Covid Vaxxes and Ladies’ Problems, By Mrs. Dr Abigail Knight (Florida)

 A recent study from France:, has indicated that the Covid vaxxes are implicated in a greater than 20 percent increased risk of heavy menstrual bleeding in the first three months after the jab. While this is not life threatening, and does not immediately establish a reproducti...

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On the Australian Covid Vax Death Count, By Brian Simpson

 Rebekah Barnett, leading dissent journalist, accounts how Australia's official Covid vax death numbers are 50 percent higher than the media figures. Thus, the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), has acknowledged only 14 Covid vax deaths, while the Database of Adverse Event Notifications (DAEN), has over 1,000 reported deaths. The Australi...

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The Curse of Student Visa Factories, By James Reed

Sham colleges have been operating in Australia for decades, mainly for the purpose of backdoor immigration for Asians, in my opinion. The idea was for an easy entry and support for immigration applications. Successive Labor and Liberal governments, who have the same Asianisation agenda, have supported this. The corporate elites were happy having a ...

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Our Universities Exist for Dollar Degrees for International Students! By James Reed

Leith van Onselen, over at, has put the case, which should be common sense, but is not, that the Australian universities should exist for educating Australian students, and not as a global supermarket. He cites Australian Industry Group (AiG) CEO Innes Willox, as surprising ideological supporter, who agrees with the federal gov...

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Let Them Eat Exams (of Their Own Baking)! By Chris Knight (Florida)

Here is a model for Australia too, where international students are basically what the university system is all about now. Left-wing "educators" want to allow university students, maybe even high school students, to write their own exams and set their own assessment schemes. No guesses where something crazy like this will go, with there no even bei...

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First Race, Now Biological Sex Cancelled in Anthropology, By Brian Simpson

In the post-World War II period there was a successful drive by Leftists and communists of the Boas school to have the concept of race cancelled. The debates continued with IQ and sociology, but the Left basically won these on the university, since Leftists had taken over the Western universities and "knowledge" production. Then the agenda was exte...

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Scrap Welcome to Country! By James Reed

Nice biting criticism at the, which has published great critical material on the cultural wars, about the Welcome to Country ceremonies. It is in the form of a letter lamenting about the number of mind-numbing ceremonies the writer has been in. It is pointed out in commentary that there is no traditional cultural or religious signi...

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Migration Madness: Far from Home; Far from ANY Home, By James Reed

It has happened, as is happening in America, with the accommodation crisis leading to increased rents that have now priced many people out of the market. The average Australian weekly rent is $ 547.People receiving $499 a week through Jobseeker and Commonwealth Rent Assistance payments, are thus no longer able to rent. To this, PM Albo who knew thi...

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Russell Broadbent, Independent MP: Suspend the mRNA Vaxxes! By Brian Simpson

Russell Broadbent, independent MP for the federal seat of Monash, said in a letter to the prime minister that regarding the mRNA Covid vaxxes that "immediate action through a suspension of these products is critical to mitigate further risk." He was particularly concerned about the results of independent testing of Australian samples. Covid va...

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Reject the Government’s Rejigged Misinformation Bill in Its Entirety: Dr Nick Coatsworth! By Mrs Vera West

Dr Nick Coatsworth,served as deputy Chief Medical Officer and Senior Medical Advisor on Covid during 2020 and 2021, so he knows a thing or two about public policy. He is perhaps best known to most Aussies as a TV doctor. He has called for the Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation Bill to be rejected in its entirety, due to the weaponization ...

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The US State Department Wants to End Free Speech! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

One of the major threats to free speech across the globe comes from the US State Department, which has been controlled by the globalist Trilateral Commission. The State Department works with other Deep State organisations, such as the CIA, the FBI, DHS, the NSA, to control the public narrative, on all issues of concern, such as vaccines, immigratio...

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Neonicotinoid Pesticides Killing Off Bees, By Bob Farmer, Dairy Farmer

Much scientific research supports the idea that the death of bees and decline in bee health throughout the world is primarily due to neonicotinoid pesticides, produced by chemical companies such as Bayer. The story below details how Bayer Crop Science opened the "Bayer Bee Care Center" in North Carolina, for bee research. The idea was for research ...

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The Psychological Foundations of Woke, By James Reed

One of our key concerns at the blog is the destructive influence of woke ideology, formerly known as "political correctness," upon Western civilisation, and its decline. In particular, how does it function, what is the psychology of woke as a social process. The material below takes the line from Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900), that humans need me...

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The Technate Agenda, By James Reed

Apart from the top level global financial elites who control the entire game, there are lower ranking monsters, the technocrats, who ensure the smooth running of the system, with technical efficiency, we suppose. This idea, of applying technocracy to the entire stretch of society and governance, is called a technate. We saw the exposure of this ide...

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The Dark Lords Who Now Run the Great Lunatic Asylum of Modernity, By James Reed, which has been a go-to site for exposing the Covid vax and mandate tyrannies, details how the globalist organisations, including Rockefeller Foundation, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, UNICEF; CDC, GAVI, USAID, the World Bank, Trilateral Commission and World Economic Forum, to name but as few, are not independent entities, but...

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China’s Water Catastrophe, By James Reed

Apart from the birth crash issue, one of the real environmental resource issues facing China, is not the illusory climate change mythology, but the shortage of water. A shortage of water is not some hypothetical thing, like temperature rises, or species loss; you either have the water or you do not.Droughts have had a severe impact upon China's wat...

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Zero Net: Political Weapon of Communist China, By James Reed

The core argument as I see it against the zero net carbon emissions ideology is that if it was true that here is an existential climate change crisis, then all of humanity should be moved to a war footing to deal with it. There would be no credibility given to the argument that, well, the non-White nations of the world have not had their bite of th...

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The Long-Term Effects of the Covid Vax: Saudi Study, By Brian Simpson

Here is a Covid vax critical study, published in the mainstream medical literature that got past the censor. Researchers at King Abdulaziz University in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, have published a new study on the long-term side effects of Covid vaccines reported by the Saudi Arabian population. The research team examined those aged 16 years and older w...

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Christian Values as the Foundation of the West, By James Reed

Michael Snyder has written a nice piece reminding us that Christian values are the foundation of the West. The core point made is that Christianity had asserted the prime value of the individual, seen to have free will, and thus, should be in a society granting freedom and liberty, consistent with the freedom and liberty of other individuals. That ...

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The Yoke of Woke, By Chris Knight (Florida)

It is very odd, suspicious in fact, that the capitalist class, who should be concerned about maximising profits for shareholders, and there is nothing wrong with that, should have embraced the woke environmental, social, and governance (ESG) "standards" and applied them to their business practices. Bud Light took on the LBGTQ+ social messaging mant...

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