Prison Planet Cometh: George Christensen, By James Reed

Unfortunately, a very good article by George Christensen on the merging globalist culture of censorship is behind a paywall, so we can't quote extracts, but can state the general position. Free speech was once regarded as a key value of the Enlightenment, one of the foundation philosophical principles of the West. For without the freedom to dissent...

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Now this is a Lateral Thinking Approach to Knife Murderers Who May Want to Retire and Watch Telly! By Richard Miller (Somewhere in Europe)

 Is this smart or what? Advanced German thinkers in the Police Union, Gewerkschaft der Polizei (GdP), are proposing that diverse folk who like to carry and use knives, turn in said knives and get a year long Netflix subscription. The most popular German pocket knife costs €17, while an annual Netflix subscription amounts to €170, making this a...

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Either a Conspiracy, or Case of Never Let a Misery Go to Waste! By Brian Simpson

In my take on the UK government clamping down of social media posts that critical of immigration, even with polls showing that the majority of British believe that mass immigration is a problem producing the sorts of crime leading to the riots, I note how convenient it all is. We saw Scotland rollin its own hate legislation sometime back with massi...

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UK: Test Run for Global Tyranny, By Chris Knight (Florida)

This paragraph from the American sums it up, on Britain's fall into utter tyranny: "Ever since a second-generation immigrant went on a child-killing spree two weeks ago, Reichsführer Keir Starmer has threatened to use a "standing army" of police to crack down on public protest. The director of public prosecutions for England and Wales w...

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Election Fraud, Kamala Harris Style, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

They are not even making an attempt to hide the Great Replacement and electoral fraud by demographic change, now. As president, Harris will give citizenship and voting rights to at least 22 illegal migrants, almost the population of Australia, who to a military aged man, will vote Democrat, ensuring that there will not be a Republican government. T...

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Kamala Harris: Queen of Big Pharma, Big Trans and Big Abortion, By Mrs Abigail Knight (Florida)

All conservatives, and Christians, should be deeply concerned about the doomsday presidential ticket of Harris and Walz, and even more concerned about this team as president and vice president. A hard-hitting article at Life Site, details that Harris and Walz are fully committed to three main agenda, Big Pharma and vaccines, transgenderism...

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Plandemic 2.0 will Feature Vaccination by Force, By Brian Simpson

Mike Adams at Natural, has joined up the dots on the New Zealand Pandemic Plan. There are a number of elements of concern with this, but key among these is the prescription that medial officers can make use of police to use physical force to ensure compliance with any mandates. That includes forced vaccination, perhaps at gun point, but mo...

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Greenland’s Past Ice Melt Refutes Global Warming Hypothesis, By Brian Simpson

Jo Nova has a brief but important note about the past of Greenland. According to the mainstream global warming hypothesis, the melting of ice in areas depends upon heat, with more heat, after a point, more melting. It seems to make sense and is thus intellectually seductive; you can think of homely examples like leaving a tub of frozen ice cream in...

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YouTube Ferfal: The UK has Gone, Now a Fascist State! By Chris Knight (Florida)

YouTube blogger Ferfal has a strong video on the issue of UK Whites being arrested for making comments about immigration; be warned he gets angry and drops a few four-letter words, but that really is the least of our problems. The comments, as reviewed, are of one lady who was arrested, are not race hate, but critical of immigration, the sorts of t...

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Joe Rogan: UK Free Speech Situation Worse than Russia! By James Reed

Joe Rogan, the popular shock social media guy, complete with tats and four-letter words, and millions of followers, has like Elon Musk, waded into the great UK immigrationist controversy. His comments were to basically compare the government crackdowns to something right out of the USSR. On this he is probably too generous, as the USSR did not talk...

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An Open Letter to the British Prime Minister, By an Anonymous Dissenter

This latter has been widely circulated on various sites, and is reproduced below. Dear Prime Minister, Your condemnation of everyone as Far Right suggests a misunderstanding of the phrase. Left wing means Big Government or Constructive Rationalism, i.e. a constructed or made-up wo...

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UK Metropolitan Police Targeting Elon Musk, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

This story astounded even me, and I thought the US was totally corrupt and degenerate. It seems that the UK Metropolitan Police, are very upset by Elon Musk's comments that there is two tier policing and that the UK is on the road to civil war. Thus, it was said that there may be targeting of US bloggers who violated British law. This is legally in...

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The “Single Biggest COVID Scam in American History.” By Chris Knight (Florida)

With Tim Walz now lining up as vice presidential candidate for the Democrats in the 2024 US election, it is worthwhile examining how this Minnesota governor deal with people's money. For a start, he stood by while fraudsters stole $ 250 million, in what has been described as the "single biggest Covid scam in American history." And given that Covid ...

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North African Crime Explosion in Germany; What Else is New? By Richard Miller (Somewhere in Europe)

Just by coincidence, I am in Germany at the moment, and I am operating on the same situational awareness that I had, day in day out, in diverse London. Some places here are even worse. North African murder at the rate of one death every six days, and for serious sexual offense cases such as rape, there was an increase of 169 percent for Tunisians b...

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Cosmos Comic: AI Moves into Pop Science Journalism, By Brian Simpson

I do not have any great sympathy for popular science writing, which I see as largely biased to the Left. This is from the contents of the articles, as well as what is covered by the narrative. Thus, regarding the recent revelation that the popular Australian science magazine Cosmos published articles generated by artificial intelligence (AI), we ca...

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As the British State Crumbles, By Richard Miller (London No More)

We are covering the end of the British riots, where now the protests have ended, but police are sitting around eating vegan pastries, drinking herbal tea, with scented candles burning, and going through social media looking for White people to ping. It is worthwhile for Australians to read what critics are saying about this extraordinary situation,...

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Elon Musk X Declares War! By Chris Knight (Florida)

At long last, Elon Musk has moved to legally fight back against advertisers who, according to a Judiciary Committee report, undertook an illegal boycott against X. The report, titled "GARM's (Global Alliance for Responsible Media) Harm," detailed the activities of the World Federation of Advertisers (WFA), which controls GARM and represents most of...

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Local Police Officer Told Secret Service to Cover Roof Used in Trump Assassination Attempt, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

 This story broke a few days ago, and adds yet more evidence to the Secret Service, not only failing, but for a deliberate strategy of allowing the shooter to shoot at Trump. Thus, there is now bodycam footage from a police officer at the time, where he said to the Secret Service to cover the warehouse, where Crooks went to take the shot. The ...

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Dr Vernon Coleman on the Dangers of the PCR Test, By Brian Simpson

While much of the attention by Covid vax critics has been, naturally enough, upon the vax, there are also big problems with the testing methods that was behind the plandemic. The PCR test was especially problematic. Without going into the technical details, the way this was administered, with the large number of "cycles" producing false positives, ...

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The Aborted Baby Parts Sales: The Collusion of Kamala Harris, By Mrs Abigail Knight (Florida)

Texas-based Planned Parenthood abortionists have described in five videos how they aborted late-term babies alive and then dismembered them to avoid the federal partial-birth abortion law. Then they sold the baby body parts for profit. It is so horrible that it hard to believe that people in a so-called civilised society could act like this, but th...

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