ISIS and Migrants By Richard Miller

     Well blow me over; I thought from the Left wing thought control groups that links between ISIS and migration was just a racist conspiracy, but then we get this from the mainstream media, which just shows that the entire mainstream media must be banned and shut down to avoid temptations in reporting anything naughty:

“ISIS has tasked one of its terror bosses with moving militants out of Syria and into Europe, newly procured documents show. Newly obtained documents by The Sunday Times show ISIS has a member tasked with “bringing in migrants and taking out brothers who have been given jobs" as a way to move fighters and money from Syria through Turkey into Europe. The documents were obtained by the paper after being found on a hard drive dropped by members of an ISIS cell during a battle near the group's tiny remaining stronghold in Syria earlier this year. In a bid to stay relevant, the terror group -- which recently lost nearly all of its self-proclaimed "caliphate" in Iraq and Syria -- is planning to launch a fresh wave of attacks in Europe and the Middle East inspired by past atrocities: the 2015 Paris attacks that killed 130 people and 2017 truck attack in New York City that left eight dead. Among the documents on the hard drive is a letter signed by six ISIS leaders and addressed to 47-year-old leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, which lays out the group's new strategy of operations involving bank robberies, vehicle rammings, assassinations and computer hacking.

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Police State New Zealand By John Welton

     As a New Zealand gun owner, with no convictions, I sincerely hope that my name has been flagged in the New World Order police state surveillance system. If not, then I will cry crocodile tears each night on my pillow. Just imagine what is going on across the lake in the grown-up people’s country, of Australia, land of the juicy social welfare, that New Zealanders love as well:

“Nearly two million people appear in a New Zealand police intelligence system with an alert against their name, inquiries by the Otago Daily Times have revealed. Those in the database are generally flagged without their knowledge, and a leading security analyst says the broad sweep of the system raises privacy concerns. George Block reports. Has your driver's licence ever been cancelled? Vetted by police recently? Do you have a firearms licence? Then chances are you appear in the police National Intelligence Application (NIA) with at least one alert against your name. Police can apply 126 different "person alerts", including flags for firearms licence holders, people known by police to be HIV (AIDS) positive, and alerts for paedophiles and convicted murderers. This all adds up: 1,988,963 people in New Zealand have at least one alert against their name - just over 40 per cent of the population at an average of 1.7 alerts per person, according to figures obtained under the Official Information Act by the Otago Daily Times.”

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Letter to The Editor - The liberals, alas, in a crunch will side with the Left rather than the Right

To The Australian        The latest news from Britain ("Don't cave in to Labour on Brexit, Tories tell May", 7/5) suggests that the actual political struggle going on there now is between those who want a strong betrayal of Brexit and those who want a milder one. The tale has a message for Australia at election time. Just as in the UK, so here, the problem for conservatives is that the main centre-right party is actually fundamentally split between liberals and genuine traditionalists. The liberals, alas, in a crunch will side with the Left rather than the Right - as the Brexit tragedy shows. In both nations too few voters really care for traditional values and the attitudes of responsibility and self-restraint that underpin them. At election time here the best that conservatives can do is direct their primary votes to a right-wing minority party if the mainstream anti-Left candidate is in fact a liberal, not a conservative.
  Nigel Jackson, Belgrave, Vic

Authorised by K. W. Grundy
13 Carsten Court, Happy Valley, SA.

Letter to The Editor - A hypothetical president, inevitably backed by big money and political chicanery, will never have the inspiring magnificence of a king or queen

To The Age        What wonderful news that the royal House of Windsor has another prince to add to its ranks! And how fortunate Australians are to be subjects of the head of this house and to see it flourishing as it is, with youth and glamour as well as glorious tradition! The institution of monarchy is strengthened by this latest addition to its family. Of course, the ALP, if elected on 18 May, will do everything possible to deprive us of our royal connection. That is one of the soundest reasons for voting against them. A hypothetical president, inevitably backed by big money and political chicanery, will never have the inspiring magnificence of a king or queen. And that is no small matter for national well-being.
  Nigel Jackson, Belgrave, Vic

Authorised by K. W. Grundy
13 Carsten Court, Happy Valley, SA.

Peak Madness: From Censorship to Civil War By Peter West

     The cultural civil war continues, with Facebook banning more people who it does not like. Meanwhile, Trump does nothing, not even lifting a presidential finger to save free speech. Perhaps his son-in-law, the ever-snugged-face Jared Kushner, the real president, has told him to not even make a Tweet, or a mouse-like squeak, about it, and Trump has quietly nodded, trembling in fear:

“The Masters of the Universe at Facebook have banned multiple conservative personalities from both Facebook and Instagram, including Infowars host Alex Jones, Paul Joseph Watson, Laura Loomer, and Milo Yiannopoulos.
The Atlantic reports that Instagram and its parent company Facebook has banned a number of conservative personalities from its platforms, including Infowars host Alex Jones, Infowars contributor and YouTube star Paul Joseph Watson, journalist and activist Laura Loomer, and Milo Yiannopoulos. Louis Farrakhan was notably also banned from the platforms at the same time. Paul Joseph Watson confirmed his ban, claiming he has not broken Facebook’s rules, and commenting, “In an authoritarian society controlled by a handful of Silicon Valley giants, all dissent must be purged.”

