John Kerry Wants to Abolish Free Speech, Totally, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

 It is not just in Australia, the UK and Europe, where free speech has suddenly been found to be inconvenient to the activities of the elites. In America, once the home of the "free," the likes of former Senator and Secretary of State John Kerry, is leading the charge of the riders of the doom of liberty, to abolish the First Amendment of the ...

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Good News from Ireland for Free Speech! By Richard Miller (Europe)

While most governments, such as Australia's are intensifying the war on free speech, there has been one victory over in Ireland. The Irish government has announced that it will scrap its draconian updates to its already draconian hate speech laws. This is allegedly because there was not enough support for them, as if support was ever an issue in pa...

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Rapper Raper Diddy’s Tapes Set to Blow the Music Scene Apart! By Chris Knight (Florida)

We did not think it was relevant to report on the present arrest of the rapper Diddy, Sean John Combs, who has been arrested and charged with numerous sex offences. It seems that Diddy was another Epstein, but more concerned with the entertainment industry. He held wild parties where people, mainly women, were drugged, raped and he filmed the lot. ...

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The Games Supermarkets Play, By Mrs. Vera West

If the cost-of-living crisis was not bad enough, leading to, as I wrote in another article, pregnant Australian women facing food shortages, plunging us to Third World levels, the big supermarkets are allegedly playing psychological tricks, according to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC), by misleading discount price claims. ...

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The Global Housing Crisis, By Paul Walker

Alan Kohler, writing in the Leftist, puts the case that the housing/accommodation crisis which is destroying so many Australians of a lower socio-economic status, leading to street sleeping and tent cities, is seen across the world. He shows with case studies that there are just not enough affordable houses being built. Kohler supports...

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"This is the Modern Version of the Boat Arrivals”: Peter Dutton, By James Reed

At present the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) has been flooded with appeals about student visa decisions, mainly from Chinese and Indian students.There were 2,057 cases lodged with the AAT in the previous 12 months, but 8,204 cases in this year to May 31. Speaking on radio the leader of the Opposition Peter Dutton said that this was the "mod...

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Trades, Not More University Degrees, By James Reed

Leith van Onselen has covered in his usual expert style the Albanese government's higher education attainment targets, through the February 2024, Australian Universities Accord Final Report. It is incredible stuff; by 2050, they want to see 80 percent of the country's workforce attaining tertiary education, and the proportion of Australians aged 25...

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Food for Aussies is Becoming a Luxury Item; What to Do? By James Reed

Mrs. Vera West writes today at the blog about her concern about the leaching of various cancer-causing chemicals into food, from packages, such as plastics. I agree that this is a big problem. However, as Australia plunges to Third World levels and below from mass immigration and economic mismanagement, many Aussies are not worrying about the food ...

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Alarming Chemical Toxins in Food! By Mrs. Vera West

This is alarming. Highly toxic chemicals, over 3,600 of them, such as PFAS, bisphenol, metals, phthalates and volatile organic compounds, which have been approved in food processing and packaging, have been found in human blood, hair or breast milk. Many of these chemicals cause hormone disruption, cancer and other serious illnesses. The chemicals ...

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The Covid Vax Hot Shots! By Brian Simpson

There has been speculation from Covid vax critics since the rollout, that some batches of the mRNA vax are "hot" while some less so, or not at all. By this it is meant that there are different rates of serious adverse events associated with different batch numbers. And, according to a paper published in the journal Science, Public Health Policy and...

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Stock Up on Stuff, and Prepare for Hardship, By John Steele

Marcus Allen, a former FBI staff operations specialist, who was persecuted for questioning January 6, told the Judiciary Subcommittee on Weaponization of the Federal Government that he was deliberately targeted by superiors for asking why there were so many federal informants in the crowd at the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riot. "The FBI questioned my al...

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Springfield Ohio, A Lesson in Great Replacement Migration, By Chris Knight (Florida)

One has a once peaceful town like Springfields Ohio, population 60,000, and then sacrificed it to the dark god of mass immigration by bringing in 20,000 Haitians. Not just 20,000 people of various races and ethnicities, but a great slab of a population group. Then, shake and stir and see what happens. How much of this will locals take? If no resist...

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“Migrant Monsters” on Raping, Murdering Rampages Across the Land: President Trump! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

I do not see President Trump doing much to save the West if he survives the coming Deep State assassination attempts and becomes president. To try and reverse the decline and free fall now will require the strength and guts that have not been seen in leaders in the West for centuries. Trump is the product of a soft, feminist culture and that is jus...

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Shooting Trump Out of the Air Now Like a Clay Pigeon! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Clay pigeon shooting, hitting aerial targets with a shotgun is fun, at least for the first five minutes. Then it becomes routine. But not so for smuggling into the US via the wide-open southern border, surface-to-air missiles. Apparently, according to recent posts on Musk's X, nine Misagh-3 missiles, surface-to-air missiles, most likely from Iran, ...

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Will Russian Authoritarianism Solve the Birth Dearth Problem? By Mrs. Vera West

The crash in births, with all advanced industrial countries of the West, and East Asia, having far below replacement levels of births, remains an unsolved problem, but it is putting countries on the road to extinction. Migration is only a short-term solution, as migrant women, and the second generation soon adopt Western modes of living, putting jo...

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The Question of Asian Voters, By Chris Knight (Florida)

While American Renaissance (, is taken to be a White nationalist site, they have pushed the line that East Asian IQ are about five points higher than Whites. See, we are not White supremacists! But it did no good as external comments show. In general, a number of articles over the years have proclaimed that East Asian societies are superi...

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The Worst Case Scenario: World War III and Red Dawn, By James Reed

The head of US air mobility command, General Mike Minihan has said that the US is set to be in a major war by 2025. That is only a bit over three months away, and he did say by 2025, so it could happen any day. The bad news is that because the US military has devoted its energies, like all Western societies drenched in Leftism, to wokeness, the US ...

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Why are Cities So Decadent? By James Reed

Dr Edward Dutton has reported on recent biodiversity research exploring the question of why cities, at least in the West, are so decadent. We know that there is a city/country divide on most political issues, even here in Australia, and it is common for conservatives to criticise the "inner city elites." But why are the cities so bad, when ideally,...

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Eco-Chaplains! The New World Order Religion of Climate Change, By James Reed

Psychological bunk comes in trends and crazes, like people's fetishes for popular culture, such as what passes now as music. Thus, regarding climate change, we now have the totally socially constructed psychological phenomenon of climate grief, which generally rich White kids now find they have. They are in despair for the climate, the planet, what...

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NATO Prepares for World War III! By James Reed

According to Lieutenant-General Alexander Sollfrank, head of NATO's logistics command, NATO is now preparing for an all-out war with Russia, which will be World War III. General Sollfrank has said that NATO is developing mass evacuation and rescue strategies to deal with the coming war. As well, NATO has recently launched its largest military exerc...

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