Making Satire Illegal? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

A hilarious deep fake parody of Kamala Harris has appeared, which was shared by Elon Musk. This led to the California governor Gavin Newsom writing that he will sign a bill "in a matter of weeks" that would ban "manipulating a voice" in fake campaign ads. To this Musk went full satire: "I checked with renowned world authority, Professor Suggon Deez...

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A Symbol of All that is Wrong, By Chris Knight (Florida)

Ultra-Leftist woke, white film maker, Michael Moore, is getting super-excited over Kamala Harris. He has declared that "this country is female" and that White males will be "shown the door" come the November election. Well, Harris as the open borders Czar, did her part for the Great White Replacement:

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Woke Olympic Games Just Became Murderous, By Mrs. Vera West

It is one thing to have genetic XY biological men, who have "transitioned" to "trans women" competing in non-contact sports like swimming and beating the cis gender women. But it is quite another thing to have "trans women" fight women in sports like boxing.As noted at

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Satanic Lies about the Olympics’ Last Woke Supper, By James Reed

Guess writer for a post at Nation First, a great patriot site that covers much the same material and issues as this blog, has an article by Senator Ralph Babet which clearly states that the opening ceremony of the 2024 Paris Olympics was Satanic: The artistic director Thomas Jolly claime...

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Who’s Afraid of Carbon Dioxide? We Should Not Be! By Brian Simpson

The mainstream climate change alarmist/catastrophe view is the Earth is like a big closed greenhouse, and as more carbon dioxide is released into it, the temperature will rise, because carbon dioxide, like all greenhouse gasses has the effect of absorbing thermal radiation. But the Earth is not a closed system, like a box or greenhouse, but is open...

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Leftist Proclaim Trans Women have No Physical Advantage Over Women! By Mrs Abigail Knight (Florida)

One of the core arguments given by the trans lobby in support of "trans women" in women's sport, is that there are no real differences between trans women and cisgender woman, as it all is a social construction. That moderate level sportspersons, as males, can when becoming trans women, leap to the top, is just a coincidence. Perhaps the success is...

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Globalist Psychology at Work, By Brian Simpson

One problem the globalists have, those dealing with the climate change so-called catastrophe for example, is how to create psychological bonds with all of humanity, to unite to deal with these alleged threats. According to researchers at Oxford University, "Us-vs-them thinking is on the rise in many places all over the world, exacerbating conflicts...

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The French State is a Giant Smuggling Ring! By Richard Miller (London)

"The French State Is Now Little More Than a Smuggling Gang," Patrick O'Flynn, The Telegraph, April 24, 2024, outlines how France is not stopping the boats of illegals, who are then pushed to us in the UK. "The French authorities are in tacit alliance with the people-trafficking gangs and are deliberately turning a blind eye to deaths at sea." The F...

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Transgender Surgery and Beyond, By Mrs. Vera West

John Klar, while usually writing on small farmers issues, has an insightful piece on transgender surgery. His opening argument is that the discipline of psychology cannot define "normality," as this concept is socially relative. And here is the problem: "This limitation of psychological study is apparent when addressing transgenderism, until recent...

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Their ABC and the Censorship Drive, By James Reed

Never fear the threat of "false news" in Australia, the ABC is here to "save" us! Their ABC has partnered with the Trusted News Initiative (TNI), which is an alliance of global news corporations and Big Tech entities, including the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), Reuters, Associated Press, Financial Times, The Washington Post, Meta (Faceboo...

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South Korean Study: 620 Percent Higher Risk of Myocarditis After Covid Vax! By Brian Simpson

Things are not quiet on the Covid vax exposure front, even though other events have emerged to take news focus among the freedom movement. Thus, a large-scale peer-reviewed South Korean study, recently published in the leading mainstream generalist science journal, Nature Communications, concluded that there were significant risks of increased card...

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More “Bizarre” Decisions of the American SS, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

We may as well call a spade as spade, if that grand old phrase has not been banned by the regime of woke. The US Secret Service is referred to as "USSS," but like the other law enforcement agencies, such as the FBI and CIA, there is not much to do here with protection of the US. Just call them the "SS," which has to be updated to the regime they de...

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The Shape of Deportations to Come? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

This story goes back to the time before the Trump assassination attempt. Trump was interviewed by Time, and indicated that he may use the military to deport illegals. It set the Left off to no end, since the Leftist mantra of today is that illegal immigrants, being non-White, are special people who are far superior to the existing population. The m...

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Are You on the List of Being a Potential Terrorist? By Chris Knight (Florida)

The article below has a list of 72 types of Americans that are considered to be "extremists" and "potential terrorists" in official U.S. government documents. While this relates to the US, there is no doubt that the globalist political class across the West, including Australia, would hold to something like this as well, even though there may not b...

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Australian Government Transforming Private Property Ownership Using Catastrophic Climate Modelling, By Ken Grundy

The video below is exposing a strong plan enabling Government backed authorities to take your property, relocate you or your community and a raft of other conditions, all under the pretext of preventing hazards to us or infrastructure. It is driven from global government idealists working through Federal, State and Local Governments. Climate Change...

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A Wave of Leftist Judges and Much More, By Chris Knight (Florida)

 A Harris presidency will be a disaster for both the US and the West, and will certainly endanger Australia's defense, given the sympathy that such an extreme Leftist has for mother China. The opinion polls, all fake, are showing Harris with a lead over Trump at the moment, very close of course. That is needed to make the electoral fraud machi...

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Paul Craig Roberts on the Trump Assassination Attempt, By Chris Knight (Florida)

Leading political commentator, Paul Craig Roberts, predictably enough, rejects the mainstream view of the Trump assassination attempt that there was only one shooter, Crooks. The analysis of the acoustic evidence done by Mike Adams, led him to conclude that the first three shots came from Crooks, but that there was a shot from inside the building. ...

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The Crash of Canada: Lessons for Australia, By James Reed

Peter St Onge, an economist at Mises Institute, has given a detailed argument about how Canada's standard of living is in freefall, the worst it has been in 40 years. We have been summarising the critique of the Australia economy and the destructive mass immigration program, posted by, which argued that almost all of elements l...

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Obama’s Coup, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Investigative journalist Seymour Hersch, is one journalist who gets to the bottom of things, as seen in his reporting of the Ukraine war, especially the destruction of Nord Stream pipeline, destroyed by America: Hersch has drawn upon his resources in Washington DC, and even t...

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The Satanic Olympic Games, By Mrs. Vera West

The opening of the Paris Olympic Games was deeply disturbing; we knew it was going to be full woke, but full-on Satanism? There were drag queens mocking the Last Supper, and much general degeneracy; let's here it from the mainstream media: "The 2024 Olympics opening ceremony in Paris has sparked international outrage with drag-queen themed imagery ...

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