mRNA Covid Vaccines Reprograms both Adaptive and Innate Immune Responses By Brian Simpson

A scientific paper has appeared presenting evidence that the mRNA vaccines reprogram both the adaptive and innate immune systems, resulting in immune system dysfunction. The biochemistry of this is a bit complicated for summary in a few sentences, but thanks to Children’s Health, and Dr Jessica Rose, we have a lively and readable account below. It is but one more piece of evidence of the harms of the mRNA vaccines.

“It’s all in the title …

A brand new medRxiv pre-print study titled: “The BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 reprograms both adaptive and innate immune responses” has graced our world.

This paper is so important and it provides evidence to support what many prominent immunologists and vaccinologists have been saying for a long time, including myself.

These COVID-19 mRNA injectable products are causing, yes, causing, immune system dysregulation — and not just in the context of the adaptive system, but in the context of the innate system.

Not only that, but these findings provide very good reasons as to why we are seeing resurgences of latent viral infections and other adverse events reported in VAERS (and other adverse event reporting systems) and perhaps more importantly, why we should under no circumstances inject this crap into our children.

Children are fine in the context of COVID-19 (for the 80 millionth time — this is well documented) and this is due to their extraordinary innate immune response systems.

Let’s rip into some background in immunology, shall we?

Figure 1 (see below) shows many of the different cell types involved in the adaptive and the innate immune system branches. Most of you probably know about T cells and B cells. I would bet that many more of you have not heard of my personal favorite killer, the Natural Killer (NK) cell.

They kill infected cells and are of utmost importance to a healthy and functioning immune system. The cell types involved in the innate immune response system emit special molecules in response to invaders.

These special molecules primarily comprise defensins, collectins, c-reactive proteins, lipopolysaccharide (endotoxin) binding proteins and complement factors. These responses are non-specific and target invading pathogens and even cancer cells.

In a nutshell, in this article, what they found was that the BNT162b2 (Pfizer/BioNTech) injectable products are modulating the production of inflammatory cytokines by innate immune cells upon stimulation with both specific (SARS-CoV-2) and non-specific (viral, fungal and bacterial) stimuli whereby the response of innate immune cells to TLR4 and TLR7/8 ligands was weaker after BNT162b2 injection, while fungi-induced cytokine responses were stronger.

In conclusion, the mRNA BNT162b2 vaccine induces complex functional reprogramming of innate immune responses, which should be considered in the development and use of this new class of vaccines.

Yes. It should be. And it should have been.

So what is inside the nutshell? Let’s back it up a bit, shall we? 

What are acquired/adaptive immune responses and more importantly, what are innate immune responses? I did say we were going to rip into immunology.

Our immune system’s first line of defense is called the innate immune system. It comprises the skin (chock full of epidermal dendritic cells or Langerhans cells), mucous and mucosal epithelium, immune cells such as natural killer cells, basophils, dendritic cells, mast cells and macrophages and many molecular mediators such as cytokines, interleukins, c-reactive proteins and complement factors.

The complement system (Figure 2, below) is an immutable system vital to proper functioning of antibodies and phagocytic cells (cells that eat stuff), clearance of invaders and damaged cells, inflammatory response promotion and membrane attack complex (MAC) formation. Membrane attack complex. Cool name for a band.

The mucus layer covering the mucosal epithelium acts as a first physical and biochemical barrier. An additional layer of physical protection against microorganisms is provided by a tightly interlaced cell-to-cell network of epithelial cells and intraepithelial lymphocytes.

Various antimicrobial peptides produced by the epithelium and secreted into the mucosal lumen can directly kill the invading pathogenic bacteria.

Every single “invader” such as bacteria or viruses have molecules on their surfaces known as pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) that are detectable by cognate molecules on immune cell surfaces call pattern recognition receptors (PRRs).

One type of PRR are toll-like receptors (TLRs). These TLRs come in many types and bind to specific types of molecules. TLR-7, for example, binds single-stranded RNA (ssRNA).

