Most of the World Thinks that Slavery is Ok By Peter Ewer

     While the Left and globalists rant and rave on about universal human rights and universal morality, which seems to always justify unending immigration of the Third World to the West, the fact of the matter is that most people in the world do not accept the universal morality of the West. Thus, on slavery, to take on high level white guilt issue, this is not even a crime in most of the world:

“Slavery is not a crime in almost half the countries in the world, a study of global laws said on Wednesday, urging nations to close legal loopholes that allow abusers to escape punishment. Many states lack laws which directly criminalise and punish exerting ownership or control over another person, according to the Antislavery in Domestic Legislation database, launched at the United Nations headquarters in New York. "Slavery is far from being illegal everywhere and we hope our research will move the conversation beyond this popular myth," said Katarina Schwarz, a researcher at the University of Nottingham's Rights Lab, which led work on the slavery database. "It will surprise many people to learn that in all of these countries there are no criminal laws in place to prosecute, convict and punish people for subjecting people to the most extreme forms of exploitation." More than 40 million people are held in modern slavery, which includes forced labor and forced marriage, according to estimates by the International Labour Organization and the anti-slavery group the Walk Free Foundation. Ending modern slavery by 2030 was among the global goals adopted unanimously by members of the United Nations in 2015. But although historic laws that once allowed slavery have been scrapped worldwide, researchers for the database found that many of the 193 U.N. member states have not gone on to explicitly criminalise slavery and other exploitation.

There is no criminal law against slavery in 94 countries - almost half of U.N. states - said researchers at Rights Lab, which reviewed the study's findings with the Castan Centre for Human Rights at Monash University in Australia. It found almost two thirds of countries apparently failed to criminalise any of the main four practices associated with slavery - serfdom, debt bondage, forced marriage, and child trafficking - except in the context of human trafficking. Researchers noted that almost all countries had some form of domestic anti-trafficking legislation in place. But loopholes mean exploitation may have to be prosecuted indirectly under related laws, and in some cases abusers may escape punishment for exploitation altogether, said Schwarz. The report reflects the fact that understanding of slavery has expanded to include a wide range of exploitation and laws have not always caught up, said Jakub Sobik, a spokesman for the charity Anti-Slavery International. But he said simply toughening legislation was not the answer. "Slavery in its nature looks to exploit people who fall slightly outside the rule of law," he told the Thomson Reuters Foundation. "There is a need for wide-ranging policies that address the wider context and systemic reasons why people are made vulnerable to being tricked and trapped and controlled by another person."

     This is not to attempt to justify slavery, but it does show that the so-called universal moral standards always appealed to by the cognitive elite in their philosophical justification of globalist proposals, comes up short:

“… We live in a rare bubble of human history where there are enough resources for most groups, especially the powerful groups. In fact there are too many resources! It is therefore an absolute certainty that if there weren't resources for all these powerful groups, then we would see "genocide" suddenly creeping back into the window of acceptability. In those parts of the World where resources remain tight or are getting tighter—as in modern day South Africa, which is gradually being dragged down by corruption and overpopulation, or parts of the Middle East—then the acceptability of "genocide" is much higher than it is in the affluent West. In short, the luxury of deploring genocide is the privilege of comfortable Western countries and their followers and hangers-on. Having spent the last 200 years destroying our own attempt at establishing universal moral constants, we can be sure that when conditions change again the temporary moral positions we hold today will flow through our fingers like dust.”

     In essence then, much of the universalist morality of today, seen for example in the immigration sphere most clearly, assumes that the West has an infinite amount of resources to freely distribute to the rest of the world. But, once the screws of scarcity start turning, this attitude too will collapse, but not before tearing down much of value that has been built in the West.



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