Is There a Plan to Assassinate Robert Kennedy Jr? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The Biden regime has denied secret service protection to presidential candidate Robert Kennedy Jr. Since the assassination of his father, ironically enough, presidential candidates have almost always got such protection. Surely if anyone needs such protection, this guy does. But, apparently, the Deep State  hope must be that some Manchurian candidate will do their dirty work for them, and create a hat trick.

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The Banks Begin De-banking Dissents; We are on the List, but Down a Bit By James Reed

The use of de-banking – the acts of banks closing down the accounts of dissents – has accelerated. In the UK Nigel Farage was de-banked, but fought back and had victory, and now is championing the plight of people who are de-banked:

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The Censoring of Covid Vax Study by Leading Medical Journal By Richard Miller (London)

There has been a disturbing trend of major medical journals initially accepting a paper discussing Covid vaccination injuries for publication, or publishing it, then while the paper clocked up thousands of views, suddenly withdrawing it, for no clear reason. The latest example of this is a paper  that was removed from The Lancet’s preprint SSRN server within 24 hours. The paper written by a distinguished medical team, including Dr Peter McCullough, reviewed 325 autopsies of Covid vaxxed subjects. It was found that the Covid vaxxes contributed to 74 percent of the deaths. The most affected organ system in Covid vaccine-associated death was the cardiovascular system at 53 percent, followed by the haematological system at 17 percent, the respiratory system at 8 percent, and multiple organ systems at 7 percent. This is surely a very important paper that at least deserved peer review. But instead the paper was removed with this explanation: “This preprint has been removed by Preprints with the Lancet because the study’s conclusions are not supported by the study methodology.” Dr McCullough replied that it was never explained why this was so.


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The Biden Administration Censored Covid Vax Sceptics By Chris Knight (Florida)

During the Covid freak-out period, by July 2021, the Biden administration had got the message through to Facebook, that the regime wanted Facebook to remove allcontent that provides any negative information on or opinions about the vaccine.” And, that they did, censoring even posts they they felt should not have ben censored. “We were under pressure from the administration,” a Facebook employee emailed to Nick Clegg, a senior company executive, after he asked why the company had censored the Covid lab leak theory. “We shouldn’t have done it.”

Well, that they say now, now that things are starting to unravel, and the Covid narrative is being deconstructed. But the main thing the Biden regime was keen to censor were discussions of the Wuhan lab leak hypothesis, and posts suggesting this got removed to please the White House. We must then ask why the US moved to protect communist China, and the answer, as Robert Kenney Jr has shown, is that the US was funding the gain-of-function research there on the coronaviruses, which were then either accidentally, or deliberately leaked. The CCP must have seen a grand opportunity to launch an attack upon the West, one which the Americans had funded.

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Medical Royal Colleges Receive Millions from Drug and Medical Devices Companies By Richard Miller (London)

While we often say that the medical profession is in hock to big Pharma, that statement is not usually backed by hard statistics, which are hard to come by, while qualitative evidence is a plenty. However, the leading British medical journal, The British Medical Journal (BMJ), went out and got some evidence. Royal medical colleges in the UK have received more than £9m in marketing payments from drug and medical devices companies since 2015. The Royal College of Physicians and the Royal College of General Practitioners were the biggest recipients of industry money. Of course, these payments have no effect upon the objectivity and working of the societies, it is just to pay for morning tea, and maybe the odd special cleaning session when things get a little messy. So to speak.

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Communist China’s Cultural Revolution Now in the West By James Reed

China’s cultural revolution under chairman Mao destroyed a culture tht had endured for thousands of years, and the only part of the old China to survive was that which fled to Taiwan. Now it too is facing dissolution with the coming invasion of communist china. However, the same type of cultural revolution was imported to the West via Western intellectual who worshiped Mao. Among the ideas was that of  political correctness and cultural conformity, in accordance with a totalitarian regime. The founder of the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab, a representative of the globalist elite, for example, applauds China’s ability to produce conformity among its subjects, and he admires china’s technocratic totalitarianism as a mechanism for social control. A small group of elites rule much like kings and emperors of old, while the great body of masses obey. That is the model that present day globalists are following.

Western elites fell over themselves to allow communist china to gain vast riches from the global markets, in the deluded belief tht this would lead to democracy in china. However, such is the illusion of liberalism, for exactly the opposite has now happened and the West faces the full force of the awaken dragon, that even Napoleon said should be left to sleep.  

