An Immigration Bungler? Incredible! By James Reed

Looks like the Labor government has a lot more work on its hands to catch up with the Biden administration, which is allowing criminals and possible terrorists to enter America in the hundreds of thousands, soon billions. Australian Labor's show pales to this of course. But it seems from released documents that 80 dangerous non-citizens were releas...

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Abortion Over-Drive, By Mrs Abigail Knight (Florida)

It is but one evil aspect of the present Kamala Harris regime, that of radical abortion. Pro-life groups have sent out warnings about what Harris and Walz believe. They are in support of abortion up until the last seconds of birth, and even then, have said nothing about the fate of babies born from bungled abortions. It is well known these babies a...

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Gun Banners on the Move! By John Steele

Kamala Harris and Tim Walz, both radical gun-banners, are working to undermine the Second Amendment of the US Constitution, the right to bear arms. This is being done by the death of a thousand cuts. Thus, they continue the mania of banning "assault weapons," which glazed-eyed follows moronically call "weapons of war." Never mind all the wars and d...

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A Blood Bath Either Way: Biden, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Even words of truth can sometimes fall from the lips of the evil senile. Thus Joe Biden said, off the cuff, that "If Trump wins, no I'm not confident at all – I mean – if Trump loses I'm not confident at all," said Biden, initially misspeaking before correcting himself. "He means what he says. We don't take him seriously. He means it, all the stuff...

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Stealing the Election with Ring-in Voters By Chris Knight (Florida)

The 2024 election is being stolen by the Democrat using multiple means. One method, which is undeniable, is that the Biden administration is accelerating the naturalisation of immigrants, mostly illegal ring-in voters to be, to reshape the electorate before the election. "The surge in naturalization efficiency isn't just about clearing backlogs; it...

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The Immigration War Hypothesis of Brandon Smith: A Mercenary Army Against the West? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Brandon Smith always has insightful hard-hitting pieces on the latest big things going down. In a recent piece, he cuts to the chase on the mass immigration issue, asking why the Western elites are so intend in destroying anyone who dares question the idea that masses of the Third World can be flooded into Western countries, and all will be a bowl ...

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Tucker Carlson: The Vax is Poison, By Brian Simpson

A few weeks back, Tucker Carlson proclaimed that his greatest achievement was not getting the Covid vax. In April 2022 he said that he was unvaxxed and did not intend to get any such jabs. He was mocked by the media, with most of their champions, such as Fauci and Biden, who were up-to-date on the vax, getting Covid, again and again. Tucker then sa...

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The Nature of White Identity, By Brian Simpson

There was an interesting debate at Aporia Magazine about what is actually meant by the term "White," when referring to race. The supports of White racial genocide as part of their ideological attack, argue that there is no sharp distinction between Whites and other people, with many southern Europeans being particularly dark, if not brown, and some...

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Trump Digs His Own Political “Grave” By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Trump says legal immigration is needed to replace the native population: "We're going to let a lot of people come in because we need more people, especially with AI coming…" He shows his utter ignorance, as the going argument about AI is that it replaces jobs, and the Third World invaders are not going to be coders. There is no doubt about it, Trum...

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If You are English, You Don’t Exist! By Richard Miller (Somewhere in Europe)

Connor Tomlinson stated the elephant in the room truth about modern Britain: that is, you are English, if your ancestors were in this land for centuries, it matter not, you are nothing, only the migrant matters. And there is no more an answer now to the question "what is an Englishman," than there is the question "what is a woman?" All the traditio...

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The World was Cooling for 2,000 Years, then Began Warming Before the Use of Fossil Fuels, By James Reed

Jo Nova in another great post draws our attention to: Bao Yang et al, (2024) "The influence of proxy selection on global annual mean temperature reconstructions during the Common Era," Science China Earth Sciences. DOI: 10.1007/s11430-024-1348-3. According to this study, while tree ring data does indicate a hockey stick type of curve for long term ...

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The Myth that the Covid Vaxxes Saved 20 Million Lives, By Brian Simpson

Statistic gurus, Professors Norman Fenton and Martin Neil, have been refuting mainstream Covid narratives throughout the plandemic, and they still are. In a recent post, they comment upon an article that was published in the medical journal The Lancet claiming that the Covid vaccines saved 20 million lives, which is ironically the same figure that ...

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Vaccine Harms in the UK, Exploding According to Mainstream Media Now, By Richard Miller (Somewhere in Europe)

The UK Telegraph has been doing a good job for a mainstream paper in critiquing both mass immigration and the Covid vax issues. A recent piece ran with the headline that 14,000 people were seeking compensation because the Covid vaxxes had left them disabled from stroke, heart attack, blood clots, inflammation of the spinal cord and facial paralysis...

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Cancelling Covid Plandemic Doctor Critics, By Brian Simpson

Two US doctors who have been strong critics of the Covid vaxxes, and who advocated alternative treatments, including the promotion of ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, have had their medical certifications revoked, by the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM).Drs. Pierre Kory and Paul Marik Kory and Marik, who are co-founders of the Front Lin...

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Gain of Function Research May have Produced New Monkey Pox (Mpox) Virus, By Brain Simpson

There is not much information yet, but Dr Peter McCullough has speculated, based upon limited published research: , that there was gain of function changes to the 2022 virus. The present virus that is concerning Africans, also has genetic changes, and there is speculation that this new Mpox variant may have...

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There No Business Like Money Pox Business! By Chris Knight (Florida)

Bavarian Nordic the manufacturer of the Mpox, monkey pox vaccine has had its stock prices boom after the World Health Organization conveniently declared a global public health emergency. Shares in the US went up by an astonishing 33 percent. According to Dr. Kat Lindley, a senior fellow at FLCCC Family Medicine and president of the Global Heal...

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This is Highly Suspicious, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The FBI cleaned up the rooftop where the Trump attempted assassination the day after Crooks was shot dead. It was done by an officer getting on the roof and hosing it down, and there are videos of this. It is beyond unusual to remove evidence from a crime scene so quickly, so it begs for an explanation, as it smacks of evidence tampering. The body ...

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Magic Thinking Now Part of TV Pop Science! By Brain Simpson

Neil de Grasse, the Black popular physics for the mass media guru has said that DNA does not determine sex. What does then? Human choice it seems, as a person can decide on a day-to-day basis if they are male or female. He has come in for a lot of criticism from conservatives for this distortion of science. Would the laws of motion also be decided ...

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What Took Brits So Long to Wake Up and See the “Rivers of Blood”? By Richard Miller (Somewhere in Europe)

It has been a slow train coming indeed. One would have thought after the exposure of the grooming gang rapes by "Asian" gangs of White British children, and the knife attacks in major cities, there would have been a higher level of opposition to mass immigration, but the population of Whites has been deracinated severely, like Australians. But now ...

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Misogyny, to be Terrorism in Fascist Britain, By Richard Miller (Somewhere in Europe)

The Labour government of Britain is now planning to treat "extreme misogyny" as terrorism. They are concerned about young men getting radicalised from the internet, and developing a bit of traditional manhood, the sort of thing that allowed Britain to survive to the point it is today. Young men will be reported to the Orwellian counterterrorism pro...

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