What Does Joe Biden’s Brain Have in Common with Beethoven and Wagner's? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

A pro-Biden essay appeared in The New York Times earlier in the year, which addressed the issue of the Biden mental decline. The piece by A.O. Scott, was entitled: "For Joe Biden, What Seems Like Age Might Instead Be Style." The main point made, seemingly in all seriousness, was that Biden may seem to be senile, but that is just his odd way, just a...

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“It’s Just My Brain”; Joe Biden Proud to be the “First Black Woman to Serve with a Black President”! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

So, the challenge now is to explain away the latest Biden absurdity. In a talk on Black Philadelphia radio station 96.1FM, Biden, who back in the day was pro-segregation, and has said to Blacks who disagreed with him, that they are not Black, said: "By the way, I'm proud to be, as I said, the first vice president, first black woman to serve with a ...

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For Joe Biden, Every Day is a Neurological Test Day! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

When questioned on an ABC interview, Biden said he would not be willing to undergo an independent medical evaluation and release the results to the public. No need for that as he said, he gets a cognitive exam every day! Let's get cognitive about this claim. First, why would one need to have a cognitive exam every day? The mental deterioration asso...

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All the Fun of Joe Biden’s ABC Interview! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Biden has done his first interview after his disastrous debate with Trump. Biden is still in fast mental decline, but now has fortified himself in denial and has affirmed that he is going to run against Trump. Only thing, Biden confused the date of the coming election, saying it was 2020. Never mind, the slip is minor compared to what will be cover...

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Real Estate “Home Invasions,” By Paul Walker (Sydney)

His story is perhaps not ground-shaking, and I passed over it, but it stuck in my mind. The ACT Civil and Administrative Tribunal awarded a Canberra couple $1,500 in damages, after she, the wife, was awakened to find a real estate agent conducting an inspection of the bedroom, which scared her. The agent alleged that he knocked on the door, and cal...

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Dr Peter McCullough: Addressing the Politics of the Vax, By Chris Knight (Florida)

Leading Covid vax critic, Dr Peter McCullough, has addressed the elephant in the room issue for the Trump presidential candidacy: the Covid vax. Trump has until recently been proud of saying that he is the father of the Covid vax, and every time he has done this at his rallies, his ego must get kicked from the clearly heard booing he gets. The coin...

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The Philosophical Mystery of Consciousness: An Argument for the Existence of God, By Brian Simpson

Professor Philip Goff has published an exploratory piece for general readers about the so-called hard problem of consciousness. For mainstream philosophy, psychology and science, consciousness is a problem as it is difficult to fit it into a materialist worldview, one where everything is ultimately reducible to physics, via biology. Thus, as he say...

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Biden Meltdown Up Date, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

I will bring regular updates on what is happening on the Joe Biden front for Australian readers, most of you, since it is unlikely the dominant Murdoch press is covering much of this. First off, we have the report that Biden is a tyrant to work with, senile or not:https://www.theblaze.com/news/biden-senior-official-staffers-scared. By way of summar...

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Who Wants to be a Pirate? A Wander on the Jurisprudential Silly Side! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Here is a bit of a fun piece I found in my journey over the stormy internet seas. A. J. Jacobs, who writes all sorts of interesting books, with his latest being The Year of Living Constitutionally (Crown, 2024). The idea was to live in accordance with the US constitution. The Amazon summary says: "In The Year of Living Constitutionally, A.J. Jacobs...

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Time for a Nuclear South Korea? By James Reed

South Korea is rightly concerned about having a hostile North Korea with nuclear weapons, posing an existential threat to it. The tension has been raised by the mutual defence pact signed with Putin. This may go so far as the supply of Russian technology for North Korea's nuclear program. Faced with this threat, South Koreans are moving to the line...

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Political Persecution, Pure and Simple, By Richard Miller (London)

A court in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, has banned members of the Right-wing party, Alternative for Germany (AfD), from owning firearms. The case was based upon the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BfV), Germany's domestic intelligence service, classifying the party as a "suspected" threat to democracy. AfD members are thu...

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Has Trump Seen the Light on Big Pharma? By Chris Knight (Florida)

Until recently Trump has proudly promoted himself as father of the Covid vax, and the one who authorised Operation Warp Speed, that led to Big Pharma skipping the usual long-term testing and getting emergency authorisation. But perhaps with the influence of Robert Kennedy as a competing electoral candidate, Trump seems to have changed course a litt...

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Enemies, Both Foreign and Domestic, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

 Brandon Smith makes the case that America, was but one country that came close to civil war during the Covid period of 2021-2022. Polls have shown that nearly half the population sees civil war as inevitable, and that comes from both the Left and Right, although they have different explanations: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/jan/04/n...

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Can Donald Trump Prevent Nuclear War with Russia? By Chris Knight (Florida)

 Vladimir Putin, at the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit in Kazakhstan, Russian, mentioned American presidential candidate Donald Trump's proposal to end the war in Ukraine. Putin said, "The fact that Mr. Trump, as a presidential candidate, says that he is ready and wants to stop the war in Ukraine, we take that very seriously. I...

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On Gaslighting, By James Reed

Webster's dictionary defines the term "gaslighting," as "psychological manipulation of a person usually over an extended period of time that causes the victim to question the validity of their own thoughts, perception of reality, or memories and typically leads to confusion, loss of confidence and self-esteem, uncertainty of one's emotional or ment...

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After Assange, the Next Political Prisoner: Steve Bannon, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

 The Biden administration has moved to imprison Steve Bannon, former Trump advisor, and political commentator. Bannon is now in Danbury Federal Prison, which is a high security prison, with severe limits on inmate freedoms. Bannon will not have the internet, or the freedom to access information about the outside world. How many people did he m...

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International Health Regulations are as Bad as the WHO Pandemic Treaty for Australia, By Brian Simpson

Nation First has issued the warning that even though the World Health Organization (WHO) pandemic treaty has been put off until May 2025, when the fight begins again, the Australian Government has set up the Centre for Disease Control (CDC), with the goal of enforcing the World Health Organization's (WHO) new International Health Regulations (IHRs)...

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The Origin of Cultural Marxism, By James Reed

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), Critical Race Theory (CRT), Black Lives Matter (BLM), gender indoctrination, and wokeism, are the modern-day outcomes of the thought of the group of Marxists known as the Frankfurt School. Theodore Adorno, Max Horkheimer, and Herbert Marcuse, came to America from Germany in the early 1930s, and were in full a...

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Banning Fossil Fuels Makes Heat Waves More, Not Less Dangerous, By James Reed

Most temperature-related deaths are from the cold. It is logical when you think about it, as I am right now, shivering in my unheated flat on a bitterly cold Melbourne night, unable to afford the power bill for heating. The cold engulfs one, while with heat you can go to a shade and cool off, even by wetting yourself. A slight breeze will be enough...

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Cancelled for Saying Skeletons Either Male of Female, By Brian Simpson

Just how crazy, and oppressive has woke culture got? As far as the universities go, across the West, you can have a safe bet that there is no limit to woke, that they are approaching infinity wokeness. For example, Dr. Elizabeth Weiss was cancelled by the political might of the trans lobby for saying that skeletons are either male or female! Yes, i...

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