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Insanity USA By Chris Knight

     A quickie proof of the insanity of contemporary America. After the failed CIA coup in Venezuela, the UY,  a country which is oh so concerned about other nations “interfering” in its politics in any way, even exposing evil doings, now has put all the cards on the table regarding Venezuela. That means full military invasion. Yet, the elites fight to allow the Mexican border be open regardless of who comes in. This is beyond pathological, and is nothing more than a country in the terminal stages of death.

“The primary objective of the American Left — and, really, the global Left — is the destruction of the United States as founded, period. … Thus, if you look at the issues that are important to Democrats and you examine their political objectives and view the policies they pursue through this lens, you can begin to understand why they do the things they do. Take the migrant invasion currently occurring along our U.S.-Mexico border. To any rational American, the right thing to do would be to give the president and our governing institutions all the diplomatic, financial, and physical tools required to secure it. But instead, Democrats fight the president tooth and nail. And what’s happening? Not only are the migrants overwhelming our ability to handle the onslaught, because of the way our laws are written — and because Democrats refuse to work with Republicans and the president to change them — federal immigration officials have been forced to release disease-ridden migrants into our cities, thus exposing Americans to diseases we eradicated long ago.

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Fructose on the Brain By Mrs Vera West

     I have written some articles linking material putting the case that some fruits, being high in fructose, may need to be rationed, even though these fruit contain highly beneficial nutrients. This is somewhat paradoxical, but we live in an inane world, where layers upon layers of contradictions confront us daily. Here is more information about health concerns about fructose:

“… the sweetener affects numerous genes in the brain. Fructose causes gene alterations that are linked to serious diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease and diabetes. However, the researchers from University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) who conducted the study also said that these harmful changes can be reversed by the omega-3 fatty acid DHA. So eating healthy foods rich in omega-3s can restore the health of people who consume unhealthy amounts of fructose. For their study, the researchers examined the genes, pathways, and networks affected by fructose. They first taught rats how to escape from a maze then divided the trained animals into three groups. They gave the rats in the first and second group water containing the same amount of fructose found in a liter of soda but they also fed the second group foods rich in DHA. Meanwhile, they did not give the third group any sweetened water or DHA. The rats lived on those diets for six weeks. Then the researchers returned them to the same maze to test their memory. (Related: Are you one of the 60 percent of people who have trouble digesting fructose?)

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At Long Last, Someone to Vote for: Fraser Anning’s Conservative Nationalist Party By Bruce Bennett

     I am probably the youngest one writing here, but it seems to me that this is the first and last real chance to do something on immigration, rather than beat around the bush on the numbers, environment and bs like that. The real issue is about the changing demographics, the surrender Australia program. Fraser Anning is the first politician in recent times to say something on this, although James tells me that Graeme Campbell, way back was saying the same thing, and there was AAFI which fought the good fight. Anyway, here we are today and there is something can be done with your vote. The fact that the mainstream media hates Anning and his party so much is reason enough for me to not only vote for them but to hand out leaflets and man a polling station. Maybe others could do this in their wheel chairs. Why not, for the Australia you knew is now being disassembled.   Here is the link to the constitution of Fraser Anning’s Conservative Nationalist Party:

“One nation under God, united by the crimson threads of kinship”

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More Power to Transgender Powerlifters By Mrs Vera West

     Yes, identity politics and postmodern whatever is reaching its “logical conclusion,” as the various ideologies start to swallow each other whole. Take this little example from the wild world of transgender sport:

“On Sunday, a biological man who identifies as a woman took the Masters world records for women's squat, women's bench press, and women's deadlift. A female Olympian responded by condemning the "pointless, unfair playing field" where biological women are beaten by biological men who identify as transgender women. "What a day, 9 for 9! Masters world squat record, open world bench record, masters world dl record, and masters world total record!" Mary Gregory posted on Instagram. Gregory thanked the Raw Powerlifting Federation. "As a transgender lifter I was unsure what to expect going into this meet and everyone - all the spotters, loaders, referees, staff, meet director, all made me welcome and treated me as just another female lifter- thank you!" Transgender activists may celebrate these world records, but former British Olympic swimmer Sharron Davies condemned the basic unfairness of biological men competing with biological women.”

