeasures. … Coronavirus is far less lethal, but it does shatter assumptions about the resilience of the modern world. Mr. Snowden says that after World War II “there was real confidence that all infectious disease were going to be a thing of the past.” Chronic and hereditary diseases would remain, but “the infections, the contagions, the pandemics, would no longer exist because of science.” Since the 1990s—in particular the avian flu outbreak of 1997—experts have understood that “there are going to be many more epidemic diseases,” especially respiratory infections that jump from animals to humans. Nonetheless, the novel coronavirus caught the West flat-footed. It’s too early to say what political and economic imprint this pandemic will leave in its wake. As Mr. Snowden says, “there’s much more that isn’t known than is known.” Yet with a mix of intuition and luck, Renaissance Europeans often kept at bay a gruesome plague whose provenance and mechanisms they didn’t understand. Today science is capable of much more. But modernity has also left our societies vulnerable in ways 14th-century Venetians could never have imagined.”

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Letter to The Editor - The virus and subsequent economic implications have also emphasised the need to be independent

Sent to Advertiser and Country papers

Dear Editor
The impact of the Covid 19 virus has reached every corner of society’s activities.  It has revealed some practices which could be changed to provide a benefit even beyond the current dilemma. A good deal of office computer work can be done at home.  The employee can receive work to be done and return it by email to the office.  This would reduce the need for travel to work by car or public transport providing immediate relief from traffic and parking problems. Another gain would be less emissions.  One day per week at the office would allow for personal interchange if necessary. The virus and subsequent economic implications have also emphasised the need to be independent and this applies from the individual right through to the State and nation.  We have become too dependent on foreign countries in all areas.  Problems have arisen when we depend on them to supply our needs and when they can no longer access our products.  The remedy will involve reconsideration of Australia’s commitment to schemes like the Lima Agreement (Agenda 21 etc) where we agree to allow our industries to go off-shore to assist developing nations.  Trade Agreements can have a similar effect. The negative side of globalisation has been clearly exposed.  Will we take heed?

Yours faithfully
Ken Grundy
Naracoorte  SA  5271

The Trillion Dollar Mistake of Open Borders By Paul Walker

     Everything has an economic cost, even if there are benefits: this is known as opportunity costs, or cost foregone. So, what are the costs of open borders?

“As I first read Bryan Caplan’s “Open Borders Are a Trillion-Dollar Idea” in Foreign Policy, besides disbelief, my thoughts were that this person must not get out much or must not read much. A quote from writer Upton Sinclair came to mind as well: “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.” What is Just? “Open borders are not only just but the most promising shortcut to global prosperity,” writes Caplan. This raises the question of who determines what “just” is? Just is not a defined term that someone can easily review (as Caplan seems to imply) and determine whether a particular policy is just or unjust. In fact, each individual probably has a different definition of what just is. But in the United States, I believe the vast majority of citizens see Open Borders as a totally unjust policy. It is unjust because it is generally accepted that the population of a country has entered into a social contract with the leaders and government of a country. Under this contract, the population will follow the rule of law, and the government will pass and enforce policies that have beneficial impact upon the population of the country. There is no social contract between the leaders and government of one country and people who live in another country. As an example from across the pond, the new Italian government recently released figures showing that the state will allocate €50 million next year, €200 million in 2021 and €300 million in 2022 to the Disability and Self-Reliance Fund of Italy. Some 2 million disabled in Italy rely on these state benefits, which work out to just 54 cents per day in welfare – insufficient for even a subsistence diet. In contrast, Italy is providing migrants €20 euros a day. Most Italians are likely to see this policy as unjust. Similar per capita spending differentials exist in funds furnished to needy citizens and migrants in the United States. That is also unjust! What Missed Opportunity?

