Catholic Bishop Demand Apology Over Olympic Opening Ceremony, By Peter West

I was waiting to see if the Catholic leaders would respond to the shocking attack upon Christianity displayed in the opening ceremony of the Paris 2024 Olympics. Fortunately, whilst the Protestant churches have been largely quiet on this, two dozen catholic cardinals and bishops from around the world called on the International Olympic Committee (I...

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Democracy in Action: Kamala Harris Nominated with Zero Votes! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Just before this bit of information disappears, perhaps not down the Orwellian memory hole, but rather is buried in the great cyber rubbish dump of the internet, here it is. Even though 14 million Democrats voted for President Joe Biden during the Democrat primary, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) officially nominated Vice President Kamala H...

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The Harm Done to Sports Women by Trans Opponents, By Mrs. Vera West

This item adds to the material already discussed about the woke decision by Olympic authorities to allow two XY males to compete in women's boxing. The women had been beaten badly, but threw in the towel before being killed. We do not know if there was brain damage, as the women beaten up so far reported never being hit so hard. But this situation ...

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The Abortion Olympics, By Mrs. Vera West

With the issue of abortion being discussed at the blog today, as well as the woke 2024 Paris Olympics, it is worth noting that the dots join up. There was a tribute paid to "10 golden heroines of French history." Of those who lived during the 20th century, all were Leftist feminists, and played a major role in legalising abortion in France. There a...

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Tucker Carlson: Kamala Harris Wild-Eyed Abortion Fanatic”! By Mrs. Abigail Knight (Florida)

The US 2024 election, more than any previous election, is gearing up to be the election of the apocalypse, a political Armageddon. The last stand of conservative values is being made, although most conservative people in Australia, for example, had not yet taken on board the ramifications of a Harris administration, for culture and national securit...

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Next Round of the Olympic Trans Boxers, By Mrs Vera West

Much of the Dissent alternative media, and even the few remaining conservative mainstream sites, has expressed outrage at the trans "women" boxers brutally beating up cis gender female boxers. As detailed below, these two boxers were disqualified from the March 2023 world championships by the International Boxing Association over failure to meet ge...

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The Feminist Hatred of Family, By Mrs. Vera West

The presenter, Liz Wheeler, addresses the issue of the feminist hatred of family, with "family" defined as mum, dad and the kids. Of course, the marriage equity laws have changed that definition to include "gay" couples, and there is a multicultural move to permit multiple wives for Islam. Just to increase our diversity. But the core crit...

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Leftist Media on the Olympic Boxing Fiasco, By James Reed

There has been much written now about the Olympic boxing fiasco. One point to cover before we move on to the next set of absurdities in the next media cycle, is how the liberal media responded to this. We have seen that there was opposition from conservatives, such as a group of Catholic bishops, and the dissent Right was seeing this as one more pa...

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Trump on Harris’ Race Scam, By Chris Knight (Florida)

Donald Trump continues to entertain, being an extraordinary showman, which is what modern politics is about. While Kamala Harris is campaigning as a "Black women" candidate, Trump did the logical thing of questioning this. Harris, in using the term "black," is trading on an ambiguity, that the same word used for the colour black, also is used to de...

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The Paris Olympics is a Microcosm of the Woke World Just Around the Corner, By James Reed

The American thinker did a good job of joining up the dots on the display of anti-Christian woke at the Paris Olympics. The symbolism and imagery of this Olympics depicts what America will be like under the radical racial Leftist regime of Kamala Harris. Instead of Christianity, Leftists turn to paganism, or Islam, for religious window dressing. No...

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What They Think about White Women Voters! By Mrs Abigail Knight (Florida)

"F--- white women!"a Harris ally told Zoom meeting full of Leftists. Cora Masters Barry, a Democrat activist, told a Zoom conference: "We have to change our strategy. We got to get our people. We have to get our – they got their people. They got all the trailer parks all covered," Barry said during the Zoom. "All them people up in West Virginia and...

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The International Student Supermarket Scam, By James Reed

I have been covering the issue of the international student university scam in Australia., has done devasting pieces showing that the ABS claim that such students are a $ 46 billion export is false, involving double accounting:

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A Detailed Analysis of the Satanic Opening Ceremony of the 2024 Olympics, By James Reed

 The opening ceremony of the Paris 2024 Olympics has been regarded by conservatives as a suicide note of the West: The supporters from the Left were quick to deny that this was a "floor show for the Antichrist." They sprouted that the goings-on we...

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Another Shot at Trump, No Doubt, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

 Mike Adams reports on an anonymous counter-sniper in the US Secret Service saying that the organisation needs to get rid, or be rid of, four other "high level supervisors." He said about the fall of the organisation: "The team I was once proud to be a part of, is something I have to somehow hide as I move into my next career." "Who wants to h...

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Run by Fascists, Marxists and Communists; Could be Anywhere! By James Reed

President Trump was recently asked in an interview, who was running the US? He replied, referring to the White House and the Department of Justice: "A group of people that are fascists, communists, Marxists." This is of course correct, and well known by now:

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Germany Enriched by Exciting Diversity! By Richard Miller (London)

The Christian-run organisation "Die Arche" (The Ark) in Germany, is a leading youth charity, and deals extensively with young people from a refugee background. So, one would think that this organisation would have a highly positive, beaming attitude towards refugees, and the more, the better. Well, not exactly. Spokesperson Wolfgang Büscher, who ha...

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The Beatings of Woke By Mrs. Abigail Knight (Florida)

Where're the feminists protesting this one? Oh, it involves a trans woman … better keep one's head down, or that plump academic job just might get cancelled! Two boxers at the Olympics, Lin yu-ting of Taiwan, and Imane Khelif of Algeria, have been delivering devastating attacks upon female boxers. Both boxers failed the gender eligibility tests at ...

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Hungarian Prime Minister, Viktor Orban on the Reality and Lessons of War, By Richard Miller (London)

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has given a long speech about what the Ukrainian war has taught us. While many points are made, such as the economic resilience of Russia, for our purposes, the most important relate to the philosophical and meta-political ramifications. The West is undergoing collapse in importance in the world; "Up until now ...

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The Disenfranchisement of Catholics, By Peter West

 It is good that President Trump finally got around to taking on Kamala Harris over her anti-Catholic stance, saying that she is eager to disenfranchise American Catholics. Trump said: " the radical left ideology Kamala supports is really militantly hostile towards Americans of faith," and she previously "viciously attacked highly qualified ju...

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Debunked in Record Time, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

 The US Secret Service had said a few days ago that for some reason, no-one knows, there was no counter-sniper put on the very roof where the shooter Crooks took up position. It was a site supposedly outside of the field of operation. However, there is now a video circulating, see link below, showing the shooter Crooks, walking around on the r...

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