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Letter to The Editor - Warming came before Coal

     If human use of coal and oil is causing the Modern Warming, what caused the Minoan Warming, the Roman Warming and the Medieval Warming, all of which were warmer than today? Every warm era was followed by a mini-ice age – a time of blizzards, iced rivers, starving stock, failed crops and hungry humans. Only fools would try to kill the warmth by reducing aerial CO2 plant food. And only idiots would destroy their reliable electricity supply in this futile crusade.
  Viv Forbes, Washpool, Qld

Authorised by K. W. Grundy
13 Carsten Court, Happy Valley, SA.

Letter to The Editor - Testing Green Energy

     Let’s carry out a real energy experiment in Australia. Insist that Victoria and South Australia become “zero emission states” with all electricity generated by wind, solar or hydro and backed up by giant batteries. Mandate electric cars and levy a climate tax on all emissions from cattle and petrol/diesel engines. Let Qld choose freely from unsubsidised coal, gas or green power with no climate taxes. Leave their cows, cars, and trucks alone. Stop all interstate transfer of electricity into test areas. Let’s see what happens to electricity reliability and prices, industrial activity, jobs and interstate migration of climate refugees.
  Viv Forbes, Washpool, Qld

Authorised by K. W. Grundy
13 Carsten Court, Happy Valley, SA.

Diversity, Australian Style By Peter Ewer

     In no way being critical or making any adverse comment at all, I refer the gentle reader to this article where various individuals appear to be raising objections to Australia’s joyous  diversity, but I do not know why and am afraid to ask. In fact, I type this from the shelter of the dark nether region under my bed:

“A radical Muslim group held a conference on Saturday afternoon discouraging members and their children from singing the Australian national anthem – while refusing to condemn ISIS. Global Islamist political party Hizb ut-Tahrir, which is campaigning for Sharia law, hired a community hall at Campsie, in Sydney's south-west, for the event. Yellow taped lines were placed on the carpet segregating men at the front from women at the back, with Daily Mail Australia witnessing ushers directing men to sit at the front of the auditorium. This was despite a 2016 New South Wales Civil and Administrative Tribunal ruling which found Hizb ut-Tahrir's gender segregation policies at public events were a form of unlawful sex discrimination. After taking a seat Daily Mail Australia was asked to leave the Orion Function Centre as about 300 Muslim men, women - all wearing either hijabs or niqabs - and children were arriving. Asked why the media wasn't allowed at the four-hour 'Unapologetically Muslim' forum, this reporter was informed it was an 'Islamic conference' and complied with directions to leave.

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Climate Change Doomsday Nonsense! Give me a Real Apocalypse, Anyone! By James Reed

     Yes, I am a doomsayer, but one who argues from religious fanaticism rather than climate change fanaticism, which is more rational, or at least is a longer tradition of madness. Now, we have the spectacle of a leading medical journal, The Lancet, which always brings up the image in my mind of some doctor lancing some pus-filled wound and collecting …anyway you are not interested in that … embracing climate change apocalypse with a vengeance. The item in question is a glowing book review of David Wallace-Wells, The Uninhabitable Earth: Life After Warming, a book which I am too bigoted to read, but for good reason.

The Lancet journal has joined the ranks of the most crazed climate propagandists, warning of a climate meltdown comparable to nuclear war. In its review of David Wallace-Wells’ The Uninhabitable Earth: Life After Warming, the once prestigious medical journal underscores the extreme nature of the author’s predictions, only to insist that things are actually worse than what he describes. Starkly titled “Climate Armageddon,” the nearly hysterical review by Lancet’s Laurie Garrett declares that just since 2017, when Wallace-Wells laid out his theories in an essay that forms the foundation for his book, “a number of record-breaking severe weather events, hastening melting of polar ice, rising sea temperatures, and the massive die-offs along Australia’s Great Barrier Reef have raised the tone of urgency among climatologists and earth scientists.” Garrett oozes praise for Wallace-Wells’ “gorgeous command of the English language,” declaring that he “knows how to lay down prose that moves the reader at such a clip that one feels like a Kentucky Derby-exhausted mare at the end of each chapter.”

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Engineering Magic By Brian Simpson

     A long time ago I saw Chariots of the Gods, and puzzled at how people managed to move huge masses of stone, something that would tax today’s equipment. Some folks think that they have the answer, and it does not involve extra-terrestrial, but physics and leverage:

