The Fun and Follies of Climate Fictions, By James Reed

Long-term climate change alarmist critic, Bjorn Lomborg, writing at the Wall Street, asks a good question; what ever happened to the climate change alarmist's concerns with polar bears? "Whatever happened to polar bears? They used to be all climate campaigners could talk about, but now they're essentially absent from headlines. Over the...

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UK’s Two-Tier Legal System, By Richard Miller (Somewhere in Europe)

 UK teenager Gordon Gault, 14, was killed by two Blacks, Carlos Neto, 18, and Lawson Natty, also 18, in a machete attack: Neto was jailed for nine years and two months, while Natty, was jailed two years and eight months at th...

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Why Contrary to Keating, We Need America for National Defence, By James Reed

In an article next to this one on the blog, we quote Paul Keating who recently said that, "What AUKUS is about in the American mind is turning [Australia into suckers], locking us up for 40 years with American bases all around … not Australian bases. So AUKUS is really about, in American terms, the military control of Australia. I mean, what's happ...

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Paul Keating and the Communist Chinese Takeover of Australia, By James Reed

David Llewellyn-Smith's article title is the revealing, "Keating Demands Chinese Takeover of Australia." Keating has been vocal criticising the AUKUS defence pact. He sees the Labor government as "selling out." Selling out to China? No, of course not, to the dreaded US and UK of course. Taiwan, is he says, "Chinese real estate", and "Taiwan is not ...

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It Could Happen Anywhere in the West Now, By James Reed

Ron Paul has commented upon the question of where the UK repression of free speech, two-tier policing and an anti-White justice system, could occur in America, land of the free. He points out that these things seen in the UK are already occurring in the US. There is the placing of former congress woman Tulsi Gabbard on the "Quiet Skies" terrorist w...

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Climate Change Alarmism Fails on its Own Terms, By James Reed

One of the rhetorical strategies of the mainstream media and academics, has been to promote the idea of a "climate emergency," "global boiling," "global burning," "climate collapse, "and the like. These terms appear in the UN pronouncements reports as well as academic papers on climate change. Newspapers have issued instructions to journalists to u...

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Ricardo Duchesne on the Limits of Liberalism, By James Reed

The UK immigration "riots" and brutal shutdown of free speech, including legal threats against even people in other jurisdictions to the UK, such as US citizen Elon Musk, show, Canadian philosopher Ricardo Duchesne argues, the limits of liberalism in a pluralistic, ethno-racially, diverse society. Classic liberalism was based upon the ideals of imp...

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The French Police Unlawfully Arrested Six CitizenGO Members for Protesting the Mockery of Christianity During the Olympic Games’ Opening Ceremony, By James Reed

Last week in Paris, the French police authorities unlawfully arrested six members of CitizenGO. Their "crime" was not stabbing innocent girls to death at a Taylor Swift dance session, or roaming the streets with machetes, but for driving a bus with the sign on it "Stop attacks on Christians!" This was in relation to the opening ceremony of the Olym...

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Zero Net Mania Destroys Rain Forests and Coral Reefs, By James Reed

The zero net mania is beloved of environmentalists, who see it, and renewables, as the master answer to the so-called existential crisis of climate change. Politicians too have accepted this dogma, and unlike the academics, have power and have moved to put into place a transition away from fossil fuels to meet the supposed globalist-imposed deadlin...

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Global Government is Almost Here! By James Reed

The drive for global government has been going on for some time, but has accelerated since the Covid plandemic. The revised draft of UN Secretary-General António Guterres's proposed "Pact for the Future" (2024) is a memorandum of guiding principles for global governance, based upon the UN's Our Common Agenda project. But there have been many o...

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Turning America Communist: Harris + Walz, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

President Trump is certainly right in his recent statement that the Democrat presidential candidates of Kamala Harris and Tim Walz will make Americas communist overnight. Many articles have been published at this blog well confirming this. Both are abortion extremists supporting abortion up until birth. They are as radical as anyone on the trans ag...

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Elon Musk’s Unwoke School, By Mrs Vera West

Yes, the Left are always worried when conservatives start to show some resistance to their woke regime. Thus, the Leftist, writes about Elon Musk setting up a small school in Bastrop, Texas, close to one of SpaceX's facilities. Normally there should not be such a level of concern about a school dealing with only a handful of students. ...

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Multicultural Framework Review: Australian Citizenship Test Should be in Languages Other than English! By James Reed

It is what we have been waiting for so eagerly, like children counting of the days to Christmas on a calendar! No, I jest. The Multicultural Framework Review has been released with 29 recommendations, of which a review of citizenship requirements is regarded as immediate. What this entails is that citizenship test procedures, should incorporate lan...

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The European Vaccination Card, By Richard Miller (Somewhere in Europe)

This is a worry. The European Union is planning a European Vaccination Card (EVC), which is set to be tested in five countries, Belgium, Germany, Greece, Latvia and Portugal, in a few weeks' time. The EU bunk, claims that the card purports to "foster informed decision-making on vaccination, and improve continuity of care across the EU" and "aims to...

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White Demographic Decline, By Chris Knight (Florida)

Here is yet more bad news for White Americans. According to US Census data, the US population grew by 3.2 million over the Covid plandemic years to mid-2023, with Hispanics contributing 91 percent of this increase. Demographer William Frey calls this a "diversity explosion," but this is not so in a conventional sense of expecting an increase in div...

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The Case for AI Not Being Intelligent at All, By Brian Simpson

I have been covering the issue of the AI takeover, both in conventional ways, such as job displacement of people, but also the more sci fi scenario, which is now the ruling ideology among the AI geeks and elites such as Elon Musk, that computers either have, or will, gain intelligence, and at a singularity point, surpass humans, with many possible ...

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Decolonisation Ends When the West Ends, By Chris Knight (Florida)

"White people have a choice: keep their symbols, institutions, traditions, and liberties by reasserting white identity, or try to be the one group in the world that has no racial identity — and lose everything." That is the conclusion of a very detailed article at American dealing with the decolonisation of the West. Decolonisation ...

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End Farming; End Food, By Bob Farmer, Dairy Farmer

A nice article which appealed to this old farmer was published at the Daily, which usually deals with the Covid vax tyranny and the global warming scam. But this article, extracted below, is well worth a read being a balanced look at the philosophy of farming and agriculture. The author rejects the centralised world view advocated by Bi...

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Xi Jinping’s Albanese Government! By James Reed

David Llewellyn-Smith at, in his article "Albo Incinerates Aussie Economy to Protect China," deals with the shocking way PM Albo is willing to wreck the Australian economy to aid China. As we know, Australia is all-so -keen to flog off everything in the ground, including gas, and much of what is above the ground to China – our ...

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The Cult of International Student Exports, By James Reed

This fundamental critique of the supposed economic bonanza of the international students has been discussed before here, drawing upon, but given that the massive influx of these students has such a dramatically bad impact upon Australia, such as fuelling the accommodation crisis, the critique cannot be repeated enough. The cla...

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