The World Just Keeps Getting Sadder By Bruce Bennett

     Look, it can’t be as bad as you guys keep saying. Sure, Rome collapsed, a long time ago, but we have technology and the internet, there is still some sunshine, and I had a good steak meal last night, washed down with a few cold beers. What could possibly be wrong?

“According to a major analysis of global well-being, the world really is getting more miserable. Human beings worldwide are sadder, angrier and more fearful than they have ever been before.  Something just isn’t right on Earth. In Gallup’s annual Global State of Emotions report, all three emotions (sadness, anger, and fear) rose to record levels in 2018, for the second consecutive year. Chad took the undesirable honor of being the world’s most negative country. Wrought with war, political crisis, and human rights violations, the country is the world’s worst in terms of emotional health, according to CNN. Gallup charted humanity’s prolonged slump by holding 151,000 interviews in 2018 with adults in more than 140 countries. It has measured emotions annually since 2006. In 2018, about 4 in 10 people said they experienced a lot of worry the day before the interview, while a third said they were stressed and nearly 3 in 10 said they felt a lot of physical pain.

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Avengers: Endgame and a Teransgender 007: Dropping Movies is Long overdue By chris Knight

     There is shock, horror from Dissent Righters about, first, the elimination of the main white characters from the latest big money movie, Avengers: Endgame, and also from the present 007 James bond, Daniel Craig, who wants a gay, transgender and/or black/non-white Bond. Really, what does one expect in a cultural war? It is somewhat puzzling that so many of the US righters, our equivalents, churn out books on movies, and write so much about them. Don’t they have lives? Movies are even more colonised than the universities, and we need to completely abandon them, not even watching them for free, because this is consumption of toxic cultural  waste. The core reason is that this media is a massive passive time waster, that absorbs time that could be spent doing something to improve one’s mind, such as learning another language, pursuing political actionism, or even studying STEM topics.

     Of course, Hollywood is going to be just like the Democratic Party, or our labour Party on film. Why would one want to have one’s mind and emotions manipulated by this? In watching this bs one is allowing the poison to enter your brain. That does not seem wise to me. If, as the Left argues, guns as objects have the power to turn people evil, then what effects will the total sensory bombardment of cinema do to our state of mind?

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Life On Mars? Life On Earth? By Brian Simpson

     Claims are circulating that life from Mars has been discovered in a meteorite spat out which landed on Earth. Maybe, maybe not. But the real question is will one day meteorites from a dead Earth be sent return to sender to Mars, to perhaps start the cycle over again, or at least to cause some extra-terrestrial explorers to ponder, what the hell went on here?

“SCIENTISTS have raised hope there could be life on Mars after fossilised bacteria was found in a meteorite from the Red Planet. Experts say they have found microfilaments created by fossilised Martian microbes on the meteorite, known as ALH-77005, after using advanced imaging techniques. Dr Ildiko Gyollai and his team from the Hungarian Academy of Science (HAS) Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences used optical microscopy and infrared technology to study the textures and features of the thin sample of ALH-77005. The textures and features left behind by organisms are called “biosignatures”. They also analysed the minerals in the stone and undertook isotope tests to find out if there were any chemical compounds required for sustaining life. The rock they had been looking at was discovered in Antarctica by the Japanese National Institute of Polar Research on a mission from 1977-78. The researchers concluded the microscopic filaments could be evidence of bacteria that survive by eating iron dust. The study's authors said in the paper: “Comparing recent results and interpretation with other meteorites, it can be raised, that on these similarities the microbially mediated biosignatures can be proposed microbial mediation by iron oxidising bacteria on Mars.”

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A Fish Rots from the Head By Chris Knight

     Not every day, but most days, Paul Craig Roberts has some insightful dark things to say, and this is a time of darkness, unparalleled. The appropriate metaphor for our times is decay, and the idea that a fish rots from the head first pretty much sums up how cultural Marxism has wormed through the institutions, to putrify all before it.

