The Disgrace of the Lease of the Port of Darwin; What Happens in War with China? By James Reed

For those who came in late, here is a good summary of what went on with the leasing of the Port of Darwin to the Chinese. I tried to find whether any other country on Earth has been so stupid as to lease to a nation which is gearing up for war a strategic port, but found no-one. I guess given that economic efficiency is all that matters, if the CCP decided to put nuclear missiles in war ships in the Port of Darwin, the economic “rationalists” would have no objection? I suppose in the end, it is economically rational to be blasted to atoms by nuclear missiles, as it does save the cost of funerals. Every cent counts in the world of money you know.

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Teaching the Biologically Impossible for the Gender Agenda! By Mrs Vera West

The headline from is a ripper, and you just can’t make this up: “Student midwives are being taught at university how to help biological MEN give birth in trans 'inclusive' manual - even though it's scientifically impossible.” I am not going to go into details about this, even though I was once a nurse before getting married to a heterosexual male, and having children. The details are below, but reader discretion advised. Ask yourself though, what sense is there teaching procedures which involve the scientifically impossible?

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The Psychology of Covid Totalitarianism By Brian Simpson

David Marks has given an account of the psychology behind Covid totalitarianism, based upon a summary of the work of Mattias Desmet, a professor in the Department of Psychology and Educational Sciences at Ghent University in Belgium, who has a book coming out in June, entitled, The Psychology of Totalitarianism. The central concept of analysis is mass formation, which is a form of mass psychosis, where a group loses contact with reality, and may be manipulated into believing that certain people are enemies, all the while being manipulated by controlling elites. While this seems reasonable enough, certainly being a testable hypothesis, when Dr Robert Malone went on the “Joe Rogan experience,” and used the idea of mass formation to explain all the madness of the Covid regime, the media and New Class elites went into damage control mode, proclaiming that mass formation was a discredited idea. All that with no experiments cited. It seems that a raw nerve has been struck. It is impossible to understand what has happened over the last two years, in my opinion, without some conception of conspiratorial elites brainwashing already passive sheeple.

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Communist China’s Nuclear Build-Up By James Reed

While the US is expending its munitions over the pointless Ukrainian conflict, mainly to cover up what mischief its elites have been up to there, communist China is charging full speed ahead with a military build up, ready for world conquest. And in particular, China is not worrying about nuclear non-proliferation stuff, dear to the pacifism of the New Class in the West. Communist China is aiming to have at least 1,000 warheads by 2030, and while that is still less than the US, the delivery systems will involve hypersonic missiles, technology in which the West lags behind in.


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Indian Supreme Court Rejects the Covid Mandates as Disproportionate By Richard Miller (London)

There were patchy results in the courts challenging the Covid mandates throughout the West, with courts not thinking too highly about considerations of individual liberty, and rather championing socialistic health principles of state paternalism. Here is where the Indian Supreme Court has done much better than the woke politically correct New World Order globalist fanatical courts of the West. The Indian Supreme Court ruled that restrictions on unvaccinated individuals imposed through various vaccine mandates by the state governments/union territories, cannot be said to be proportionate, because of bodily integrity and personal autonomy. Hence, “as long as there is a risk of spreading the disease, there can be restrictions placed on individuals’ rights in larger public interest,” but no individual can be forced to be vaccinated against Covid-19.

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Covid Should be Treated Just like the Flu Now: US Food and Drug Administration By Chris Knight (Florida)

This is a significant development. Robert Califf, Principal Deputy Commissioner Janet Woodcock, and top vaccine official Dr. Peter Marks, top US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) officials, writing in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), stated that Covid-19 will be around for the foreseeable future and it will require yearly vaccines targeting the most threatening variations of the virus. Thus, Covid-19 will need to be accepted as just another respiratory virus, comparable to the annual influenza. But, if they reach that conclusion now, then why did they not put two and two together from Evolutionary Biology 101, and see back in 2020, that Covid was just another respiratory disease THEN?