Hmm. Where have I seen that before? Oh right! SARS-nCoV-2 is an ssRNA virus. Interesting. There are also cell receptors called RIG-I-like receptors (RLRs) that sense viral RNA.

If a PAMP is detected by a PRR, an intracellular signaling cascade commences which results in the production of such inflammatory mediators as nitric oxide, histamine, TNF-alpha, IL-1 (prototypic inflammatory cytokine) and others as part of a pro-inflammatory reaction to quell invaders.

Perhaps of primary note is that via TLR signaling — a prolific PRR type — nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kB) activation ensues.

What is NF-kB?

NF-kB plays a key role in regulating the immune response to infection. Incorrect regulation of NF-kB has been linked to cancer, inflammatory and autoimmune diseases, septic shock, viral infection and improper immune development.

In the presence of danger, the immune system responds via these fantastic on/off switches and mechanisms, to eliminate said dangers. This is the natural way of things and it is a constant ebb and flow of immune system regulatory magic.

Let’s assume the role of the coronavirus and see what our life would be like in the case of say, a child. You should know, once again, that children have very strong innate immune systems. The links attached refer to excellent works by Dr. Robert Malone and Dr. Francis Christian on this subject.

So I’m a coronavirus and some a*hole just sneezed me all over the face of a child standing next to me.

The person who sneezed is one of those people who wears a mask incessantly on their chin and then sneezes all over everyone whilst symptomatic.

So the child has me (Dr. Coronavirus or Dr. CV, for short) all over it’s face. And just so you know, there are many of me.

So I find my way in a misty droplet into the sweet nasal cavity of this child where I encounter lots of mucousy membranes and sheets of epithelial cells. Lots of mucous. Mucosaliscious.

I imagine it would be like running through a tunnel full of spider webs like Frodo Baggins did when he was trying to escape “she who needs to feed” in order to get to the Mordor volcano to destroy the ring of power. So it’s kind of hard to get through. The nose. Sort of.

Ok, so most of me gets stuck in the booger path in the child’s nose. But nasal epithelial cells are chock full of ACE-2 receptors. I can bind them and thus can easily get inside the nice and warm cozy cells.

There are also CD147 receptors here! So, a few of me manage to get “past” this mucousy hurdle and bind to yummy epithelial cells via ACE-2 and CD147 receptors, which to me, are like red and yellow-colored lollipops of delight leading me into the place where I can call home and settle down and reproduce.

But wait, before we get into that, since I am lurking around looking for receptors to bind, I am also encountering a lot of cells.

These cells start telling me that they need to see my green pass if I want to keep lurking. No wait, no not my green pass, my PAMPs, so that they can find out how dangerous I am.

I am new to this neck of the woods so they’re more than a little curious about my lurking. So they probe me with their PRR/TLR tools. Oh, man! This is not pleasant at all! Being frisked by dendritic cells is like being manhandled by an octopus on a mission.

So even though I have no idea, the by-product of their frisk is the inevitable launch of an army of things hell-bent on removing me from this kid. All of a sudden I’m surrounded by tentacular cells and they’re throwing TNF-alpha and IL-1 Molotov cocktails at me!

And it’s starting to get really hot in here and I’m like, man, this is not a hospitable environment. What did I do to deserve this? I’m just an innocent virus ultimately looking for a place to … breed.

Luckily, I have made a home in some cells. I am bound to others about to gain entry. But, the immune defenses don’t stop on the outside of cells — they continue on the inside.

I thought I had found a nice warm and cuddly cell to settle down in and reproduce in. I have to think again! All of a sudden the PH is like — way too high! This feels awful! They’re trying to kill me, man! And eventually, they destroy me before I can get out.

One of them sicked this crazy MAC on me and it poked holes in my home cell that I had managed to get into. They also used all sorts of internal and external armaments to make sure they cleared me out. And they did!

How do I know that? Because I am speaking from virus heaven.

So that’s the imaginary journey of the SARS-nCoV-2 virus and the potent response of a child’s innate immune system to my presence. Not enough cells get infected fast enough for an infection to ensue.

