If An Insider like Rupert Murdoch says Freedom of Speech is in Trouble, Believe it! By James Reed

Rupert Murdoch has now transitioned to Chairman Emeritus of Fox News, throwing the heavy lifting over to his son, Lachlan, who studied philosophy at Princeton University. In his letter to his colleagues he said something that I have said, and which we all know is true:


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UN 2030 Agenda and Sustainable Development Goals are Now Turbo-Charged By James Reed

People may not have heard of these developments, I did not see anything in the Australian press, but the global elite were assembled in force for the 2023 SDG Summit, that concluded last week. Nations gathered to be told by the globalists how the world is going to be run, and what they are going to do, as if they need much telling, as all are in support, especially Australia. This is for the Agenda 2030 and Sustainable Development goals for the next seven years. These are the 17 sustainable Development goals: https://sdgs.un.org/goals. Included are goals of no poverty, zero hunger, good health and wellbeing, gender equality, climate action, and others too inane to type.

All of these goals are geared to the Third World, and involve massive transfers of resources from the West to them, essentially dismantling Western society, so there is global equity, all being equal at the bottom of the wheelie bin. Thus, ending hunger is an objective, even though most of the climate action polices impact upon food production, and at present are causing a global food crisis. The objects are not consistent, and are totally unachievable, but are not meant to be. The aim is simply to destroy the West, and make sure communist China rules the world.  

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Rumble's Response to the UK Parliament's Letter to Our CEO By Richard Miller (London)

The UK Parliament wants to cancel Russell Brand over the allegations, not conviction – no charges have been laid – of sexual abuse. YouTube, quick as a flash,  demonetarised him, but Rumble to their credit stood firm against the UK Parliament wanting to do the same. Here is part of the letter which is an uplifting support of free speech. Brand needs to move to Rumble, as does everyone serious about free speech.


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The Three Towers By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The story of the collapse of the three, not just two, World Trade Center towers is fascinating. Two towers were struck by air planes and the debate has been whether this was sufficient to create the pan-caking collapse effect. But no planes struck the third tower, WTC 7. The official report has it that fire and debris from the other explosions structurally damaged WCT 7, leading to its pan-caking collapse, which looks just like it was imploded. That has long been disputed.

Now there is a structural re-evaluation of the collapse of WCT 7, by the Institute of Northern Engineering, University of Alaska Fairbank. As would be expected the report is complex with engineering considerations. But for our purposes, what is significant is the conclusion: fire did not cause the collapse, and there was a simultaneous collapse of every column in the building. The report did not go onto speculation what did cause the collapse, as this was outside their terms of reference. However, at that point, engineering goes over to politics. The only plausible mechanism for the simultaneous collapse of all columns is that the building must have been imploded, a deliberate explosion. If this is so, who did it, and how does this bear upon the collapse of the other buildings?

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The Coming Great Economic Self-Destruction By James Reed

George Ford Smith puts the case that Western governments, based upon fiat money regimes are in a death spiral that will lead to collapse, as was seen at the end of the Roman Empire due to the giant Ponzi scheme, producing unsustainable debt, and the erosion of economic growth. The mere interest on US debt will reach a trillion dollars by the end of 2023, and two trillion by the end of 2024, assuming constant interest rates. Soon, the interest will not be payable. Peter Schiff, CEO and chief global strategist of Euro Pacific Capital Inc., sees no soft landing possible: “The only landing possible is a crash, where everyone on board dies.”

This coming crash is part of the Great Reset that the World Economic Forum told us about, where due to the limitations of national currencies, all will be replaced by Central Bank digital currencies (CBDC), that will ultimately be part of a global financial matrix of total power and control. No James bond villain ever aimed so high; mere world domination was their thing, but these globalists want to control reality itself. If we fail to stop them, so failure is not an option.

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The Reality of Mass Immigration Strikes Home … Maybe By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The migration-mad US Democrats have various sanctuary cities, that take in all migrants. To test their moral consistency, red states like Texas and Florida, who are on the sharp end of the migration open borders crisis, have been sending migrants to such cities such as New York. His has led to New York City Mayor Eric Adams, a Black, doing a complete 180 degree turn on immigration, as New York is getting The Camp of the Saints flooding of illegals. “Never in my life have I had a problem that I did not see an ending to,” Adams recently told a town hall meeting. “I don’t see an ending to this. This issue will destroy New York City.”

Perhaps there is a lesson here; that the political class will act when it looks like social collapse is about to come from immigration overload, when crime becomes unbearable, and cities cease to function. At that point, the sharks in the real estate/property businesses will find land prices crashing as people flee from the hell holes their demonic, infinite greed created.

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The Bitter Truth about Being Triple Vaxxed By Brian Simpson

Australia’s health authorities have never moved away from the narrative that the Covid mRNA vaxxes are safe and effective. But, while the frantic push to vaccine is gone, replaced by a more passive aggressive approach, the evidence of the dangers of the vaxxes continues to mount, with stunning evidence from the UK.