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The Cult of Covid By James Reed

Mike Adams has put his finger on what is happening at the cultural level with the Covid plandemic. People have been conditioned into sheeple-like states for so long, that they now resemble members of a cult. Not all people of course, there has been resistance across the world, but it is disturbing the sheer number of people, especially the so-called educated at universities, who have swallowed the Covid narrative, hook, line and stinker sinker. This is the political problem of the age.


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China’s Doomed Fight Against Demographic Decline By James Reed

Here is a snip from the globalist journal Foreign, all I could get for free. But, the brief comments are interesting, noting China’s coming demographic decline, and how the communist regime has not been able stop it. Without a strong traditional religion, modernity works its black magic, relentlessly, leading to inevitable population crash.

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Covid Elite Intend to Have Vaccine Mania Forever and a Day! By James Reed

At the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Davos Agenda 2022, Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel and colleagues, including Dr. Anthony Fauci, detailed their plans for a new shot for fall 2022, to combine multiple shots, such as a COVID-19 shot, a flu shot and a respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) shot, into one injection, coming in 2023. So, vaccine mania is only just getting started.

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Covid Freak-Out, A Plandemic of Manufactured Fear By James Reed

Yale epidemiologist, Dr. Harvey Risch, an epidemiology professor at the Yale School of Public Health and Yale School of Medicine’s Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, has come out and said what many non-academic have said, that the Covid pandemic was one of manufactured fear, produced by the authorities. “Overall, I’d say that we’ve had a pandemic of fear. And fear has affected almost everybody, whereas the infection has affected relatively few,” said Risch.

“By and large, it’s been a very selected pandemic, and predictable. It was very distinguished between young versus old, healthy versus chronic disease people. So we quickly learned who was at risk for the pandemic and who wasn’t.

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Elon Musk’s Generous Support of the Travel Costs for Employees to Seek Out-of-State Abortions By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Those somewhat idealist conservatives who are running away with delusions that Elon Musk is some sort of saviour, should consider, that among other things, like supporting transhumanism and the New World Order, Elon Musk’s Tesla is covering travel costs for employees who want to get out-of-state abortions!


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The Pope and the Barbed Wire By Peter West

This one goes back a little bit, but is still worth comments for the record. The Pope has condemned countries using barbed wire, a symbol of a means of securing a fence, as a form of hatred against the sacred migrants. Well, the commo Pope lives in Vatican City, which does not regularly take in refugees, and while not having barbed wire, has extra-large walls, and is guarded. So, if fences are so terrible, how about the Pope putting his money where his mouth is, and tearing down the walls of Vatican city, and letting the poor of the world enjoy the Vatican billions, or is it now trillions?

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Post-Freudian Covid Hysteria By Brian Simpson

Eduardo Zugasti at a post going back a little while gives another take on the present madness of the age, with the explanation based upon post-Freudian hysteria. There are certainly merits in presenting a wide number of explanatory mechanisms to account for madness the likes of which we have ever seen, where the entire planet, as shown in the present China Covid lockdowns, have lost their collective minds.

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Swedish Migrants and Gang Crime By Richard Miller (London)

You know things are bad, real bad, when the top woman in the otherwise cucked country, comes out and says that the country, Sweden, has failed to integrate the massive number of immigrants it has taken, to show its moral superiority. In over the past two decades, mass immigration has led to gang violence and parallel societies. The claim was made by the Swedish prime minister, Magdalena Andersson, and is complete nonsense, in one sense, not her conclusion about the present social breakdown. The country has bent over backwards to deal with every whim and desire of the migrants, but the false assumption is that all human beings are homogeneous and can just be thrown together and nothing bad happens. In fact, the lesson of history is exactly the opposite, that multicultural societies ultimately produce lack of cohesion and finally social breakdown. As I  see it, it is all deliberate, and the wind was sown, and now a whirlwind is being reaped.

