Britain Embraces Tyranny and Despotism, By Richard Miller (Somewhere in Europe)

The descent of Britain into despotism, as a backlash for people protesting about harms that have come from mass immigration, has been noticed across the World, including Australia and the US. A particularly good post was at American

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The Hallmark of Evil: Tucker Carlson on Kamala Harris, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

While we have assembled critical material about a Kamala Harris presidency, and the disaster it would be for the West, some go further in summing up the plight of America. Tucker Carlson has rejected the idea that Harris is just a fool, despite the cackle and word salads. She is a better manipulator than even Hillary Clinton. Tucker has said. "This...

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The Full Speech of Robert Kennedy Jr Speech in Supporting Trump, By Chris Knight (Florida)

Here is the full text of the speech that Robert Kennedy Jr delivered after saying he would be now supporting Donald Trump, all without a teleprompter. The speech was praised by many freedom movement people, such as Mike Adams and Alex Jones. There are many excellent quotes, my favourite being: "They were able to put their love into the intentions a...

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Will Robert Kennedy Jr be a Game Changer for Trump? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Robert Kennedy Jr is now supporting Donald Trump, and if Trump wins, Kennedy will probably secure a position in the health administration, and may even be a special Czar looking into the vaccine issue, which will really stir up Big Pharma. The mainstream media, dominated by the Left, are dismissing the Kennedy impact, but on Dr Steve Turley's YouTu...

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Tyranny Down Under in SA: Landscape Boards to be Given More Power than ASIO! By John Reed (Adelaide)

As reported by the Naracoorte, "Powers Tougher than ASIO for landscape boards," the South Australian Labor government is moving to give extraordinary powers to public servants of the SA landscape Boards. At first this seems like "false news," as these boards are concerned with the management of soils, water, weeds and pests, basically natu...

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“Queerness” and Nuclear Weapons? What! By Chris Knight (Florida)

  With the possibility of nuclear war occurring what does Nuclear Team USA look like? Well for one thing, Sneha Nair was named special assistant in the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA). And she was busy publishing academic papers about queering nuclear weapons, that means linking homosexuality and nuclear weapons. An exampl...

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“We are All Anti-Establishment Now”! By Richard Miller (Somewhere in Europe)

Is "Anti-Establishment Rhetoric" Now a 'Far-Right' Offence?" is a question asked and answered by Mick Hume, regarding the present situation in the UK, where the ultra-woke Labor government is emptying jails of violent criminals to put in their place White protesters, some of whom merely re-posted social media material. As noted: "An Englishman who ...

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Africans Resist Mpox (Monkey Pox) Scare Tactics and Vaxxes, By Brian Simpson

 The South Africa Vaccine Injury Medico-Legal Study-Group has issued a statement criticizing public health officials of the World Health Organization (WHO) for declaring Mpox (monkey pox) a global health emergency. Most importantly they warn against "experimental" Mpox vaccines, whicheerily replicates the early Covid vax response. Here is the ...

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Nailing Down the International Student Export Coffin! By James Reed

 Leith van Onselen has been hammering away at the international student export ideology, that alleges that this is a golden market delivering to Australia $ 40 billion each year. Nonsense he argues:

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What is a Chinese “Rotten Tail Kid”? By James Reed

Communist China has its problems too, on the way to world conquest. There is the major issue of the birth crash, which the CCP has tried to solve, but Chinese women are following Western women and preferring work to babies. Then for the youth who remain, there is increasing unemployment, with university educated youth often having to take low payin...

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Dealing with Microplastics, By Mrs. Vera West

There is a new technology that can remove up to 98 percent of nano and microplastics from water. It is not yet known what the full long-term harms of the massive plastic consumption is doing to human physiology, but is known that micro and nano plastics can be found in every part of the human body now, and may have adverse cardiovascular impacts: h...

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Ukrainian Attack Upon Russian Kursk Nuclear Power Plant, By Richard Miller (Somewhere in Europe)

Attacking a nuclear power plant is not a really good idea, if the plant is basically next door: look at effects of Chernobyl on the rest of Europe at the time. Yet the Ukraine has launched a drone attack upon the Kursh nuclear power plant. It was fortunately unsuccessful:

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More Suspicious by the Day: Trump Shooter, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Today's suspicious news about the Trump shooter, Thomas Matthew Crooks, is that not only was he seen at the site with the AR 15 rifle prior to the shooting of Trump, but he had encrypted messaging accounts in three foreign countries! This "strange" turn of events was revealed by Rep. Mike Waltz, who is on the Congressional Task Force investigating ...

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Can Britain Resist Cultural Communism? By Richard Miller (Somewhere in Europe)

Dr Edward Dutton usually has some biodiversity insights to add to current events. In his article "Is it Time for the True English to Rescue England from itself?" he goes through all the facts which we all will mostly know, about how England, indeed the entire UK, has fallen heavily into cultural communism. I looked at the article hoping to find som...

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Force Jabbing Aussies? By Brian Simpson

The claim has been made at The Peoples, that the UN and WHO have been granted "complete immunity" by the Australian government to forcefully vaccinate Australians. That brings to mind images of an army on foreign troops with blue helmets marching now the streets to jab everyone at gun point, but that is an exaggeration. This is from change...

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End Times: Paul Craig Roberts By Chris Knight (Florida)

This post, reproduced below by Paul Craig Roberts, outlines just how bad things will be after November when Kamala Harris is elected. Roberts who knows how the Democrats work, states that the electoral fraud system that delivered the 2020 election to Biden is even larger now and there is little chance of Trump winning. MAGA refuses to understand th...

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Will the Immigration Invasion End Western Civilisation? By Chris Knight (Florida)

While the post to be mentioned here does not add anything to what has been said at this blog, it is worthwhile quoting people who share the same line of thought, as it shows that the idea that the present immigration invasion of the West is a civilisational destroying plot, is not an isolated doctrine held just by us. Thus, the idea that Western ci...

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The FBI Up to Dirty Tricks? Surely Not! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

In another article I will cover the story that there has been a photograph released, taken by a member of the public, showing Donald Trump's attempted assassin walking around at the event carrying an AR 15 rifle. If this is authentic, wouldn't police and secret service also have seen Crooks? In fact, we know they did. Thus, the claim that the FBI i...

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A Miracle Occurred in Sweden, By Richard Miller (Somewhere in Europe)

It seems that immigration numbers are low in Sweden. In fact, more people had emigrated, left the country than came, and asylum seeker numbers were the lowest since 1997. Iraqis, Somalis and Syrians are leaving Sweden, perhaps because of a tightening of immigration. More likely it is because the standard of life in Sweden has become so bad, that it...

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Nick Cater on the Failure of Immigration Policy, By James Reed

Writing in The Australian, journalist Nick Cater commented upon the glaring failure of immigration policy in Britain. The article is behind a paywall, but the Daily Sceptic has kindly quoted the best bit:

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