Did Trump Sexually Harass on Twitter? By Ian Wilson LL.B

     What took the liberal elites so long to get to their destination? Clearly, their aim with the sexual moral panic over men in power asking actresses/women for sex, something that goes on in millions of bars right across the West every night, was to work up to having another go at taking down Donald Trump.  It did not work in the election, but now, well, it is worth a go.  It was tried to bring Judge Moore to his knees and get him to pull out of the Alabama election. Instead, Moore basically told the chattering class where to go and pressed on.  But, the moral panic was enough among white women to cost him the election, narrowly.

     Now, let us examine one allegation against Trump with the eye of a lawyer:

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Join the Club Club By John Steele

     The main close range weapon in the Neolithic age was the wooden club, probably the first human weapon. The spear involved a bit more engineering, and came later. The club could be a big chunk of wood, picked up off the ground.

     Archaeologists interested in head injuries exhibited in skulls of over 5,500 years ago, have investigated, using synthetic skulls typically used in wound ballistic tests of firearms, the likely types of injuries:

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Behind Me Tooism By Mrs Vera West

     I have written about this before, but I say it again now, since Mike Adams’ site is now saying the same thing:

“With the sudden growth of the so-called #MeToo movement, which is prompting scores of women to level sometimes decades-old charges of sexual assault against a variety of male public figures, entertainers, and corporate executives, one has to stop and ask this question: Has this all gone too far, too fast?
Some people are beginning to think so, especially since just an accusation nowadays is all it takes for someone to lose their livelihood — and that is significant (and scary) in a country whose justice system was built upon the premise of innocence until proven guilty.”

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Rape and Moral Panic By Mrs Vera West

     Once upon a time, rape was a serious crime, punishable by death. Today, especially in Europe, rape is a racial and politically correct construction

     We even find community service being given for horrendous rapes:

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Thought Crimes are Here! By Ian Wilson LL.B

     The New South Wales government has now introduced thought crime laws:

“The NSW upper house has passed a bill which will allow the Attorney General to apply to keep an inmate behind bars beyond the completion of their entire sentence if he thinks they may commit a terrorism-related offence sometime in the future, even if they have never committed or even been suspected of engaging in such as offence before.
The Terrorism (High-Risk Offenders) Bill 2017 – which was introduced to parliament by NSW Attorney General Mark Speakman – gives him the power to make rolling applications to the Supreme Court to extend an inmate’s sentence for up to 3 years at a time, up to the end of their life, regardless of what they were originally sentenced for.”

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Kiddie Drug Mules: More Wages of Diversity By Peter West

     The rape of British children, reduced to slavery, is said to continue. But running alongside of sex slavery has been the crime gangs using children as young as 12 years as drug mules:

“The National Crime Agency described the situation as “out of control” as it has been revealed that there have been more than 700 operations of smuggling Class A drugs out of major cities into regional towns using young people.
According to The Times investigation, one police chief described the situation as “bigger than Rotherham”.

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Anyone for Throuples? The Next Big Thing By Mrs Vera West

    No, unfortunately “throuples” is not something one orders at a restaurant and goggles down – that is truffles.  No, throuples are three people in a sexual relationship, or polyamory. Polygamy differs, it is said, and involves multiple partners in a marriage.

     There will now be a movement towards polygamy, based on the need to accommodate Muslims. In fact, it is already underway:

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Accept Gender Agenda, or Else By Peter West

     Thanks to everybody who sent a message inquiring about the health of my mother Vera, after she had collapsed following the same sex marriage apocalypse. She is doing well now, and soon may regain her will to write. She has not said anything yet suitable for publication, such is her level of disgust with the Australian sheeple.

     Well, look at what is likely to come our way, given events in Canada, section 18 C on steroids:

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This Is How Our World Ends… By Peter West

This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper.
T. S. Eliot, “The Hollow Men,” (1925)

     My mother Vera is too ill to write her usual column, having taken the Yes victory rather badly: 61.6 percent Yes, to 38.4 percent No.  Hopefully, her heart medications will keep her going, and hold together a shattered heart. She really believed that “Christian Australia” would arise, one last time. Poor darling.

