Mathematically Refuting the Climate Change Nonsense By James Reed

     Maybe, apart from Brian Simpson, none of here is good at advanced mathematics. I mean, we can add up and multiple and do business maths, and some of us know some computing stuff, but maybe not to the coding level, but enough to get us by. Probably even Brian could not solve an ordinary differential equation, let alone partial differential equation using the Taylor power series. (I Googled this, so don’t be impressed.)
 Thus, the report, An Audit of the Creation and Content of the HadCRUT4 Temperature Dataset, by  John McLean, PhD October 2018, is a bit lost on me. But, it shows real problems with the way that the climate change folk work things out. I was impressed by the real fallibility of the data sets:

“As far as can be ascertained, this is the first audit of the HadCRUT4 dataset, the main temperature dataset used in climate assessment reports from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Governments and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) rely heavily on the IPCC reports so ultimately the temperature data needs to be accurate and reliable. This audit shows that it is neither of those things. More than 70 issues are identified, covering the entire process from the measurement of temperatures to the dataset’s creation, to data derived from it (such as averages) and to its eventual publication. The findings (shown in consolidated form Appendix 6) even include simple issues of obviously erroneous data, glossed-over sparsity of data, significant but questionable assumptions and temperature data that has been incorrectly adjusted in a way that exaggerates warming. It finds, for example, an observation station reporting average monthly temperatures above 80°C, two instances of a station in the Caribbean reporting December average temperatures of 0°C and a Romanian station reporting a September average temperature of -45°C when the typical average in that month is 10°C. On top of that, some ships that measured sea temperatures reported their locations as more than 80km inland. It appears that the suppliers of the land and sea temperature data failed to check for basic errors and the people who create the HadCRUT dataset didn’t find them and raise questions either.

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Talk about Hypocrisy: A US Government Guide to Overthrowing Foreign Governments! By Charles Taylor

     The Democrats have been going on about Russia meddling in the US 2016 election since it happened, and no amount of refutation has hosed them down. It has become a religious premise with their politically correct theology. But, still, if there is any reason still left, shouldn’t the US not meddle in other countries, let alone actively overthrow them, at the command of the Dark Lords of Mordor?

“The official school of the United States' Special Operations Command has published a new paper detailing a decades-long history of Pentagon-backed interference around the world, hoping to provide insight on how best to approach such efforts in the present and future. The 250-page study, "Support to Resistance: Strategic Purpose and Effectiveness," was compiled by Army Special Forces veteran Will Irwin and published earlier this week by the official Joint Special Operations University, where he was a resident senior fellow. Though the report notes that its views "are entirely those of the author," its findings present a comprehensive look at how the U.S. has supported efforts to pressure, undermine and overthrow foreign governments. The report includes some 47 case studies spanning from 1941 to 2003, detailing a legacy of mixed results that included assisting partisans against the Axis Power satellites during World War II, bolstering anti-communist forces throughout the Cold War and taking on post-9/11 adversariesin Afghanistan and Iraq. The numerous Washington-orchestrated coups of the past 70 years were "not included in this study as they did not involve legitimate resistance movements." "This work will serve as a benchmark reference on resistance movements for the benefit of the special operations community and its civilian leadership," the report reads.

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Last Minute Interference by Al Gore and the ABC into the Australian Election By Viv Forbes

     The Saltbush Club today called for an enquiry into a last minute intervention by an American politician, Al Gore, into the Australian Election. The Executive Director of the Saltbush Club, Viv Forbes, said that in such a tight election race, the intervention of someone with the international stature of Al Gore, assisted by the climate activist Australian Broadcasting Commission, could easily change the result of the election.

“The Gore intervention was not subtle - he labelled the LNP government climate policy as ‘not credible’ and taking the country ‘in the wrong direction’.

“Becoming even more partisan, Gore praised the opposition Labor plan ‘as an extremely significant act of leadership on the part of Australia.’

“This carefully timed intervention in a closely fought Australian election by a prominent foreign politician is a blatant attempt to promote a damaging climate agenda already rejected in the USA.

“This surely justifies an enquiry into foreign electoral interference and ABC complicity.”

