I Expect You to be Woke, Ms Bond! By James Reed

We started to see woke come into the James Bond movies with Daniel Craig, but the latest Bond books are a whole new deal. A white Bond has been replaced by a Black, gay disabled 004. I mean, this is the world of secret agents and it makes no more sense to have a disabled field agent, that a disabled SAS operative. I Googled it but could find no such reference. Oh, and a Pakistani Muslim 009; well that could be useful in that part of the world, but surely such an agent would stand out anywhere else, maybe attract attention? But rationality has gone, and the Bond books are now to be woke all the way down the line.

Maybe so, but, go woke, go broke. I don’t know any Bond fans who will be reading this nonsense; certainly not Jeff Costello:

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Just What are They Putting in the Stuff? By Brian Simpson

I receive numerous emails from all the leading Covid vax critics, and usually address the most important ones in articles at the blog. I get one from a medical scientist who does research on the contents of the mRNA vaxxes, and is convinced that nano-particles and structures are in the vaxxes. I have not reported on this, because I have not found any scientist to verify it, which is not surprising given my personal limits, and the way scientists are either completely sold out, or keeping their heads down,

Nevertheless, American scientists Kevin McKernan and Phillip Buckhaults, found high levels of DNA contamination in the mRNA shots:

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Has Bill Gates Abandoned the Climate Change Doomsday Narrative? By James Reed

This is worth reporting on, since we have hammered Bill Gates at the Alor.org blog, on almost everything. A Zerohedge.com article claims that Gates is backstepping from the climate change doomsday position he has championed for a number of years, including in his book, How to Avoid a Climate Disaster (2021). In a recent talk he said "No temperate country is going to become uninhabitable." As well, Gates indicates a change of strategy: "If you try to do climate brute force, you will get people who say, 'I like climate but I don't want to bear that cost and reduce my standard of living." 

Does this show that the writing is on the wall for these climate elites, and Gates is jumping ship? That would be nice, but it seems that he is reworking his strategy, from the former, full-on attack, to something subtler. What he has said is still consistent with his other objective, never denied, of geoengineering the climate, and perhaps he and the climate elites will move down that way rather than the more brutal political path of banning meat etc. We will see. And, just because Gates said it at a meeting does not commit him to it. Many things are said; fewer things are true.

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US Air Force General Says War with China by 2025 By James Reed

US four-star general, Mike Minihan, early in 2023 sent a memo to his officers earlier in the year predicting that the US would be at war with communist China by 2025. At the time this prediction was derided in the press, mainly the Leftist press, which is most of it. The memo read in part: “My gut tells me we will fight in 2025. [Chinese President Xi Jinping] secured his third term and set his war council in October 2022. Taiwan’s presidential elections are in 2024 and will offer Xi a reason. United States’ presidential elections are in 2024 and will offer Xi a distracted America. Xi’s team, reason, and opportunity are all aligned for 2025,” But, General Minihan still held to his prediction, and is urging the US and its allies to get ready. War is coming, and it will turn most people’s worlds upside down.

Thus, with warnings from the communist enemy, we should start to prepare. With so many things, made in China, including medicines, even machine parts, it would be wise to start preparing now, or at least, think it through under the Minihan scenario.

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Toxic Feminism; Weapon of the Globalists By Mrs Vera West

The Russell Brand saga is of both political and philosophical significance. Brand, who is largely a Leftists, and very much into the culture of sex, drugs and rock and roll, has in recent times been a strong critic of the Covid vaxxes and mandates. He is one of the few Leftists to oppose Big Pharma, Dr Naomi Wolf being another notable figure, but she is deeply religious.

After the rape allegations were made, and these are so far allegations, no charges have been made, Brand was demonetarised by YouTube, and even came under attack by the British parliament, which was previously unheard of for mere allegations. What happened to the principle of innocent until proven guilty? The same thing is seen in the US with the lawfare attacks on President Trump, which even blind Freddy can see is just to prevent him running or destroy the campaign.

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National Farmers’ Federation Bringing Out Caroline van der Plas, Founder and Leader of the Farmer-Citizen Movement in the Netherlands By Bob Farmer

It is good to see that the National Farmers’ Federation is bringing to Australia, Caroline van der Plas, founder and leader of the Farmer-Citizen Movement in the Netherlands, to speak at the National Farmers’ Federation National Conference in Canberra on October 26-27. She organised mass protests for the Dutch farmers to oppose the insane cutbacks of Dutch farms due to a supposed need to reduce nitrogen, for the climate change hoax. The same policies are likely to be put in place in Australia in some shape or form, so we too, need to start preparing now for mass protests, as these policies get put in quick.