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Global Communism Versus the Jungle? The Jungle Any Day! By James Reed

     As expected, the new class can see that the coronavirus pandemic is a conceptual and philosophical challenge to the ideology of open borders, since sane countries are doing exactly the opposite, and closing up. Hence, their need to turn up the heat and push the globalist, we-are-all-in-this-together, bs line:

“Forget isolationism. One thing the current moment shows is the folly of presuming that viruses will respect borders — that they can be kept out by walls or wrangled into submission with good intentions. They cannot. Restricting and rescinding foreign health and development aid, pulling global health workers from outbreak zones abroad and undermining health care at home makes Americans more vulnerable to threats like Covid-19.
The best strategy for thwarting this epidemic, and for preventing the next, is to help other nations — wherever they are — fight humanity’s common enemy over there before we have to fight it over here.”

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Most of the World Thinks that Slavery is Ok By Peter Ewer

     While the Left and globalists rant and rave on about universal human rights and universal morality, which seems to always justify unending immigration of the Third World to the West, the fact of the matter is that most people in the world do not accept the universal morality of the West. Thus, on slavery, to take on high level white guilt issue, this is not even a crime in most of the world:

“Slavery is not a crime in almost half the countries in the world, a study of global laws said on Wednesday, urging nations to close legal loopholes that allow abusers to escape punishment. Many states lack laws which directly criminalise and punish exerting ownership or control over another person, according to the Antislavery in Domestic Legislation database, launched at the United Nations headquarters in New York. "Slavery is far from being illegal everywhere and we hope our research will move the conversation beyond this popular myth," said Katarina Schwarz, a researcher at the University of Nottingham's Rights Lab, which led work on the slavery database. "It will surprise many people to learn that in all of these countries there are no criminal laws in place to prosecute, convict and punish people for subjecting people to the most extreme forms of exploitation." More than 40 million people are held in modern slavery, which includes forced labor and forced marriage, according to estimates by the International Labour Organization and the anti-slavery group the Walk Free Foundation. Ending modern slavery by 2030 was among the global goals adopted unanimously by members of the United Nations in 2015. But although historic laws that once allowed slavery have been scrapped worldwide, researchers for the database found that many of the 193 U.N. member states have not gone on to explicitly criminalise slavery and other exploitation.

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Big Business and Mass Immigration By Michael Ferguson

     Here is a good article, not every unquoted word of which I necessarily endorse, detailing why big business loves mass immigration; it is all about the money, bunny, and has been since this place was set up.

“Population growth fuelled by mass immigration and the servicing of it with cheaply-built houses, apartments, and supermarkets has essentially become Australia’s economic strategy. Former Australian Foreign Minister, Bob Carr, pointed out that “Australia digs up and sells raw materials. In the cities the economy is based on building apartment blocks and shopping malls. The idea of Australia as a clever country is a myth, it’s an illusion.” Unsurprisingly, surveys have found a steep fall in public support for immigration over the last decade. A 2018 survey found that more than 69 per cent of respondents felt the country didn’t need more people. Community concerns about the deleterious effects of mass immigration are not, however, represented by Australia’s political class. At the 2019 federal election, despite some clear differences between the two major political parties in a range of policy areas, they effectively ran a joint ticket on immigration. Economics journalist Judith Sloan notes that immigration is “a no go subject for many in the political class,” who are “in heated agreement in their support for high migrant intakes, both permanent and temporary, and the associated high population growth.”

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Migrant Robbers Pee on their Victims because They Feel Hopelessness: Swedish Interior Minister By Richard Miller

     There have been an increasing number of migrant crimes where the victim is urinated upon. Why? Well, it is the thing that victims of racism do, because the criminals, sorry, oppressed people, feel hopelessness, said the Swedish Interior minister:

“Young migrants who carry out sadistic and degrading robberies against Swedes do so because they feel hopeless and like they do not belong in society, according to Sweden’s Social Democratic Minister of the Interior Mikael Damberg. In a recent high profile case, an 18-year-old was robbed by two younger assailants who, among other things, peed on him and forced him to open his mouth while doing so. In an interview with SVT, Mikael Damberg was asked to explain why youth robberies are increasing. “I don’t think I should have an explanation. I will wait for criminologists and others to tell me what it is due to. But it is obvious that there is a total lack of moral perception here, where these young men can commit almost any disgusting action against other young people. It is something that is lacking in the parenting role, but also that society does not intervene early enough”, said Damberg. The interviewer then asked Damberg why crime is increasing in the “vulnerable areas”. “It must be about both lack of parenting and norms, morals and values that are crossed in these gangs, and that is very serious. The second thing is that some of the young people feel hopeless, that they don’t do well in school and that they feel that there is no place for them in society”, the Interior Minister concluded.    

