The Plot to Steal the 2024 Election, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

I have been saying this for some time, that the 2024 election will be stolen, just like the 2020 one. I covered all the arguments at the time for this blog, and there is no doubt in my mind that the steal occurred. Not only from mail-in voting fraud on an industrial scale, but even closing down polling booths during scrutineering and kicking weak R...

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Australia is the “Central Base of Operations” for US Defence Against Communist Chinese Aggression, and This is a Good Thing! By James Reed

Paul Keating in the last news cycle was slamming the US military involvement in Australia. Keating would therefore be dismayed to hear that Australia is being set up for what the chair of the US House of Representatives' Foreign Affairs Committee, Republican congressman ­Michael McCaul, called "the central base of operations" for America's military...

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The Sugar Industry Shifted the Blame to Fat, and it was Swallowed for a Time, By Mrs. Vera West

There is an excellent video by Jimmy Dore on the myth of cholesterol, and the policy of use of various cholesterol-lowering drugs to deal with what he argues is a non-problem, in a sense: This eye-opening video, which does have one F-bomb, as Jimmy gets angry with Big Pharma, so be warned, makes the poin...

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In Multicultural Fascist Britain, the Pub Culture Must Go! By Richard Miller (Somewhere in Europe)

Andrea Widburg, "To Keep Muslims Happy, the UK's Labor Party Wants to Destroy Pub Culture," is another interesting take on the aftermath of the UK riots from a US observer, and something not discussed here in my former home of the UK, although not much gets discussed critical of the present multicultural fascist regime. As Widburg points out, pub c...

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The Fall of the Rule of Law in Once Merry Old Britain, By Paul Walker

The David Spring sentencing has been commented extensively on blogs, as indicating the fall of Britain as a liberal democracy, and the rise of a multicultural fascist state. David Spring, a 61-year-old retired train driver was sentenced to 18 months in prison; he pleaded guilty and offered no legal defence, which was probably a big mistake. Most we...

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Life, or Something Approximating it, in the Multicult Fascist State of Britain, By Richard Miller (Somewhere in Europe)

What is happening in Britain is truly terrible for those who hold to traditional liberal values. While other posts at the blog today will cover various aspects of this decent into tyranny, I note here how a major campaign is underway in the schools to produce sensitivity training or more accurately, brainwashing to make students accept that mass im...

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Harris’ Soviet Era Price Fixing and a Future of Shortages, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Vice President Kamala Harris has just released her first economic policy, that of Soviet-era price control to be "the first-ever federal ban on price gouging on food and groceries." Immediately this proposal was attacked by economists from across the political spectrum, being an "economic non-problem." According to Scott Lincicome, vice president o...

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Do Not be a Monkey’s Uncle Over Monkey Pox! By Chris Knight (Florida)

The two big issues of discussion at the moment are the UK government's relentless attack upon free speech and liberty, and the monkey pox (Mpox) issue. Dealing with the monkey business of monkey pox first, it is good to note that fellow conspiracy theorists, are now preparing. And note that today's conspiracy is tomorrow's truth, as Covid well illu...

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Monkey Pox, the Next Plandemic? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The state of play with monkey pox (Mpox), is that it was a few weeks back restricted to some African states. However, a few days ago Sweden had its first case. Even before that, the World Health Organization (WHO) had declared that Mpox was a global emergency. That sent the shares of the Big Pharma companies making the vax of monkey pox, skyrocketi...

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The Origin of Vaccine Harm, By Brian Simpson

The Mid Western Doctor blogger, who always writes insightful articles debunking the ruling myths of medicine, has updated a piece he did some months back on why vaccine harms exist. The harms from the Covid-19 mRNA vax are the best known, being the most extensive of any vaccine, but the problem goes right across the board. It is by means of medical...

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Britain is Not a Free Country, By Chris Knight (Florida)

With commentary from journalists from across the world, I will add my five cents worth. While I am deeply alarmed at what a Kamala Harris presidency will do to America, in many respects, all of the worst things, such as the perversions of liberty are already standard operation procedure in the UK and US now. Others have commented upon the ...

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Big Pharma’s Monkey Pox Health Emergency, By Brian Simpson

While much of the narrative of the freedom movement anti-vax wing has been to criticise the World Health Organization (WHO) for making an emergency declaration about monkey pox, Mpox, it has ben rightly argued that this is just what WHO does, rightly, or mostly wrongly. We now have a pandemic industrial complex, geared around finding increasing mar...

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The Plan was All Along to Attack Freedom, By James Reed

As I see it, in my take on the aftermath of the UK riots, the plan all along was to attack free speech. What has not received comment, even from the likes of, is how these riots started. We know from evidence coming from the US January 6 "riots," or "insurrection," that the authorities were involved, with FBI agents being in the crowd ...

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Labor and Greens Say "No" to Protections to Discrimination Based on Covid Status! By Brian Simpson

The Australian Labor Party and Greens are big on anti-discrimination, so long as it is within a woke Leftist paradigm. Thus, it was no surprise to see One Nation's COVID-19 Vaccination Status (Prevention of Discrimination) Bill 2022, get knocked over by the combined might of woke, and loyalty to the cult of the mandates. The Bill simply aimed to pr...

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The Environmental Threat of Lithium Mining for Renewables, By James Reed

Next to mass immigration, nothing angers me so much as the false piety that Greens have with the renewable energy cult, and their hate for fossil fuels, even though without fossil fuels used to create the modern world, from construction to medicines and plastics, their comfortable university life would fall apart, quickly. I am at my old university...

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Kamala Harris Really is a Communist! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Kamala Harris has just released her first economic policy, and it is something out of 1920s USSR economic policy. She wants to stop rising grocery prices by rigid price control. That is the sort of "solution" offered by high school economics students, but they soon grow out of it. Not so for university Marxists. Of course, the idea of government co...

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Truth Bombs from Robert Kennedy Jr, By Chris Knight (Florida)

Robert Kennedy Jr has recently said what it is that the censorship elites fear, and he is spot on: "Let's get this straight: The government is not stealing your tongue and/or Donald Trump's tongue or Elon Musk's tongue because they're scared that he's going to tell lies." Kennedy said. "They're stealing his tongue because they don't want him to tel...

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Aussie Doctor Banned for Social Media Posts, By Brian Simpson

Medical Board of Australia v Ellis (Review and Regulation) [2024] VCAT 113 (6 February 2024), heard before the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal, decided that the suspension of Victorian general practitioner Michael Ellis was legally justified, and that he was has been further disqualified from reapplying to February 2025. This was due to...

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Should Protective Agents Who Might Collect a Bullet, Breastfeed? By Mrs. Abigail Knight (Florida)

The story is doing the rounds on the internet that the US Secret Service let President Trump down once more. A female agent had abandoned her security post to breastfeed her child during an event in Asheville, North Carolina. Secret Service agents are prohibited from bringing their children to such events, for obvious reasons, such as the high leve...

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Covid Vax Linked to Excess Deaths by Australian Researcher, By Brian Simpson

Australian mathematician D. E. Allen, has published a paper, "The Correlation between Australian Excess Deaths by State and Booster Vaccinations," The European Society of Medicine, vol. 12, 2024. The paper examined the relationship between the number of excess deaths in Australia and the number of Covid-19 boosters. It was found that a positive cor...

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