The Question of Excess Mortality By Brian Simpson

According to U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data, more than one million excess deaths have occurred since the Covid plandemic began two years ago. Excess deaths are deaths in excess of the historical average. These deaths are not directly from Covid, and include cancer, heart disease dementia and many other diseases.

“According to Walgreens data, during the week of April 19 through 25, 2022, 13% of unvaccinated persons tested positive for COVID. Of those who received two doses five months or more ago, 23.1% tested positive, and of those who received a third dose five months or more ago, the positive rate was 26.3%. So, after the first booster shot (the third dose), people are at greatest risk of testing positive for COVID.

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Russia Threatens to Nuke, Britain, France and Germany (And That is on a Good Day)! By Richard Miller (London)

Media mouth pieces for Vlad Putin, on Russian TV, have threatened Britain, France and Germany with nuclear annihilation, presumably for supplying weapons the Ukraine. The venom towards Britain may be a response to James Stephen Heappey, Britain’s Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for the Armed Forces, whosaid that Ukraine should strike inside Russia: “It is completely legitimate for Ukraine to be targeting in Russia’s depth in order to disrupt the logistics that if they weren’t disrupted would directly contribute to death and carnage on Ukrainian soil.” Heappey also supported other countries supplying Ukraine with weaponry: “There are lots of countries around the world that operate kit that they have imported from other countries; when those bits of kit are used we tend not to blame the country that manufactured it, you blame the country that fired it.” And that must have made Vlad extra angry.

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Both First and Second Doses of mRNA Vaccines are Associated with Increased Risk of Myocarditis and Pericarditis By Chris Knight (Florida)

A study in JAMA Cardiology on April 20: “SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination and Myocarditis in a Nordic Cohort Study of 23 Million Residents,” has shown that “both first and second doses of mRNA vaccines were associated with increased risk of myocarditis and pericarditis. For individuals receiving 2 doses of the same vaccine, risk of myocarditis was highest among young males (aged 16-24 years) after the second dose.”  According to the study: “The risk of myocarditis in this large cohort study was highest in young men after the second SARS-CoV-2 vaccine dose” and it concluded, “this risk should be balanced against the benefits of protecting against severe COVID-19 disease.”

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Elon Musk Supports World Government! By James Reed

While conservatives and free speech absolutists are celebrating Elon Musk’s victory in buying Twitter, and claiming to be restoring free speech, we need to be cautious. Musk is a globalist, and a member of the World Economic Forum, Young Global Leaders program. And, as detailed below, Musk is on record as supporting world government. With a “friend” like that, who needs enemies?

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Covid Vax-Induced Heart Conditions in Pilots By Chris Knight (Florida)

With evidence growing of the adverse effects of the Covid vaxxes upon the heart, there are some professions where heart issues could lead to a catastrophe, and airline pilots are one such profession. Joshua Yoder, an airline pilot and co-founder of the U.S. Freedom Flyers (USFF), said in an interview with Vaccine Safety Research Foundation founder Steve Kirsch, that the USFF has already received hundreds of reports of pilots experiencing chest pain and other adverse side effects of Covid vaccines while flying planes, but most have been told to keep quiet about this. Cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough said to Yoder in a prior conversation: “if every vaccinated pilot were to be screened, there would be somewhere around a 30 percent loss in manpower” due to Covid vax-related cardiac issues. Thus, it seems only a matter of time before a major disaster occurs, and a pilot, and perhaps co-pilot as well, have heart attacks, and a plane falls out of the sky, maybe crashing into a major city. And it need not be as large commercial plane either; a light aircraft crashing into a city would be deadly enough.

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Covid Vaxxes Increase the Risk of Stroke 11,361 Percent! By Mrs Vera West

As incredible as it sounds, data from the United States government’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), shows that getting the Covid vax, increases the risk of stroke by 11,361 percent. Between December of 2020 and the 11 February in 2022, 4,532 cases of Covid vaccinated-related stroke were recorded, with VAERS having an under-reporting factor estimated to be between 41 and 100. However, for comparison, the number of strokes that occurred as a result of flu shots between 2008 and 2020, was just 122.

