Fleeing a Stinking, Sinking Ship By Charles Taylor (Florida)

This is a sign of the times. Record numbers of wealthy American are applying for citizenship or residency in foreign countries to escape the US, when it comes tumbling down. There were stories a couple of years ago about Silicon Valley billionaires getting bolt hole survival retreats in New Zealand and Chile, but now the “bugging out” plan B strategy of the elites has moved down to a slightly lower level. These present deals are “golden passport: arrangements, where some required level of investment in the new home country is required. Overall, this elite bugging out phenomenon shows how bad things might get, and why we ordinary people would be foolish to ignore the signs of the times. There will be no “golden passports” for us.


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The Diesel Apocalypse By Chris Knight (Florida)

Hopefully the diesel shortage crisis does not hit Australia, but here in the US it is just another crisis to deal with. Diesel fuel is so short in supply that it will have to be rationed at the end of the month, so I will not be driving my diesel SUV to work, taking the Tesla instead (joking, I would rather walk). Without diesel the whole society shuts down and the worst apocalyptic scenarios, of food shortages (no deliveries) and riots and home invasions occur, as is to be expected in a disintegrating society.

So, why has this happened? Why can’t diesel be made from petroleum like in the good old days? The problem, as with most things, goes to the environmentalist lobby, which pushed for refineries to make biodiesel. But, here lies the problem: “Realize that in order to produce biofuel out of food, somebody has to produce the food first. And that means farmers need fertilizer and diesel fuel for their tractors in order to grow the food. But the diesel is running out precisely because the diesel refineries switched to biofuel, but biofuel needs food which can only be grown by using diesel … you get the idea. It’s a vicious cycle of doom and stupidity. Soon, America will have lots of mothballed refineries that can produce biofuel from food, but won’t have any food to feed into their refineries.”

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Name More Parasitic Worms After Female Sciences for Equality! By Mrs Vera West

Really, if feminist scientists want to have parasitic worms named after them, let them. Name all the parasitic worms after them. Who cares? How is this a claim to fame when parasitic worms are such horrible slimy things?


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No Enforcement of Laws Protecting SCOTUS Judges By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The protests outside of the conservative judges’ private residences, are done by crazed Leftists to intimidate the judges over the forthcoming Roe v Wade over-ruling decision. It is contrary to federal and state law, as clear as day. But the Biden administration has given a nod of approval to the law breakers, it is ok to do this. Yet, this is the same administration who have engaged in fundamental human rights violations against the January 6 peaceful protesters. This shows that the present Biden regime is essentially contrary to the rule of law. Past generations would not have stood for this insult. What would George Washington have done?


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Womb Transplant for Transgender By Mrs Vera West

Medical science is truly wonderful, having cured cancer, heart disease and all known diseases, having given us life-saving vaccines which make us near immortal (NOT!!!!!!), it now moves on to even more important  causes, such as a womb transplant on a transgender woman who was born male, whatever a male is now. It needs to be done because … because … the gender agenda!


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Toxoplasma gondii! The Parasite Which is Here, There and Everywhere! By Mrs Vera West

I was amazed to read in the high quality liberal/Left blog The Conversation.com about how prevalent the parasite Toxoplasma gondii actually is, with one in three people now infected. There is no cure, vaccine or anything else, only the ill-effects, at least some of them, can be treated. The material below deals with eye issues, which is not discussed as much as it should be. Most interest in T. gondii has focused upon its psychological effects, which are dramatic in the animal world, and also for humans, rightly giving it the name of the “zombie parasite.” For humans this parasite can produce mental illness, and/or profound behavioural changes, so it is nothing to be sneezed at. It is important to cook meat, especially red meat, well, and avoid the cult of going rare, as the parasite has been shown to be present in even Australian meat. Common sense hygiene too around pets, especially cats, cleaning up their excreta using disposable gloves. Don’t let them lick you. Sorry cat lovers.