The kid never gets to disease state and in most cases, symptoms are excessively mild or non-existent.

Alas, not enough of me were able to “infect” enough cells to result in enough of me being produced to result in a “symptomatic infection” party.

Innate immune system: 1. Coronavirus me: 0.

But what if I am reincarnated as mRNAs’ssss. And let’s go really sci-fi and imagine I am reincarnated as mRNAssss’s wrapped in a lipid nanoparticle (LNP) bubble. And what if, I happened to be injected into someone’s arm muscle.

What lives I am having! So what would be my fate? Well, surely, since I am injected intramuscularly with a pretty heavy gauge needle (22–25-gauge 5/8 inch (16 mm), I get inserted pretty deep and in copious amounts into muscle tissue. I witnessed many a muscle cell screaming in pain!

I can’t really see anything yet because of this fat bubble I am in. But all of a sudden I feel us moving! So fast!

The injector didn’t aspirate to check if I was being injected into the muscle as planned! It’s like riding the rapids of the cardiovascular system! Or something. Then suddenly we stop.

There’s some kind of blurry kidney-shaped thing outside. It seems like the LNP has slimed its way into a cell. And I think we were just dumped out of the LNP into this cell.

Well, ok. This is great news! Since we have been reincarnated into mRNAs, we can simply find ribosomes and start translating ourselves into the butterfly proteins we’ve always wanted to be!

And there will be so much of us! Butterflies a swarmin’ in the body of a person! We have to act fast though, lest we be … degraded, however. I guess this is why we were wrapped in an LNP.

Later on that day …

So we are a spike protein now! Hallelujah. We can do so many things! But we have to be careful: there are cells everywhere looking to eat us and turn us into alphabet soup.

These so-called antigen-presenting cells just love to gobble up foreign proteins like us and regurgitate our entrails and mount them on major histocompatibility complex (MHC) I and II molecules.

If they do that, then those T cells and B cells can detect our ground-up guts mounted on these complexes and then build an army of cells that can recognize us and kill us!

We do not want that. We want to exist. We seem to be doing alright in that desire. We also have to make sure that we don’t end up killing this person we got injected into!

That wouldn’t help anyone, now would it? We can embed ourselves into monocytes and other cells like epithelial cells due to their proclivity to express ACE-2. But there’s a problem here.

Through no fault of our own, we are causing some serious micro-clotting issues all over this person’s body by binding all these ACE-2 and CD147 receptors.

The inflammatory mediators produced in response to our presence are in overdrive and the entire system is on fire! Hyperinflammation abound!

The normal systems that regulate the anti-inflammatory response seem to be on vacation and it just won’t seem to stop. And it’s all because of little old me!

Since I was designed to be pretty durable with my extra prolines and my pseudouridines, I am not easily get-riddable. (Word on the street says that my prolines aren’t preventing me from binding ACE-2 at all.)

That would explain why so many of me are stuck in monocytes. Teehee. By the way, I forgot to mention, while I was inside the cell as mRNA, there were these TLR-7 molecules that seemed to find me very attractive.

They detected some of me and in some cells, caused a chain reaction that obliterated us and the cell. TLR-7 is actually really important in the context of COVID-19 clearance.

Perhaps the most successful part of our journeys, however, has been the avoidance of those pesky innate immune mediators in that kid’s nose.

Phew, what a bullet we dodged there, right? So we got catapulted all over the body, triggered the T and B cells to respond accordingly with their specificness all along the way, but we avoided all of that other stuff. That’s some weird under-the-radar stuff right there.

Until this body flushes me out (which could take 15 months unless they inject me again!). I am probably going to cause some systemic problems while I am here.

Of these problems includes the dysregulation of the innate immune system, the (subsequent) induction of a hyper-inflamed environment and so many thrombotic events.

I think we can get into the paper now 

This article was meant to be about the paper, not an immunology lesson. But it seems these things are simply not mutually exclusive.

