Will the Immigration Invasion End Western Civilisation? By Chris Knight (Florida)

While the post to be mentioned here does not add anything to what has been said at this blog, it is worthwhile quoting people who share the same line of thought, as it shows that the idea that the present immigration invasion of the West is a civilisational destroying plot, is not an isolated doctrine held just by us. Thus, the idea that Western civilisation will end by this weaponised immigration invasion was expressed at Natural News.com, discussing the aftermath of the UK immigration riots.

All dissent Right commentors have been deeply concerned about the violations of basic freedom of speech which went with this, with even people who watched the riots, but committed no acts of violence, arrested and being denied bail. It is much like the January 6 protests where the authorities went after anyone who was either entering the building, or near it. Some political commentators who were not even the event got jail. So, both countries are facing the same sate, and the certain election of Kamala Harris will put the US ahead of the UK in the tyranny stakes. Where I differ from Natural news.com, is that they see the UK as further down the road to destruction than the US, but I see the same problem ticking over everywhere in the West, including Australia. It is just a question of visibility.


"What the world is witnessing in the United Kingdom right now with the migrant crisis is merely a blueprint for what will become of the entire West once the globalists in charge have their way with it.

Part of the plan is to brainwash children at "school" about how to weed out "misinformation" about illegal immigration. Those in charge want the next generation to believe that the migrant invasion is good for the West, helping to enrich it culturally.

In Great Britain, all schools from now on will have courses on "misinformation" and the dangers of "extremist content" online. Children will be told that British citizens who protest against open borders are "dangerous" and that they must be fought with "critical thinking."

"Not actual critical thinking, mind you, just thinking that's critical of the truth," warns Leo Hohmann on his Substack. "A better word for it would be brainwashing or sensitivity training."

If the globalists are successful, the next generation of Brits will think it unacceptable to question the authority of Allah, the god of Islam, over UK law. A 61-year-old English man was recently arrested for doing just that, and will now have to spend the next year-and-a-half behind bars.

The man, named David Spring, appeared at a July 31 protest where he pointed his finger at police officers and yelled, "Who the **** is Allah?" Spring told the officers that they are "no longer English," to which they cuffed him and dragged him off to the slammer.

Free speech is dying

Even just a few years ago, such a thing would have been unheard of in the UK. In 2024, it is par for the course – and will soon become the norm in the United States as well with the way things are going.

The UK appears to have already fallen to extreme authoritarianism. The U.S. is just a few steps behind, meaning there is still time for Americans to fight back and reject the police state control over speech that is being implemented across the pond."

Sorry to disagree, but these controls are being set up everywhere now. Still, they must be fought back, everywhere. 



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