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Googling with Our Brains By Chris Knight (Florida)

Google has, according to social critic Dr Robert Epstein, the ability to ability to control public policy, swing elections and brainwash children. The methods are subtle and hard to trace, but Epstein and colleagues have found that biased search results from Google can change people’s opinions and voting preferences, shifting opinions in undecided voters by 20 percent to 80 percent in various demographic groups. For example, Google’s “autocomplete” feature on its search engine can turn a 50/50 split among undecided voters into nearly a 90/10 split, and people don’t realize they’re being manipulated. Hence, time to use an alternative search engine, such as Brave, which sounds better too than “Google,” which reminds me of the ultimate mouth wash. I bet this article will not be ranked very high in their great chain of being!


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Israeli Wastewater Study: Chronic Covid Persists in Gut and Immune CD8 Cells! By Brian Simpson

This is interesting, and as far as Covid-19 research goes, Israel is the place to watch, being one of the most highly vaccinated countries on the planet.


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Being in the Decadent West Lowers IQ! By Brian Simpson

A new study of monozygotic twins raised apart in South Korea and the United States, has been published in the scientific journal Personality and Individual Differences. Monozygotic twins raised apart provides a unique test of the role played by genetics and the environment, as such twins have the same genetics, supposedly, assuming that epigenetics does not make a difference. In this study the twins were born in 1974 in Seoul, South Korea, but became separated, with one remaining in Seoul, the other being adopted and taken to America.


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Mass Migration/Refugee Housing Crisis By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Well at least this refutes the ideology that migrants bring only joy, sunshine and prosperity wherever their magic goes. Senile evil false President Joe Biden’s open-door immigration lack-of-policy is bringing in migrants too poor to afford housing. Obviously enough, if you advertise to the Third World that you are welcome to come, so long as you vote for the wicked evil party, then they will come, and come they do. There is already an acute housing shortage over much of America., and with cart loads of Ukrainians, it will get worse. Young Americans will have to learn the tricks of living off the streets, keeping warm with newspaper, if it is still around, and plastic bags. There is a lesson here too for Australia, who seems to follow or foolish path in almost everything.


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Global Covid Summit Declaration By Brian Simpson

Here is the joint statement by the 17,000 Physicians and Medical Scientists to End the National Emergency, Restore Scientific Integrity, and Address Crimes Against Humanity. They maintain that the Covid mandates have constituted crimes against humanity which must be addressed in the name of justice.



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The Alleged Ukraine Bioweapons By Richard Miller (London)

The plot thickens if, and of course that is a big IF, we can believe the Russians. Frankly, I trust neither side, but we should sift through information as it comes. The claim is that the Ukraine tried to infect the population of the Russia-aligned Lugansk People’s Republic with tuberculosis (TB) and allowed the US government to carry out human experiments at Kharkov’s psychiatric wards, which puts them right into the high violations of human rights camp. It is a better argument that the one Vlad ran about cleaning out all of those Nazis everywhere. As always, the issue is one of proof. In this case the allegation is that Kiev attempted to infect residents of the Slavyanoserbsk district of the Lugansk People’s Republic (LPR) with a highly pathogenic strain of tuberculosis in 2020. “Leaflets made in the form of counterfeit banknotes were infected with the causative agent of tuberculosis and distributed among minors in the village of Stepovo.” This is possible but it still seems puzzling why the Ukraine would do this, since it would ultimately be discovered  by the Russians. If there was no war, the act could have come unstuck very quickly. Thus, I will reserve my judgment on this one, maybe on everything coming out of this war.


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The Abortion Economy By Mrs Sharyn Knight (Florida)

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen recently said that abortion helps the economy, and a decision by the Supreme Court striking Roe v. Wade allowing states to regulate the abortion industry would be harmful to the US economy. Yes, really. It is a bizarre argument which only vaguely conceals a pro-abortion sentiment. As detailed below, Yellen’s claim flies in the face of the standard economic arguments given for a larger population, such as more workers and more consumers. And if abortion is an economic winner, why not abort the entire human race including migrants and refugees; would that be an economic boom too?