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Now the Social Construction of Dog Breeds! By Brian Simpson

A scientific paper that begins with the claim: “Modern domestic dog breeds are only ~160 years old and are the result of selection for specific cosmetic traits,” is sure to have more absurdities plastered within. The claim that modern domestic dog breeds are only 160 years old is absurd, and even a moments web search can reveal that dog breeding has been going on for thousands of years, since the first early humans domesticated wolves. Apart from that the idea that breeds do not have temperaments, and that only individuals exist, is contrary to common sense. Here, I would suspect politics.


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The Scientific Incompetency of the World Health Organization (WHO) By Chris Knight (Florida)

Apart from the obvious concerns about the coming World Health Organization global pandemic treaty, with its erosion of national sovereignty as health decisions go to the WHO, there should be concern about the scientific incompetency of the WHO. For example, on March 28, 2020, the WHO held that Covid-19 was not airborne, which is a matter of considerable significance. However, scientists have said that even back in March 2020, the science supported airborne transmission. So, if the WHO could get it wrong on basics, why in the world should they be trusted with the health of the entire planet?


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Inhaled Microplastics in the Lungs By Mrs Vera West

There is a major environmental concern about plastic pollution, with disposable surgical masks being one factor leading to this crisis. However, matters may well be deeper, as new U.K. study from Hull York Medical School sampled human lung tissue using micro-Fourier Transform Infrared (micro FTIR) spectroscopy, and found 39 types of  microplastics were identified in 11 of the 13 lung tissue samples of patients who were to undergo surgery. These microplastics were polypropylene (23 percent), polyethylene terephthalate (18 percent) and resin (15 percent), all found in surgical masks commonly worn in the Covid plandemic. Although the study did not speculate about the source of these plastics, it is a good bet that the practice of mask wearing may be the real source, as this prevalence of microplastics in the lungs was not observed prior to the cult of mask wearing as a sign of the faithful.

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Covid Vax Biodistribution Studies By Brian Simpson

Earlier in the plandemic, it was proclaimed by the mainstream Covid narrative that the mRNA goo stays at the injection site in the deltoid muscle. However, US watchdog, Judicial Watch, has recently received 466 pages of records from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) regarding biodistribution studies, which trace whether or not a vaccine is moving from the injection site around the body. This data for the Covid-19 vaccines that show a key component of the vaccines developed by Pfizer, lipid nanoparticles (LNPs), were found outside the injection site, mainly the liver, adrenal glands, spleen and ovaries of test animals, eight to 48 hours after injection.


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Proof of Covid Vax Shedding By Chris Knight (Florida)

Once it was a hypothesis that anti-vaxxers spoke about, that of vaccine shedding. However, yesterday’s conspiracy is tending to be science today. University of Colorado scientist examined face masks worn by vaccinated health care workers. It was found that those workers shed antibodies generated by vaccination, and some antibodies got trapped in the masks and could be detected. Thus, vaccinated people are literally “shedding” vaccine-caused antibodies! With further investigation it was found that vaxxed parents shed vaccine-produced particles onto their children so that the kids acquired “humoral immunity” following shedding from their parents! This is probably not a matter of concern, given that the immune system will just deal with these shedded bits of biological mater, just like everything else, including actual SARS-CoV-2.

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Bill Gates Predicts “Even More Fatal” Disease Variants Coming Our Way! By Brian Simpson

Obviously, we need to listen to what Bill Gates is saying, and he has been talking a lot to promote his new book on how to deal with future pandemics. No surprises here; it involves masses of vaccines, endlessly, lockdowns and all the mandate measures we have seen previously. In fact, control measures will be more severe, since Gates is predicting much more severe pandemics. Compulsory vaccination is on the agenda, and we can be sure that if the World Health Organization pandemic treaty is in place, since this organisation is in bed with Big pHARMa, we will see universal compulsory vaccination using experimental vaccines, and who knows what else.

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