The Presumption of Innocence Conference, August 31 2024, By Ian Wilson LL.B

On Saturday August 31 2024, there will a conference "Presumption of Innocence," to be held at Rushcutters Bay, Sydney, with ticket details at the link below. This will be about justice and the family law system. It is hosted by Australians for Science and Freedom, "an organisation promoting better institutions that embed respect for freedom and sci...

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Unproven Climate “Solutions,” By James Reed

The UK is big on the mainstream climate change narrative, and fully supportive of zero net, and almost all that goes with it. Almost all; a recent article took a somewhat unusual stand and slammed "unproven climate solutions technologies." From their paradigm this involved a distraction and delay from the transition away from fossil fu...

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Will Russia Destroy the Internet? By Richard Miller (Somewhere in Europe)

The chaos caused by the July 22, 2024 Microsoft blue screen of death scenario, and the lesser discussed problem of the DDoS attack on July 30, 2024, would pale into insignificance compared to the possible Russian attack upon the internet infrastructure of the West. Dmitry Medvedev, the deputy chairman of Russia's Security Council, said in June 2024...

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For the Pope, Refusing to Aid Migrants is a Gave Sin! By Peter West

The globo commo Pope has said this all before, and more, but seems obligated to keep repeating his nonsense at regular intervals. This: "Pope Francis on Wednesday strongly decried the treatment of migrants crossing the Mediterranean Sea to enter Europe, saying it was a "grave sin" not to offer aid to migrant vessels. "There are those who work syste...

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Robert Kennedy Interview on the Health Crisis, By Mrs. Abigail Knight (Florida)

Robert Kennedy, who has now joined forces with Trump, was recently interviewed by Dr Phil: While Kennedy did not mention vaccinations, he did speak in general terms about the US health crisis, which is really seen right across the West, including the UK and Australia, and has the same cause, basicall...

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Urban Guerrilla Warfare in Once Peaceful French Seaside Town, By Richard Miller (Somewhere in Europe)

Here is the multicult story of the day, showing the true joys of "diversity." Just the headline from the Daily is exciting and vibrant enough: "French Seaside Town Blighted by 'Urban Guerrilla Warfare' Between Riot Cops and UK-Bound Migrants as Squalid New 'Jungle' Camp Crops Up." Now that has almost everything, with the exception of a t...

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How They Plan to Destroy the UK, By Richard Miller (Somewhere in Europe)

Dr Campbell Campbell-Jack has outlined how an evil power would set out to destroy a country without a military invasion, by undermining the identity and cultural cohesion of the country. In fact, all the factors of destruction can be seen in modern Britain, which has now moved to the forefront of the decline and fall of the West. These factors are ...

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Thought Crimes: UK Non-Hate Crime Incidents, By Richard Miller (Somewhere in Europe)

What are we to make of the UK police pursuing "non-hate crime incidents"? An example was the police arriving at a man's place of work and recording that he had tweeted a limerick that satirised the trans agenda; strictly not a hate offence yet, but maybe tomorrow, as misogyny is set to become an act of terrorism:

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A Future Impaled by Plastic Shards By Mrs. Vera West

The penetration of nano and micro plastics into the human physiology is a major health unknown. It is speculated that there could be a wide range of adverse effects, including neurological issues and cardiovascular events, but it is early days yet. What has been discovered is that these plastics are in all parts of the human body, including the bra...

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Now, Post-Covid, it is Only Natural for Young, Otherwise Fit People, to have Heart Attacks! By Brian Simpson

Argentinian social critic Ferfal deals with this story with his usual biting satire and it is worth a look: Here is the take given at, on a study that found that heart attacks in people aged 25 to 44 increased by 30 percent over the norm over the first two years of Covid: https://onlinelibrary....

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A Good Bludge if One Can Get It! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Conservatives have observed that Joe Biden is not even giving the pretence of running the US at present. He is once more on holiday. He started with a week in Santa Barbara, California. Now he has gone to Delaware, to enjoy nine more days relaxing on the beach. He travelled of course by Airforce One: "As per the Department of Defense, Air Force One...

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After the Arrest of Pavel Durov, Will They Arrest Elon Musk and Cancel X? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

This question was posed in a recent piece in the US mainstream medias outlet, The, which covers the Washington DC scene, among other things. While its slank, as I see it, is Democrat, some pieces transcend party politics, as in the one extracted below, which asks the question as to whether Elon Musk could be arrested and X shut down? After...

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A Chinese Communist at the Highest Level! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The Kamala Harris/Tim Walz presidential ticket would be hard to beat in terms of sheer destructiveness to the West, and a great gift to communist China. In the material extracted below, one can see a clear case that Tim Walz has been groomed by the Chinese Communist Party. According to Peter Schweizer, the author of Blood Money: Why the Powerful Tu...

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Enoch Powell’s “Rivers of Blood”: He Was an Optimist! By Richard Miller (Somewhere in Europe)

British conservative politician Enoch Powell, gave his infamous "Rivers of Blood Speech" in April 1968 at the Conservative Political Centre in Birmingham, England. It was motivated by concern felt even then by White Britain about what was being done to a once homogeneous country: "We must be mad, literally mad, as a nation to be permitting the annu...

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The Inherent Destructiveness of Woke Culture for Western Civilisation, By Chris Knight (Florida)

A thought-provoking article at the freedom moment site Vigilant, joins the dots pointing out what is becoming obvious now that the foundational principles of freedom that once defined the West, especially America, are fast being undermined, and wound back. Free speech and meritocracy are under attack, to be replaced by totalitarian suppres...

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To Control Urban Terrorist Stabbings, UK Government has More Knife Bans! By Richard Miller (Not in London)

"Family Day" at the Notting Hill Carnival ended up with less than family friendly times, with three people being stabbed by the usual suspects. There were 90 arrests for these offences: "four sexual offences, 10 assaults on emergency workers, 18 possessions of an offensive weapon, eight possessions of class A drugs, 13 possessions of class B drugs,...

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Covid Dictator Dan’s Next Great Achievement: The Bankruptcy of Victoria, By Paul Walker

As leading dissent journalist, Rebekah Barnett has noted, a major credit rating agency has blamed the Dan Andrew's government for the present financial plight of Victoria, where skyrocketing debt is leading to a likely credit rating downgrade. This in turn could lead to an increased risk of defaulting on debt, and bankruptcy. The agency, and others...

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Cooling Oceans Refute Climate Change Scam, By James Reed

This is something which I did not see reported in the Australian mainstream media, no doubt because it is so damaging to the climate change alarmist scam, and the even bigger scam of renewable energy that has followed from it. Surface ocean temperatures have been rapidly dropping across the world. The exact details of these dramatic falls are below...

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Thought Crimes: The Arrest of Pavel Durov, By Richard Miller (In Italy)

Telegram has been a more robust libertarian freedom of speech venture than Elon Musk's X. This has led to the French wing of the New World Order, once known as the French government, having the CEO of Telegram, Pavel Durov, arrested and charged with 12 crimes, all in connection with Telegram's failure to comply with the EU authorities' requests to ...

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The Great Visa/Immigration Factories! By James Reed

I had the article extracted below by Leith van Onselen up on screen at the community centre, when the resident Leftist, who is not too bad a person otherwise, came by. Ah he said, yeah, I know the line, just blame the international students for the accommodation crisis! Well, no, there is much more to it, such as a failure to build adequate housing...

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