Climate Change is Sexist! By Mrs Vera West

     Get yourself a strong cuppa tea or coffee or even both, take a sip and consider that according to Hillary Clinton, climate change is itself sexist: 

“Failed Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton recently spoke to a group of college students at Georgetown University as part of a panel on “Women & Human Rights.” At one point during the event, a student raised her hand and suggested that weather was somehow sexist. Of course, Hillary Clinton was quick to agree. “I would say that particularly for women, you’re absolutely right, they will bear the brunt of looking for the food, looking for the firewood, looking for the place to migrate to when all of the grass is finally gone as the desertification moves south and you have to keep moving your livestock for your crops are no longer growing, they’re burning up in the intense heat that we’re now seeing reported across North Africa, into the Middle East, and into India,” Clinton said.”

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Rent for Sex By Mrs Vera West

     This is a very concerning trend in social decline: not only are the millennial generation beginning to embrace socialism, even given the failures of the past: 

     But, many young students, particularly females, are so broke, that they are engaging in sex for accommodation:  

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The Incredible Exploding Liberal Brain By Tom North

     Here is a good one about how young socialist types (Americans call them all “liberals”), can go into mental meltdown:

“An event called “We Need to Talk About Diversity” was hosted by Portland State University on February 17, 2018. The event, moderated by philosophy professor Peter Boghossian, discussed viewpoint diversity. It included a panel of three professionals, including Evergreen State College biologist Heather E. Heying, writer Helen Pluckrose, and former Google engineer James DaMore who was ousted from Google in 2017 after penning a memo explaining the differences between men and women. When the panel agreed on the simple fact that men and women are physiologically different, a band of liberal lunatics went berserk, throwing a fit in front of the audience and cutting off the sound system as they left. This is not the first time James DaMore had faced this kind of liberal lunacy. In fact, DaMore was fired in 2017 when he wrote a memo explaining the biological differences between men and women. Evergreen State biologist Heather Heying was no stranger to this kind of absurd liberal behavior either. She came under attack during the liberal-led mob attacks at Evergreen State, simply because she taught biological truths.”

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Becoming a Magical Gender-Bender Dragon! By Mrs Vera West

     Here is my favourite politically correct article for this week, getting 9 points: 

     But, I suppose using the resources of modern surgery to look like a dragon pales into insignificance compared to the real dragons, an example being: 

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Madness from Bedford Park: The Horrors of Heterosexuality!!! By Mrs Vera West

     I remember visiting Flinders University, which is south of Adelaide, once by bus, many long years ago. The bus number was 21 D. It took one hour to arrive, as two buses simply did not turn up. I was busting to go to the toilet when I eventually got to Flinders, to agitate in a public lecture. What a place! Isolated, and in the summer, very hot and windy, sitting on a hill. It is a symbol of the modern university, and was once only in one spot, but now seems to be spreading over the city.

     Now we have the latest piece of pc nonsense, that has got international attention:

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The Shape of Transgender Things to Come By Mrs Vera West

     There is much to report in transgender news. For example, parents of a 17-year old lost custody of her for opposing her wish for medical treatment:

“Judge Sylvia Sieve Hendon of Hamilton County, Ohio has allowed the girl to be taken into the custody of her grandparents – who support her medical transition – allowing them to make decisions that will further along her physical transition to the opposite sex.

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The Social Justice University By James Reed

     I hope that most readers at this site have been poisoned at the thought of the modern university. I report the absurdities and injustices whenever material comes my way. The latest:

“Over the past several years, we’ve seen America’s universities essentially turn into social justice training camps, where teaching about diversity is more important than U.S. history and making sure that all students have a safe space to turn to is more important than making sure they have the skills they need to be successful in “the real world.” It shouldn’t come as a surprise, therefore, that some schools are now hiring faculty members based solely on their commitment to social justice.

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He Who Lives Without Discipline Dies Without Honour By John Steele

     I have heard that saying, of my title, many years ago, but remembered it whilst reading:

     It is apparently an old Icelandic saying, but is relevant today, as it was in the time of the Vikings. And, don’t be nervous, that is a Christian site. The above article, while addressed to survival situations is relevant to much of modern life, because we are increasingly moving into that sort of situation with rising unemployment and crime.

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Navigating the Bermuda Triangle By Mrs Vera West

     The largely Black population of Bermuda have rejected same sex marriage and their parliament has now repealed the same sex marriage law: 

     Predictably enough, the Left are outraged about this and have demanded good old fashioned imperialist action to keep the Bermuda Triangle, well, rainbow coloured:

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Media Mind Pollution By Peter Ewer

     This is a good article summing up the sole point of the media today: to produce mind pollution, so that the masses can be controlled, and probably ultimately eliminated as useless eaters:

“The aim of the corporate-controlled media is to limit the expansion of your awareness and trap your mind in thought loops that play in your head like subliminal tapes, saying things like “Trump is evil” or “Communism is good.” These thought loops are engineered and scripted by experts in influence conditioning who invoke root emotions of fear, love, hatred, compassion or conformity to achieve socially-policed obedience to their agendas. All things they oppose, for example, are associated with fear and hatred (Trump, border security, military defense, etc.). Meanwhile, all things they want you to swallow are painted in the language of love or compassion (LGBT agenda, climate change, open borders, etc.).”

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Cucking Canada By Charles Taylor

     We are not surprised to hear almost anything coming from the politically correct land of Canada, which seems to have a national death wish, rivalled only by Sweden. The latest is to change the national anthem so that all male pronouns are removed:

     I must admit that I was surprised because surely the really inclusive thing to have done would have been to put the entire 32 genders into the song, so that the song became a song about gender. No wonder humanity has not yet got a colony on Mars.