“In 2014, the researchers at the design lab Matter Design, many of whom are from MIT, began studying the way ancient civilizations built giant structures like the statues on Easter Island or the Egyptian pyramids. Using stones that have the right density and center of mass, they found, humans can actually move objects as heavy as a great white shark with their bare hands. With help from the construction-research company Cemex Global R&D, the lab found that it could rotate mammoth stones that appear light as a feather, or assemble objects into staircases without trucks or cranes. To determine which building materials to use and where to place the center of mass, Matter Design relies on a computer algorithm. When the algorithm spots a formula that won’t work in real life, the researchers can make adjustments to ensure the object will be mobile for humans. “Of course, there are a lot of struggles along the way,” Brandon Clifford, an MIT assistant professor and one of the lab’s partners, told Business Insider. But “as we’re designing the element,” Clifford said, “we can always ensure that the center of mass is pulled to where it needs to go.” Clifford recently debuted the lab’s findings at the TED 2019 conference, which focuses this year on larger-than-life ideas. He said the project could change the future of construction by allowing companies to build without cranes, which are often expensive or difficult to access. They might also be able to avoid demolishing structures. While the typical commercial building is designed to last several decades, Matter Design’s structures could last an eternity, Clifford said. They could also be taken apart to form new configurations. “We’re trying to think not just about the end product, like elements that you can deploy around the world,” Clifford said. “The project is not limited in scale.”

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We have Already had Two Wars with China, So Expect a Third By James Reed

     There is an excellent article by Brett Stevens:

Dealing with the coming military threat of China. First, he makes the point that the US, and by implication, Australia, has already fought two wars against China, with over half a million Chinese dying –  the Korean War. Then, China was involved in supplying troops and other support in the Vietnam war.

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Letter to The Editor - Following Foolish Forecasts

     Well-trained meteorologists with mountains of real data and massive computers cannot forecast the weather more than a few days ahead. But make-believe academic “climatologists” using doctored data have created over 100 complicated computer models pretending to forecast global climate decades ahead. NOT ONE model has produced a correct forecast for 25 years. Yet we are prepared to trash our economy, inflate electricity costs and destroy heavy industry on the basis of these massaged models. Only politicians and green dreamers could believe such nonsense.
  By Viv Forbes, Washpool, Qld

Authorised by K. W. Grundy
13 Carsten Court, Happy Valley, SA.

Letter to The Editor - Most Australians have a mixed ethnic make-up, are proud of the various peoples whose blood runs in their veins

     Stan Grant has written most tenderly about his ancestors, particularly his grandmother Ivy Sutton ("Out of the box", 4-5/5). Quite rightly, he feels affection for the different strands in his make-up. Most Australians have a mixed ethnic make-up, are proud of the various peoples whose blood runs in their veins and respect the pride of others in theirs. Grant is also correct that at times box-ticking on forms is simplistic; but sometimes there's not room for everything. Why, however, does he suddenly end with the assertion that "all across Australia" people just like him "are being asked to deny their family members" and even betray them? What's his evidence? And why when, as he reveals, he is part-white, does he define himself as "born black"? He seems contradictory now. Why the special pleading? Is he trying to gain constitutional favouritism for "blacks"?
  Nigel Jackson, Belgrave, Vic.

Authorised by K. W. Grundy
13 Carsten Court, Happy Valley, SA.

Trump, the Insane; Biden the Chinese Agent By Charles Taylor

     Covering American politics, as a mirror for the West, takes a heavy toll on one’s soul, at least if one still clings to any faith that this can be pulled out of the fires of hell, not too badly scorched. Take Trump’s latest outburst. Not able to stop illegal immigration, he now wants to charge the illegals a processing fee. Surely it would be better to have nuclear war with Russia and global nuclear annihilation, than to continue to put up with this fool! At least the apocalypse would be interesting!

     Then we have the dude groping Joe Biden who is likely to kick Trump out of the White House, who is openly in the pocket of the Chinese:

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The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, Roundup By Paul Walker

     The bad; talk about the police state; two million New Zealanders have a police alert next to their name, even for having a gun licence. Think about what the Aussie cops have!

     The bad; this is terrible racism: slim people think that fat people are somewhat sub-human, a shocking prejudice.

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Send the Refugees to the Elite Suburbs! By James Reed

     Open border socialists types always like to take the high moral ground because they personally do not have to pay the costs of their promiscuous, pathological altruism. There is also a vast hypocrisy in the system, such as the universities, which while opening advocating all sorts of socialism, will use their obese security guards, usually dressed in play school police uniforms, to kick homeless people off campus. I recall seeing one such police-wannta be scream at a homeless Aboriginal man collecting cans and bottle from a bin. Yet, in buildings not too far away, politically correct academics would be lecturing on white racism. Would these same lecturers dip into their pockets to support a homeless Aboriginal person? Well, I have seen a notable academic who has made a good living off of the white guilt gravy train quickly cross the city street by the university when a homeless Aboriginal person moved in their direction. The universities are hypocritical to the core.

     A good illustration of this large-scale social hypocrisy is the elites and their response to homeless people, and here I have been inspired with insights from Uncle Len, Len Hart, our own dispossessed majority member. The wealthy basically consider that the poor are “unclean,” contaminated, even if they mouth off Leftist ideology in their law jobs or whatever. Evidence:

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