Macquarie Bank Puts Cash in the Scrap Heap By James Reed

The relentless movement in Australia to repeat the Nigeria disaster of going cashless, proceeds. The latest bank to say that they will be scrapping cash in all branches is the Macquarie Bank. It will be completely cashless by November 2024. “Between January 2024 and November 2024, we’ll be phasing out our cash and cheque services across all Macquarie banking and wealth management products, including pension and super accounts.” There is some outcry that this move will impact upon people in regional areas and the elderly, but how much influence do they have/ Before we know it, cashlessness will be in, with Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), and the potential to control all financial transactions of people, and debank them when necessary for social control purposes, instantly, as we have seen in the US case of Dr Mercola and associates and family.

Opposition against this must get strong now, so let’s make this the next big fight after we defeat the Voice referendum.  

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Stop the UN’s Pandemic Treaty Push! By James Reed

At last there is a global response to oppose the World Health Organization pandemic treaty, which is the health branch of the New World Order, coming up for signing in May 2024. The link below at has a petition that we all should sign, so circulate the good oil.

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The Death Spiral for Cars, If We Let It By James Reed

I have noticed that articles like the one extracted below are appearing, where in accordance with the Green climate change agenda, it is prophesied that private ownership of cars will end by 2030, at least for ordinary people, but not of course for the elites like Bill Gates who will always have an exception. So, how will people get to work to keep the insane system going? Why, there will be electric vehicles. The prediction below is that one will get a free trip in a fleet electric vehicle while drinking designer coffee.

It is delusional. Sure, if we let them, private cars will go, but don’t expect the elites to give any backup, since one needs to bracket into the equation the Great Replacement by AI, and global depopulation, things well discussed at this blog.

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She Thinks We No Mob are Racists, So She is Off My Christmas Card List Now! By James Reed

The controversy continues over claims made by a leading Yes proponent that the No side is racist. An attempt was made to hose down the remarks. Leading dissent journalist Rebekah Barnett has compared the remarks to Hillary Clinton’s deplorables remarks, which was a turning point of the 2016 US election, and downhill for Hillary.  It cheeses off the people you need to get on side to win, so it was a big foul up. And as covered below by Barnett, a new video has now emerged of the same Yes proponent doing the racism thing about poor deplorable No folk earlier in the year.

So, let us hope she keeps up the good work and keeps damaging the Yes side. It sure is saving us a lot of work. And, I do not intend to send her a Christmas card, or even remember her birthday.

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Masks are a Sign of Those Obedient to the Regime By Mrs Vera West

Here is a nice piece from, which has even nicer brown print, easy on the eyes. And, it is about my pet gripe, masks, which was the thing about Covid, that really got up my nose, literally. By this time, we know from the studies that masks do nothing to stop the transmission of Covid, yet in the US, masks have made a return. Why? The answer is that masks are about social control. The mask at a glance tells the authorities tht the person is obedient to the Covid mandate regime. The dissidents who do not wear masks, during the height of the plandemic were fined, if not arrested. This is pure power politics, a type of soft terrorism in fact, to keep the sheeple in line.

“Masks are effective at humiliating people. They are uncomfortable, ugly, dirty, and unnatural. They truly are “face diapers.” In a word, masks are degrading. If the ways of the old Eastern bloc taught us anything, it is that the systematic degradation of individuals, especially for patently stupid reasons, is highly effective at promoting totalitarian ends.”

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Mighty Strange Things in Hawaii: The Arson Strategy By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The Hawaii fires may go down as another 9/11. Although the authorities are doing their best to keep information under wraps, small bits of information get out. But, news now is scare. Areas are still barricaded off, and we have yet to get an official account of the number of dead, especially school children who are missing, thought to be in the hundreds. As reported bow, there is speculation that this may be a giant scam, the fires perhaps caused by energy beam attacks. I have seen some reports of this at, but no solid evidence. In fact, unlike 9/11, where the buildings were visible, the entire area is sealed off, and who knows what is going on, or what happened?

Thus, I find the whole thing, 100 percent suspicious. Indeed nowadays, assume a conspiracy over natural events, until proven otherwise. I wonder what comes next?

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The Rule of Anarcho-Tyranny By Charles Taylor (Florida)

As documented below, the US has fallen deeply into a state of what the late Dissent Right thinker Sam Francis called, anarcho-tyranny, where governments become dictatorial, but allow a useful mob to escape the new rule of arbitrary law, to rob, rape and murder, unpunished. While attention has been focussed on the lawfare being used against Donald Trump to prevent him from running, there are many cases now, all race-based, where whites have been killed by Blacks, there is overwhelming evidence of guilt, but racially diverse juries, failed to convict. The case of police officer Tou Thao, an Asian-American, who was not involved in the death of George Floyd, but acted to control a crowd of trouble-makers at the scene, has led to him being given five years in prison, as part of the ritualistic sacrifice to Saint George. We are seeing in real time a once civilised society undergoing cultural disintegration.