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The Great Baby Formula Crisis By Mrs Sharyn Knight (Florida)

The United States is now facing an acute baby formula crisis, and the White House has dismissed it saying, see a doctor if your baby is starving to death! But one group of babies will get all of the formula which they want, the so-called refugees pouring in over the border in the Great Replacement. The shortage seems to be due to a recall at Abbott, the largest supplier of infant formula in America, for quality control, as about three months ago, four infants became ill, so the Michigan Facility was shut down. However,  the FDA and CDC stated that the bacterial strain that made the four babies sick didn’t match the strain of bacteria that was found at the Abbott facility, but still the plant the plant remained closed, but may reopen soon. It is yet another good reason to be a prepper and put aside those things which will in the future be in short supply, like, everything.


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There Lurks the Chinese Warship By James Reed

Here is a report of a Chinese warship that was off the coast of Western Australia, gathering electronic data. It is now apparently sailing north towards  Darwin. And I am not surprised, given that the Port of Darwin has been leased to the Chinese, for what is it, 100,000 years, something like that? I suppose that the warship could dock at Darwin and take on the night life, or at least get some new cleaning gear to get the barnacles off the nuclear missiles.


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Bill Gates: Covid:” It’s a Fairly Low Fatality Rate”! By Brian Simpson

Covid man Bill Gates is being reported as saying that Covid was a bit of a big pussy cat, or words to that effect: ““It wasn’t until early February, when I was in a meeting, that experts of the foundation said, ‘there’s no way’ that Covid-19 could have been contained,” Gates recently stated.

“At that point, we didn’t really understand the fatality rate. We didn’t understand that it’s a fairly low fatality rate, and that it’s a disease mainly of the elderly, kind of like the flu, although it’s a bit different than that.” While that sounds initially hopeful, Gates suddenly turns it all around, and goes for frequent Covid shots, just like the flu. And, he is big on the idea that Covid is small fry compared to the plagues that are coming. Yes, there is no relief from this guy.

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Chris Martenson on the Pfizer Documents By Chris Knight (Florida)

Chris Martenson does good work, especially on economic crisis issues, but he has given a good take on the Pfizer documents release, and details why the FDA and Pfizer wanted to keep these documents buried for up to 75 years. He has a good nose as a detective and cites many astonishing examples, such as: “One such example is the fact that the lead author on the seminal vaccine paper in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), one Fernando Polack, MD, just happened to be the only investigator in charge of a site in Argentina that purportedly managed to recruit 4,501 patients in just three weeks!” Yes, that is indeed the actions of a medical super-man! There will need to be an investigation of the whole bag of tricks if the Republicans regain the House.


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New Zealand Gone Covid Mad By Bruce Bennett

Has New Zealand gone totally mad? Spoiler alert, yes.


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Covid Vaxxes Raise Risk of Cardiac Arrest in Youth By Brian Simpson

An important peer-reviewed article, “Increased emergency cardiovascular events among under 40 population in Israel during vaccine rollout and third COVID-19 wave,” has been published in the leading scientific journal, Nature. The research examined  data collected by Israel’s National Emergency Medical Services between 2019 and 2021. It wasfound that there was an over 25 percent increase in emergency calls about cardiac arrest and acute coronary syndrome.

This increase in emergency heart issues was associated with COVID-19 vaccination but not with Covid-19 infections. This conclusion might explain why there is almost something of an editorial health warning attached to the article: “05 May 2022 Editor’s Note: Readers are alerted that the conclusions of this article are subject to criticisms that are being considered by the Editors. A further editorial response will follow once all parties have been given an opportunity to respond in full.”

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Fuellmich's Grand Jury - Revealing an Agenda for World Domination By Richard Miller (London)

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich is a world-renowned trial lawyer, and during the Covid plandemic concluded that he was witnessing high level criminal activities. So, he founded the Corona Investigative Committee and began an extensive investigation, and interviewed over 150 experts from all fields of science. Then he assembled a team of lawyers to collect evidence of these crimes against humanity. Dr. Fuellmich and ten international lawyers, and a judge presented the evidence for these crimes against humanity to the public during a grand jury proceeding, which has now been published on the internet, although I could not access the site, so I expect that it is under attack. But I did find an excellent summary given that the original document is so long. But, the punch line is, that the plandemic has been a tool by the globalists, that class responsible for the last two wars, and maybe the next one, to bring in their New World Order via the Great Reset. We knew that, but this document goes into great detail.


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