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On Condemning Usury By James Reed

     I am just a simple man, and perhaps writing about economic issues that affect our very existence should be left to the experts. But, wait, isn’t that centralism too, and if that is bad in politics, then why not knowledge? Do we ordinary people have a right to a say, or is the ground solely to be covered by experts, even if it is from our side? Anyway, some non-experts are starting to challenge the elitist economic hierarchy, with Tucker Carlson speaking up against usury.

The Columbia Bugle @ColumbiaBugle

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The Future High on Drugs By Chris Knight

     I saw this one coming; Mexico wants to decriminalise all present day illegal drugs and wants the US to do the same. No doubt, as the US falls into being part of Mexico with demographic replacement via mass migration, the US will do the same, and become even more of a doped-out country than it is now. Imagine drugged out generals having access to the nuclear missiles. Cool, man!

“Mexico’s president released a new plan last week that called for radical reform to the nation’s drug laws and negotiating with the United States to take similar steps. The plan put forward by the administration of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, often referred to by his initials as AMLO, calls for decriminalizing illegal drugs and transferring funding for combating the illicit substances to pay for treatment programs instead. It points to the failure of the decades-long international war on drugs, and calls for negotiating with the international community, and specifically the U.S., to ensure the new strategy’s success. “The ‘war on drugs’ has escalated the public health problem posed by currently banned substances to a public safety crisis,” the policy proposal, which came as part of AMLO’s National Development Plan for 2019-2024, read. Mexico’s current “prohibitionist strategy is unsustainable,” it argued.”

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The Dangers of Kissing! By Mrs Vera West

     As I have been arguing for many years here, a return to chastity is the only sure way to avoid a whole host of sexually transmitted diseases. And, on the STI front things are getting worse, with kissing now becoming a danger. Apologies for discussing a somewhat unpleasant topic for Christian conservatives, but those of us with children and grandchildren, in this hyper-sexualised culture, need to be up to date on the issues. Here is the report:

“Kissing with tongues can spread the sexually transmitted infection gonorrhoea, researchers have warned. Scientists say the STI can be caught through saliva – despite the NHS dismissing kissing as a way of passing it on.
And spreading the infection this way may be more common than expected, the Australian researchers claimed. They found gay men were more likely to have gonorrhoea in their throat than their penis – and the risk of spreading it was greater for kissing than for oral sex. Antiseptic mouthwash could, the scientists suggested, be created to try and kill the bacteria, which can cause a sore throat and swollen lymph nodes. The research into oropharyngeal gonorrhoea comes amid growing concerns about 'super' strains of the STI that are becoming resistant to medicine. Scientists at Monash University and the Melbourne Sexual Health Centre in Australia surveyed around 3,000 gay and bisexual men in the city.

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Sun Screens or Sun Screams? By Mrs Vera West

     First, no medical advice is being offered here, we are just reporting on news. For medical advice see a professional. There, now the item:

“Scientists have urged the public to continue using sunscreen to protect against skin cancer, after a study showed the body can absorb ingredients found in common sunblock products. The study involved 24 healthy people who applied four common types of sunscreen on their skin. Researchers randomly assigned the participants one of four sunscreens: either one of two sprays, a lotion, or a cream. They put the cream on 75 percent of their bodies, four times a day, for four days. Over the course of 7 days, including the days sunscreen was used, the scientists collected 30 blood samples from the participants. The team looked at four ingredients: avobenzone,  oxybenzone, octocrylene, and ecamsule. The research published in the journal JAMA was a randomized clinical trial, as well as what is known as a maximal usage trial. This is where researchers assess whether the active ingredients in a product applied to the skin are absorbed into the body when it is used at its maximum recommended level. At the end of the study, the team found concentrations of the active ingredients in participants’ blood. These exceeded the levels set by the Food and Drug Administration which determine whether a product needs safety testing.