“A fish rots from the head. In the Western world rot is accelerating. The rot in Washington is swiftly spreading to state and local governments and abroad to the Empire’s vassal governments. Washington’s attack on journalism represented by the illegal arrest of Julian Assange has now spread to France. The US government’s policy of sanctions against sovereign countries that do not follow Washington’s orders has spread to the state of New York, where the governor has threatened sanctions against financial institutions that do business with the National Rifle Association. In France the vassal president Macron has ordered three journalists — who revealed that Macron’s government knowingly and intentionally sold arms to Saudi Arabia and the UAE to be used for the slaughter of women and children in Yemen — to report for police questioning. The report proves that Macron’s government deliberately lied when it said it was unaware that French weapons were to be used for attack rather than defense use in violation of the Arms Trade Treaty of 2014. The journalists are under investigation by the French gestapo for “compromising national defense secrets.”

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Rebuilding Politically Correct Notre Dame By Richard Miller

     The burning of the cathedral of Notre Dame was almost certainly arson, but the crime is so immense and sensitive that even if it was, the Deep State would not admit it. After all, they still want to keep the consumer multicult wonderland in one consuming piece.

     What matters now is how the cathedral will be rebuilt, and surprise, surprise, it will be in line with multicultural ideology, not the Christian past and traditions:

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Who Needs the Australian flag When There is the Rainbow One; More Colours By Mrs Vera West

     Just reporting the facts, without saying whether or not this is a good or bad thing, which is something we are lucky to still be able to do. How I miss the world of the 1950s, a golden age.

“The Australian flag will be taken down from the Woodend clock tower next month, with the Macedon Shire Council voting to fly the rainbow LGBTQI+ pride flag instead. The Macedon Ranges Shire Council voted to fly the rainbow pride flag at the council offices in Gisbourne and Kyneton, and the clock tower in Woodend. There is only one flagpole at the Woodend clock tower, so the Australian flag will be lowered to allow the rainbow pride flag to fly. At the council offices in Gisbourne and Kyneton, Torres Strait Islander flags will be lowered to accommodate the rainbow pride flag. The rainbow flags will be flown from May 13 to May 20 to acknowledge the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Intersexism and Transphobia.”

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Japan and Vaccinations By Mrs Vera West

     If there must be mandatory vaccinations, and all the hysteria we see in Australia and the United States, with people virtually vaccinated at gun point,

what about the more laid-back Japan? It should be wiggling out the door with disease, but it is not:

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Letter to The Editor - Why Big Miners turned Green

     Big miners like Rio and BHP employ many geologists, chemists and physicists who can show that natural climate cycles have been occurring for millions of years. Why then are their boards pushing the man-made climate fable? It’s all about money. Wind turbines, solar farms and electric cars need humungous amounts of copper, steel, rare earths, lithium, silicon and aluminium for towers, transmission lines, charging stations, generators, motors, panels and batteries. This means higher metal prices and bigger profits, dividends and bonuses. All pretty simple.
  Viv Forbes, Washpool, Qld

Authorised by K. W. Grundy
13 Carsten Court, Happy Valley, SA.

Time for Marvel to Replace Brie Larsen with an Actress of Colour! By Charles Taylor

     Captain Marvel’s Brie Larsen is at it again, claiming that she is the first actress to break through the glass ceiling. Well, she must be thinking that she is still in character and able to fly like a super, because there is nothing she has done that has not been done by some other actress, which is shown in detail here:

     With all that going to her plain head, she has called out Marvel for lack of diversity.

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Poland Fights Back By Richard Miller

     Unlike the rest of the West, the Eastern European countries are waking up to the problems of the New Order:

“LGBT campaigners’ demands such as ‘gender ideology’ and the promotion of alternative sexual lifestyles to young children at school present a serious threat to Poland, the head of the nation’s ruling party has said. Speaking at a conference organised by the group Catholic Action on Wednesday, Jaroslaw Kaczynski denounced ”an attack on the family and children”, following the signing of a 12-point ‘LGBT + Declaration’ by Warsaw’s liberal mayor. “We are dealing with a direct attack on the family and children… the sexualisation of children, that entire LGBT movement, gender,” he said, denouncing ‘gender theory’ which claims that sex is a social construct and that people can ‘choose’ their own gender, and which the Warsaw Declaration says must be promoted in schools. “These ideologies, philosophies, all of this is imported, these are not internal Polish mechanisms,” Kaczynski told the conference in Wloclawek.

