The Suicidal Psychology of the Progressive, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Tyler Durden, the name for editorial comment, taken from the character in the masculine movie Fight Club (1999), has given his take on the immigration crisis of the US, which is replicated across the West to various degrees, in Europe, Canada and Australia. Across the West, the majority of the population are opposed to continuous high...

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Eating Beef and Masculinity, By John Steel

Beef eating in all cultures that have beef (e.g. Eskimos do not but eat the meat of various other creatures), has been historically associated with masculinity. Men were the principal hunters in pre-modern times. Thus, getting the meat was strongly associated with manhood, because animals that are hunted do not want to be eaten and violently resist...

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The Australian Battle to Save Free Speech is Now! By James Reed

The Labor government has reintroduced a draconian Bill which will polish off free speech in this country. This is a new version of thecensorship bill, The Communications Legislation Amendment (Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation) Bill 2023. All social media companies will be censored by the media regulator, and will face fines up to five p...

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Labor Scraps Criminal Penalties for Minority Vilification, By Paul Walker

Labor's coming hate crime Bill, will apparently not have criminal penalties for seriously vilifying minority groups. The Bill has been substantially weakened according to sources quoted by the mainstream media. The Bill will not even use the words "hate speech," nor introduce a serious anti-vilification law. It will focus on acts and threats of vio...

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SEAL Team Six Preparing for China’s Invasion of Taiwan, By Chris Knight (Florida)

Not only is the Eastern European theatre of war hotting up, with Russia warning the West that strikes by US-supplied long-range missiles deep within Russia will be an act of war, but the China theatre is ready to go as well. The US Navy's elite special operations unit, SEAL Team Six, is in training for the Chinese invasion of Taiwan. As well, US sp...

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Tren De Aragua, the Bitter Fruits of Globalist Mass Immigration, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

They came in through the open border, the violent Tren de Aragua gang from Venezuela. But they are only one gang of many, including well-established gangs already present from Mexico for the fentanyl drug trade, which kills over 100,000 people per year. But this is just business as usual for the globalist elites, and not an act of war which it is, ...

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Trump was Right about a Surge in Crime Under Biden Regime, By Chris Knight (Florida)

During the presidential debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, Trump said that crime had surged under the Biden-Harris regime. That was fact checked by the Leftist fact checkers, and proclaimed to be false. What Crime? Well, the Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC) has released an analysis of US Justice Department data which indicates th...

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The Pope is Really Not a Catholic! By Peter West

The old meme about Pope Francis not being a Catholic rings true. At an interreligious meeting with youth at Singapore's Catholic Junior College, Pope Francis said that all religions are a path to the one God. "All religions are a path to reach God. They are, to use a comparison, like different languages, different dialects to get there." "But God i...

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Madness, Nay, More Madness, in London, By Richard Miller (Europe)

Getting transferred out of the London branch of the "firm" was the best thing to happen to me this year. I wrote constantly about how bad life in London was for Whites, but you only really get to see how murky the Thames River water is, when you are not drowning in it. Thus, the last piece of madness, is Muslim Labour Mayor of London Sadiq Khan, ad...

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Overrun by Migrants Too, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Charleroi was once a nice town in Pennsylvania, which had around 4,200 people, before the immigration invasion happened. Then this great replacement saw a 2,000 percent increase in the town's immigrant population over the past two years. The population has been doubled by the immigrants, a product of the Biden regime's open border. The same sorts o...

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Haitian Report on Cultural Practice of Eating Cats, Ducks and Geese, By Chris Knight (Florida)

The debate about the Haitian immigrants, 20,000 of which has been dumped upon the town of Springfield Ohio, former population of 60,000, has focussed upon the Haitians eating pets and wild birds, such as ducks and geese. There is also some coverage of the poor driving skills of the migrants, who apparently were just issued driver's licences, with n...

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Trump, Defender of Cats and Ducks! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Since Trump's debate with Kamala Harris when Trump confirmed that Haitian immigrants were eating pet life: ""They're eating the dogs, the people that came in, they're eating the cats. They're eating the pets of the people that live there, and this is what's happening in our country, and it's a shame." The fact checker- liberal-lapdogs went into act...

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Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Supports the Idea of Nuclear War with Russia! By Chris Knight (Florida)

No sooner did Russian President Vladimir Putin say that World War III would occur if NATO supplied to the Ukraine long range missiles capable of being launched deep inside of Russia, then Canadian prime Minister, the ultra-Leftist, globalist Justin Trudeau replied that he supports the idea of supplying such missiles, and the Ukraine letting loose o...

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Itching Ever Closer to War with Russia, By Richard Miller (Western Europe)

The biggest news story in this cycle should be, but it is not, that Putin has drawn a line in the sand, that if Joe Biden gives approval for the Ukraine to lob long-range missiles, supplied by the West, deep inside Russia, then Russia would be at war with the West. Putin said: "This would in a significant way change the very nature of the conflict....

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Self-Hatred and the Dissolution of the West, By James Reed

Philosopher A. Gibson has written that there has been a concentrated attack upon the foundations of Western civilisation for the last few decades, but I think arguably much longer, at least beginning in the 1960s, but perhaps stretching back to the French Revolution. This has been an attack on all fronts, but particularly culturally, where everythi...

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Immigration Harms the Local Poor, By Chris Knight (Florida)

One can go to the site below to see a number of videos of poor people, including Blacks, describing how the present US immigration invasion crime wave is harming them. Springfield Ohio is a city where almost a quarter of the people live in poverty, and that was before 20,000 Haitians were dumped upon them. Public resources including medical and sch...

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The Fightback of the Brazilians, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

 A Brazil supreme Court judge Justice Alexandre de Moraes ordered the banning of Elon Musk's X refusal to block far Right on X. The claim itself is an absurd violation of basic liberties, even for Brazil, but the political class has been moving, as elsewhere the world, to restrict free speech of the Right. A protest of thousands hit the street...

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Integration Success One Day; Attempted Murderer the Next! By Richard Miller (London)

America does not have a monopoly on all the immigration absurdities, and it seems, ironies. Thus a 15-year old Syrian who came to Sweden as a refugee during the migrant crisis of 2015 with his family. The family was hailed by the Swedish media as an example of an integration success. But wait, not so fast. The lad has been arrested on suspicion of ...

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Violent Gangs Doing What They do Best, By Chris Knight (Florida)

Michael Snyder is covering the invasion of the US by violent gangs, the main one in the news at the moment is Tren de Aragua from Venezuela, but there are others. The gangs have moved in via the open border and are now rampaging across the country, including, as previously covered, attacking even oil wells in Texas. In New York there was a gang lan...

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Labor Made it Illegal to Preach Christianity, By James Reed

Here is a point of concern for all Christians, and freedom defenders. Dave Pellowe reports that the Respect at Work and Other Matters Amendment Bill 2024, has passed through Queensland parliament. It is one of the most repressive pieces of law to be targeted against free speech in Australian history. Pellowe quotes Queensland Director of the Austra...

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