Now it is the Entire Family Against Tim Walz! By Chris Knight (Florida)

Talk about a family gathering! While the mainstream media made much of Donald Trump's sister opposing him, what do we make of Kamala Harris' running mate, the ultra-Leftist Tim Walz's family coming out to oppose him and support Donald Trump, even posing for the press with the slogan "Walz's for Trump" on a nice blue T-shirt. I count eight of them. ...

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The Shape of Ugliness to Come, By Richard Miller (London)

Dr. David McGrogan, Associate Professor of Law at Northumbria Law School, commenting on the aftermath of the Uk immigration riots says that the government is going to get even more mean than it has been with the arresting of people who were not rioting, but merely at the scene of the thought "crime." He compares the British government, to use a ver...

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Climate Change Lies Continue to Get Exposed, By James Reed

A recent scientific study by Dai Ato of Japan, published in Science of Climate Change:, has put the case that it is sea surface temperatures, and not human economic and industrial activity involving fossil fuels, which is primarily responsible for the pr...

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UN New World Order, Just Around the Corner, By James Reed

The UN Summit for the Future, Our Common Agenda, to be signed at the end of September 2024, brings to a boil the Agenda 2030 drive for a New World Order. Dr Robert Malone has been sounding the alarm on this, saying that the "Pact for the Future," will consist of a treaty, as a "pact" means the same thing. As Dr Malone says: "This truly is "The Grea...

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From Russiagate 2.0 to Transgate, By Chris Knight (Florida)

Here is a story about Kamala Harris' running mate, Tim Walz and how he runs things. One can shudder at what will happen to the West when this team take office in November, and that is a certainty given the electoral fraud system now firmly in place. Illegals, who state authorities in swing states, refuse to remove, will ensure this alone. Here is a...

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We’ve Got that Russiagate Feeling Again! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Hillary Clinton must be over the moon, as Russiagate looks like making its grand entrance into the 2024 US election, after being debunked from the 2016 election. The US (IN)Justice Department has seized and shutdown 32 domains it claims are part of an effort by Russia to influence the US election. The websites were being "used by the Kremlin to spr...

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Trust Me, I’m a Doctor and Know. Sure. By Mrs Vera West

A paper just published in JAMA, The Journal of the American Medical Association:, examined the question of trust patients had in their doctors and hospitals from the Covid era, April 2020, to early 2024. It was found that there was a massive decline in trust from 7...

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Rumble in the Free Speech Jungle, By James Reed

It is not just the freedom movement saying that free speech is under attack across the world. Here is an email I got from The CEO of Rumble saying the same. They are worthy of support. Free Speech Under Attack -- A Note from the CEO of Rumble Dear Rumble Users, I don't typically send messages to our users through email, but red lines have been cros...

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Globalist Woke Censorship Unlimited, By James Reed

One of the ways the globalists are moving to supress free speech on social media platforms is via use of the totalitarian Digital Services Act (DSA) of the European Union (EU), as administered by the European Commission (EC). This is being used to force Elon Musk's X to comply to EU censorship. Thus Musk has been threatened with fines of up to 6 pe...

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Kamala Harris Symbol of the West’s Changing Demographics, By Chris Knight (Florida)

One of the woke Leftist arguments in support of a presidency of Kamala Harris, who a few months back was not regarded as a credible candidate, but now is being promoted by the mainstream media as simply unstoppable, the brightest person in the woke universe, is that she is multi-racial and thus reflects the sort of society the Left and the globalis...

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Backlash from the Durov Arrest, By Richard Miller (France, Today)

My French is so-so, enough to get around Paris, but from looking at the papers (being here for business), I see little on the aftermath of the arrest of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov, who has been released on bail, but has had his three passports taken. Still, this nasty anti-free speech action by the French state has not gone unnoticed. The United Arab...

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The Evil Empire of the Universities Fight Back! By James Reed

I have been arguing for decades that the universities are dangerous, intellectually corrupt institutions. My critique has mainly been on cultural and civilisational areas. But in more recent times, at least for Australia, the universities have engaged in major direct harm to the Australian community through their drive to bring in hundreds of thous...

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The Fall of Mpox (Monkey Pox), By Brian Simpson

Many of us thought that the second round of Mpox, once known as monkey pox, but the name was changed for woke reasons, would be used as the next plandemic. The thesis is that there would have been be a replication of the success enjoyed from Covid and its lockdown, enabling mass mail in fraud in the US election. The idea was that the Covid plandemi...

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Harris Defends Big Tech Censorship, By Chris Knight (Florida)

Here is another indication of the direction that a Kamala Harris presidency will take, and have no doubt, that she will be elected no matter how much electoral fraud will be needed, given the utter weakness of Republicans to take measures to prevent any of this. Never once has Trump said at a speech that he calls on everyone there to man polling st...

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Pride in Britain Hits All-time Low, By Richard Miller (Not in Britain)

The British Social Attitudes Survey 2023, has found that pride in British history has fallen from 86 per cent in 2013 to the lowest of the low, of 64 percent in 2023, this being people who were "proud" or "very proud" of Britain's history. There is no doubt that the impact of the campaign to create a black armband view of the British empire, which ...

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The Existential Threat of Leftoid University Academics, By James Reed

As readers would know, I have been proclaiming for years that the source of most of our threats comes from the universities, something the freedom movement is too timid to touch. Of course, the globalists are in control of the game, but they are limited in numbers, and need to act through intermediate agents. The universities produce teachers of te...

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The New Zealand Covid Vax Data, Unravelled, By Brian Simpson

The linked essay is long, and takes about an hour to read, maybe more, given the statistical complexities, and need to read data from tables. However, according to leading Covid vax critic Steve Kirsch, the New Zealand data leaked by whistle-blower Barry Young,shows that the Covid vaccines are increasing all-cause mortality/deaths in the Covid vacc...

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Let the Criminals Run Free: Kamala Country! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

It just keeps getting worse. Kamala Harris is slowly releasing policies. She has given some Soviet era policies, such as price control, but nothing involving migrant control. In fact, her big thing will be from day one, is to close all Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detention centres and set illegal aliens free, and this will involve the...

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Creeping Tyranny in Queensland; The “Respect at Work and Other Matters Amendment Bill 2024” By James Reed

Another day; another tyranny. This one, as noted by George Christensen, who can sure dig this stuff out, like a political blood hound, is deceptive, which is what we have come to expect from the political elites. The Respect at Work and Other Matters Amendment Bill 2024 (RWOMA), sounds at first glance like a good thing, to protect workers from work...

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Lowering the Nuclear Attack Threshold, By Richard Miller (Somewhere in Europe)

 The Ukraine is pressing the United States to use long-rang missiles to attack deep within Russia. Vlad Putin has said that if there was an existential threat to Russia, then nuclear weapons would be used. This "existential threat" has been very broadly defined as including "the end of Russia's statehood." And a defeat in the Ukraine war would...

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