“Taking these numbers at face value, you could assume that the Covid-19 injections have proven to be 37 times more likely to cause a stroke than the flu vaccines,” reported the Daily Exposé (UK).

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The Conspiracy Behind the Leaked Roe v Wade Decision By Charles Taylor (Florida)

A judgment of the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) over-ruling the sacred cow of the Left, Roe v Wade, the abortion case, allegedly representing the majority view, that is, of five conservative judges, has been leaked. This is probably by a law clerk of one of the liberal judges, and no doubt he/she will get away with this crime; already Democrats are praising him/her. As detailed below, the Left has gone even more insane than usual, at a level not seen since George Floyd could not breathe. This comes at a time of a decline in faith in Joe Biden, and is just the thing the Left needs to gather the troops for massive electoral fraud in November. What will happen is as clear as day. Violent protests will lead to at least one so-called conservative judge backing down, and the decision will collapse. But the Left will be re-moralised and will romp home in the November elections, with more votes than could possibly exist; even the dead will be voting, and nothing will be done about it, as with the 2020 election. Yet again, conservatives will lose, I am sorry to say. So, unlike most, I am not celebrating the possible over-ruling of Roe v Wade; it is just not going to happen. And even if it did, the Democrats will immediately stack the court with a thousand Leftist judges and undo it in an instant.

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Enter the Pfizer Docs: Immunosuppression, Antibody Dependent Enhancement By Chris Knight (Florida)

Dr Mercola, in a now deleted post, details what has been found in analysis so far of the 11,000 Pfizer documents that have been recently released. There are some gems here.  According to Pfizer trial data, natural immunity was just as effective as the jab. Side effects from the jab were more severe in those under 55 years of age, who in general, were a low-risk group to begin with. The adverse event rate per dose for Pfizer’s mRNA jab, based on their own studies, is nearly 1 in 800, and the myocarditis rate is 10 in 100,000, which is far greater than the 2 in 100,000 rate previously reported. Pfizer’s consent form specifies that the effect on sperm, foetuses and nursing children are unknown, but this caveat did not prevent health authorities from stating as fact that the vax does not affect reproductive health or fertility and is perfectly safe for pregnant and nursing mothers. “Pfizer’s documents show they’ve not ruled out the risk of antibody-dependent enhancement. Vaccine-associated enhanced disease (VAED) is listed as an “Important Potential Risk.” As of February 28, 2021, Pfizer had 138 cases of suspected VAED, 75 of which were severe, resulting in hospitalization, disability, life-threatening consequences or death; a total of 38 cases were lethal and 65 remained unresolved.” And, this medical experiment was permitted, and encouraged to happen at “Warp Speed.”

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The Coming Global Food Cataclysm By James Reed

It could get as bad as this, if the Ukraine War drags on, or intensifies into an open kinetic confrontation with Russia. David Friedberg is an “early Google executive who started the farming insurance company Climate Corporation,” has told the All-In podcast that the Earth operates on “a 90-day food supply”…“The whole planet Earth operates a 90-day food supply, that means that once we stop making food, humans run out of food in 90 days.” Friedberg sees a perfect storm of misery developing: “The price of nitrogen has gone from $200 to $1,000, the price in potassium has gone from $200 to $700, and the price of phosphorus has gone from $250 to $700. So now it is so expensive to grow a crop, that a lot of farmers around the world are pulling acres out of production. So they’re going to grow less this year than they would have otherwise because it is so expensive and they cannot access fertilizer,” he said. “Food supplies are going to go down and it is going to be catastrophic.” And, it will not be restricted to the Third World, but as Biden said in one speech, will hit the Western countries too. Hard.