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A Reading Guide to the Great Replacement By Chris Knight

     This is a very useful article at American Renaissance, a journal which some of us here love and others (Brian Simpson), hate. It gives a reading guide to the Great Replacement of whites:

1.    Brown Is the New White: How the Demographic Revolution Has Created a New American Majority, by Steve Phillips
2.    The Latino Wave: How Hispanics Are Transforming Politics in America by Jorge Ramos
3.    The Emerging Democratic Majority, by John B. Judis and Ruy Teixeira
4.    Red, Blue, and Purple America: The Future of Election Demographics, by Ruy Teixeira
5.    The Continuing Demographic Transition, edited by G. W. Jones, R. M. Douglas, J. C. Caldwell, and R. M. D’Souza
6.    From Grey to Silver: Managing the Demographic Change Successfully, edited by Sven Kunisch, Stephan Boehm, and Michael Boppel
7.    Latino America: How America’s Most Dynamic Population is Poised to Transform the Politics of the Nation, by Matt Barreto and Gary M. Segura
8.    Dear White America: Letter to a New Minority, by Tim Wise
9.    The End of White Christian America, by Robert P. Jones
10.   Diversity Explosion: How New Racial Demographics are Remaking America, by William H. Frey
11.   Whiteshift: Populism, Immigration, and the Future of White Majorities, by Eric Kaufmann
12.   The Politics of Immigration: Partisanship, Demographic Change, and American National Identity, by Tom K. Wong
13.   Barren States: The Population Implosion in Europe, edited by Carrie B. Douglass Books that address this issue from the Right are still of considerably greater value:

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The Global Elite Burns Down Australia, because of, Well, Conspiracy Inc. By James Reed

     Here is the long-awaited conspiracy view of the Australian bushfires, by Richard Wolstencroft, Report from Tiger Mountain (20), who argues that the globalist elite may have been deliberately getting these fires lit. Now, as a League of Righter, I naturally gravitate to conspiracy theories, because the alternative is either randomness, that things just happen, the “idiot theory of history,” as Eric Butler once described it. The main argument made by Richard is that it is highly suspicious that, given the sheer numbers of fires, said to be deliberately lit, there has been no media exposure of who is lighting them, beyond one report of two 12-year-old boys. It can’t be young boys lighting up the whole coastal areas of Australia.

     The video has a link to a paper that develops this argument, “Australian Bushfires: A Smart Cities Conspiracy?”

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What Will Happen if Commo Sanders becomes President? They will have Concentration Camps for People like Us, or Just Kill Us: Openly Admitted By Charles Taylor

     What will communism be like when it is imposed upon the USA, if ageing commo Bernie Sanders beats Trump? Expect it to be imported to Australia, not long after. Why, it will be the “fun” times, for the Left, of the 1917 Red revolution type of “fun”, all over again, with genocide of the deplorables a plenty:

“Project Veritas strikes again. Today, James O’Keefe’s organization has released another bombshell undercover video featuring a Bernie Sanders campaign field organizer revealing plans to carry out mass executions of both liberals and conservatives if Sanders wins the 2020 election, thrusting actual communists into power in America. Communists revolutions throughout world history have always resulted in bloodshed, and in many revolutions, the very people who initially supported it found their own heads on the chopping blocks. This undercover video, released by Project Veritas Action, carries the words of Kyle Jurek, a Bernie Sanders operative who apparently has gone all-in with the “communist purge” philosophy that seems to characterize every communist revolution.”

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Amazon Fires: Fake News! By James Reed

     Ha! Just what I thought, the Amazon fires are false news! I was excited for a time, as this would have been a real test of the global warming nonsense, especially when the entire Amazon swamp was eliminated so that burger-producing, methane releasing beef cattle in all their beauty would be free to drink and poo in the Amazon River. But, who know?