So dysregulated inflammation plays an important role in the pathogenesis and severity of COVID-19.

There are studies that show that long-term innate immune responses can be either increased (trained immunity) or down-regulated (innate immune tolerance) after certain vaccines (such as Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) and the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccines) or infections, so this is not a new thing.

The way that the authors determined that the innate responses were being modulated in the context of the COVID-19 (the BNT162b2 one) injectables, was by checking out if the levels of certain measurable immune mediators produced in response to TLR stimulation using other virus, bacteria and fungi antigens, were “off.”

Trained immunity (the one with decreases) is often measured by looking at the rustled-elevated-inflammatory cytokine (like monocyte-derived cytokines TNF-alpha, IL-1beta and IL-1Ra) leaves.

When the TLR-3 and TLR-7 receptors were tickled, the amount of TNF-alpha production was way lower (significantly so for TLR-7) following dose 2 of the Pfizer stuff.

TNF-alpha production following stimulation with the TLR7/8 agonist R848 of peripheral blood mononuclear cells from volunteers was significantly decreased after the second [injection].

They also tickled the system with yeast (fungus) and found that the responses (specifically for IL-1beta — a fever-inducing interleukin) were higher following dose 1.

The production of the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-1Ralpha (the yin to the IL-1 yang) was reduced in response to a bacterial antigen (lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and to yeast after the second injection — more evidence that there’s a shift to a stronger inflammatory response to fungal stimuli after injection.

They also found that Interleukin-6 (IL-6) responses were similarly decreased, which is interesting, because IL-6 induces the liver to produce c-reactive protein which activates the complement system which helps antibodies out and promotes inflammation which means that doesn’t this mean that we should see less inflammation?

So many questions. So very few answers.

Dysregulated continual synthesis of IL-6 plays a pathological effect on chronic inflammation and autoimmunity.

You don’t say.

So that’s what they found in the paper, in a very small nutshell. Figure 3 (below) shows the design and some of the results of their assays.

It basically shows fold-changes in Interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) (these guys activate macrophages and induce MHC-II molecule expression) and TNF-alpha in response to stimulation of blood cells from injected people using TLR stimulation with various pathogens.

The bottom line here is this

We know that innate responses are vital to a healthy and optimally functioning immune system. They are vitally integrated with and into the adaptive responses as these two branches work in impeccable, complex harmony.

We also know that there are cases where vaccines have caused dysregulation of innate responses in humans.

We also know that something is very, very wrong with these COVID-19 injectable products with regards to persistent hyperinflammation and a plethora of systemic and physiologically-comprehensive adverse events including death from micro-emboli formation and clotting.

We also know that these authors have now provided evidence to support that these COVID-19 injectable products are modulating innate responses and that this isn’t limited to problems with COVID-19.

Problems with fungi, other viruses and bacteria can be anticipated.

VAERS has hundreds of thousands of reports of adverse events related to fungal infections, plagues of herpes zoster occurrences (shingles) indicating weakened immunity, cancers coming out of remission, and the list goes on. And most of these reports are made for adults.

Here’s the thing …

Since children have extraordinary capabilities with regards to dealing with COVID-19 via their innate immune system responses, what will happen to them if these are not only bypassed by these injections but knocked down by them?

The kids are alright. Leave them alone.

You might not get how this circles back the kids, but it does.

Thanks for reading this to the end. And don’t inject kids with this stuff. You might mess them up and they don’t need it.”


The mRNA-based BNT162b2 vaccine from Pfizer/BioNTech was the first registered COVID-19 vaccine and has been shown to be up to 95% effective in preventing SARS-CoV-2 infections. Little is known about the broad effects of the new class of mRNA vaccines, especially whether they have combined effects on innate and adaptive immune responses. Here we confirmed that BNT162b2 vaccination of healthy individuals induced effective humoral and cellular immunity against several SARS-CoV-2 variants. Interestingly, however, the BNT162b2 vaccine also modulated the production of inflammatory cytokines by innate immune cells upon stimulation with both specific (SARS-CoV-2) and non-specific (viral, fungal and bacterial) stimuli. The response of innate immune cells to TLR4 and TLR7/8 ligands was lower after BNT162b2 vaccination, while fungi-induced cytokine responses were stronger. In conclusion, the mRNA BNT162b2 vaccine induces complex functional reprogramming of innate immune responses, which should be considered in the development and use of this new class of vaccines.”