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There Lurks German Military Bioweapons By Richard Miller (London)

We cannot be sure of any information coming from the Ukraine, with as in any war, misinformation, or what used to be called lies, rules. But, for what it is worth, there is a report that dangerous military bioweapons, funded by Germany, have been found by the Russians in the Ukraine. If this is so, the plot thickens, and explains why the West is spending billions of dollars and depleting its weapons stockpile. There must be numerous skeletons in the Ukraine closet.

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Heart Abnormalities in Vaccinated Children By Mrs Vera West

Even though the effects of covid upon children is mild, there has been a frantic drive to vaccinate anything with a pulse; corpses and inanimate objects seem to have been give a pass, but there were ravings about vaccinating pets, and China is now busy killing people’s pets. In a study published in the Journal of Pediatrics, was conducted at the Seattle Children’s Hospital (SCH) among young patients who developed myocarditis after getting their second dose of Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine. Results  showed “persistence of abnormal findings” on cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) to examine abnormalities in the heart of the young patients. “The presence of LGE is an indicator of cardiac injury and fibrosis and has been strongly associated with worse prognosis in patients with classical acute myocarditis. A meta-analysis involving eight studies found that presence of LGE is a predictor of all-cause death, cardiovascular death, cardiac transplant, rehospitalization, recurrent acute myocarditis and requirement for mechanical circulatory support,” the report concluded.

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Shanghai Surprise Coming to America … Surprise! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

We may be astonished at the horror unfolding in China with their most draconian lockdowns yet, welding factory doors shut, and locking people inside high rise apartments, without adequate food, so that they starve to death. Solve an alleged virus problem by killing the population! Now that makes good epidemiological sense! But, as noted recently by Tucker Carlson, this could happen in the West too, and the previous lockdowns were a dummy run for totalitarian things to come. Bill Gates has already warned us of the coming plagues being “even more fatal,” so we need to prepare now.

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Black Lives Matter’s Six Million Dollar Cultivation of Joy! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Remember Black Lives Matter from the 2020 peaceful protests that resulted in billions of dollars damage? What have they been up to in the off-season, when there is a Democrat president, and while the same, if not worse problems face US Black communities? Why, a $ 6 million dollar mansion was purchased for the purpose of cultivating “joy”! Whoa, joy for whom, certainly not the masses of homeless Black people who will never be permitted to step foot in this mansion? It is a temple of white liberal guilt.

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Dr Peter Pry on the Coming Nuclear War By James Reed

Peter Vincent Pry is executive director of the Task Force on National and Homeland Security, served as chief of staff of the Congressional EMP Commission, director of the U.S. Nuclear Strategy Forum and on the staffs of the Congressional Strategic Posture Commission, the House Armed Services Committee and the CIA. Thus, he knows his stuff on the strategic significance of nuclear war. He puts the case that Russia is now so far in advance of the US and NATO with nuclear weapons, that Russia could “win” a nuclear war now. So, why exactly do the neo-cons and insane Democrats want to fight Russia so bad; a death wish to elevate China to world dominance? Well, if ruling over a radioactive post-apocalyptic wasteland is Xi’s thing.

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Two-Thirds of Israelís Report Having Adverse Reactions to Covid Booster Shots By Mrs Vera West

Israel is one of the most highly vaccinated populations on Earth, so if there are ill-effects of the Covid vaxxes, we should start to see things happening there. And, we are. Israel carried out a survey of 2,049 of its citizens three to four weeks after they received a third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine to determine the scope of adverse reactions caused by the jab.  The survey was conducted by telephone through September and October of 2021, and only people over 18 years of age who had recently been vaccinated with a third dose of the Covid vaccine (that is, within a period of 21 to 30 days after vaccination) were interviewed. The interviews were carried out by Israel’s Center for Disease Control.  It was found that 66 percent of Israelis surveyed say they had adverse reactions to a Covid-19 booster jab. almost half of these reported having difficulties performing daily activities as a result of the adverse reaction. Further, 10 percent of women interviewed reported menstrual disorders and 0.5 percent of the people who reported suffering from an adverse event had had to be hospitalized. 