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Quantifying Open Borders By Chris Knight

     The push for completely open borders had gained vast momentum in the US Democrat circles, with many radicals believing that open borders just does not go far enough:

     Presumably the West should be actively paying people to crash into the country. If so, how many would do so? One survey has concluded that a vast chunk of humanity wants to go to the USA:

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How did Australia Come to This? By Paul Walker

     Mark Latham who was once on the other side, has come out now as a social conservative, and in his maiden speech has socked it home about how Australia has been degraded by the new class:

“New One Nation NSW MP Mark Latham has railed against the Left and political correctness in his maiden speech in the NSW parliament, accusing people of trying to bring down western civilisation through a campaign of “cultural Marxism”. Mr Latham defended rugby player Israel Folau and said that he would be “moving legislation for the protection of free speech, religious freedom and the privacy rights of workers” in his time in parliament.
He also said he would move legislation allowing nuclear power into NSW and said the federal Opposition spokesman on the environment, Mark Butler, would become the “minister for blackouts” with his pro-renewables approach and compared the push for renewables to a “pagan religion”. Mr Latham, who with a One Nation colleague and several other crossbenchers will hold the balance of power in the upper house in NSW, said he and others were in the “fight of our lives” to bring back the values of Western civilisation.

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Why Not Polygamy, Majority Diverse Australia? By Mrs Vera West

     When the majority of diverse Australia voted for the same sex marriage proposal, I found myself totally disillusioned and unable to write for some weeks, due to a depression-related collapse. It was truly terrible, for I lost faith, what little I had left, in my fellow Australians. If North Korea had nuked us, I would not have cared, assuming that I was alive to know. Well, one of the arguments advanced against changing the traditional view of marriage was that by the same arguments, polygamy would be justified. This was laughed off. Don’t laugh, it is being debated in Italy:

“Following the introduction of civil partnerships, Muslim representatives in Italy are now demanding the legalisation of polygamy. Responding to a new law allowing same sex couples to enter civil unions, Hamza Piccardo argued that if gay relationships, which Muslims disagree with, are a civil right then Italians must accept polygamy as a civil right too. The founder of the Union of Islamic Communities and Organisations (UCOII) in Italy took to Facebook to claim polygamy is a “civil right” and that Italy would benefit from the large number of Muslim births it would promote. The UCOII president wrote: “When it comes to civil rights here, then polygamy is a civil right. Muslims do not agree with homosexual partnerships, and yet they have to accept a system that allows it. There is no reason why Italy should not accept polygamous marriages of consenting persons.”

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Aragorn, Lord of Diversity? By Peter West

     Viggo Mortenson, who played the character of Aragorn in the movies Lord of the Rings, has expressed his displeasure about Spanish political party VOX, which apparently opposes mass immigration and pushes a traditionalist line, using the Aragorn meme:

“It is even more ridiculous to use the character of Aragorn, a polyglot statesman who advocates knowledge and inclusion of the diverse races, customs and languages of Middle Earth, to legitimise an anti-immigrant, anti-feminist and Islamophobic political group,” he added. Warner Bros., who own the rights to the Lord of the Rings films directed by Peter Jackson, also released a statement saying they did not endorse the use of the images saying, “Warner Bros has not authorised the use of our intellectual property for any political campaign.” Since winning 12 seats and 11 per cent of the vote in the Andalusian elections in December, VOX has emerged as a new political force in Spain. In the Spanish national elections, which took place late last month, the party won 10.2 per cent of the vote and 24 seats in the Spanish parliament.”

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Dark Nazi Eugenic Secrets of Chemical Giants By Chris Knight

     Isn’t amazing what big business gets up to and gets away with? Let’s talk about Nazis, eugenic and its money backers:

“A doctoral candidate at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem says that research he’s been conducting has led him to the conclusion that chemical giant DuPont had a well-established relationship with the Nazis in Germany both before and during World War II, and was working with the Hitler regime to develop eugenics programs against targeted enemies. According to Nadan Feldman, as many as 150 United States corporations had similar such ties to the Nazis. But he claims that DuPont, like other drug and chemical companies at the time, were especially close to Hitler, working in lockstep with the political movement more out of a shared sense of ideology and belief, as opposed to simply for profit. After poring through many years’ worth of financial and regulatory reports, including back-and-forth correspondence between DuPont executives and the Nazis, Feldman determined that “the main motive” of DuPont’s involvement with German powers during the 1930s and 1940s was simply to further the cause of the Nazis. “The researcher pointed out that DuPont executives began providing support to Adolf Hitler and the Nazis in the 1920s, well before the 1932 elections which led to the establishment of the Nazi dictatorship in the country in 1933,” Haaretz reports. “In addition to financial support to Hitler, executives allegedly provided financial support to extremist groups in the United States itself, and expressed an interest in causes taken up by the German fascists, such as eugenics and the theory of racial superiority,” the Israeli news outlets adds, noting that one of these executives was former DuPont president Irenee du Pont, according to Feldman.”

