Is Kamala Harris a Drunk? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

There are rumours that Kamala Harris has a serious drinking problem and is turning up to important meetings, drunk. The rumour has been circulating for some time, but has now gone viral from a post by James Blair, a Trump campaign insider:

As her staff can't keep her from tipping the booze, they keep her away from the microphone and interviews, which explains why she hides from the media. As noted in the above article:

"In this case, the evidence doesn't come from experts but from ordinary people re-examining Kamala's greatest cackle and gibberish moments, not through the lens of "that's just Kamala" but through the "is she drunk?" filter. After all, based on life experience, ordinary people are perfectly capable of telling whether someone has had too much to drink.

The internet is awash in clips of Kamala's bizarre affect, such as her strange, elliptical speech, her manic, inappropriate cackle, her constantly wiggling body, and her weird, unfocused hand movements. I've gathered several together so you can view them and make your own call about whether this is just ordinary "weird Kamala" or if we've been watching an insecure, incompetent woman drink to deal with the spotlight she's found herself in."

The hypothesis that Kamala is a chronic alcoholic, or drunk, explains many of the weird things she does, including the word salads and the annoying, if not alarming cackle.

There is no doubt that if she is an alcoholic, the Deep State will use this to totally control her, as they did with senile Joe's senility. As if they need alcohol to do this anyway.

As the survival of Western civilisation is at stake, this is relevant. 



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