The fall of America will send shockwaves through the West, at its darkest hour.

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“Camp of the Saints” Migration Swamping By Richard Miller

A short, but painful one. The little Italian island of Lampedusa gets demographically wiped out today. The rest of Europe will follow the same pattern. Then Europe will collapse, and most people die, and the rest will migrate elsewhere, to shake, stir and repeat.

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The Intellectual Treason of the Scientists By James Reed

If there was once an honest academic science narrative, it has long ago collapsed with first the climate change scam, then Covid-19, then both coming at us at once. The Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF) “Improving Science Advice to Governments,” by Michael Kelly and Clive Hambler, Department of Engineering and Trinity Hall, University Cambridge Department of Biology, and Hertford College, University of Oxford, explores this theme. So, this is a high -powered team. The abstract of the paper reads:

“We present suggestions for improvement of scientific advice to government, aiming to minimize risks of unintended consequences such as loss of life, cost, and ecological damage. Key improvements would be: maximizing diversity of advice including crowd-sourcing; rapid challenge to the advice through red teams and crowd-review; ensuring reasonable accountability of scientists to discourage hype; and protection of scientists from career damage if they rationally disagree with mainstream views. The precautionary principle needs to be balanced against the opportunity costs incurred by 'playing safe'. Institutions such as universities, scientific academies and journals should not take official positions on scientific issues since this stifles diversity of thought, freedom of speech and the reliability of advice.”

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Māori Not Indigenous Says a Māori Leader By Bruce Bennett (Former Kiwi)

Thinking conservatives in, and from New Zealand knew this for a long time, but the Māori are not indigenous to New Zealand, even though this is the standard narrative now. There is the little matter that a case can be made that the Moriori, and perhaps others, were there first:,of%20the%20Polynesian%20ancestors%20of

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The Globalist Takeover of Farming By James Reed

The Dutch government is going ahead with its plan to half the countries livestock herds, to supposedly reduce nitrogen production, all for the alleged reason of aiding in reducing climate change. Never mind that any savings made, however illusory, and short-term will be swamped by communist China’s rampant carbon dioxide production in its manic quest to dominate the world. The Dutch government is doing this reduction even though its agricultural sector is one of the most efficient in the world, which in itself is highly suspicious.

Documentary filmmaker James Patrick, has a film, NITROGEN 2000, which seeks to establish that the same globalists who were pushing the Covid plandemic, and still are, are behind the deconstruction of Western agriculture.

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China Abandons Paris Climate Change Agreement By James Reed

China has delivered a clear slap in the face to the West’s climate change alarmist ideology. Emperor Xi has said that China will follow its own carbon emission path of reduction, and not the Paris Agreement. This throws the entire climate change alarmist narrative out the window, as it indicates that China has no intention of reducing carbon emissions, on its path to world domination.

Even if the notion of a climatic doomsday was true, as Leftist environmentalists are saying, China would rather be number one in a post-apocalyptic landscape, than cut back on development. Climate change environmentalism is just a Western intellectual preoccupation that is helping to pull the West down. And, that is the Leftist plan.  

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Donald Trump on 9/11 as it Happened By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Well, 9/11 has passed, but the day led to some interesting material resurfacing. Just after the planes crashed into the buildings, a New York news service rang Donald Trump, who saw all happen from the safety of Trump Tower. The conversation is extracted below, and the link gives the call itself, but Trump expressed doubt that actual planes could have pan-caked buildings. He knew that the two buildings were incredibly strong, and had withstood damage in the past. Trump speculated that the planes must have been loaded with explosives.

Later, Trump walked back from this, probably being told to stop talking, which he has done to this day. From this, Trump went on to swallowing, hook, line and sinker, Operation Warp Speed, that led to the Covid New World Order as we know it now.

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Shot of the Day, the Unvaxxed Djokovic Way By Brian Simpson

Oh, sweet irony of ironies. Tennis legend Djokovic was banned from playing in Australia and the US during the Covid freak-out, being unvaccinated for Covid.  He recently smashed the US Open, taking the trophy. And Big Pharma’s Moderna sponsored a “Shot of the Day,” that the unvaccinated Djokovic won. The story just writes itself:   

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The Voice: Using the Magic Racism Card By James Reed

It had to happen; the Yes side of the Voice referendum, has pulled out the racism card, with a leading Yes advocate claiming that the No side is based upon racism. Now, I was expecting that, and I wondered if it would scare the punters. But, not so; members of the Yes side came out, seeing that this would be potentially damaging to their side and urged that respect be showered to everyone, that diversity of opinion be respected. Heart-warming stuff indeed.