This is one more piece of evidence refuting the common claim made by GPs, that adverse effects are so rare from the Covid jabs that it is like getting hit by a meteorite. There must be a lot of meteorites out there now! 

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The Double Extermination Whammy By Chris Knight (Florida)

This one goes back to last week, but Mike Adams was at his most pessimistic, apocalyptic best, in stitching together thew various survival crises now facing us. The spike protein mRNA injections cause about a 90 percent suppression of the DNA repair mechanism known as NHEJ – Non-Homologous End-Joining, a cellular mechanism that exists inside the cells of humans, animals and plants to to automatically repair Double Strand Breaks (DSBs) in our chromosomes when we are subjected to ionizing radiation. Ionizing radiation from a nuclear conflict will have the effect of producing mass cancers in those vulnerable due to NHEJ breakdown, leading to a radical depopulation scenario.


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Elon Musk on the Threat of the Woke Mind Virus to Western Civilisation By James Reed

I take everything that Elon Musk says with a large bag of salt, maybe even a salt truck. That caveat made, there is no reason why he needs to speak about the “woke mind virus,” he could just be quiet and make heaps of money, rather than upset his fellow super-capitalists. So, what is going on here? One hypothesis, given Musk is a leading globalist, is that all the pro-freedom things he has said and done are more petrol on the fires of the Left, to justify their own draconian moves, such as the Orwellian Ministry of Truth, or Lies recently established by those who control senile old Joe Biden, the nasty grandpa. The leaked Supreme Court of the United States judgment, allegedly overturning Roe v Wade, is another example of something clearly designed for inflammatory purposes, in this case to show the need of the Left to stack the court with numerous crazy Leftist judges, which I think one of our US correspondents will be writing about today. It is Marxist dialectics in motion, create a problem (thesis) then resolve it (anti-thesis).


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Pipedream? Hackers Aim to Crash the Entire System By Chris Knight (Florida)

In this age of misinformation – almost all of it produced by the system to cover its tracks, what reports can be trusted? Still, if we acknowledge this uncertainty and proceed, there have been warnings made that hackers, or rather, advanced persistent threat actors, have now developed a malware toolkit known as “Pipedream,” to target industrial control systems like power grids and oil refineries.  Ransomware attacks targeted Colonial Pipeline Inc. in the US mid-last year, and succeeded in shutting down production, leading to a fuel shortage. The intelligence organisations claim that these unidentified threat actors are moving away from attacking IT and to trying their hand at undermining operational systems. When the Ukraine War finally becomes a hot kinetic war between Russia and NATO, cyber-attacks will be common, and devastating upon populations who live in urban nests or beehives, with no self-reliance.

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Leonard Goodman on the Fact Checking Sham Industry By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Leonard Goodman, a US attorney, writing at, delivers a sound critique of the present-day fact-checking industry, which has become something of a Left-wing cult, policing the new woke thing, “misinformation.” A past example was the Hunter Biden laptop, which the fact checkers said was a Russian fake, but which ultimately turned out to be true. The problem is that the fact checkers themselves have built-in political biases. Covid was another clear example of this, with the fact checkers opposing the lab origin hypothesis of Covid, and dismissing the high incidence of adverse effects from the vaxxes. Again, and again, the fact checkers turn out to be wrong.

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Heart Inflammation Higher Among Vaccinated than Unvaccinated By Brian Simpson

A new study of tens of millions of Europeans, published in JAMA, Journal of the American Medical Association, has revealed that rates of myocarditis or pericarditis requiring hospital care, was more common among people who received COVID-19 vaccines than those who did not. According to Dr. Rickard Ljung, a professor and physician at the Swedish Medical Products Agency and one of the principal investigators of the study: “These extra cases among men aged 16–24 correspond to a 5 times increased risk after Comirnaty [Pfizer] and 15 times increased risk after Spikevax [Moderna] compared to unvaccinated.” “The risks of myocarditis and pericarditis were highest within the first 7 days of being vaccinated, were increased for all combinations of mRNA vaccines, and were more pronounced after the second dose.”

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