President Radical Left Extremist, By Chris Knight (Florida)

President Donald Trump today launched into an attack upon supposed Democrat presidential candidate Kamala Harris, saying that she was a radical Left winger who has lunatic policies. But what exactly are her policies? This is important for Australia, since there is a good chance that with the electoral fraud system in place, Harris will win the pres...

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Communist Chinese Document the Decay of the West, By James Reed

We have covered the tragic decline of US cities, which is really just a more intense version of what we are seeing across the West. Only, compared to Australia, everything is much worse, including the drug crisis.What we do have is the Chinese Communist Party actively subsidizing the sale of fentanyl chemicals to Mexico, where the drug cartels in M...

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A Legacy of Slave Owning: Reparations from Harris? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Today the blog will feature a number of articles introducing the problems that a Kamala Harris presidency poses, along with her weaknesses, which are near infinite. One though not getting discussed much as she pushes the "first Black woman president" line, is that her ancestors were owners of Black slaves! Kamala's father Professor Harris wrote: 'M...

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Elevating Kamala Harris by Open Electoral Corruption! By Chris Knight (Florida)

This is an incredible story that has not been covered in the Australian press, illustrating the sheer corruption of the Left in politics. Donald Trump's team has filed a challenge with the US Electoral commission, to try and stop Harris from receiving all of the donations which were made to Biden, when she was not a candidate in the election. "The ...

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From a Multi-Billion Dollar Outage to $ 10 Uber Eats Gift Cards, CrowdStrike Strikes a Hit! By James Reed

CrowdStrike, after causing the largest computer outage in history decided to be sweet and send a $ 10 Uber Eats gift card to contractors who were helping out. The sheer generosity is astonishing, and no doubt will be recorded in the history books as a great act. Only thing though, some contractors found that the code had been taken offline; as one ...

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The Chinese Immigration Invasion, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

This is a big security problem and shows the utter insanity of an open borders immigration policy. There has been a 6,000 percent increase in the numbers of illegal Chinese migrants crossing the US/Mexico border. These are military age males, with very few females. The concern is becoming widespread now, that these are not just illegal migrants, bu...

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More Immigration; More Tents! By James Reed

One of the great tragedies of the present Albo mass immigration program, the complete surrender of policy to Big Australia, is that as in the Great Depression, tent cities have sprouted across the land, like mushrooms. asks what sort of a government would do this to its people? "The federal government's mass immigration policy ...

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The Grid Collapse Scenario, By Brian Simpson

With the outage last week, I began thinking more about the fragility of the AI/IT based society. While the technocrats and computer geeks like to proclaim that if it can be done via a computer, it must be better than any other method, I found it sad, but still amusing, that the student that I tutor in mathematics and physics, could not buy dinner a...

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Climate Change Harming Gay Couples?! By Brian Simpson

There you go, a knock down argument for climate change activism, cancelling industrial society, and living in caves! Joke. A study right out of the University of California, LA, concludes that same-sex couples are at a greater "risk of exposure to the adverse effects of climate change" than heterosexual couples. How so? Well, the same sex couples a...

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When the Invading Day is Done, Migrants Just Want to have Fun! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

This article was sitting in my pile to do, and I need to say something about it before it turns to cyber dust and crumbles, to be replaced by the next migrant riot item. As is known, New York likes to treat its illegal migrants well, putting them in classy hotels, while, as in the rest of the US and Australia, poor locals can sleep in tents. But so...

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The Money Power of George Soros, By James Reed

George Soros was quick off the mark to back Kamala Harris in her bid to be the presidential candidate for the Democrats. And why not, as Harris, even more than Biden, is 200 percent on board with the globalist commo agenda of Soros and son? Soros though is not stopping here, but as reported by the New York Post, in an article entitled "Dem-majority...

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Now it is Klaus Schwab, of the World Economic Forum’s Turn! By Richard Miller (London)

In recent times, a number of powerful and publicly influential men, never women, have been accused, and some convicted, of sexual harassment. The Trump "rape" case is one in point, where the evidence and procedural fairness issues are open to question. In short, it seemed to be a set-up. Other cases seem genuine. There are two types of scenarios. P...

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Mexico’s Hypocritical Lawsuit Against Gun Manufacturers, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Talk about hypocrisy. Mexico wants the US Supreme Court to allow its $ 10 billion lawsuit against US gun manufacturers to proceed. Yes, this is the Mexico which has produced the murderous drug cartels, who allows the immigration invasion, and mass numbers of criminals, rapists, and murderers to enter the country. While having on the books, strict g...

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Immigrants Do Take Jobs from Locals! By Chris Knight (Florida)

One of the main arguments of the mass immigration globalist lobby across the West, is that immigrants do not take jobs from locals, but in fact create jobs, so keep quiet and just be replaced. However, what happens when there are 30 million migrants, more than the entire population of Australia? According to research by the Pew Research Centre, the...

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Senator Johnson’s Preliminary Findings on the Trump Assassination Attempt, By Chris Knight (Florida)

It is still less than one week from the date of the attempted assassination of President Donald Trump. Already Senator Ron Johnson has released his preliminary findings into the assassination attempt. In short, according to the summary of the preliminary investigation, "The lack of transparency from federal entities regarding this assassination att...

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The Song Remains the Same: Aussies Opposed to Mass Immigration, By James Reed

I have lost count of the number of review articles I have done over the decades on Australian public opinion and immigration. In general, the Australian people, despite being subject to the Great White Replacement, are opposed to mass immigration, and more so today when immigration is clearly linked to the accommodation crisis. What the latest surv...

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Modernity’s Doom? Is Progress at an End? By James Reed

Dr. David McGrogan is an Associate Professor of Law at Northumbria Law School, has published a controversial article, "The End of Progress," arguing for the idea of the doom of modernity, that the core proposition of modernist ideology, the inevitability of progress, is false. Modernity is the view that the traditional theological justifications ar...

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Electric Lemons: The Used Electric Vehicle Problem, By James Reed

One of the emerging economic problems with electric vehicles (EVs), which are supposed to save the planet from the climate change catastrophe according to environmentalists, is that the limited battery life of these vehicles is making them impossible to resell. After only a few years, the battery starts to lose charge, and may lose up to 12 percent...

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Pro-Babies Now Right Wing, So Right Wing I Am! By Mrs Vera West

This piece relates to a commentary in the Left journal, Politico, a few months back, which attacked the conservative "NatalCon" conference which saw population decline from the birth dearth as a threat to civilisation, as also expressed by a leading natalist, Elon Musk. This was seen by the Left as "racist," as such conservatives wanted to see more...

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The Deceptive CDC on the Harms of the Covid Vaxxes, By Chris Knight (Florida)

U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) officials had found evidence that the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines had caused multiple deaths, according to the Epoch Times. But they still stated publicly the received "safe and effective" mantra, that the Covid mRNA vaxxes had not resulted in deaths. The Epoch Times did invest...

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