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The Same Sex Marriage Apocalypse By Mrs Vera West

     If we believe the mainstream media, you know, those who failed to predict that Donny Trump would win the presidency, we can expect that the same sex marriage issue will be decided by Yes, with  27 billion  Yes votes, to one No vote. I exaggerate, a little.

     In any case the No campaign is disturbed about the threat to religious freedom, as it should be, and has threatened to campaign against the Coalition at the next election: The Australian, November 8, 2017, p. 5. That may or may not be a good thing, perhaps ensuring that Labor gets in and gives us a serve of political correctness harder than we ever anticipated.  Or, if they are sensible, they could campaign for One Nation to symbolically attack the cucked Coalition of fools.

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The Shape of Transgender Things to Come By Mrs Vera West

     Perhaps by the time you read this the results of the plebby on same sex marriage will be out. I am quietly hoping for a No victory, but the forces of globalism and big business are against this, and these people rule. So, what next?

     The Coalition is hoping to hose things down with a religious freedom clause in the same sex marriage bill. I have argued that any such clause will get watered down in parliament, and probably tossed out by the High Court, you know, human rights and all that.  But, Christian conservatives are not facing the fact that once these laws are in, the Christian institutions will inevitably change.  Feminism and the women’s liberation movement have changed the church’s view of women and marriage; I doubt whether a resurrected St Paul would approve of what goes down today, even the dress of women in church, let alone everything else. Then, there is this:

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Why Conservatism is Doomed By Peter West

     Reading Tony Abbott’s piece; “Vote shows We Can Respect Views with which We Disagree”:
  I felt that conservatives “just don’t see it.” See what? The threat to Western civilisation posed by the progressives, who are not content to play nice and politely drink tea, but as shown in the US, which is a little ahead of us, will play hardball as hard as is needed:

     Abbott seems to think that the same sex vote went swimmingly well, when in fact there was intimidation and threats against the No side:

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Same Sex Aftermath; The End of Religious Freedom By Michael Ferguson

     No doubt the average Aussie punter is feeling good with him/herself, giving the “fair go” with the Yes vote, as he/she was told to do by the elites. But, what about religious freedom, does the average Aussie want a “fair go” there?

     According to this, there will be same sex marriage for Christmas, which I suppose will help the economy, such a wedding cake sales, but there will be free discussion about the scope of religious freedom next year:

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Communism Rides Again, and Again By Michael Ferguson

     Sorry, more bad news. It seems that our battles are eternal and fought ever generation, over and over again.
     I bet that you thought that communism was dead, maybe not cultural Marxism, which rules the universities, but at least the communism of say the Russian revolution 1917 style? Think again:

“Despite the fact that capitalism has lifted more people out of poverty than any other economic system ever created by man, millennials apparently want socialism or communism instead.
According to a recent study conducted by Victims of Communism Memorial Fund-YouGov, 44 percent of millennials say that they would rather live in a socialist country than a country that embraces free market capitalism, and an additional seven percent say they prefer to live under communism. This means that more than half of today’s youth would rather live under socialism or communism instead of capitalism, a clear sign that the upcoming generation is becoming increasingly detached from America’s roots.
As if this wasn’t bad enough, 23 percent of Americans between the ages of 21 and 29 consider Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin to be a “hero,” 26 percent believe Vladimir Lenin was a hero, and 23 percent feel that Kim Jong Un of North Korea is a hero.  Additionally, “Millennials also named Karl Marx (18 percent), Che Guevara (26 percent), Vladimir Lenin (17 percent), Mao Zedong (16 percent), and Nicolas Maduro (12 percent) as a personal hero, hero for their country, or hero to the world.”
In a press release, Victims of Communism executive director Marion Smith explained what the results of the survey mean for American society.  “Millennials are increasingly turning away from capitalism and toward socialism and even communism as a viable alternative,” Smith said. “This troubling turn highlights widespread historical illiteracy in American society regarding socialism and the systemic failure of our education system to teach students about the genocide, destruction, and misery caused by communism since the Bolshevik Revolution one hundred years ago.”