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Dark Nazi Eugenic Secrets of Chemical Giants By Chris Knight

     Isn’t amazing what big business gets up to and gets away with? Let’s talk about Nazis, eugenic and its money backers:

“A doctoral candidate at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem says that research he’s been conducting has led him to the conclusion that chemical giant DuPont had a well-established relationship with the Nazis in Germany both before and during World War II, and was working with the Hitler regime to develop eugenics programs against targeted enemies. According to Nadan Feldman, as many as 150 United States corporations had similar such ties to the Nazis. But he claims that DuPont, like other drug and chemical companies at the time, were especially close to Hitler, working in lockstep with the political movement more out of a shared sense of ideology and belief, as opposed to simply for profit. After poring through many years’ worth of financial and regulatory reports, including back-and-forth correspondence between DuPont executives and the Nazis, Feldman determined that “the main motive” of DuPont’s involvement with German powers during the 1930s and 1940s was simply to further the cause of the Nazis. “The researcher pointed out that DuPont executives began providing support to Adolf Hitler and the Nazis in the 1920s, well before the 1932 elections which led to the establishment of the Nazi dictatorship in the country in 1933,” Haaretz reports. “In addition to financial support to Hitler, executives allegedly provided financial support to extremist groups in the United States itself, and expressed an interest in causes taken up by the German fascists, such as eugenics and the theory of racial superiority,” the Israeli news outlets adds, noting that one of these executives was former DuPont president Irenee du Pont, according to Feldman.”

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Letter to The Editor - Carbon Burial Lunacy

     Over the eons, nature has extracted billions of tonnes of carbon compounds from the surface and buried them in extensive beds of limestone, dolomite, magnesite, dead corals, sea shells, animal skeletons, methane hydrate and hydro-carbons. This process has been so efficient that plants today are semi-starved of atmospheric carbon dioxide. Luckily, burning coal, oil, gas, peat and wood and making cement and fertiliser is restoring some of this valuable plant food to the surface and atmosphere where plants can again extract it and thrive. This is called the Carbon Cycle. Wasting heaps of money and scads of energy trying to separate, compress and rebury this benign valuable plant food in pressurized carbon sequestration cemeteries is green lunacy. If this compressed gas escapes in a rush, it will be deadly for nearby animal life. Naturally thermal coal producers love “carbon sequestration” – it will greatly increase the consumption of coal energy for separation, compression, pumping and burial.

  Viv Forbes

All Blog Posts Authorised by K. W. Grundy
13 Carsten Court, Happy Valley, SA.

Letter to The Editor - More Green Regalia

It’s election time now in Australia,

But the promises point to great failure.

We need fair dinkum power and big whopping dams,

But they offer us more green regalia.

  Viv Forbes

All Blog Posts Authorised by K. W. Grundy
13 Carsten Court, Happy Valley, SA.

Letter to The Editor - Not a word about the more important contrast between the major parties

To The Age        Ross Gittins provides an analysis of the differences between the Coalition and Labor that is slanted to attract more votes to Labor ("A real choice this election", 15/5). Just look at this sentence of his: "Labor wants to make the well-off (including the well-off retired) pay more tax, while using the proceeds to increase government spending on health, education, childcare and much else." And this phrase: "The biggest redistribution of income from high income earners to low and middle income earners we've seen in ages." And his conclusion: "Will your choice be aimed at benefiting yourself and your family, or the wider community and 'those less fortunate than ourselves'?" Not a word about the more important contrast between the major parties: Australia to remain under the Coalition a free nation (well, relatively, at least) or to become (thanks to an ALP-Greens alliance) a state-controlled socialist community on the way to communist tyranny.
  Nigel Jackson, Belgrave, Vic

All Blog Posts Authorised by K. W. Grundy
13 Carsten Court, Happy Valley, SA.

