Door-to-Door Covid Mandate Tyranny By Chris Knight (Florida)

This year, 2022, seems like it will involve an intensification of the totalitarian measures of the Covid state. The latest, seen in New York and parts of Europe is door-to-door enforcement of the Covid mandates, with Austria leading the wave there, but New York not far behind, with agents arresting those who do not haver the jab, the sign of the Beast, in New York City.

“Well, that didn’t take long.

Just two days ago we posted about the door-to-door efforts taking place to convince the “hesitant” within the United Kingdom. Back in July we posted about the National Guard gearing up for similar work here in America. (Coincidentally (?), we’ve also covered the job openings for ‘resettlement/internment officers’ within the National Guard. Who will be resettled? Who will be interned?)

And now we have agents arresting those who don’t have the jab in New York City.

*6 months ago* – “They’re going to make it so you can’t eat without the jab.”

TV sheep – “That’s a conspiracy theory!”

We’ve witnessed people arrested at a Applebee’s because they didn’t have the appropriate yellow star/papers needed to eat there. We watched as a veteran was thrown to the ground (literally along with an American flag. There’s some symbolism for you.) as he attempted to order a meal at a Panera Bread. Where? New York, of course.

Six were arrested at a (New York) Cheesecake Factory because they didn’t have the jab.

And now?

Now we have a horde of agents surrounding a small child at a restaurant because he doesn’t have the appropriate paperwork to eat there.

Judge for yourself…

[sarc] That kid looks like a danger to me too. Better surround him with “law” enforcement, traumatize him, violate his Constitutionally protected rights, and treat him like a lesser human being.

After all, it’s the “law.”

May I ask, what is the supreme law of the land here in the land of the free (because of the brave)?

The supreme law of the land is the US Constitution. Aren’t all laws subject to the jurisdiction given by the US Constitution?

Now we have door-to-door efforts underway in New York City offering the jab and $100 to occupants of homes. How long will it take until those who refuse to answer the call of “Papers, please” at their own homes, face the same punishment as those who do so at restaurants (such as those in the video below)?

Keep in mind that New York also recently passed Bill A416, (update: Bill A416 was stricken on December 22, 2021) a bill which allows for the “detention” of those deemed to be public health threats. According to the bill, you can be “detained” for up to 60 days, but then a court gets an additional 90 days to decide if you’re still a public health threat or not.

Now, let’s put two and two together…

California and New York are ideological twins. It’s in California that “misinformation” has been deemed to be a public health “threat.” Consider if you’re one of those individuals who has been deemed a spreader of non-government-sanctioned truth.

You are now a public health threat.

Can you now be detained? For how long will you be detained? If the court decides you are still a public health threat after 60+90 days, will you still be detained? How long will you be concentrated into a camp-like area with other dissidents until you’re released?

“Well, that doesn’t affect me!” you say.

“I live as far away from the city as possible! Glad that’ll never happen here!”

And this type of thinking is part of the problem.

If you live in the rural sections of the country, it’s fun to pretend as if the cities don’t matter. It’s fun to think that the cities are just the sections of America where the weirdos and the communists dwell, and that we’re safe out here in the boonies.

You’re not.

The policies which are created in the cities affect everything. It doesn’t matter how far away you are, those policies will find you. There are always men who are more than willing to violate human rights (to do evil) so that, A) they keep their taxpayer-supported pension, B) they keep their paychecks.

That’s all there is to it.

Freedom isn’t what the man following orders cares about. Money and comfort are what the jackboot cares about. Your Constitution, your Bill of Rights, your dignity as a human being – none of that matters to the man following orders.

It’s the mindset that “if I say something I could be ostracized/lose my job/etc!” that is causing our once great country to disintegrate.

Those who prize freedom only for its material benefits have never kept it for long. – Alexis de Tocqueville

People have forgotten that it is the dying freedom they refuse to speak up for which grants them their job, opportunities, ability to move up a ladder, etc. To be afraid to defend it is to walk into slavery a coward. It is to watch as everything you once loved is destroyed right in front of you as you hold onto the knowledge that you stood by and watched as it died.

You can “vote with your feet” and run off to the American Redoubt. You can sail out to sea. You can seclude yourself in the hills of the Rockies on your self-supporting homestead, but ultimately, the policies created by the people you fled from will find you.

Tyranny will spread.

Laugh if you will, but what happens in New York City is often the introduction for what we see throughout the rest of America.