Daughters of Europe fight Back By Mrs Vera West

     I have mentioned the movement 120db:
which is a fast growing movement of German women fighting back against the rape of European women by migrants. Feminists have not only failed to speak out against this genocide, but have worked with the Left to actively suppress discussion, as this video in English mentions:

     In dramatic images, it tells it all for those who still “just don’t get it,” or have their heads buried in the sand. Required homework for today.

12 Rules for Life By James Reed

     Read any good books lately? Well, yes,  I have, Jordan Peterson’s latest book, 12 Rules for Life, (Random House, 2018), which is hot from the press. I was delighted to get the review copy of this from our noble editor in Adelaide, who posted this great work to me in steamy Melbourne. Readers will need no introduction to this Canadian intellectual, who has attacked all aspects of poetical, sorry I mean political  correctness, yet has still landed on his feet, so far. He has demolished feminists with ease, using cold fresh logic.

     They simply cannot stand this, being used to hysterical screaming, chanting and other irrelevant devices. If you go to YouTube you can see all of his videos, which are sheer delights. We at this site are very impressed with this youngish man (compared to old timers like me), and look forward to others joining the fight once they see that the system has feet of clay.

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Brave New Politically Correct World By James Reed

     It is now well known that their universities engage in brainwashing of students, primarily by the time old method of indoctrination. But, things have moved to a whole new level, with the use of Soviet-style psycho technics, as seen in the old movie Clockwork Orange, to force them to be politically correct: 

“Some San Diego State University students are undergoing what organizers acknowledge is a “disturbing” series of “sensory experiences” in an attempt to drive out students’ prejudicial tendencies and help make them less oppressive. The annual workshop, “Journey to a Shared Humanity,” is described on the university’s website as a way for organizers to get students to “step outside their comfort zone and into the shoes of those who are struggling with oppressive circumstances.” This year, some students were required to attend the event as part of their classes. During the experience, students are walked through a darkened multipurpose room to view a series of theatrical vignettes acted out by campus leaders.”

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#MeeTooism as Moral Panic Against Men By Mrs Vera West

     We live in strange times. While women are being openly raped in Europe, and young White children, by the millions groomed by rape gangs in Britain, there has been a growing movement to out and expose powerful men, mainly in the US entertainment industry for sexual misadventures. We have covered the #MeeToo movement before, noting that there are certainly legitimate cases of rape and that the men responsible need to be brought before the law.  However, as observed by Claire Berlinski in a recent article at The American Interest, these fully legitimate concerns have ballooned out of all proportion, and have grown into another feminist assault upon men:

“If you are reading this, it means I have found an outlet that has not just fired an editor for sexual harassment. This article circulated from publication to publication, like old-fashioned samizdat, and was rejected repeatedly with a sotto voce, “Don’t tell anyone. I agree with you. But no.” Friends have urged me not to publish it under my own name, vividly describing the mob that will tear me from limb to limb and leave the dingoes to pick over my flesh. It says something, doesn’t it, that I’ve been more hesitant to speak about this than I’ve been of getting on the wrong side of the mafia, al-Qaeda, or the Kremlin?

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The Wave of Transgenderism By Mrs Vera West

     In the US, and probably right across the West, increasing numbers of teenagers are now identifying as transgender, according to recent studies: 

“The study looked at students in ninth and 11th grade and estimated that nearly 3 percent are transgender or gender nonconforming, meaning they don’t always self-identify as the sex they were assigned at birth. That includes kids who refer to themselves using neutral pronouns like “them” instead of “he” or “she.” “Diverse gender identities are more prevalent than people would expect,” said lead author Nic Rider, a University of Minnesota postdoctoral fellow who studies transgender health. The study is an analysis of a 2016 statewide survey of almost 81,000 Minnesota teens. Nearly 2,200 identified as transgender or gender nonconforming.

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Objective University Research! By Mrs Vera West

     Now that’s objective university research for you:  shutting down research which does not support the politically correct status quo: 

“A researcher barred by Bath Spa University from studying people who regret having undergone gender reassignment says the university is trying to “bully” him out of taking it to court over the decision.
James Caspian, a psychologist specialising in therapy for transgender people, was told his subject was “potentially politically incorrect” and risked triggering attacks on social media. Caspian said he tried to challenge the December 2016 decision in court, but was advised to use the university’s complaints procedure first.

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Rape Genocide: Destroying the Swedish Bloodline By Mrs Vera West

     The assault upon Nordic Europe continues, with news that one in eight Swedish women can be expected to be raped over their lives:

“The Swedish bureau of statistics (BRÅ) has released new shocking data: In 2017  7,320 rapes was reported. That is a 10 percent increase in just one year. There are 5 million women living in Sweden. Taking into account an average lifespan of 84 years this means that 607,320 women will be raped during a woman’s lifetime. In other words, there is a risk of 12 percent – or 1 in 8 – that a female will be raped during her life.”

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Spermageddon By Mrs Vera West

     I have discussed this some time back, but the topic is important enough to revise: the decline in the quality of sperm throughout the developed world: 

“Last summer, scientists at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem found that male sperm counts had fallen by almost 60 per cent in 40 years. In what was the largest study of its kind, they analysed data from 43,000 men from North America, Europe, Australia and New Zealand, taking in 185 studies from 1973 to 2011. Its lead author, Dr Hagai Levine, decreed the result an ‘urgent wake-up call’.”

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Say Goodbye to the Soy Boy! By Mrs Vera West

     Young men are told to drink their soy, and to dilute their “toxic masculinity,” because women like weak, sensitive guys. There is even a move to promote “cuckolding,” as part of the new politically correct gender relations for the last remaining heterosexual males:

     The problem is that women do not like these soy boy males, but instead, go for the traditional John Wayne style man:

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