The Atomic Hand Grenade Vaccine! By Brian Simpson

 I recall reading about the supposed atomic hand grenade, that could not be used because it would blow up an area larger than any cover the thrower would have. But that is not the real answer as to why there is no such weapon, because the size of the critical mass needed to get the system going is going to be vastly larger than the hand grenad...

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Hillary Clinton’s Catch Up on Kamala Harris in the Tyranny Stakes, By Chris Knight (Florida)

Former presidential candidate, one who failed, Hillary Clinton, demonstrates very well the rapid movement to Soviet-era totalitarianism, dropping the liberal coverings easily. Thus, Clinton has proposed that anyone who parrots Russian talking points should be criminally charged. That would include Americans who migrated from Russia and believe that...

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The Climate Anxiety Social Construction, By James Reed

Climate change anxiety is one of the latest trendy fads to be engulfing the West, and making more profits for psychologists. It is hardly surprising that young people, who are fed a steady diet of climate change extremism from school to university with the narrative that the world as they know it is coming to an end because of Western lifestyles, s...

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The Outright Onslaught on Christianity in the West, By Richard Miller (Europe)

An article at the Daily makes the case that there is an outright onslaught against Christianity in the West. The article while very good and interesting, deals primarily with the UK example and how the rise of LGBT + ideology, a new religion, backed by the UK Equality Act, has led to many Christians having to leave their jobs, since if ...

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Mind Control Unlimited, Like a Clockwork Orange, By Richard Miller (Europe)

The UK has moved from being a fragile liberal democracy, to a dystopia not unlike that depicted in the movie, A Clockwork Orange. However, the same trend to constrain free speech, especially on the internet vias social media, is well under way across the West, including Australia, which now has a Bill which will seek to restrain social media compan...

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The Scam of UK Temperature Readings for the Zero Net Ideology, By Richard Miller (Europe)

The UK is supposedly facing record high temperatures, in fact "extremes," and the drive for zero net carbon emissions is being pushed with a fanatical fervour. But what about the temperatures, where are the measurements taking place? As noted by the Daily, a go to site for debunking climate change extremism, the most recent extreme was ...

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Top Cancer Expert: Every New Cancer Patient is Under 45, By Brian Simpson

The predictions of the doom of the human species, at least the Covid vaxxed members, made by some doctors and genetic researchers critical of the Covid vaxxes, may prove to be an exaggeration, hopefully. However, while extreme positions may be incorrect, it does not follow that we have a home run here. There are still unresolved issues about the lo...

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The Devil of Drink, By Mrs Vera West

We do not see many spirited critiques of the socially accepted practice of drinking alcohol in either the mainstream, or alterative press, even Christian publications. That was not so in the past, with the Temperance League having great impact, especially in America, which brought about the Prohibition era. The issues are complex, compounded by Ame...

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World War III Before the Election? By James Reed

Natural has also agreed that the final red line has been crossed, with the issue of whether the United States allows the Ukraine to use long-range missiles to strike at targets deep inside of Russia. Russian president Vladimir Putin warned that if this occurs, then Russia would be a war with the West. According to Congressman Michael McCau...

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The Threat of the UN’s Pact for the Future, Almost Here! By James Reed

The UN Pact for the Future is set to be formalised on 22 and 23 September this year, now only days away. This is a world government initiative which has sneaked up on freedom movement people across the world. Its ramifications are profound, as discussed in detail by the extract below from Children's Health Defense. The U.N. describes this as an "op...

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Democracy at the End of its Tether, By James Reed

Democracy seems to be at an end, or at least, under severe threat. Michel Maffesoli, honorary professor at the Sorbonne in Paris, has said that "the end of the democratic ideal is manifesting itself." This is seen very clearly in the US election, where in 2020, there is a strong case that the election was stolen from Trump, visa electoral fraud. Th...

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Nuclear War Simulations: The Aftermath, By Richard Miller (Europe)

The U.S. Department of Defense, according to a recent procurement notice posted on, the site for government registry for vendors doing business with the federal government, has been studying the possible effects of nuclear strikes upon the world's agriculture. The simulations have been undertaken by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' Enginee...

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Monica Smit’s Story, By Mrs Vera West

Independent journalist, Monica Smit was arrested three times on October 31, 2020, while covering the Victorian Covid lockdowns. She was offered $ 15,000 to walk away, but bravely chose to fight the government on her own, with no legal representation. And she won on two out of three of the charges! However, she was hit with legal fees from the gover...

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Covid, Climate Change and the Limits of Mathematical Modelling, By Brian Simpson

Tomas Fürst, a mathematician has done a fine job outlining the limits of mathematical modelling, and how these limits were ignored on the Covid plandemic, and still are in climate change work. In Covid, the models totally failed to predict how the virus would behave, and the nature and extent of the spread. On the basis of apocalyptic predictions, ...

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The Origin of Woke, By James Reed

Many of us conservative critics of woke, what used to be called by the much better term of phrase, "political correctness," often refer to woke as being grounded in cultural Marxism. Patrick West, quoting political scientist Eric Kaufmann, puts the case against this, arguing that Karl Marx did not write much on culture, which he saw as subservient ...

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Environmentalist from Left Blows Whistle on Green Technology Failures By James Reed

For those of us who are fighting the climate change alarmist mania, and its deindustrialisation policies, we see the environmentalists from the Greens always proposing that strategies such as carbon capture and storage will aid in the achievement of the mythical zero net. George Monbiot, a leading Leftist environmental writer and journalist has the...

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Even the Asian Mainstream Media is Saying that NATO is Declaring War on Russia! By James Reed

We have previously covered the story that Russian president Vlad Putin has warned that Russia will be at war with the West if the West supplies the Ukraine with long-range weapons that will be used by the Ukraine leader who dances in heals, to strike deep into Russia. We have said that Russia will not hesitate to use nuclear weapons if facing an ex...

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Second Trump Assassination Attempt, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Joe Biden has been quiet since his dethroning by Kamala Harris, but on September 14, Biden said: "It has to stop." "It's simply wrong. There's no place in America. This has to stop, what he's (Trump is) doing," It has to stop." That is to say, there must be no opposition to the New World Order globalist agenda. And then at Trump International Golf ...

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Australian Immigration, Always Increasing, By James Reed

While Labor gave lip service to supposed immigration cuts, to gaslight the locals who were getting restless with the accommodation crisis, long-term arrivals data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) indicates that there were 335,184 net arrivals from January 2024 to July 2024. This is an increase, not a decrease, being 110,175 people hig...

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Germany Dissolves Itself, By Richard Miller (Europe)

The BBC covered the deal made between Germany and Kenya, for Germany to take young professionals as Germany has the supposed eternal shortage of skilled labour. The BBC did not say how many such professionals will be taken in, but other sources reveal a number like 250,000, with more to come:

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