It is only a matter of time until those who refuse to wear the yellow star are barred from restaurants throughout the rest of the country as well. Those who refuse will be “legally” stomped as was Atilis Gym.

It’s only a matter of time until those without the yellow star are banned from buying food completely. You need to prepare your food stores for what these people have in mind.

I was in talks with a friend the other day, who told me the story of their local hospital. A woman with severe kidney pain was sent to the ER, but was moved to the back of the triage list because she didn’t have the jab. And so she waited in agony for hours. Hospitals are already short-staffed due to healthcare workers who were fired for refusing a forced vaccine – and now patients are being triaged based on their “status.”

How long is it until they refuse to see you at all in the ER? How long is it until you’re refused surgery of any kind? How long until you can no longer enter a walk-in clinic?

We predicted that discrimination against the unvaccinated would spread, and spread it has. As we have pointed out before, who is the true public health menace here?”


I heard that one of our Australian readers was refused service by her physiotherapist for not being vaccinated. So, the banning from medical services is coming more widespread. In a now deleted post Dr Mercola deals with this issue in more detail. Medical incarceration is already underway. In Australia people who has come in close contact with someone who tests positive must spend 14 days in the quarantine camp, even if they are triple jabbed and test negative for Covid.

“According to President Biden, “a winter of death” awaits anyone who rejects the experimental COVID jab which, by the way, has been consistently shown to do far more harm than good.

A December 16, 2021, White House statement reads: "For the unvaccinated, we are looking at a winter of severe illness and death. For themselves, their family and the hospital they’ll soon overwhelm." That exact sentence was reiterated the next day by COVID-19 response coordinator Jeff Zients during a virtual press conference.

Backlash Over Biden’s Callousness

As reported by MSN’s Claire Goforth,1 the “prediction” didn’t go over well with the public. “Most people hate it. They feel it's callous and cruel,” Goforth said, quoting a number of Twitter responses, including one from John D. Davidson:

"If you wanted to make half the country hate the administration and resist its edicts and advice, it would be hard to come up with a better strategy than this."

A Twitter user by the name Martyr Made noted, “The aggressive Us/Them language in this White House message is insane.” Olivia Nuzzi, a Washington, D.C., reporter for New York Magazine tweeted, “Who is this for? Unvaccinated Americans are not going to be persuaded by messaging like this.”

White House Chief of Staff Ronald Klain defended Biden saying “we have a duty to warn people what they are facing if unvaccinated.” But from my perspective, the rub is that they continue to pretend that lies are truth and truth is lies. Everything is upside-down, and many are rejecting this “winter of woe” message for the simple fact that they know the opposite is true.

If we are to go by actual science and data, the warning Biden issued should have gone out to the vaccinated, because everything points to the double and triple jabbed being at increased risk for infection, especially with the Omicron variant.

One reason for this is because the COVID jab reprograms your innate and adaptive immune systems, causing immune depletion. Data also show that the more heavily “vaccinated” a population is, the higher the case rate gets.6 And even this fails to account for the massive increase risk of dying from the jab or becoming permanently disabled, as many jabbed millions have already suffered.

Former WHO Adviser Tells Vaccinated to Quarantine Over Winter

Back in August 2021, the U.K. Column interviewed professor Christian Perronne, a French infectious disease expert, long-time vaccine policy chief and former vice president of the World Health Organization’s European Advisory Group, who issued the opposite — and likely far more accurate — warning:

“Vaccinated people are at risk of the new variants ... It’s been proven in different countries, so vaccinated people should be put in quarantine and should be isolated from society. Unvaccinated people are not dangerous; vaccinated people are dangerous to others.

It’s proven in Israel now. I’m in contact with many physicians in Israel. They’re having big problems now; severe cases in hospitals are among vaccinated people. And in the UK also, you had a larger vaccination program and also there are problems.”

Not surprisingly, despite impeccable credentials, Peronne has been censored and shunned for his contrarian views on COVID countermeasures, the COVID gene transfer shots in particular. During his interview, he didn’t mince words, referring to the European COVID-19 policy as “completely stupid.”

Are Prison Camps for the Unjabbed Next?

As predicted, we are rapidly approaching a time when the unvaccinated might be imprisoned for no other reason than their refusal of an experimental gene transfer injection. In early January 2021, a New York bill (A416) was introduced that would give the governor and his or her delegates the power to remove and/or indefinitely detain anyone suspected of being a threat to public health.