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George Christensen on the Australian Excess Mortality Data By Brian Simpson

Another tremendous email from George Christensen, who is one person who sees the Covid issue still of vital importance to public policy, if life and death are still important, and one should note, however important economics and finance may be, you have to be alive to have economic activity. Not much economics in a grave. And, speaking of graves, here is what he thinks about Australia’s alarming rate of excess mortality:

“Former Australian politician Craig Kelly highlighted recent mortality data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) showing a 12.2% increase in excess deaths for April 2023 and a total of 6,220 excess deaths from January to April 2023.

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Meta Going After Voiceprints By Brian Simpson

It is yet another disturbing AI trend, that could have many problems embedded within it. The social media company Meta has now patented a system that uses voiceprints for identification. That is supposed to produce extra security over conventional login systems, and no doubt it would. But the threats come from the massive over-reach from this, as Meta will use the voiceprints for content customisation so that when the system detects the voiceprint, the user will be flooded with “advertisements, news feeds, push notifications, place tips, coupons, or suggestions,” matching the users’ assumed interests. As if we are not hit with enough of this material already, this invasion of privacy is taken to a whole new level.

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Every Baby is a Miracle from God! By Mrs Vera West

US pro-life organisation PublicSq, has introduced a new line of baby products, including diapers and wipes. But, it has done so in an in-your-face way to secular liberalism saying that every baby, regardless of race and ability, is a gift from God. It is a great ad that brings tears of joy to this old great grandmother’s even older eyes. The link is below, and enjoy!

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From Global Warming to Global Boiling! By James Reed

Get ready for it, as climate change hysteria is now moving to the next level of freak-out. United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has said that “The era of global warming has ended; the era of global boiling has arrived.” These globalists never let a good problem go to waste. While there have been some hot temperatures in many regions of the northern hemisphere, such as Spain, these temperatures have all been reached, and exceeded at other times on the Earth, over geological time, such as 500 million and 250 million years ago:,and%20250%20million%20years%20ago.

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The Censorship Industrial Complex: The White Coat Summit Condemns Covid Censorship By Mrs (Dr) Abigail Knight (Florida)

The White Coat Summit, bringing together doctors who were fighting against Covid technocratic tyranny, was recently held in Washington, D.C. by America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS). Leading doctors critical of the Covid mandates spoke out about the censorship that was imposed. Dr. Scott Jensen, a family physician and former Republican member of the Minnesota State Senate described the censorship as a type of “cancer” that began at the policy level, but soon spread throughout all aspects of society, as both doctors and the ordinary people did not systematically organise in sufficient numbers to resist. The fear of job losses was a major factor controlling the masses. And while governments tracked people’s movements via their mobile/cell phones, neighbours took it upon themselves to dob in fellow neighbours who may have violated the Covid mandates. It was an extraordinary and shocking time, and nothing is preventing a repeat.

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The Depopulation Agenda By Mrs Vera West

The Midwestern Doctor writes longish, and profoundly researched pieces on the “forgotten” or rather, under-discussed side of medicine. A recent piece gives a very detailed account of what is fast emerging as a global depopulation agenda. Not all aspects of this have been carefully planned, and some are simply a by-product of harmful chemicals in the environment from industrialism, but most aspects are planned.


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The Great Covid Cover-Up Is Now Covered by Mainstream Media By Brian Simpson

This was a very surprising thing to see in the Weekend Australian magazine; a very detailed exposure of Robert Kadlec, former assistant secretary for preparedness and response at the US Department of Health, and others in the Covid lab release cover-up.  Kadlec, Dr Fauci and National Institutes of Health director Francis Collins, worked in the early stages of the Covid plandemic, to divert attention away from the likely lab leak from the communist Wuhan Institute of virology.

According to Kadlec: “I think Tony Fauci was ­trying to protect his institution and his own reputation from the possibility that his agency was funding the Wuhan ­Institute of Virology researchers who, beyond the scope of the grants received from the ­National Institutes of Health, may have been working with People’s Liberation Army researchers on defensive coronavirus vaccines.” “I think it’s evident from his later released emails (obtained via Freedom of Information requests) that he had more sense of what his institute had funded at that moment. This was a reputational risk to him and his ­institute and certainly he probably sided with the international scientists that ­believed that false or unsubstantiated accusations could have a chilling effect on scientific collaboration between the western world and China.”

