Tyranny Down Under in SA: Landscape Boards to be Given More Power than ASIO! By John Reed (Adelaide)

As reported by the Naracoorte News.com, "Powers Tougher than ASIO for landscape boards," the South Australian Labor government is moving to give extraordinary powers to public servants of the SA landscape Boards. At first this seems like "false news," as these boards are concerned with the management of soils, water, weeds and pests, basically natural resources. Yet the SA premier Malinauskas is set to give "authorised officers" the power to enter homes without a warrant, to seize document, computers, bank statements and other things in "information discovery orders."

This is following the Report of the Independent Review of the Landscape South Australia Act 2019:

https://cdn.environment.sa.gov.au/environment/docs/DEW-Landscape-Act-Review-Report.pdf, where one recommendation is: "Strengthen the power of authorised officers to execute greater compliance and enforcement actions on-ground."

As the Naracoorte News notes, this gives public servant more power than police or ASIO. It is too over-the-top to be simply accepted, and not just south Australian, but people from all states need to publicise and attack this proposal using social media and old school media such as letters to the editor and talk back radio. Most importantly, all SA pollies need to be contacted and told, this is not on. Once something like this gets in in one state, it will be planted on us here in the eastern states as well.

Note that this has not yet been enacted, and there is still time to stop this; don't give up hope! With a strong campaign this can be done! 



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