“The hysteria over Brazil’s “lungs of the earth” has even become a central contention at the G7 meeting in Europe, with global leaders calling for intervention to save the Amazon jungle. The problem is that most pictures being circulated on social media are NOT of this year’s fires at all! Photos are being dragged out from fires dating back to 1989 and presented as if they were taken in 2019. “This is fake news and blatant disinformation at its worst, but the world’s news media is using it to fan the fires of outrage in an attempt to achieve a political outcome, namely, Sustainable Development. In particular, the Amazon rain forest is seen as vital to countering global warming. Meteorologist Eric Holthaus, who writes for the radical environmental journal Grist, Tweeted today, “Smoke from the fires currently burning in the Amazon rainforest is covering about half of Brazil. We are in a climate emergency.” Apparently fire and smoke is seen as proof of global warming. However, considering that the rain forest stretches across Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, and French Guiana, why is it that only Brazil is under attack by the Sustainable Development crowd? First, remember that the first Earth Summit that produced Agenda 21 and Sustainable Development in the first place was held in Rio DeJaneiro, Brazil in 1992. Thus, Brazil is akin to sacred ground to UN policy wonks. Second, Brazil’s newly-elected president Jair Bolsonaro is strongly opposed to globalization, left-wing policies and is pointedly anti-Communist. Bolsonaro has become a lightning rod for attack much in the same way and for the same reasons as U.S. President Donald Trump. The bottom line is that while fires are real, the Chicken Little panic is fake.”

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The Collapse of Civilisation 101 By Peter West

     Civilisations collapse when the elites become self-destructive in their greed and evil. This is a theme common to much of the reporting at this blog. Is it true? A scholarly book explores the same theme:  Anne Glyn-Jones, Holding Up a Mirror: How Civilizations Decline, (Imprint Academic, Thorverton, 1996). There is also a very good video about this which can serve as Collapseology 101, an introduction to this topic by Paul Joseph Watson, who argues that almost every factor that led to the collapse of past civilisations, can be found in the West, and there are more as well, generating a situation of over-determination:

     First, on the Glyn-Jones book, there are informative remarks given in an interview, saving us time in reading the book:

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The Great Replacement? By Chris Knight

      The Left and establishment types, when they are not working on demographically displacing us, tell us that the “great displacement” is just a conspiracy. Oh, does that mean that when they themselves celebrate Whites becoming minorities in each nation across the Earth, that is untrue? Surely not. Yet, what other words describes these changing demographics? Anyway, for variety, here are some fellow thinkers from across the dirty pond discussing the same theme:

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Can One Really Photograph a Black Hole? Some Scepticism By Brian Simpson and Mrs Vera West

     The mainstream media have been jumping up and down about a 29-year old female physicist who has allegedly photographed a black hole, or that is the impression generated by some reports. Thus, she is promoted as the face of feminist STEM. Better reports say that she was part of the team of around 200 researchers, although some reports imply that she led the team. However, we could find no evidence of this from an examination of the main academic paper:

“The Size, Shape, and Scattering of Sagittarius A* at 86 GHz: First VLBI with ALMA”

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Malaysians Attack UN Racial Discrimination Treaty By James Reed

    We were slammed with this UN treaty of political correctness back in 1965, which was used in part to end the White Australia Policy, and lead to the age of Asianisation. But, the Malaysians are learning from the follies of the West:

“Tens of thousands of Malaysian Muslims have rallied in Kuala Lumpur against any attempt to strip the ethnic Malay majority of its privileges.
The rally on Saturday is the first massive street gathering since Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad's alliance won a historic vote in May.

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Only $50,000 to Leave? By Charles Taylor

    You have to hand it to the caravan of poor suffering refugees that are camped on the US border; they will leave and go home if given $ 50,000 each!

“Members of the “Honduran Migrant Caravan” marched to the U.S. Consulate in Tijuana on Tuesday and delivered a letter directed to President Donald Trump, demanding entry into the United States or $50,000 each to return home. They also requested the removal of military installations in Honduras.

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