One product of immune system dysfunction is shingles (herpes zoster), arising according to European data, in 1.3 to 4.1 cases of total adverse Covid vax events, with 1 in 5 cases severe to very acute.

“Long before the arrival of experimental COVID injections — which, let’s not forget, pharma executives refer to not as “vaccines” but as “cell and gene therapy” — the package inserts of licensed vaccines told the public a disturbing story.

The documentation of 400 different types of adverse reactions affecting virtually all organs and body systems, available to anyone willing to click on the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s links, offered “hidden-in-plain-sight” clues of countless ways in which vaccination’s aggressive immune-system intervention can cause fine-tuned immune responses to go awry.

Those package inserts, as damning as they still are, have just been eclipsed by shocking in-house Pfizer data forced into view by a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request.

The company’s confidential inventorying of reactions, which was “never supposed to see the light of day,” shows that in the first 90 days of the injection’s emergency use (through Feb. 28, 2021), Pfizer recorded more than 158,000 different adverse events — including 1223 deaths —  distributed across 42,086 case reports,

While blood clots and heart problems following COVID vaccination have probably attracted the most widespread attention, Pfizer’s adverse event chart displaying 27 different “system organ classes” reveals wide-ranging problems — many of which highlight a disturbing “reprogramming” of recipients’ immune responses.

Post-vaccination shingles

Among the immune dysfunctions Pfizer noted to be “of special interest” (listed in the “other” category) were 281 events related to herpes zoster (popularly known as shingles), with a median onset of one day following COVID vaccination.

Shingles is a painful condition characterized by rash, blisters, burning or shooting nerve pain and a variety of potential complications. Up to 20% of shingles episodes affect the eyes, with the possibility of permanent vision impairment, including blindness.

The cases summarized by Pfizer through February are echoed in a growing number of patientclinician and published reports that describe shingles, including ocular complications, as “untoward events” following COVID vaccination — many of them “first-in-a-lifetime” events.

Most occurred within days or weeks of injection, and some after just one dose of vaccine.

In a discussion of shingles and other skin reactions to the shots, roughly one in five reactions were categorized as serious or “very acute.”

Various European updates estimate shingles represents anywhere from 1.3% to 4.1% of total adverse events reported for COVID vaccines.

A study of the Pfizer vaccine published in the New England Journal of Medicine in September that used two different measures of risk and a data set of more than 2.4 million vaccinated Israelis confirmed the shot is associated with an excess risk of shingles — as well as myocarditis, lymph node abnormalities and appendicitis (the appendix is a “safe house” for important immune system cells).

Collectively, these reports pin blame not just on the Pfizer shots but also on Moderna’s mRNA shot and all the other major COVID vaccines in use around the world, including China’s Sinovac, India’s Covaxin and the injections developed by Janssen/Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca.

‘Not directly’ and ‘not necessarily’ linked?

Upholding the status quo position that adverse events such as shingles are merely “random occurrences,” the media are employing the usual cagey language to tell the public reported shingles outbreaks are “not directly” or “not necessarily” linked to COVID shots.

One doctor said, “I’ve seen a lot of shingles recently, but I haven’t seen it associated with the vaccine personally.”

Another doc said, “If people haven’t received the shingles vaccine and got shingles after getting the COVID vaccine, ‘it’s coincidence,’” flippantly adding, “nothing is risk-free.”

Yet another doctor circuitously stated, “It’s not that the vaccine caused the shingles — the vaccine was just one of what could have been many different triggers to have produced an episode of shingles.”

News outlets like Pharmacy Times agree “causality cannot yet be proved” but virtuously state “vigilance and safety monitoring … is warranted.”