For example, if the mRNA vaxxes were life-savers, then we would not expect to see statistics indicating that nine out of 10 Covid-19 deaths in the UK, in the past year, were from fully vaccinated, triple vaxxed individuals. The Office for National Statistics (ONS), a UK government agency, reported that during January 2022, 3,914 COVID deaths were recorded among the fully jabbed compared to just 693 deaths among the unvaccinated. However, in May 2022, there were 82 unvaccinated deaths, but 1,282 vaccinated deaths, so that the vaccinated accounted for 94 percent of all Covid deaths.

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China’s Threats: A Summary By James Reed

Amil Imani gives a concise summary of the threats tht China poses to the West. I have written about all of these at the blog over the last few years, but here is a one-stop shop. The main points are that China’s manic growth is producing a significant environmental crisis, from pollution of land, sea, rivers and air. And, China is the world’s largest emitter of carbon dioxide; something the climate change crisis maniacs ignore. China has an appalling human rights record, with persecution of the Uighur Muslims, and organ harvesting from prisoners and Falun Gong; but is not widely condemned, given the influence of the Left in the West. China engages in industrial espionage stealing intellectual property with little concern for international law; free trade is just for the dopey West, while the CCP protects major industries.

However, beyond all this, as we have extensively covered, China has ambitions for world dominance, acting as it did in ancient times as an imperialist agent. Countries like Australia could face future invasion, and occupation, and it is arguable that a slow process of colonisation is occurring now with mass migration. Australians of the World War II era, and I have been told this, would see us as being set up for invasion by our elites, who long ago sold us out.

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How Immigration Deconstructs White History, Culture, and Genes By Richard Miller (London)

Over the years we have seen the output of Afro-centric literature from the universities in the US, with whole departments being devoted to this cultural deconstruction of the white world; in Australia it would be Aboriginal literature proclaiming the advancement of their culture. The Voice is but one outcome of this. Thus, we now have in the UK a children’s book claiming that Blacks built Stonehenge, and in fact, Blacks populated the UK throughout most of its history.

Obviously, the subtext here is that whites are the invaders, and so, they need to shut up about Replacement immigration levels. Indeed, what we are seeing here is a cultural form of the Great Replacement, as the literature begins to be rewritten to be the history of the new immigrants. It is the old thing, that the victorious get to write the history books, but I don’t see that occurring, only chaos and disintegration. It is happening now in London; come and see, you will be surprised.

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Where are the Environmental Protests Over the Ukraine War? By James Reed

Environmental Leftists have been gluing themselves to various structures, such as art galleries, streets, even airport tarmacs. The reasons were always to save the planet from climate change and the dreaded production of carbon dioxide. Even the US Open was treated to their protests. Thus, it is surprising to see no climate change carbon freak-outs over carbon releases from the Ukraine War. And, as noted by small farmer John Klar “The greenhouse gases generated by the ongoing Ukraine conflict increase daily, joined by toxic chemicals. Cluster bombs manufactured in the USA contribute to significant warming in that region – a heat wave of demonstrably anthropomorphic origin. American elementary school children are conditioned to think that burping cows are an existential threat, and that humanity has but a handful of years within which to avert certain doom. Even those schoolchildren can see that, if that is true, the munitions and destruction in Ukraine threaten to destroy the entire planet irrevocably unless peace is sought immediately.”

The difference is that the Ukraine War has been defined as a woke cause, so naturally the woke will go with it. It is a long way from the 1960s, when the Left at least tried to oppose the globalists of the time. Now they are all together as one happy, evil family.

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German President Embraces Islam By Richard Miller (London)

Ah, the joys of diversity … until population numbers increase so much over the coming century, or more, and a new homogeneity arises, and Germany, which is being abolished now, will not even be recorded in history books, if any exist.


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Thought Crimes in the UK By Richard Miller (London)

An elderly woman in the UK received a home visit from police and a 30-minute interrogation, for taking a photograph of a sticker that said “Keep Males Out Of Women-Only Spaces.” She was not charged with any crime, but the thought police explained that they were investigating her following a complaint for “the sensitivity … for members of the LGBT community.” She later found out that this was a non-crime hate incident. Let that sink in for a moment. The UK police are not just policing woke laws, but are policing political thought as well. Yet, when it came to the rape of Briitish children by grooming gangs, for years they ignored it for reasons of political correctness, as the victims were white.


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Appeal to Dutton to Change By Ken Grundy

The Leader of the Opposition

Dear Mr Peter Dutton

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Angry Anderson, like Many of Us, Angry Over the Voice By James Reed

The No Campaign, Fair has its campaign launch on Monday 18 September in Adelaide. But, predictably enough, protesters for the Yes side, yelled “racist dog,” “racist pig” and “crazy wankers” to participants. No doubt this would have had a fair number of international socialists in the group stirring up the action. That alone would be a good reason to vote No. The prime minister condemned the actions, as expected, but that is meaningless really, for as Senator Price, leading the No said: “This is the level of racism and division that the Prime Minister has to take responsibility for in this country right now. Where people like myself, people like my incredible colleagues here, are singled out because apparently as Indigenous people we’re supposed to agree with a proposal that is empty.”