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Robert Kennedy Jr on the Power and Control of Big Pharma By Chris Knight (Florida)

Robert Kennedy Jr, presidential candidate, and the first such candidate to have a wide-ranging scepticism about the effectiveness and safety of vaccinations in general, the social agenda of Big Pharma, and its financial role on the media. For America and New Zealand, Pharma can advertise on TV, and for America 75 percent of advertising revenues comes from pharmaceutical companies. Kennedy relates how he had produced a documentary on the harms of some vaccinations, and presented it to Fox News. Then Fox News executive Roger Ailes, said that if anyone from Fox showed this, or talked to Kennedy on this topic, he would be forced to fire them. It is obvious here that he who pays the media piper, plays the tune of Big Pharma. It is hardly surprising, even for Australia, that there is little coverage of the adverse effects issue with the vax; the absence of such discussions, just gives the game away.

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The Voice Must Lead to Return of “Stolen Cultural Land” and “Compensate” First Nations People! By James Reed

It is all coming out in the wash regarding the Voice and its less than open agenda. While PM Albo maintains that it is a symbolic gesture, many of the cultural elites are moving to the heavy white guilt mode, that a No vote will doom Aborigines. It is prima facie absurd, since it means, given that there is no present “Voice” apart from a non-representative number of Aborigines in parliament, which does not count of course, Aborigines are doomed now, and were for a long time. Who will fall for this emotional output? Surely only those who are already in the grips of trendy inner-city white guilt, and neo-Marxist university brainwashing.

But, the real thing behind this though is that the Voice is needed for the next step of the agenda: “Repatriation of stolen cultural heritage, development and aid programs, compensation, and other measures are part of the global human rights response to the legacy of imperialism and colonialism.”

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Defeating the West without Firing a Shot By Charles Taylor (Florida)

It seems that communist China has used its super-hackers to install malicious computer code inside the networks controlling power grids, communications systems and water supplies that feed military bases in the United States and around the world. The code is thought to be poised to go, to disrupt the US when China invades Taiwan. What I did not find out from reading the story is how they managed to pull this one off. My guess is that there must be CCP agents working within the US military, which would not be surprising given their adoption of multi-racialism, as the ruling ideology.  And, almost certainly, this malware is infested Australian IT as well.

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The Communist Chinese Bioweapons Labs that Dwell Amongst Us By Chris Knight (Florida)

An illegal Chinese bioagents lab has been raided by the FBI, CDC and California public health Department in Fresno County, California. The government agents found numerous infectious agents at the lab, including malaria, Rubella, HIV, Covid-19 and much more. Lab mice used in experiments were also discovered.  The lab was only discovered by accident, so be sure that this is just the tip of the iceberg, for here will be much more like this, out there, all from modern liberal immigration. Western labs in China would only exist if approved by the CCP. Thus, it looks like bioweapons attacks are all ready to be rolled out. Probably Australia has these labs as well. What is interesting is that this lab was close to a US military installation.

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Carl Sagan’s Warning about Technocracy By Brian Simpson

Carl Sagan (1934-1996), American astronomer, planetary scientist, cosmologist, astrophysicist, astrobiologist, science communicator, author, and professor, before his death made a statement about the dangers of technocracy. One of the key issues is people not reading much science, and knowing little about science and technology. And yet, science and technology rule the society, maybe as much as finance, since technological innovation set the pace for the shape of things to come.  As he asks, if the people remain ignorant, who is controlling the whole show? Contrary to Hamlet, that is the question.

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The False and Counterfeit Religion of Liberalism By James Reed

While many have argued that Marxism/communism are totally incompatible with Christianity, the extension of this thesis to include liberalism as well, is controversial. For, isn’t liberalism the doctrine that liberty is the principal and most important political value? And who can disagree with that, surely, given all the threats to freedom we now have post-Covid? But the fact that modern liberalism is so different to the liberalism of the past, such as found in John Stuart Mill (1806-1873) in his classic defence of free speech, On Liberty (1859), should give us pause, as modern liberalism can accommodate Black Lives Matter, feminism, LGBTQ+ ideology, cultural Marxism, and classical economic Marxism.


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Craig Kelly on the Lies about Covid By Brian Simpson


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