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The Coming of Satanism (Spoiler Alert; It Never Left) By Chris Knight

     We need to keep looking at developments in the US to get an idea of what the globalist elites are up to, since they never sleep and work away while we collapse in exhaustion. Perhaps there is an extra-physical explanation for their resilience?

“The Satanic Temple (TST) announced Friday that the IRS has recognized it as a “church” with tax-exempt status. “We are pleased to announce that for the very [first] time in history, a satanic organization has been recognized by the United States federal government as being a church,” the group posted on Instagram. “This acknowledgment will help make sure The Satanic Temple has the same access to public spaces as other religious organizations, affirm our standing in court when battling religious discrimination, and enable us to apply for faith-based government grants,” the organization continued. According to a report by the Associated Press, TST, based in Salem, Massachusetts, received a letter that used a code that categorizes the group as a “church or a convention or association of churches.” “The group is now listed in an IRS database for tax-exempt organizations,” reported AP.

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The Pope has Money to Burn By Peter West

     With all the homeless in the west one would have thought that if the Pope wanted to relieve the church of $500, 000 he could spend that money at home. But, no, the religion of migration says otherwise:

“Pope Francis has donated half a million dollars in aid for migrants apprehended along the U.S. - Mexico border. The funds will be distributed among 27 projects promoted by sixteen Mexican dioceses and religious congregations, which requested assistance in continuing to provide food, lodging, and basic necessities to the migrants.  Vatican News claimed the aid would specifically help more than 75,000 people who arrived in Mexico in 2018 as part of six migrant caravans. The funding comes as more than a thousand migrants broke out of a detention center in southern Mexico on Thursday evening, authorities said, in a fresh sign of how a surge in arrivals has stretched the country's resources to the limit. Peter's Pences provided the funding, which allows the Pontiff with the financial means to help those who are suffering as a result of war, oppression, natural disaster, and disease. In a statement Peter's Pence said: 'In recent months, thousands of migrants have arrived in Mexico, having traveled more than 4,000 kilometers on foot and with makeshift vehicles from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala. 'Men and women, often with young children, flee poverty and violence, hoping for a better future in the United States. However, the US border remains closed to them.' The Catholic Church currently hosts thousands of migrants in hotels within the dioceses or religious congregations, providing basic necessities, from housing to clothing.”

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Electric Cars and the Colonial Exploitation of Children Miners By James Reed

     I continue my conceptual rampage against the Greenies’ most sacred icon, next to illegal migrants, electric cars.

“Picking through a mountain of huge rocks with his tiny bare hands, the exhausted little boy makes a pitiful sight. His name is Dorsen and he is one of an army of children, some just four years old, working in the vast polluted mines of the Democratic Republic of Congo, where toxic red dust burns their eyes, and they run the risk of skin disease and a deadly lung condition. Here, for a wage of just 8p a day, the children are made to check the rocks for the tell-tale chocolate-brown streaks of cobalt – the prized ingredient essential for the batteries that power electric cars. And it’s feared that thousands more children could be about to be dragged into this hellish daily existence – after the historic pledge made by Britain to ban the sale of petrol and diesel cars from 2040 and switch to electric vehicles. Dorsen, just eight, is one of 40,000 children working daily in the mines of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The terrible price they will pay for our clean air is ruined health and a likely early death.

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The Decline of India: Only an Indian could Say this By Peter Ewer

     I really love India. I have been there a few times over the years, and yes, there is desperate grinding poverty, but the people seem to me to live on regardless of whatever happens in the world. There is a spirituality about the place that I did not find in China, which struck me as grossly materialistic, like atheistic Australia. Let’s not even talk about the US. But, I recently read this article cited below written by an Indian about the state of the Indian elections, and had some of my optimism shattered, as  leading Indian journalist Jayant Bhandari is saying that Indian politics is even more corrupt than the West, as hard as it is to believe, and that India is falling away into chaos.