The American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (AAAAI) — collaborating with Harvard and other universities on a vaccine surveillance tool called the Vaccines and Medications in Pregnancy Surveillance System — should be interested in delving into potential safety signals.

However, AAAAI dismissed patient concerns about shingles and COVID shots. In an April “Ask the Expert” post, AAAAI asserted “there is no clear association between the [Pfizer] vaccine and shingles.”

Moreover, AAAI endorsed first-trimester COVID vaccination despite studies documenting alarming rates of pregnancy loss in women vaccinated in that time period.

All of these disingenuous “nothing to-see-here” statements contradict the medical community’s long-standing admission that immune suppression increases the risk of shingles, and its occasional grudging concession that the immune impact of vaccines represents a possible trigger.

Frustrated, consumers erupting with shingles are asking, “Is anyone tracking how many people are getting shingles after receiving the [COVID] vaccine?”

Some of the authors of recent case reports on COVID vaccines and shingles have cautiously staked out a response. Key facts such as shingles’ occurrence not just in immunocompromised COVID vaccine recipients but also in healthy individuals, and the “short delay of onset after vaccination,” have forced some to conclude the vaccines induce “immune dysregulation,” “alteration of immunity” or “immunomodulation” which provoke shingles.

Clues from influenza vaccination

Before COVID, online sites were swamped with accounts of people developing shingles within days or weeks of influenza vaccination.

In one instance, a man wrote of having consulted half a dozen medical professionals who all insisted “the flu shot cannot possibly cause shingles.”

After noting he developed his “first and only” outbreak of shingles “just 3 hrs after getting a flu shot,” he reported:

“I stopped getting flu shots. I have never had shingles since then. That’s some coincidence … [T]here’s enough money wrapped up in convincing older adults to get flu shots, that it’s in the industry’s interest to discount the possibility, to which I reply – BS.”

Many others posting to the same forum agreed they’re “not buying the ‘coincidence’ explanation,” including very healthy (i.e., immunocompetent) people in their 20s and 30s reporting “horrible” and “agonizing” cases of shingles shortly after getting flu shots.

On another forum, a moderator responded to the voluminous complaints about flu vaccines and shingles as follows:

“What we do know from our readers is this: There has been a correlation for all of them, and all of [them] have been told that there is no correlation. It’s very difficult for mere mortals to suggest there are serious side effects to vaccination when we are [led] to believe otherwise by doctors and Big Pharma.”

Clues from chickenpox and shingles vaccination

In 1995, FDA approved and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) added a chickenpox vaccine, Varivax, to the childhood schedule for 12- to 15-month-olds, playing up the risks of a largely trivial childhood illness that, at the time, was a nearly universal experience.

Following introduction of Varivax, cases of shingles skyrocketed in both adults and some children. Sometimes, kids who received the vaccine went on to develop chickenpox anyway, often a more severe case at older ages.

The Merck package inserts for both Varivax and its measles-mumps-rubella-varicella vaccine, ProQuad, plainly list shingles as an adverse event, as do several hepatitis vaccines and the meningococcal vaccine Menactra.

A decade after the introduction of chickenpox vaccination, far from admitting to any problems, CDC cited waning vaccine-induced immunity as justification for adding a chickenpox booster to the childhood schedule.

The agency also began recommending Merck’s Zostavax vaccine to “offset” increased shingles incidence in adults.

Merck pulled Zostavax from the market in late 2020 and is embroiled in lawsuits for vaccine injuries running “the gamut from contracting shingles as a result of the vaccine to serious personal injuries such as blindness in one eye, individuals who have serious paralysis in their extremities, brain damage, all the way to death.”

When a CDC whistleblower attempted to publish data documenting the increased incidence of shingles and other unwanted fallout from chickenpox vaccination, CDC personnel sought to bury the findings, including engaging in actions “contributing to obfuscation and malfeasance.”

Clues from history

In the early 20th century, scientists elaborated the hypothesis, still unproven, that shingles is linked to chickenpox and that they share a common viral origin.