At least we are seeing some on the Yes side saying that there will be no treaty, and no reparations. We know that this is false from the explicit statements to the country directly from the Uluru Statement. But, extracted today at the blog, is a great middle-of-the-road article from The Australian, that details the fine print of the Voice referendum that the Yes side does not want you to know. It needs to be given to the undecided.

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A Handy Dandy Guide to Great Big Fibs in the Yes Voice Rhetoric By James Reed

Peter Swan, a professor and Mark Humphery-Jenner an associate professor in the University of NSW Business School, have put together some of the fine print details on the Voice referendum that you are not going to hear from PM Albo as he drifts around in a miasma of stifling wokeness. This article is a great one to give to anyone you know who is undecided, as it is not pushy, but tells it like it is, that the referendum is not a mere symbolic gesture as Albo is saying, but is tied up to giving substantial power, more than has ever occurred in Australia’s history, to a special interest group. The Voice intends to pursue a treaty, and there will be reparations taken from Australia’s GDP.

The Yes side is not publicly speaking about this, the fine print of the Voice as the authors put it, but the evidence is undeniable, although the Yes mob still deny it.

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Refuting Climate Alarmism By Brian Simpson

Climate change alarmism is being used by globalist organisations as the UN and World Economic Forum, who exert enormous control and influence over national governments, to bring in their technocratic agenda. We have seen how radical this is, with European moves to cull out farms, as in the Netherlands and Ireland, to transition rapidly to renewable energy, which is far from “sustainable” and other policies like the ending of meat eating, at least for us ordinary people. Farming and traditional culture in the West will be devastated by this. But, the elites say, such is the price to save the planet from runaway climate change. Thus, much depends upon debunking the pseudo-science behind climate alarmism. This is yet another clear illustration of the need to deal with science, or the elites will use it to deal with us. Today, science and technology are olitical weapons.


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Unborn Babies Compared to Lumps of Coal By Mrs Abigail Knight (Florida)

Jen Psaki, former Biden administration press secretary, responded to a Republican claim that moving away from pro-life to pro-baby, might be a better political strategy. She said: “I hate to break it to you, but if you call broccoli ‘candy,’ it’s still just broccoli. If you tie a really nice bow around a lump of coal, it is still coal under there.” By the same token if you call a pro-abortionist, a liberal, that does not change the fact that they are still intellectually challenged under the nice bow. The analogy of a lump of coal is profoundly silly, since coal is an inanimate object. I don’t thing even the likes of ultra-feminist Psaki has denied that the foetus is still composed of living cells, at a minimum.

This is another good example of the Liberal Leftist feminist mind at work; and these are the New Class elites that rule us. If we let them.

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The Public Health Fiasco; Let’s Not Have Round Two By Chris Knight (Florida)

This has not taken long to develop; beginning a few weeks back with revealing that whistle-blowers in the US federal government were aware of the mask mandates coming back for some federal agencies, we have seen widespread adoption of masks in schools, colleges and universities, in Democrat states. Last time, the US was a leader in exporting the Covid mandate madness, and the fear is that if it takes root here, as is happening, it will spread, like a real disease, to places like Australia, once more.

Commenting on this trend,  Dr. Scott Atlas, former White House adviser on the Coronavirus Task Force during the Trump administration, has said that the Covid plandemic was “the biggest public health fiasco in modern history, and it’s continuing.” He denied tht there was any new plandemic, of risk from the new Covid Variants. He slammed the unscientific use of masks, which were largely ineffective. “To say that masks work is like saying the earth is flat.”

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Tolkien on the Window to the Truth By James Reed

J.R.R. Tolkien in his essay “On Fairy Stories,” makes use of the analogy of a smudged window, as his version of Plato’s cave, to illustrate the notion of universal truth; that our vision can become distorted or smudged. He saw the use of fantasy of tapping into the well-spring of universal religious truths about the human condition, well-illustrated by his epic tale, The Lord of the Rings. Literature can help clear the window to truth.

The extract below discusses Tolkien’s story, "The Fall of Numenor,” which tells the tale of how a great people can become corrupted by the lust for power and things that they were not meant to have, leading to civilisation collapse. There is that theme as well in The Lord of the Rings, with the rings of power, and the one ring to rule them all, corrupting all men who mange to come into possession of it. Such literature provides powerful metaphors for conservatives to ponder, and of more impact than a mere essay or political treatise, as important as these documents are.

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