Detainees would be kept in a “medical facility or other appropriate facility” — in other words, a medical prison camp — for a maximum of 60 days, although a court could extend the detention in 90-day increments, indefinitely. As reported by Reason:

“The bill's language is noticeably vague in defining the parameters around disease type, leaving the government wide latitude in conducting its risk analysis ... The legislation was originally introduced during the 2015-16 session in response to the Ebola virus ... Though [SARS-CoV-2] is a serious virus, it is also no Ebola, which carries an average case fatality rate of 50%, with some outbreaks reaching as high as 90% ...

[T]he vagueness of its approach gives the state a great deal of discretion in locking people up who might have some sort of unnamed illness, as well as people who merely interacted with someone who might have that illness.”

The bill comes up for a vote in the New York Senate and Assembly sometime in the next legislative session, which begins January 5, 2022.9 In addition to indefinite detention for poorly specified reasons, the bill would “require an individual who has been exposed to or infected by a contagious disease to complete an appropriate, prescribed course of treatment, preventive medication or vaccination.”

In other words, this bill legalizes the forced vaccination of anyone who is detained under the mere suspicion of being infected with something or having been in close proximity to someone suspected of being infected. As reported by Rights and Freedoms:

“There is no explicit reference to what types of contagious diseases qualify a person to be removed from public life, detained in a facility, and forced into medical treatment and vaccination. Anyone can technically be held in isolation until they are deemed non-contagious, which would also raise questions over whether those carrying HIV/AIDS could be released back into society.

The bill has received an overwhelmingly negative response on the NY Senate website.11 Commenters have stated that, ‘this is disturbing and sets up a terrible precedent for future law. The governor can basically detain whoever [he/she] likes on the basis of scanty evidence.

This is un-American. It reminiscent of the Soviet Union locking up political opponents on the basis that they were ‘mentally unstable.’ We CANNOT allow this in our state.’ ‘This is a violation of fundamental human rights. The government should be working for the people, not locking them up without cause.’”

Australia Among the First to Test Medical Imprisonment Model

If you think being tossed into a prison camp without cause or recourse is impossible — after all, this is the United States of America, the land of the free, home of the brave — think again. Australia, another shining star of democracy, has backslidden into totalitarianism at a speed that has everyone’s head spinning.

The Australian government has gone full speed ahead, building a massive COVID quarantine camp, complete with barbed wire fences, guards and video surveillance. Once you’re in, you can’t just waltz out whenever you want to. In the video above, Hayley Hodgson describes what it was like to be detained and transferred to a COVID internment camp, even though she wasn’t sick.

Video surveillance placed her with a friend who had tested positive. They ran her license plate to retrieve her address and showed up at her house, telling her she had to quarantine. Even if you test negative, you still have to spend 14 days in a quarantine camp if you’ve been in close contact with someone who has tested positive. If you refuse, you’re fined $5,000 and forcibly taken there by police anyway.

“You feel like you’re in prison ... It’s inhumane what they’re doing,” she says. “You are so small. They just overpower you. You’re literally nothing. It’s like, ‘You do what we say, or ... we’ll lock you up for longer.’”

If someone can threaten to extend your stay in this “health hotel,” just what kind of medicine are we dealing with? Clearly, this is a prison model, not a health care model. When have you ever been in a hospital and the nurse tells you, “If you don’t eat your pudding, we’re keeping you here another three months”?

Life in the Biosecurity State

Based on Hodgson’s description of the camp, you don’t get much in terms of medical attention. One shudders to think what would happen to someone who actually had a severe case of COVID in there. Will hazmat suit-equipped police drop you at your room and then you don’t see them again unless you’re caught breaking some rule?

You’re literally treated like a prisoner in there. ~ Hayley Hodgson

Food is delivered and dropped outside your door once a day. Each room has a 2x2 meter deck where you can go, but if you step outside your room or designated outdoor area without a mask, you’re fined $5,000. She was also told that additional infractions would result in her stay being extended past the 14 days — even though she wasn’t sick and there was no reason to keep her there in the first place.

“You’re literally treated like a prisoner in there,” she says. If you’re triple jabbed and think that means you’ll never see the inside of one of these prisons, think again. It doesn’t matter whether you’ve been double or triple jabbed.

