Do Demons Walk the Earth in this End Times? By James Reed

There is speculation on the net, including natural, that we are in end times, with plagues, UFOs and even demons running around everywhere. Personally, my view is this planet has always been a type of purgatory for most people, and a lucky few with money escaped much of the harshness, but  go to the Third World, and death and disease confront you. Thus, the mouse plague in New South Wales, I see as natural, a cyclic thing we have seen before. But, I have no doubt that the Dark Lords who rule us are demonic in a classic sense, of being like the Terminators, some sort of human outside, but inside pure demon straight from the pits of hell. That makes more sense than talking about lizard people. Thus, Big Tech leaders should have been asked: “Can you comment on allegations that you are a satanic demon from the pits of Hell, here to do the biddings of your boss, Satan, Prince of Darkness?” “Sorry, I will have to get back to you on that one!”

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The Queen Plans a Diversity Drive! by Richard Miller (London)

It gets worse by the minute; can’t anyone stand up against this madness? I guess Sparkle will be US president in 2024.

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China, a Finger in the Pie, Drug Pie! By Brian Simpson

China is dominating the money laundering business in America for the South American cartels. Well, how does that go down with the American Renaissance proposal of East Asians having less crime than goofy whites? More naïve empiricism I suppose.

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Adverse Thoughts about Adverse Effects By Mrs Vera West

Dr Mercola, our go-to source on all things Covid-1984, even beyond Natural now, discusses the latest adverse effects of the Covid-19 vaccines, as people die. I will be mighty upset, if I have to take the vaccine to avoid torture or the social equivalent, only to die an agonising death. Can’t I just take my chances on the disease and be given that? Pretty please with sugar on top!?

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There Goes New Zealand! By John Grant (Auckland)

Do not panic; New Zealand is not missing out on destruction by identity politics, so anyone thinking of escaping the madness in Oz by coming to the land of the long white (gasp!) cloud … well, just think again. Here is a mainstream media take on this.

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More on US Electoral Fraud By Chris Knight

Here is more on electoral fraud in Georgia, shown by some recently uncovered emails.  Just weep tears of blood as Trump let all this go down the drain, as America dissolves. What does this fool think will be left by 2024? Hopefully his empire will fall in the chaos to come.

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Looking Through Windows, Darkly By Brian Simpson

Who knows what surprises Uncle Bill has had put in Windows. Yep, Windows is not like an ordinary window, clear and easy to see through. No, it has sinister cobwebs.

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Feminist Naomi Wolf on Biden’s Brain! By James Reed


The feminist author Naomi Wolf, although from the Left, has been speaking out on issues such as the lockdowns, the move to totalitarianism, and now Biden’s brain. She makes some good points, but I wonder how the rest of the Left are going to treat someone daring to have a bit of free speech?

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Big Business and Open Borders By Chris Knight

Big Business champions mass immigration and open borders, even when it does not seem to contribute to their wealth, and may indeed undermine national security. They are doing what they are genetically, so to speak, programmed to do, and will continue to do so. It is one of the dangers of bigness and monopolies, which lead to such socially destructive action.

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Pope Francis Slow off the Anti-Racist Gates! By Peter West

With all the angst about white racism, everywhere, I was wondering what was holding the Pope back; why so slow giving us the usual business? He should have been faster off the mark in delivering more of the same. Still, better never than late!

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Spermageddon: The End of Sperm! By Mrs Vera West


The year 2045; that is according to my calculator, no it does not work, mental arithmetic and fingers then, a mere 24 years away, not long. But, it has been predicted that at the rate sperm counts are dropping because of hormone altering chemicals, most men will not be able to reproduce. I imagine a movie called The Last Man, where sperm counts crash, but there is one lone man who lives in isolation who still has active swimmers. How would the film go? Does he save the human race? Is he enslaved as a stud bull? Or does he flee and live alone in the wilds of Canada, allowing the human race to reap the rich rewards of its technological hubris? Anyway, no use writing the script, in this climate such movies will not be produced.

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Anti-British Sentiment Comes Down to This Now By Richard Miller (London)

The recent banning of a student for saying “rule Britannia,” during a debate at her university for using “discriminatory of racist” language shows how insane the woke culture has become. The British past is defined as racist by these universities, who are fed by the tax payer, who has no say about what these cesspools do. I agree with your James Reed that the universities need to be closed down and replaced by vocational/trade centres, eliminating the Arts/farts disciplines, the source of all the mischief.

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If it Falls, Should We Care? Maybe By Chris Knight

An interesting paper by the ever-provocative Gregory Hood at American Renaissance, about why he does not care about American decline. The argument is simple: why support a system that is directed to destroying whites as a people? Surely, that is irrational? The only thing to hope for though, is that China goes down the economic tubes too, rather than being the new ruling oppressor. It, contrary to Hood, really could be worse.

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It is Not the Fault of the Dispossessed Majority-Now-Minority By Charles Taylor

Here is a slab from The Washington Examiner, saying what we have said, the claims of anti-Asian violence is not the fault of whites, but of another racial group, not that the left cares about facts. Ok, falsely target whites and let the violence continue unabated.

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Cementing for Eternity, Electoral Tyranny and Corruption By Charles Taylor

Here is the basic information of the treat of H. R. 1, the bill that will make electoral fraud by the Democrats standards. There will never be another Republican president, no matter how many people vote for him, with the electoral fraud now basically capable of generating potentially infinite votes.

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The Green New Deal: Pathway to the New Dark Age By James Reed

While the Green New Deal climate change deindustrialisation ideal of fanatics like AOC, seemed like a distant nightmare under Trump, now with the stolen presidency, the horrors of hell are released upon the earth. Here is material from the great site, showing that this policy will lead to economic collapse.

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What! China with a Masculinity Problem! By Mrs Vera West

I was surprised to learn that the Chinese Ministry of Education, who criticised its young men as being “delicate, cowardly and effeminate,” a good description of Western men too, faced backlash from various interest groups. That is very odd for China, but there you go, the cultural rot of masculinity is now everywhere, except maybe Africa, but it will come.

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More on the Lab Origin of Covid-19 By Brian Simpson

Here is more on the lab origin of Covid-19; once that is accepted one quickly goes down a slippery slope to find that was a great plan to achieve all that threatens freedoms now.

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The January 6 False Flag By Charles Taylor

I am surprised that the standard conspiracy sites have not gone all-out on the January 6 scam, since it defies comprehension what Trump did, with America being burnt down by the Left in 2020, some gentle protests that killed no-one get the biggest over-the-top investigation in US history, namely to take down all of those Trump supporters that this obese traitor led like lambs to the slaughter. No-one is answering at sites like Info Wars and Natural News, why Trump did call in the faithful to Washington DC. It is the great unanswered question. I say treason, that he revealed himself as a controlled agent of the system, and the time that has passed is consistent with this.

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Steroids and Testicles! By John Steele

This article about the ill-effects of steroids upon testicles should be of interest to our younger male readers, who may be tempted in their power lifting endeavours to shoot up. The message is; don’t! The ‘roids will get you in the end. Keep natural and train harder!

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