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Paedophilia the Next Big Thing By Mr Vera West

     A psychologist writing on the Redditt network has said that paedophilia is a sexual orientation, like heterosexualism and homosexualism:

“The idea that sexual attraction to children is an “orientation” is highly controversial as it suggests that offenders cannot change.
But, writing on the Reddit networking website, the psychologist said it was possible to treat child sex abusers on “the understanding that the attraction may always remain”.

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It’s a Trans, Trans, Transgender World By Mrs Vera West

     An update on all the exciting transgender news, because if the No side loses the plebby, why, we had better get used to all this and more.

     For example, the first openly transgender person to be elected in a US statehouse, is Danica Roem of Virginia:

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Women and Handguns By John Steele

     How about a feminist argument for armed firearm carry in Australia: that women, but NOT men should be allowed, given all the appropriate testing, to be able to carry concealed handguns for self-defence so that situations like this do not arise:

     Then there is this future, coming at us as fast as a bullet:

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The Myths of the Left By Paul Walker

     A good article at: http://takimag.com/article/diversity_is_our_doom_christopher_degroot#axzz4xh5nTPvE, on the diversity myth, soundly shows why leftist intellectuals are not as street wise as ordinary folk:

“Concerned mainly with the lives of working people, the Old Left, despite its unrealistic expectations, was still fairly grounded in reality. The New Left, by contrast, is characterized by delusional beliefs, the gospel of the identity-politics zealots. New Left intellectuals therefore seem to live in a different world from the rest of us. How does this happen? In part because these persons tend to come from wealth and remain at a certain comfortable remove from the destructive consequences of their ignorance.  It is, indeed, the function of wealth to obscure what would otherwise be clear.  Wealth not only corrupts the soul; it also makes one stupid, allowing for ideas that appear plausible only because they are never put to the test of practical experience, wherein something more than the approval of fellow frauds and cowards is at stake.  Hence that curiosity of our decadent era, the intellectual who has no common sense.  He is a chattering midget on a mission to chop you down to his own puny stature.  If he has read many books and can quote many famous names, he still hasn’t the slightest understanding of the family and politics, although, in his foolish conceit, he thinks otherwise. 
Unlike the ordinary academic “political theorist,” a white person living in a London slum can see for himself that, for women, Islam is de facto sex slavery.   Observing Muslims live, he also notices no distinction between what we Westerners call church and state.  For Islam, religion is the state.  So this poor white person has no sentimental illusions about Islam’s compatibility with the West, because experience has shown him the impossibility of that project.  And since his more honest and manly way of life does not require paying lip service to genteel cant—that is, what the vulgar success-crowd class calls morality—you won’t hear any intellectual herd chatter about diversity and inclusion and the like from this hearty and straightforward character. 
“To do away with the very possibility of disagreement is one of the greatest political goods.” 
It is not so with the diversity fundamentalists.  Driven by needless guilt, petty envy, and, much less often, compassion, they have an anxious desire to believe that peoples and human nature itself are as conveniently shapable and interchangeable as the nifty gadgets affluent Westerners rely on to live lives of unprecedented ease, and correspondingly, unprecedented corruption.”

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"Everyone" is Now in the Politically Correct Re-Education Camp

The following post was made today to Ted Byfield’s blog:  https://tedbyfield.wordpress.com/2017/10/10/the-real-dangers-of-its-sex-clubs-which-the-government-doesnt-discuss/comment-page-1/#comment-334

To which Wallace Klinck from Canada Responds:

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Society Now, a Vast Politically Correct Re-Education Camp By Brian Simpson

     Forget about “hate crimes,” for now, in communist Britain, mere ‘dislike,” and “unfriendliness,” are crimes, according to the police:

     Cutting to the chance, the police, in pursuing hate crimes, especially in social media, do not need to even prove hate (the burden of defence is on the people offending), and there is not even a legal definition of “hate”:

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