“We’re supposed to agree with leftist ideology as opposed to thinking for ourselves and certainly to inform the Australian people as to the danger to voting yes. We must vote no for unifying this nation, for maintaining equality in our country. We’re having conversations with Aboriginal people from grassroots communities who are dead set against this, they see the dangers in this, and we’re here to represent those voices.”

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The 2025 Deagel Depopulation Prediction: Is It True? By Brian Simpson

Some caution is needed here as we are dealing with Deagel, which is part of US military intelligence. Although not well-known to the general public, Deagel received extensive internet coverage with its predictions of a coming apocalyptic catastrophe in 2025, or by that date. I examined what was available at the time, and concluded that the predictions were vague, the evidence not clearly articulated. But, it could be true; anything is possible, and this is a mighty strange world, now.

A recent article at the coved vax critical UK site, Expose-News.com, has concluded that Deagel may have been onto something. The issue goes to the staggering excess death rate across the West, of over two million excess dead since the Covid vax rollout. There has been a surprising rise of deaths among children across the West, with 120,000 up to week 40 of 2022, and it continues.

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Did the UN Commit Vax Genocide in Kenya? By Brian Simpson

For some time, I have seen allegations of the UN committing genocide in Kenya, by administering a tetanus vaccine, that was really a contraceptive, that was made for the purpose of mass sterilisation, affecting over one million women, and possibly another million more. The Kenya Catholic Doctors Association recently released a statement claiming that their tests had found traces of the hormone Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), which creates antibodies causing miscarriages if it is injected. This was mixed with the tetanus vaccine. Tests were performed by multiple labs. What makes this vaccine program highly suspicious is that the patients were all women their child bearing age, and men were excluded.

Naturally enough, the Kenyan health ministry, UNICEF and WHO, denied the claims. But the head of the Kenya Catholic Doctors Associations, Dr. Stephen Karanja, said: “The hormone, Beta HCG, is neither a by-product of, nor a component required for, the manufacture of the tetanus vaccine.” "It being part of the vaccine is nothing short of a scheme to forcefully render our women incapable of bearing children."

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Man Sues Hospital for $ 1 Billion: Court Holds, An Abuse of Process By James Reed

At first, I thought this was a news story from America, but no. An Australian man in Melbourne viewed his wife’s caesarean section, performed at a hospital. Then, he alleged, he developed a mental illness, so he sued the hospital for $ 1 billion. He represented himself, and lost.

I would imagine that any hospital today would get such viewers of C-sections to sign up all of the necessary paper work and disclaimers and what-not to deal with potential cases like this one. If this happened in this case I do not know.

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Covid Vaxxes: Lethal Toxic Agents: Academic Paper By Brian Simpson

Australian dissent journalist Rebekah Barnett certainly thinks the Covid issue is still of vital importance. Given that the vast majority of Australians have been vaxxed, some up to four or five times, on-going scientific material about the vax dangers is relevant, as most people could be ticking health time bombs. That would seem to be the conclusion reached in a new paper by Denis Rancourt et al., which examined all-cause mortality (ACM) in 17 countries in the Southern Hemisphere and equatorial region. A causal link was established, the researchers believe, between peaks of all-cause mortality and the vax rollouts. “In 9 of the 17 countries, there is no detectable excess mortality until the vaccines are rolled out… In the other 8 of the 17 countries, a new regime of higher mortality is initiated after 11 March 2020 and prior to any COVID-19 vaccine administration... In all 17 countries, vaccination is associated with a regime of high mortality, and there is no association in time between COVID-19 vaccination and proportionate reduction in ACM.”

In a nutshell, “The COVID-19 vaccines did not save lives and appear to be lethal toxic agents.”

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The Empire State Building Made into a Giant Blue Syringe! By Chris Knight (Florida)

The Empire State Building (ESB) has been lit up in the blue corporate colours of Big Pharma to celebrate the CDC recommending that the new vax be given to everyone over the age of six months. If this does not sing corporate power, nothing does. And the pictures of the iconic building make the ESB look like a giant syringe! It is perhaps the lead icon of our age.


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The CDC Wants Near-Universal Covid Vaccinations By Chris Knight (Florida)

While most other countries have eased off on the Covid vax mania, the US is getting into the next round, with the CDC recommending the so-called updated Covid vax for everyone aged six months and over. In the UK, for example, the recommendation is for people over 65 years of age. But as shown below, the administration of one million jabs would prevent only between 19 to 95 hospitalizations, 5 to 19 ICU admissions, and one death for 12 to 17-year-olds. But, for that one million doses there would be an additional 1,000 serious adverse events. It simply does not add up.

What we are seeing is the close relationship between Big Pharma and the CDC in real time. And, the new vaxxes have been tested …on mice, and are likely targeting older variants given how fast Covid mutates.

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