Letter to The Editor - The other great deprivation that threatens to follow is a loss of the integrity of our constitution

To The Australian        Janet Albrechtsen once again efficiently defends our traditional liberty ("Greens plan an arrow to the heart of free speech", 15/5). She is right that freedom of the press is "a core value in a liberal democracy" and that the term "hate speech" is "a highly subjective, legal weapon to be aimed at those who say things you hate." The warnings of George Orwell and Alexander Solzhenitsyn against incipient tyranny masquerading as idealistic "social justice" remain grimly relevant for us as the possibility of an ALP-Greens government looms. The other great deprivation that threatens to follow is a loss of the integrity of our constitution, with attacks on our monarchy that limits the powers of politicians and political parties, together with unsoundly based and divisive ethnic favouritism behind the push for "indigenous constitutional recognition." Will Australia be foolish enough to cross this new   historical Rubicon on May 18?
  Nigel Jackson, Belgrave, Vic

All Blog Posts Authorised by K. W. Grundy
13 Carsten Court, Happy Valley, SA.

Letter to the Editor - The Election

     Make sure LNP controls the House of Representatives. Number all squares, put all Greens last and ALP second last. Beware of “Independents” – they may be turncoats like Windsor and Oakshott a while back. Make sure neither ALP/Greens nor LNP control the Senate. Pick sensible minor parties and give them your first vote. Keep numbering until you get to the LNP so your vote does not expire. Put Greens dead last on every ballot paper and ALP just above them. On the Senate keep numbering until you reach the LNP and give no votes to ALP/Greens. The main aim of Saltbush is to change the climate of public opinion. Politicians are driven by public opinion, which drives voting behaviour. So we need to change public opinion. It only needs a couple of percent of people to switch, and politicians will notice, and trim their sails to the new wind.

     We can only do that if we can communicate subversive ideas as widely as possible among opinion leaders, media and the public. In an attempt to change public opinions we have been releasing (every day) statements designed to dramatise and highlight the stupidity of the climate/energy policies or all major parties. Most of them are here:

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Letter to the Editor - Possum on the Barbie?

     Greens want to replace ancient grasslands and modern croplands with trees. They worship eucalypt weeds while chipping away at the growing space for priceless plants like Mitchell grass, saltbush, mulga, buffel grass, lucerne, wheat, barley, oats, and macadamia. So we swap grassland, pastures, orchards and paddocks feeding cattle, sheep, people and kangaroos for green-sponsored carbon forests, scrub and woody weeds harbouring wild dogs, wild pigs, wild cats, possums, wait-a-while, rubber vine and lantana. In this brave new world, shall we chuck another possum on the barbie?

  Viv Forbes, Washpool, Qld

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Get Some of Your Own Back, New Class! Bury the Universities in Infinity Educated Migrants! By James Reed

     Donald Trump, who obeys his son-in-law Jared, the real president’s every command, has indicated that all the jobs he allegedly created by his economic white magic will be soaked up by migrants. Wow … even Obama was not that bad, and it sure makes all those MAGA folks look mighty stupid backing this fat goose, but I suppose Hillary Clinton would have been the next worst president to Satan Prince of Darkness, so what can a man do? Anyway, I am writing this diatribe because the university new class embryos, the students, are going to cop it now, and it sure is about time:

“The White House’s draft immigration plan includes valuable border security reforms, but it also shifts the migrant inflow from blue-collar jobs towards white-collar college jobs, so sharpening workplace competition for a wide range of American graduates. The bill would neither increase nor reduce total legal immigration, now at roughly 1.1 million per year. But it would reallocate green cards for family chain-migrants — such as immigrants’ parents, adult children, and siblings – towards “merit-based” slots for migrants with the job skills most sought by U.S. employers. “What we’re doing in this plan is we’re working on keeping the number the same,” a senior White House official said Tuesday. “We’re just changing the composition.” “We’ve been playing around with it to figure out how you build something that really works for America,” the official said, according to Politico. “The number one goal in that is to make sure that we’re not bringing in low-skilled labor.”

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