Would You Buy a Used Car from the Australian Labor Party? How about a Used Country? By James Reed

A simple tale of the numbers: https://www.macrobusiness.com.au/2024/08/labor-cannot-be-trusted-on-immigration/. "In Labor's first federal budget in October 2022, it forecasted net overseas migration (NOM) of 470,000 over its first two years (FY 23 and 24). Instead, Labor delivered around one million NOM, more than double Labor's projection." So how...

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Monkey Pox (Mpox), Election Stealer and/or Profits for Vax Companies? By Brian Simpson

It looks like there will be a repeat of the Covid plandemic, just in time for stealing the US election again, according to many including President Trump. But to back track, the World Health Organization declared Mpox (monkey pox) a global health emergency on August 14, 2024. This was due to there being 14,000 reported cases and 524 reported deaths...

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Are They Throwing Zelensky Under a Bus? By Richard Miller (Somewhere in Europe)

It seems like it was only yesterday that the Western media was blaming Vlad Putin for blowing up their own Russian Nord Stream gas pipeline. Never mind the logical point that Russia could have turned off the pipeline if it wanted! Now the going story is that the Ukraine blew it up, and the CIA knew this, but allowed the Russia lie to spread: https:...

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Almost All US Social Security Numbers Leaked to the Internet, By Charles Taylor

So, does this produce confidence in the computer-based society, with digital ID and cashlessness? Around April 24 2024, the hacking group USDoD claimed that it had stolen the personal records of 2.9 billion people from National Public Data, a background check company. This involves names, addresses, phone numbers, employment histories, birth dates ...

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Dangers of the United Nation’s Cybercrimes Treaty, By Brian Simpson

One knows that there just has to be a problem, when the otherwise woke Scientific American.com gets to reporting on something others regard as a threat to liberty. Thus, despite opposition from the good guy freedom fighters, and even some tech companies, the UN has approved its international cybercrime treaty, the Comprehensive International Conven...

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Health Research is Fraudulent, Unless Shown Otherwise: Professor Richard Smith, By Brian Simpson

I came across an article by Professor Richard Smith, editor of The British Medical Journal commenting upon the extent of outright fraud in medicine. As he documents below, there are many cases of medical studies having lead authors who do not exist, and some come from non-existent universities or research centres. The extent of fraud is estimated t...

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The UK’s Two-Tier Justice System, By Richard Miller (Somewhere in Europe)

Elon Musk has been sharply criticised by the multicultural ethnic elites and White liberal globalists for daring to point out the injustice of a two-tiered justice system in the UK. This has been operating for some time, seen most starkly in the police allowing the grooming rapes of thousands of white British children by the "Asian" gangs, not poli...

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CDC Report Using Shonky Data, By Chris Knight (Florida)

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in a recent Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR), stated that routine childhood vaccines have prevented approximately 508 million cases of illness, 32 million hospitalizations and 1,129,000 deaths over about a 30 year period. They estimated that the vaxxes have saved the U.S. $540 billio...

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Time for Google to Google on a Diet! By Brian Simpson

US federal judge Amit Mehta, has held that Google, which is arguably evil, does have an illegal monopoly over online search. The US Justice Department is considering options, such as getting Google to sell part of its business such as the Android operating system, Chrome web browser and advertising platform AdWords. Less severe is requiring Google ...

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Elon Musk Takes on a “Super Racist Scumbag”! By Richard Miller (Somewhere in Europe)

Elon Musk knows how to pick his enemies for maximum dramatic impact. Thus, he has been in battle with Humza Yousaf, the former Scottish National Party leader, calling him a "super racist scumbag," and "dangerous race baiter," who loathes White people. This response was to Yousaf describing Musk as "one of the most dangerous men on the planet" and a...

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The UK Government Takes Orwell’s “1984” as an Instruction Manual! By Richard Miller (Somewhere in Europe)

Even while the New World Order UK government is releasing coloured prisoners, some murderers, because of prison overcrowding, this government is firmly committed to doing what the US did with January 6, and hunt down every protester, at least the White ones, with the pretence of getting the violent offenders. Thus, Starmer intends to use facial rec...

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The Lab Rat Society, By Chris Knight (Florida)

An article by Victor Davis Hanson about the US explicitly, is still applicable to other societies across the West, especially Australia. He takes a step back and joins the dots of all that has been happening in this society, from the dominance of Left wing woke ideologies, to the war against traditional liberal freedoms: "In truth, this apparent ra...

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Judith Sloan on the International Student Export Mythology, By James Reed

With the number of people in Australia with an economics degree, it is something of a scandal that so few have spoken out on the international student export scam. I guess it is a messy one, since the Replacement Population is non-White, and the kryptonite of the White race is, racism. The mere thought of being called a "racist" is equivalent to th...

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The Great Replacement International Students Keep Coming! By James Reed

The Albo government has rejected the report that it will cap international student enrolments at 40 percent. Even that was absurdly high, so now the parasitic universities will continue to pull in billions for themselves, not the Australian community. Some universities will exceed 50 percent international students, with the goal being 100 percent. ...

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I Don’t Trust “Trust Exchange” Digital ID! By James Reed

Get ready for the next level of tyranny. The federal government has released details about its "Trust Exchange," a system which will use QR codes of the Covid plandemic to all aspects of identification, from submission of job applications to anything involving data in MyGov accounts. The pilot is set to be up and running us down by early next year....

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Corporations Deceived by Woke Madness, By James Reed

I love capitalism as much as the next dissent Righter, but as argued by Janet Albrechtsen, major Australian corporations are falling for the woke madness, hook, line and sinker. We saw this with the Voice referendum where millions were coughed up by leading Australian corporations, to get with the "vibe," and not to be seen as "racist." And it did ...

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“This is Not a Functional Society Anymore" By James Reed

Matt Barrie, the founder and CEO of Freelancer.com, has said that Australia is no longer a functional society because the "unhinged, uncontrolled mass immigration program," is set to end in "economic disaster." Around 2,000 migrants arrive in Australia every day, producing an accommodation crisis, with rentals, housing and commercial property marke...

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Elon Musk Shuts Down GARM; The Magic of Lawsuits! By Brian Simpson

It seems like only last week that we covered this story about the harm of GARM, the Global Alliance for Responsible Media (GARM) "advertising cartel," who as part of the World Federation of Advertisers, according to a law suit lodged by Elon Musk, illegally conspired to "collectively withhold billions of dollars in advertising revenue" from Twitter...

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Censorship Attacks Upon the Elon Musk/ Donald Trump Interview, By James Reed

It seems like the global elite did not want the anticipated Elon Musk/Donald Trump interview to have aired. First off there was the censorship onslaught by the EU: "The European Commission's self-styled "digital enforcer," Thierry Breton, took to X late on August 12 to demand that all content that "promotes hatred, disorder, incitement to violence,...

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Shonky UK Temperature Data Supporting Climate Change Alarmism, By Richard Miller (Somewhere in Europe)

Like what is occurring across the West, the UK Met has taken the position of climate change alarmism, that climate change was causing a "dramatic increase in the frequency of temperature extremes and number of temperature records in the U.K." The evidence for this is based upon data from UK weather stations, which allegedly support the global warmi...

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