Farmers are under attack across the West from the globalist use of the climate change agenda, and it must be strongly opposed.

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UK Passes its On-Line Censorship Bill By Richard Miller (London)

The UK has passed its on-line censorship bill, the Online Safety Bill, which is set to rival the EU censorship legislation for the attack upon free speech. While the Bill looked like it would help in dealing with the protection of young internet users, it undertakes a massive over-stretch, forcing platforms to also restrict “misinformation,” which is broadly defined, and easily could include harmful content, but also legitimated political content, which will naturally be conservative thought. And, worse of all, privacy on-line seems to be gone, with user content and messages being scanned to seek out problematic content. Welcome to the police state.

The new Act will certainly be used as a weapon of political oppression, and this the way of the UK, today.

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Claim: White People Have No Culture! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The claim that white people have no culture is often made by radical Leftists of the multicult camp. Along with that, as detailed in one such case below, is the notion that what culture they have is stolen, say from Africans. But if whites have no culture, then it is inconsistent to then say that what culture they have is stolen. To be consistent, there must be some culture.

 We know, and the evidence is a good as anything in the world, that the modern world was largely created by whites. Sure, Asia is moving rapidly now, but would any of this have happened without the industrial revolution in England, first, and the earlier emergence of capitalism, which with the later scientific revolution produced modernity? I think not. A good book examining this is Human Accomplishment: The Pursuit of Excellence in the Arts and Sciences, 800 B.C. to 1950 (2003)  by the political scientist Charles Murray.

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The Global Food Crisis By Chris Knight (Florida)

It is ironic that while the latest UN talkfest regarding Agenda 2030, and the Sustainable Development goals, which have the clearly stated objectives of eliminating world poverty, and hunger, and ensuring the health of all, were proclaimed before lavish meals, a global food crisis, caused by the same policies of the globalists, has led to hundreds of millions of people facing hunger.


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Josephine Cashman: A Voice Against the Voice and UN By James Reed

I have come across another interesting voice against the Voice referendum, lawyer Josephine Cashman, who has an excellent website clearly spelling out the UN involvement in the Voice and other activities in Australia, and who are the main players in this. While we have covered these bases at the blog, her website is, how should I put it, a level stronger than critics like yours truly. I give a quote that made me smile, in a grim kind of way, about the “parasitic entities.” This a website worth checking on.




Acclaimed Prosecutor, PM advisor, victim advocate 20yrs+ turned whistleblower: I UN-covered a plot to use indigenous rights as a device to asset-strip the west.

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Nations Fight Back Against the UN Draft Political Declaration By James Reed

Among all the things going down with the UN globalists ate present is the Draft Political Declaration relating to Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development goals. This is detailed here:


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Ed Dowd and Dr Naomi Wolf on the Excess Mortality Crisis, and the Health Crisis of the Century By Richard Miller (London)

It takes some real bad news for former Leftist, Dr Naomi Wolf to get disorientated in an interview, but the news given by Ed Dowd, formerly a hedge fund manager at BlackRock, now founder of Phinance Technologies, did just that. Dowd’s research team found that adjusted cardiovascular excess deaths in the UK show a 13 percent increase above normal trend line in 2020, 30 percent in 2021 and forty-four percent in 2022. This explosion began after the Covid vax rollout began, and was not an observed trend before. Without going into the statistics, these events are too improbable to arise by chance. According to Dowd: “These signals are so large that there has to be a reason why. My thesis and your thesis is that it is the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines…and this is an enormous coverup. We are seeing signals like this across all different databases all the time.”

The problem goes across the West, as the report shows: “We also have this confirmed by the US disability data which in June shot up by a million. Why are we seeing a re-acceleration in disabilities? Up a million in one month. In July it came down a tad but shot back up in August. I am getting anxious about these trends accelerating.”

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Turbo-Charged Cancers By Brian Simpson

The Covid aftermath is on-going, since the mRNA vaxxes, not just for the new variants of Covid, but for other diseases, are still forthcoming. One of the adverse effects being seen now are aggressive, so-called “turbo-charged” cancers. Covid vax critics had previously reported on this, but now there is attention being devoted to the phenomenon by other mainstream medical researchers.


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Communist China Threatens to Nuke Japan! By James Reed

What can I say that I have not said before/ Communist China has threatened to nuke Japan if Japan aids Taiwan. This is from a CCP video: “We will use nuclear bombs first. We will use nuclear bombs continuously. We will do this until Japan declares unconditional surrender for the second time,” the video said.