     This is a lengthy piece, but one of the most honest assessments of a person’s nation that I have ever read. Mr Bhandari debunks the media hype about India as an emerging super power, and puts the case that the place is essentially falling apart with decay everywhere, just like the West, with the same cancerous forces of destruction operating there. Hopefully, though, after the Great Collapse, India will regain its spiritual greatness and live on as it has for millennia. Or, like everything else, it will just be darkness and decline, which may be more likely. It is tragic when a great people fall, just as we in the West have fallen.

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Not all Non-White South Africans Love the Rainbow Nation By R. I. Peters

     This is from the mainstream press, so we can imagine that the real world would be starker and grimmer:

“It is all about the blacks. The 'Rainbow Nation' is a big lie!" complained Dalene Raiters, a South African mother from the "Coloured" community. "We are not black enough," added her sister who has also been unemployed for years. "We are not part of this country. We were marginalised during the apartheid and even now," lamented Dalene, getting into her stride about the discrimination of which she insists she is a victim. "Our people live like mushrooms. Four generations under the same roof," said Elizabeth Raiters, seated in the living room of the family home in the majority "Coloured" township of Eldorado Park, an outlying suburb of Johannesburg. In total, nine people -- soon to be 10 with a baby due -- live in the property, which has a small bedroom and a hut in the yard. Elizabeth applied for social housing to ease the squeeze -- but that was 17 years ago, and failed. She is convinced it is because of the colour of her skin. Apartheid legally divided South Africans into groups of whites, blacks, Indians and "Coloured," a term meaning people deemed to be of mixed race. The remnants of system were swept away a quarter-century ago, and today the notion of race remains as discredited as is segregation. Yet the term "Coloured" is still widely used today -- and complaints of exclusion are common.

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Sad News for Lesbian Vegans By Mrs Vera West

     This is for me, the saddest story to be dumped in my waste paper bin this week. I cried my eyes out, used up an entire roll of toilet paper (can’t afford tissues, which are too flimsy anyway):

“A "woke" vegan café in Melbourne's trendy suburb of Brunswick says it will be closing down. Handsome Her, a café advertised as a safe space for women and lesbians, made headlines in 2017 when owner Alexandra O'Brien announced a controversial business plan. One week every month, Handsome Her charged men 18 percent more than women. The excess charge was donated to women's charity. The café also prioritised seating women before men during this week. However, the vegan eatery has announced it will close on April 28, after just two years of business. "When we opened Handsome Her in 2018, we expected that perhaps we might make a stir through our brazen and public discussions of structural inequality," the café announced on Facebook. "The man tax blew up the internet, an idea we didn't think was too radical and yet the way the world responded showed us how fragile masculinity is and solidified the necessity for us to confront and dismantle patriarchy," the post continued.

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Whiteness the Original Sin By James Reed

     If I had any money left this week, I would have bought this book by US Dissent Right journalist Jim Goad, Whiteness: The Original Sin, read it, and do a brilliant review. But, alas, poverty and lack of resources rules all, grinding and crushing me. Never mind. Just as I am now joining Uncle Len in dumpster diving to get food, so I am dumpster diving to work out what new books are saying. Let’s see what can be done out of virtually nothing.

     All good, I have seen enough free Tuber stuff to say something informative about this book, even if must guess a wee bit. First, it looks to be a much needed deconstruction of the entire politically correct Leftist industry that has been set up in the post-world War II era, to demographically displace basically Nordic (Northern European) people, you know the common sewage stuff running out of the universities, that whiteness itself is a form of “terrorism”

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Letter to The Editor - Food from Trees

     Greens worship trees. Our food is produced from grasslands and cultivation. What do we eat in the brave new world of trees? Pine chips?

  Viv Forbes, Washpool, Qld

Authorised by K. W. Grundy
13 Carsten Court, Happy Valley, SA.

Letter to The Editor - Navy Going Nuclear?

     In the brave new zero-emissions world, oil-powered aircraft carriers and diesel-powered subs are taboo. Will the Australian navy go nuclear or back to sails?

  Viv Forbes, Washpool, Qld

Authorised by K. W. Grundy
13 Carsten Court, Happy Valley, SA.

Letter to The Editor - Count Your Blessings

They told us to stop eating meat
Or the skies would soon overheat.
But the weather started snowing
And the blizzards started blowing
And soon there was no meat to eat.

  Viv Forbes, Washpool, Qld

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