New Zealand’s Dr. Sam Bailey explained, in an August 2021 video, however, that the “virus” in question (varicella zoster virus) is an artifact of cell culture experiments rather than proper virus isolation techniques.

Bailey also pointed out that, as with SARS-CoV-2, diagnosis of a chickenpox or shingles “viral infection” hinges on untrustworthy PCR testing never intended for such a purpose.

A top British whistleblower published a scathing critique of virology’s “voodoo scientism” which is compatible with Bailey’s remarks, asserting the methodology virologists use to claim “isolation … provides no confirmable connection with the material or physical world” and “the perversion of the word ‘isolation’ is delusional, dishonest and highly misleading.”

If a virus is not responsible for shingles, what is? History suggests the condition known as shingles could well represent a detoxification reaction to vaccination.

In the annals of medicine, 18th-century English scientist William Heberden was credited with the discovery of shingles (or chickenpox). In an era when physicians were enamored of developing “elaborate classifications” into which they could shoehorn various skin conditions, Heberden singled out an affliction characterized by pocks, arguing it was distinct from smallpox.

Coincidentally or not, this occurred a half-century after the 1721 London debut of the practice of smallpox “variolation” — which set the stage for “vaccination.”

At the time, smallpox was a central preoccupation. The variolation procedure involved the subcutaneous introduction into a healthy person of “fresh matter taken from a ripe pustule of some person who suffered from smallpox.”

Earlier this year, putting a positive spin on variolation as “the foundation for vaccine development,” Spanish dermatologists approvingly wrote in the International Journal of Dermatology, “There are some lessons from prevaccination times which can be considered for modern-day challenges.”

However, neither 18th-century vaccine crusader Edward Jenner nor later authors have ever said much about negative lessons, including the illnesses and deaths that ensued in many variolation/vaccination recipients.

Bearing in mind Bailey’s reminder that “outbreaks of disease don’t require an infectious agent because often the individuals involved are exposed to the same environmental conditions,” it seems reasonable to ask whether the novel skin condition identified by Heberden — and the reactions observed after our era’s COVID, influenza, chickenpox and other shots — are actually the body’s response to vaccination.

What else is ‘shingles’ hiding?

The group Doctors for COVID Ethics notes that lymphocytes (one type of white blood cell) are the “lifelong sentinels of the immune system” and help keep infections and tumors under control.

The authors of a recent case report on COVID-vaccine-induced shingles observed the injections cause “transient lymphocytopenia” (an abnormally low lymphocyte count) — with a “dose-dependent decrease in lymphocytes in the first days following injection” — and this might be a mechanism triggering shingles.

The fact that each individual reporting COVID vaccine injuries tends to describe multiple adverse events suggests shingles could represent the tip of a much larger iceberg.

For example, the authors of the large Israeli study documenting an increased incidence of shingles after COVID vaccination noted shingles is “one of the potential causes of facial-nerve palsy,” an adverse event independently highlighted as a safety signal.

In August, reporter Sharyl Attkisson reported that facial paralysis (including Bell’s palsy, facial weakness and “twitching”) was one of the most common adverse events reported thus far for COVID injections, and had become the focus of “investigations, warnings or stated concerns by public health officials.”

Dr. Ryan Cole, a pathologist, has observed an “uptick” in conditions like shingles and mononucleosis (“mono”) in the COVID-vaccinated. Patients, too, describe cases of mono kickstarted by the shots — and complications of mono include Bell’s palsy and other palsies.

Cole said, “We’re literally weakening the immune system of these individuals.”

While experts may continue to debate mechanisms of injury and which novel toxins and technologies may be most responsible, Pfizer’s in-house data and other global databases make it impossible to deny one key fact: A staggering volume and variety of injuries are occurring.

As journalist Celia Farber concluded after reviewing Pfizer’s “cold-blooded” disclosures, “Anybody who tells you these ‘vaccines’ are safe is somewhere between hypnotized, dishonest and malicious.”




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