Big Pharma Cancer Confession Time, By Brian Simpson

As argued at Natural Big Pharma's mRNA vax can lead to cancer. Dr Robert Malone, who was originally involved in the invention of the mRNA platform, stated before a House of Representatives hearing led by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), that evidence is provided by a patent held by Moderna, that DNA in vaccines could cause insertional ...

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The Assisted Suicide of Europe, By Richard Miller (London)

Former Czech PM Babiš has delivered a ground-breaking speech against EU migration pact in Czech parliament. This program of mass immigration of the Third World, in the tens of millions, is nothing more than the "assisted suicide" of Europe: "I'm going to say it bluntly here, and I'm not afraid of it. Mass illegal migration of people with a complete...

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The Globalist War: Planned Resistance of Team Freedom to Team Tyranny, By James Reed

It has been noted by blogger Toby Rodgers, that the globalist elites all seen to network together. Climate change advocates are also champion of the vax, and vice versa. The connection is via things like "One Health," and the WHO and UN conceptions of ecological health, which link up climate change and the culture of the vaccine, all under the gaze...

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Please Explain Why We Don’t Have the Right to Exist, By Richard Miller (London)

There are some talented young people arising at this 11th hour of the decline and potential fall of the West. One of them is Eva Vlaardingerbroek, Dutch political commentator and lawyer, who is warning, as we do too, about the Great White Replacement that is in full swing across the West. The threat is for Whites to become racial minorities in thei...

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Leftism and Genetic Mutations, By Brian Simpson

Joseph Bronski and Matthew Archer argued that the rise of Leftism since 1960 is a product of the accumulation of harmful genetic mutations in human gene pool. Their mutational load hypothesis is that: 1.Mutational pressure has increased over the last sixty years. 2.Mutational load causes Leftist political beliefs. Noah Carl and Bo Winegard, in the ...

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Anti-Vaxxers as Threats to National Security, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

It has come to this. Leading globalist vaccine advocate, Baylor College of Medicine's Peter Hotez, has been proclaiming that people who oppose vaccination are threats to national security. He was asked in a recent interview, how to deal with the anti-vaxxers. His chilling reply is worth citing in full: "And quite honestly, you know, the health sect...

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Strengthening Family and Community Bonds are the Keys to Resisting Globalism and Neo-Feudalism, By James Reed

A piece for subscribers only, unfortunately as it contains good idea that need to be got out, George Christensen discussed what can be done to fight back against globalism and neo-feudalism. Apart from the frontline political work which he and the bloggers here do, at the grassroots there is much that can be done. In a nutshell, the idea is to buil...

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The Lawfare War Declared on the Supreme Court, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

What is happening in the US is truly remarkable, and frightening, showing the sheer level of political corruption. Thus, Biden recently gave a speech, where incidentally he referred to himself as a "former president," and where he said that he will put in place regulations to control the Supreme Court. For example, the Democrats were upset about a ...

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Kamala Harris’ Woke Background, More! By Charles Taylor

We have been covering the issue of the neo-Marxist background of the Democrat presidential candidate Kamala Harris this week at the blog, and here is today's addition. A nice summary article who those who did not get too far through the toxic material that one needed to confront. In a nutshell, Harris is the most far Left presidential candidate in ...

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Famine: The Endgame of the UN Green Agenda, By Bob Farmer, Dairy Farmer

As argued in detail by an article at, which has done leading critical work on the social ramifications of the Covid plandemic, the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), is as deadly to the security of people as is the UN's World Health Organization (WHO). Both organisations started out with supposed noble ideas, with FAO seek...

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The Propaganda of Conscious AI, By Brian Simpson

Among the artificial intelligence elite there is an ongoing debate about when, not is, AI achieves not just intelligence, but moral standing via personhood. There have already been jurisdictions making some non-human animals as having the moral status of persons, so expect this development. Indeed, a recent article dealing with these philosophical ...

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Lying, Cheating Universities! By James Reed

As a critic of the universities, I have from time to time got anonymous tips of the scams and corruption going on. It was hard to investigate most of this, as it was things usually happening outside my state. The tip off related to theses by international students which were sub-standard, often full of spelling and grammatical errors, but which wer...

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International Students are NOT an Export! By James Reed continues its critique of the international student supermarket scam, where international students are classified as an export, so that these figures can be beefed up, deceptively to an absurd $ 48 billion a year. Here in summary is the argument:

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The Czech Republic Vaccine Data, By Brian Simpson

The Czech Republic record-level vaccine data has been analysed by leading Covid vax critic Steve Kirsch, who bravely keeps at it even though he has gone blind in one eye. The government data was obtained under a Freedom of Information request. The methodology consisted simply of a calculation of the mortality rate for each brand of vax over a five-...

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Big Tech’s Search Engine Ban, By Chris Knight (Florida)

It was previously covered at this blog, that big Tech search engines are suppressing information from the drop down autocomplete function on the assassination attempt upon President Donald Trump. One can type in "assassination attempt …" and all sorts of choices come up, but not Trump' name. It can hardly be a coincidence. But it has got worse as E...

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Major General Higginbotham on Kamala Harris' Background, By Chris Knight (Florida)

Major General Higginbotham U.S. Marines (Ret), gives a revealing background on Kamala Harris. The material, which was sent as an email, originally from the Combat Veterans for Congress Political Action Committee. The material gives us a chilling view of the neo-Marxist background of Harris. The text now follows: "Kamala Harris' father was an avowed...

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Hi, My Name is Kamala Harris and I am a Communist, Who Targets Christians, By James Reed

President Trump hit home with his criticism of Kamala Harris, observing that in the past Harris had maintained that espousing Christian teachings, particularly Catholic on abortion and same-sex "marriage," disqualifies an individual from serving in public office. As Trump said: "As everyone here understands, the radical left ideology Kamala support...

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Kamala Harris’ War on Whites to Escalate, By Brian Simpson

Kamala Harris is going down the road of a non-White, and anti-White male America, as Michael Moore, discussed at the blog today, celebrates. Her first campaign ad, as noted by comedian Jimmy Dore, did not have a single White male in it, and not many White females either: Jimmy, who comes from the Left to...

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The European Vaccine Card: Test Case for the Rest of the West, By Richard Miller (London)

It is a one-stop shop for vax oppression; the European Vaccination Card (EVC), which "aims to empower individuals by consolidating all their vaccination data in one easily accessible location." Sounds mighty convenient for tyrants. And five such European countries, Belgium, Germany, Greece, Latvia and Portugal are now piloting the system, which wil...

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Who was the Diverse Murderer at the Taylor Swift Dance Event? By Richard Miller (London)

The media have been keeping a tight lid on the identity of the stabber at the Taylor Swift dance event, saying that he is a minor (aged 17), so a suppression order is in place because one would not want the delicate snowflake's feelings to be in any way hurt.The stabbing led to three little girls dead and of 10 stab victims, 7 were still in a criti...

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