A great post by Dr Mercola has dealt with what can be done to maintain hope in this time of unprecedented power of the global elites, from their approaching infinite wealth (the control of credit creation), and the power of technology, in a global technocracy. All that misery needs to be viewed in the likely context of global war, along with an assault upon existing resources such as food. The threats have been detailed in other articles, and are well-know, but new ones come each day. Apart from strategic relocation, especially from high density urban areas, which are extremely vulnerable to disruption, such as from crazed leftist mobs, as seen in the US 2020 riots, the old adage is safety in numbers, and we either hang together or get hung separately.
Thus, community is the key to resilience. It may begin with an on-line community of people, but sooner rather than later there is a need to interact, associate, and cooperate with people face to face. The general idea is to build up supportive networks that can constitute an alternative society, existing side-by-side with the one that oppresses us, and when that one falls apart, which it will being inconsistent with fundamental human nature, the alternative will become the remaining society still standing. We simply need to out live our enemies.