“When we liberate Taiwan, if Japan dares to intervene by force – even if it only deploys one soldier, one plane or one ship – we will not only return fire but also wage full-scale war against Japan itself.”

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The Cost of the Voice will be Staggering By James Reed

Here is a tweet from Sarah Games MLC on the cost of the state South Australian voice, and the cost is …staggering … with just salaries being perhaps $ 11, 500, 000. That is just one aspect of administration in one state. No-one has given any figure of what the Voice will cost federally, for the country as a whole. If the treaty and reparations are added, it will be countless billions.


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The WiFi Spy from Within Your House By Brian Simpson

I did not know this, that WiFi, so beloved by the young generation to keep their inane and insane social media kicking over, can now be used as a surveillance mechanism to see inside of your home. One technology, from Meta is DensePose, which has been described thus: “mapping all human pixels of an RGB image to the 3D surface of a human body.” The researchers modified DensePose so that, rather than taking an RGB image, it would be compatible with the imagery being produced by state-of-the-art WiFi sensing technologies. The resulting system “can detect the pose of humans in a room based solely on the WiFi signals passing through the environment.”

How this technology can have an innocent use is beyond me, and we can see the police and other social controllers falling over themselves to use this. Privacy has been eroded, and technology, in the hands of the Dark Lords, serves evil purposes.

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Lidia Thorpe Wants You to Vote No. Ok, Will Do. By James Reed

Radical Lefty Senator Lidia Thorpe has got it right on the referendum, vote No. On that we agree. Her reasons are 180 degree different from ours though.  She sees the Australian constitution as a “racist” document that harms indigenous people. “The Constitution that was established in this country in 1901 was only established to bring harm to our people.” Wow, it would not be hard to write a document that did that, rather than one primarily about getting the colonies together, and commerce flowing.

But, she is logically consistent. If one believes that the constitution, and indeed the white settlement of Australia is a political sin, as the Uluru Statement in its full uncensored version, not the sanitised one-page version, that trials off incoherently says, then you believe what she says. Then there is no sense in voting Yes, which is just playing along with the white fella. So, I am pleased to see that there is a radical Left critique of the Voice, and hope that it does some damage. It may make a few university types rethink, for what that is worth at this late stage of the game.

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The Plandemic of Globalism By James Reed

Globalism is the religion of the age, seemingly absorbing all the evils of communism and transnational capitalism. In the modern university, it is the standard doctrine, advocated across disciplines, from economics to cultural studies and philosophy, although taking various forms. The overall narrative though, is that the local is flawed and in need of replacement. Central to this is the replacement of local populations, always white, never any other colour, by non-white migrants. This is the cult of diversity and dovetails with the economic support of immigration, to create cheap labour and a reserved army of he unemployed, and to generate massive competition for land prices. And the ideology has been promoted by the UN in the post-World War II era, as somehow bringing in an era of peace.

Yet, as detailed in numerous publications, and nicely summarised below, globalism with its centralism, undermines production, creative knowledge generation, and scientific progress. It is a levelling factor that threats to undermine Western civilisation. And, most important of all, globalism being the exemplar of central control, is authoritarian, anti-democratic, and produces totalitarian societies, that are not sustainable, but like all artificial empires, soon implode.

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Immigration Destroyed the Roman empire, and Now Could Bring Down the West By Richard Miller (London)

The title of the article at Telegraph.co.uk is, “Immigration Destroyed the Roman Empire. Now it could bring down Europe,” and truer words have seldom been written. A recent meme has noted that men think about the Roman Empire more than women would suspect. Could it be that these thinking men, are tuning in, maybe at the unconscious level, to the seemingly relentless undermining of Western civilisation, and they are thinking of Rome to see how the Great Collapse will play out? The Telegram article could have referred to the leading scholarly book on this theme, but did not. Peter Heather, Empires and Barbarians: The Fall of Rome and the Birth of Europe (2012), which shows that immigration of the so-called Germanic barbarian led to a rapid decline in Roman social cohesion, which with declining economic conditions, pushed Rome over the edge. But, the Nordic seeds were laid for the foundations of Europe. This is not going to happen a second time round, and all indications are that it will be a fall, but not a rebirth, on the present mass immigration agenda.



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Censoring the Diverse By Richard Miller (London)

A video of diverse people, seemingly getting down and doing some “dance moves,” of a sort, in Germany has been censored by the police, and they threaten to arrest anyone who distributes the video. Ooops, did not see that one coming, but I am in merry old multicultural England!


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