If you’re found to have been in close contact with someone who tests positive, in you go. And there’s no legal process you can turn to for help if you disagree with the decree to quarantine. During her stay, three teenagers — all of whom had tested negative — managed to escape the camp. The manhunt that ensued is further evidence that we’re dealing with a prison model and nothing else.

US Has Hundreds of Ready-Made Prison Camps

While Australia is building its second camp, the U.S. already has 800 FEMA camps ready for action. As reported by AMG News:

“FEMA is the executive arm of the coming police state and thus will head up all operations ... The camps all have railroad facilities as well as roads leading to and from the detention facilities. Many also have an airport nearby.

The majority of the camps can house a population of 20,000 prisoners. Currently, the largest of these facilities is just outside of Fairbanks, Alaska. The Alaskan facility is a massive mental health facility and can hold approximately 2 million people.”

The article goes on to list the many executive orders that can work together to suspend the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, effectively allowing government to seize control over all aspects of life, from food production and transportation to communications and health care functions.

There’s even an executive order that allows the government to mobilize civilians into “work brigades” to carry out whatever functions are deemed necessary, and one that allows the Housing and Finance Authority to relocate entire communities. To find the FEMA camp nearest you, check out the state listings in the AMG News article. Most states have three or more.

Interpret the Media Narrative — They Want Civil War

If you’ve been paying attention over the past couple of years, you may have noticed that you can almost always predict what the next phase of the narrative is going to be. They “advertise” or pave the way for the evolving narrative by putting out articles slanted in a given direction.

Based on recent headlines, I suspect “the powers that be” are hoping to incite a civil war. “CIA Advisor: US Is ‘Closer to Civil War’ Than Thought Possible,” the Daily Mail claims. “We’re Edging Closer to Civil War,” an opinion columnist at The New York Times declares. “US Closer to Civil War Than Most Would Like to Believe, New Book Says,” announces The Guardian.

According to Dr. Barbara Walter, a political science professor who serves on the Political Instability Task Force, the U.S. meets several criteria that historically have served as indicators that an “open insurgency” may be imminent. In her book, “How Civil Wars Start,” she writes:

“No one wants to believe that their beloved democracy is in decline, or headed toward war. If you were an analyst in a foreign country looking at events in America — the same way you’d look at events in Ukraine or the Ivory Coast or Venezuela — you would go down a checklist, assessing each of the conditions that make civil war likely. And what you would find is that the United States ... has entered very dangerous territory.”

Government Has Designated the Enemy, and It’s Us

The problem here is that while authoritarian politicians keep paying lip service to “democracy,” their own actions are anything but. Just who is undermining democracy? If you believe the news and CIA advisers, it’s the people who want the Constitution to stand and be adhered to that are the enemies of democracy. Never mind the mental gymnastics required to get to that conclusion.

It’s not hard to predict a scenario in which authoritarian leaders, acting on a falsely constructed narrative that a civil war is imminent, might start rounding up “dissidents.” And that’s in addition to the already existing, thinly veiled threat of tossing the unvaccinated into indefinite detention.

I agree with Walter’s assessment that we’re in dangerous territory, but not for the same reasons as she suggests. I would also argue that just about every country is a powder keg ready to blow, and for the same reason — people are being tyrannized by their governments and by unelected health authorities that claim powers they do not legally have.

Take England, for example. Entrepreneur and COVID blogger Steve Kirsch was recently notified that an anti-COVID restrictions campaign member had been detained for 28 days under the Mental Health Act for not wearing a mask to a dentist appointment. Normally, it’s quite difficult to get a person sectioned under the Mental Health Act, but not anymore.

Refusing to wear a mask apparently qualifies as an acute mental health disorder warranting a month-long stay in a psych ward.

The man, Charlie Cunningham, is reportedly being held at Littlemore Mental Hospital in Oxford, “where he's being deprived of sleep under the pretext of being suicidal,” according to the woman who contacted Kirsch. She added, “He's now going to be detained over Christmas and New Year — [he’s] very upset as he feels he's been kidnapped and being held against his will ...”

While all the articles mentioned earlier that warn of civil war blame the decline in democracy on the Trump administration, the Trump administration can hardly be blamed for the civil rights abuses and power grabs that are occurring today. It’s time to judge each tree by its fruit. That said, knowing that a civil war would serve the totalitarian takeover agenda, it would be wise to make sure our resistance remains a peaceful one.”




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